PES 3210 Classical Mechanics I

PES 3210 Classical Mechanics I
Final Review
Exam on Monday, May 13th from 1:40 pm to 4:10 pm.
Material taken from Chapters 7, 9-11,13 of Taylor and class notes. Problem solution only, no
definitions or derivations. 8.5” by 11” cue sheet allowed. Calculators allowed. Any constants needed
will be provided.
Know how to do the following types of problems:
(Ch 7) Construct the Lagrangian function for a one- or two-degree of freedom problem, then
use Lagrangian mechanics to find the equation(s) of motion for the system. Know how to do
this in both cartesian coordinates and in polar coordinates.
(Ch 9) Be able to compute the Coriolis force vector and the centrifugal force vector given the
position and velocity vectors of an object within a fixed-point reference frame rotating at a
constant angular rate.
(Ch 10) Calculate the inertia tensor components (Ixx,Ixy, etc.) for a given configuration of point
masses. Use the inertia tensor to calculate angular momentum and/or rotational energy.
(Ch 11) Take a linear two-mass and three-spring problem like we did in class and find the
Mass and Spring matrices. Solve for the eigenvalues (vibrational frequencies) and
eigenvectors (vibrational modes). (Only 2x2 matrices will be used for this problem.)
(Ch 13) Construct the Hamiltonian function for a one- or two-degree of freedom problem, then
use Hamiltonian mechanics to find the equation(s) of motion for the system.
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