Asynchronous Generic Key/Value Database Cornell University

Asynchronous Generic Key/Value Database
Kyle R. Rose
B.A., Computer Science and Mathematics
Cornell University
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Science
at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
September 2000
@2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
All rights reserved
I. ... .........................
Signature of Author .......
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
September 4, 2000
Certified by ...........
Frans Kaashoek
Associate Proessor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thesis Supervisor
Certified by..
. . ....
. . . . . . ......
Ph.D. Student, Department
ical Engineer
.. . .
David Mazieres
Thesis Suprvisor
Certified by ............
Professor A.C. Smith
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students
OCT 232000
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science on September 4, 2000 in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
in Computer Science
B-Trees are ideal structures for building databases with fixed-size keys, and have been successfully extended in a variety of ways to accomodate specific key distributions; however, in
the general case in which the key distribution either is unknown beforehand or is intentionally pathological, even the most time-honored B-Tree variants-such as prefix-compressed
trees-provide sub-optimal performance; e.g., Sleepycat's poor performance on key distributions with many large keys. Insufficient generality in dealing with different key distributions
makes most B-Tree variants unsuitable for general applications such as file systems.
Furthermore, implementations of B-Trees are often limited to either preemptive or cooperative multithreaded operation with synchronous I/O primitives: the overhead caused by lock
contention and multiple stacks makes this an insufficient solution for highly-parallel tasks.
This thesis helps fill the void in these areas by introducing and analyzing the performance
of a C++ implementation of the String B-Tree of Ferragina and Rossi that meets certain
efficiency and flexibility constraints-such as operating within typical B+ Tree time bounds
and providing good performance on long arbitrarily-distributed keys-while requiring only
asynchronous I/O primitives.
Thesis Supervisor: Frans Kaashoek
Title: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thesis Supervisor: David Mazieres
Title: Ph.D. Student, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
B-Tree variants are among the simplest, most elegant structures used to create databases,
and are actually widely used in practice. Although the standard B-Tree is limited to fixedsize keys, later research resulting in implementations supporting variable-length keys and
providing optimal pagination satisfy the following requirements, necessary for truly generic
" Many B-Tree variants support variable length keys in a non-trivial manner. By this I
mean that adding a few large keys to a key distribution increases the size of the tree
only locally.
" B-Trees attempt to minimize the number of disk accesses. Local database performance
is typically bounded by the high latency and low throughput of disk access. B-Trees,
combined with an effective cache, minimize the number of disk accesses required for
basic operations.
* B-Trees support random access inserts, finds, and removes in O(logm) disk accesses
and ordered, sequential seeks in 0(1) disk accesses, where m is the number of keys in
the database. Hash tables, while typically much faster for the first three operations, do
not support ordered, sequential access.
Despite meeting these requirements, traditional B-Tree design relies on a single assumption
that is not true for all databases: that keys are typically small compared with the blocksize, with rare exceptions. Typical key/value databases store some of each key in the index
nodes, providing overflow nodes for the remainder; unfortunately, these overflow nodes not
only introduce extra latency into database accesses, but also provide the user little a priori
information about the time required to complete an operation. One of the contributions of
this project is a B+ Tree variant that performs well on key distributions with many large
Additionally, a source of inefficiency in most current implementations is disk I/O. Making
the assumption that the underlying operating system is good at scheduling disk accesses, we
should like to provide the OS with as much choice as possible in determining the order of
such accesses: typically, B-Trees (and databases in general) accomplish this through the use
of cooperative or preemptive threads along with the synchronous I/O primitives provided by
the operating system's C library.
Unfortunately, this leads to problems with lock contention and to the overhead of multiple stack frames. Therefore, another primary contribution of this project is the use of
asynchronous I/O primitives, which avoid these problems while still maximizing the concurrency of disk accesses. Specifically, we use the asynchronous I/O library developed for the
Self-certifying File System (SFS, [6]).
Finally, we wish to evaluate the real-world performance of a new algorithm, the String
B-Tree[5] of Ferragina and Rossi.
The design of the algorithm implemented in this project-the String B-Tree-is motivated
in large part by the limitations of B+ Trees and B+ Tree variants.
In a standard B+ Tree, keys are stored in the nodes of the tree, requiring a constant
keysize to maintain invariants required for the standard pagination operations.[2] This led to
the development of B+ Tree variants that supported variable-length keys.[2, 3]
However, these solutions only increased applicability; they did not attempt to deal with
the resulting inefficiency caused by the many real-life databases with key distributions in
which many keys share large substrings. 1 The entire key would still have to be stored in the
index, leading to a very low branching factor for those index nodes with very large keys.
Prefix compression[1] addresses a specific instance of this problem: that many types of
databases will contain many keys sharing a common prefix. The solution is to "compress"
the keys in a particular index node by storing the shared prefix only once: only the portion
of each key after the prefix would be individually saved.
This unfortunately does not work well for all databases. Consider a database with
uniformly-chosen keys. The expected number of long keys with any x-byte uniformly-chosen
prefix in a database of 224 keys is 2 24-8x: when x is just 3, we expect only one key to have a
given prefix. In this instance, prefix compression is essentially useless, so the number of keys
in any index node will be small, with a correspondingly low branching factor.
String B-Tree
Ferragina and Grossi come to the rescue with their String B-Tree.[5] Instead of storing prefixcompressed keys at each index node, each key is stored in full (perhaps along with its associated value) in a consecutive sequence of data blocks, and each downward-traversal decision
is made by a combination of Patricia trie[7] search and the consultation of a single key.
Notation and conventions
" String B-Tree nodes-also called index nodes-are represented by Greek letters.
Index nodes can be divided naturally into two sets: internal index nodes, and leaf
index nodes. The number of child index nodes of an internal index node ir is denoted
by 17rl, and the child index node associated with a particular key D (either Li or Ri for
some i E {1, 2, ... , |ir|}) is C(D).
* For ease of exposition and analysis, we will assume that all keys in the database end
with a unique termination character "$"; we later remove this requirement in the implementation.
" Keys are represented by capital letters. The ith character (starting from 0) of a key T
is denoted by T[i].
'This is evident in the UNIX file system: typically, half the files on a given machine will have the prefix
Elements specific to a particular index node may be associated with index node name:
e.g., a key T that is associated with an index node w may be written 7r.T. This does
not necessarily mean that T is stored in r; T may be a temporary variable used in some
context associated with 7r.
" The set of keys in the database is denoted by A.
" The blocksize (in bytes) of our String B-Tree's underlying block database is B.
" The location of some index node
on the disk is denoted &7r.
" Patricia tries in general are labelled by PT, perhaps subscripted (as in PTL) or associated with some index node (as in r.PT).
Overview of String B-Tree design
A String B-Tree is like a B+ Tree in that the values are referenced only at the leaves of the
tree, while the internal nodes contain only branching information. However, it differs from
traditional B+ Tree variants in several ways:
o In a standard B+ Tree, an internal index node with k keys points to k + 1 children:
the first child points to those keys less than or equal to the first key; the second child
points to those keys greater than the first key but less than or equal to the second key;
and so forth.
In a String B-Tree, an internal index node w with 171 children "contains" (in
a loose sense, as we shall see) 2171 keys, represented by the ordered set 7r.6 =
{L 1 , R 1 , L 2 , R 2 ,..., L171 , Rr} in which L, < R1 < L 2 < R 2 < -.. < L < Risi.
Two useful invariants are maintained on the keys in this node:
1. The ith child index node contains both Li and Ri, and the leaves of the subtree
rooted at this child contain exactly those keys in A greater than or equal to Li
but less than or equal to Ri.
2. All keys T in A such that Li < T < R 1,I must satisfy Li < T < Ri for some i. By
induction over the structure of the String B-Tree, every key in the database must
be "covered" by some index node at each level of the tree.
These invariants must be maintained by all operations, as they are an integral part of
the String B-Tree's search algorithm.
o Unlike typical B+ Tree variants, neither keys nor subsequences thereof are stored in the
index nodes themselves: rather, a Patricia trie is used to minimally distinguish between
the keys "contained" in that node, while each actual key is stored in full elsewhere in
the database.
Briefly-as it will be described in full further on-a Patricia trie is a compacted trie
with only the first character of each branching string stored in the trie. Figure 2 shows
a compacted trie and its corresponding Patricia trie. Right now we need know only
C(Li) = QRI)
Qle) = COW) I
Figure 1: An example of a String B-Tree with two levels. Each box represents
an index node containing a Patricia trie, each leaf of which points to a key in some
consecutive sequence of blocks in the database. Internal B-Tree index nodes (such as
the root in the above example) contain Patricia tries with an even number of leaves,
ordered lexicographically by the keys to which they point. The ith consecutive pair
of leaves then points to keys Li and Ri, which are associated with a child B-Tree
index node C(Li) = C(Ri).
that the search key P, ir.PT, and the choice of a single additional key (one of the Li or
Ri from 7r.6) are sufficient to determine the lexicographic position of P among 7r.5.
As a result of our assumption that all keys end with a unique termination character,
we can assume for the remainder of this section that all complete keys represented in a
Patricia trie terminate at leaf nodes. Thus, each of the keys "contained" in an internal
index node is represented by a leaf in its Patricia trie. This assumption will be relaxed
in the implementation section.
9 As with the internal index nodes, a leaf index node also contains a Patricia trie. The
number of trie leaf nodes in each of these tries is equal to the number of key/value pairs
represented by the leaf index node, under the same assumption that keys end with a
unique termination character.
To simplify the notation, the set of strings represented by a leaf index node 7r is also
denoted by ir.6, although it does not have any of the restrictions imposed when ir is an
internal index node (e.g., that I-r.61 be even).
A visualization of the String B-Tree structure is given in figure 1.
SBT-f ind(String P)
Traversing a String B-Tree is substantially different from traversing a typical B+ Tree variant,
in which there is always an obvious child to which to traverse from any internal index node
with k + 1 children: for any search key P, there is always either one consecutive pair of keys
(Ki, Ki+1) in the node for which Ki < P < Ki+1, or P < K, or P > Kk, and all pairs plus
the two endpoints are each associated with a unique child index node.
The structure of the String B-Tree index nodes motivates a different search algorithm.
Internal index nodes. At each internal index node 7r, we determine (using 7r.PT and
either Li or Ri for some i) the lexicographic position of P among the keys "contained" in
that node. As will be shown later in our discussion of Patricia tries, our search on PT must
result in one of two cases:
1. If Li < P < Ri for some i, then we continue the search for P at child index node
C(Li) = C(Ri). Note that, in this case, P may actually be in A, though we don't know
this a priori.
2. If Ri < P < Li+1 for some i, then we traverse to C(Ri) or C(Li+ 1 ) arbitrarily; if P < L
then we traverse to C(Li); if P > R 1, 1, we traverse to C(RIT). From this point forward,
we know that P is not in A.
Leaf index nodes. Once we reach a leaf index node ir, we determine (again using 7r.PT
and a single additional key) the lexicographic position of P among the keys "contained" in
that node. If P E A, then P will match one of the keys in this node; otherwise, P's proper
insertion point is either immediately before ir's first key, between two consecutive keys, or
immediately after 7r's last key.
The proof that this procedure results in finding the lexicographic position of P among A can
be done simply by induction.
SBT-insert(String P, KeyPtr K, ValuePtr V)
We first perform a downward traversal of the String B-Tree to find P's insertion point in a
leaf index node r. If P already exists in the database, we simply replace the pointer to the
old value with a pointer to the new value, and deallocate the space used by the old value.
If P does not exist in the database, then we insert it into 7r.PT and associate the new trie
leaf node with the key/value pointer pair (K, V). At this point we may need to perform some
cleanup: if P is the least or greatest key in 7, the parent index node will need to have one of
its keys replaced in order to satisfy our String B-Tree invariants. Since this may change the
least or greatest key in 7's parent, this operation may cascade to the root.
Additionally, i may exceed its key limitation and need to be split, an operation that is
discussed later. Since a split introduces two new strings into 7's parent, this operation may
also cascade to the root. The insertion of these two new strings at each level appears to
require an unbounded number of block loads; however, as we will show later, this is not the
SBT-remove(String P)
As with the insert operation, removing a key P from the database involves a traversal to find
P's insertion point in a leaf index node r. If P does not exist in the database, then there is
nothing to do.
If P does exist, then we remove P from r.PT and deallocate the space associated with P's
value. As in the insert case, we may need to perform cleanup if P was the least or greatest
key in 7r, although here it is more extensive since the next-to-least or next-to-greatest key
may not be in memory: although this appears to require an unbounded number of block
loads, the discussion on Patricia tries later demonstrates a procedure that enables us to do
this with no additional block loads.
Finally, if ir and one of its adjacent sibling nodes both have too few keys, we combine
them using the join operation discussed later. Analagously to the insert case, this operation
may remove two keys from r's parent, causing it to cascade to the root. If the root index
node drops to only two keys (i.e., one child), we remove it and make the only child the new
Patricia tries
A detailed description of Patricia tries can be found in [5]. As stated earlier, a Patricia trie
is a compacted trie with only the first character of each branching string stored in the trie.
Figure 2 shows a compacted trie and its corresponding Patricia trie.
We first describe a procedure for finding the insertion position of a key P in index node
7r using potentially all characters of some key in r.PT, which leads to a worst-case bound on
disk accesses of O(IPI/B - log M), where B is a minimum branching factor based on B and
properties of Patricia tries; later, we improve this bound substantially to O(P/B + log M)
by noting that we can upper bound the total number of blocks loaded during an entire String
B-Tree search.
Notation and conventions
" As with index nodes, Patricia trie nodes can also naturally be divided into two sets,
one of the internal trie nodes and the other of the leaf trie nodes. The assumption that
there is a unique termination character implies that a key represented by a Patricia trie
must terminate in a leaf node.
" The string represented by a particular node in the Patricia trie is found by concatenating
the substrings along the path from the root to that node in the corresponding compacted
trie. Only some nodes have strings that are also full keys: under the assumption that
each key ends in a unique termination character, these are exactly the leaves of the trie.
" Denote by S(x) the string associated with trie node x. The "length" of a Patricia trie
node x is the length of S(x), and is denoted by len (x). Note that S(x) ends with the
termination character $ only if x is a leaf.
" The successor leaf node of a Patricia trie node x is denoted by succ(x); the corresponding
predecessor leaf node would be pred(x).
a b
a b
a b
a b
a b
a$ $ab
a b
$~ ~
b 4
Figure 2: On the left is a compacted trie. Note that any string represented by a
node in the trie can be constructed by concatenating all of the substrings on that
node's path from the root: e.g., the string at the leftmost leaf aaba is constructed
by following the branches a, ab, and a in order. On the right is a Patricia trie,
in which this property no longer holds: notice that only the first character of each
branch is stored in the trie. A node is labelled with its "length," which is the length
of the string represented by that node.
PT-search(PT, String P)
We wish to find a path from the root index node of the String B-Tree to a leaf index node in
which either (a) we find a pointer to P's associated value or (b) we can add P and maintain
a lexicographic ordering of the keys.
At any internal index node -x in our String B-Tree traversal, we perform a downward
traversal ("blind search") of the Patricia trie in that index node using the characters of P:
at an internal trie node with length j, we choose the branch associated with character P[i1.
Eventually, we will either "get stuck"-get to some node of length j in which no branch
matches P[j]-or reach some leaf node in the Patricia trie. (If we get stuck in the traversal,
we choose some arbitrary leaf of the subtrie below the stuck node.) Call the leaf we reach f.
f is associated with some key T = S(f) located in one or more consecutive data blocks.
Since the Patricia trie contains the minimal set of characters required to distinguish between
the keys of that index node, if P is not one of the strings in that index node it is possible
that our traversal led to the wrong position in the trie, i.e., one in which a move to C(T) will
lead to an incorrect leaf index node. See figure 3 for an example.
Smart search. As our goal is to find the insertion point of P, we need to perform additional
work if P is not in 7r.6; this we call "smart search," a procedure for correcting the possible
mistake made during blind search.
After completing the blind search for P, we load T and compare it character-by-character
with P to determine in which position i they first differ. We then move back upwards through
the trie to the highest node h along the path to i for which len (h) is greater than or equal
to i. Ferragina and Grossi call this the "hit node."
From h and T[i], we can determine the correct lexicographic position for P among ir.6:
1. If len (h) = i, then none of the branching characters bo < b1 < ... < bk from h match
P[i]. If b, < P[i] < bj+1 for some consecutive branching characters bj and bj+ 1 , then
the lexicographic position of P in r.6 is directly after string D = S(x), where x is the
rightmost leaf of the subtrie rooted at the child along branch bj. (Note that D = Lx or
D=Rx for somexE {1,...,l7r}.)
If P[i] < bo, then the lexicographic position of P is immediately before the string
D = S(y), where y is the leftmost leaf of the subtrie rooted at the child along branch
boSimilarly, P[i] > bk implies that P's lexicographic position is immediately following the
string D = S(z), where z is the rightmost leaf of the subtrie rooted at the child along
branch bk.
2. If len (h) > i, then all strings associated with leaves in the subtrie rooted at h have
character T[i] in position i. Denote by x the leftmost leaf of this subtrie, and by y
the rightmost leaf. Then, if P[i] < T[i], the lexicographic position of P is immediately
before the string D = S(x); otherwise, if P[i] > T[i], it is immediately after the string
D = S(y).
Note that all strings associated with leaves of subtries rooted at h's siblings must be either
strictly less than or strictly greater than P lexicographically, since they differ from P in some
index j < i.
Using this "smart search," we can determine the correct child index node r = C(D) of ir
to which to branch, without requiring the index nodes to themselves contain the keys. An
example of the smart search procedure is given in figures 3 and 4.
Reducing disk access. Ferragina and Grossi note that we don't actually need to load all
of string T (which can be very large) when performing the smart search if we know a priori
that the first I characters (indices 0,... ,l - 1) of P and T match: in this case, we need only
load those blocks of T containing indices l,... ,i. It turns out that we can keep track of I
iteratively through the String B-Tree search.
Say we determine 7r.i, ir.T, and 7r.D in the blind and smart search procedures in ir's
Patricia trie, and traverse to child index node -r = 7r.C(7r.D). It must be the case that some
string Z E -. 6 matches the first ir.i characters of P, since P matches the first ir.i characters
of 7r.T, 7r.T matches (at least) the first ir.i characters of -r.D, and 7r.D must be in r.6 by our
primary invariant.
$$ $,
| 3
a a
$ b
a b
a b
a b
Figure 3: In the blind search for P = abba,
we will follow the path indicated by the
dashed line. Note that we make a mistake on the second arc: in the corresponding compacted trie, that branch has a as
its second character, but the character in
the same position in the search string is
b. We find the mistake by loading string
T = abaaa and comparing it character-bycharacter with P, until we find they do not
"hit node"
3 ||
Figure 4: We then proceed back to the
"hit node," the highest node with length
> i, which in this case is the node on
our path immediately below the mistake.
We then follow rule 2 since len (h) = 3
and i = 2, and proceed to find the insertion point between ababb and baa since
b = P[2] > T[2] = a.
match at index i = 2.
Consider a string X in T.6 that differs from P in some index j < -x.i. Then, since
P[J] = Z[j], it must be that X[j $ Z[j], so there must be some node in T.PT with length
j at which one branch heads toward X and another toward Z. Clearly, a blind search for P
starting at this node would take the branch leading toward Z. By induction over the nodes
with length <r .i, our blind search must lead to a string r.T which matches at least the first
ir.i characters.
Thus, for the I in a Patricia trie search we can actually use the i from the smart search
performed in the parent's Patricia trie.
Analysis. Given the technical description of Patricia tries, we can finally demonstrate
bounds on block accesses for the String B-Tree search.
The first thing to notice is that we can derive a lower bound on the branching factor of
each index node. A Patricia trie of 217r keys contains at most 4Iir +1 nodes (since every node
except the root must have at least two children), so we can represent the trie in O(brj) space.
Its independence of the sizes of the individual keys gives us a lower bound B on the number
of keys per node. Thus, the height of a String B-Tree with m strings is at most log m.
Given the lower bound on the branching factor, we can derive good bounds on the number
of disk accesses required by a search. Throughout a String B-Tree search through index nodes
iro,0 7r , , ...
we need to load at most
blocks of key data. The logB m comes from the fact that we may be loading the same section
from more than one distinct key during our traversal down through the index nodes, but this
is eaten up by the index node loading itself. Thus, the total number of blocks to be loaded
in any one String B-Tree search operation is O(IPI/B + log M).
PT-insert(PT, String P, KeyPtr K, ValuePtr V)
We first perform a traversal using the above procedure to find i, h, and D. We then ascend
from the leaf associated with D to the hit node h. From here, one of two cases applies:
1. If len (n) = i, then we insert a branch from n along character P[i] to a new node
with key/value pointer pair (K, V). We know there is not already a node here since
P[i] $ D[i] and there is no string in PT that shares a longer prefix with P than D.
2. If len (h) > i, then we insert a new node n' between n and its parent, with one branch
along character D[i] leading to n and another along character P[i] leading to a new
node with key/value pointer pair (K,V).
PT-remove(PT, PTNode n)
Given a node n in trie PT, PT-remove removes n and perhaps removes n's parent. If n's
parent now has only one child, we remove that node as well.
Given an input trie PT, PT-split needs to return two roughly equivalent-sized tries PTL
and PTR together covering all strings in PT and such that all strings in PTL are less than all
strings in PTRWe first choose some appropriate leaf node n at which to split PT. We then divide PT
into two pieces: PTL contains copies of all nodes along the path, plus every node to the
left of the path; PTR also contains copies of all nodes along the path except n, plus every
a b
b c
Figure 5: An illustration of a Patricia trie split. All nodes on and to the left of the
dashed path are included in XL, and all nodes on and to the right of the dashed
path (except N) are included in XR. The nodes marked with crosses are unecessary
and will be removed during clean up.
node to the right of the path. We then proceed to "clean up" PTL and PTR by removing
unimportant nodes, i.e., those nodes other than the root having only one child. A trie split
is diagrammed in figure 5.
PT-concat(PTL, PTR)
PT-concat is essentially the opposite of the PT-split operation: given two tries PTL and
PTR, the position i in which the greatest string SL in PTL and the least string SR in PTR
differ, and SL[i] and SR[il, we join the right spine of PTL to the left spine of PTR through
position i, removing redundant nodes if necessary.
Revisiting SBT-remove
We now return to a problem mentioned previously: that removing the least or greatest key
from 7r.PT requires us to insert a new key into the Patricia trie T.PT of r's parent index node
in order to maintain our String B-Tree invariants. While it seems at first that we need to
load the next-to-least or next-to-greatest key in order to insert it into Y, this is not actually
the case.
In the following, ir is a String B-Tree index node and T is the parent index node of 7r.
First we define some helper functions. Briefly, PT-diff produces the description of the
first difference between two strings A and B in nodes a and b of 7r.PT, respectively, and
PT-patch-insert uses this difference information to patch B into r.PT, which contains A
but not B. 2
2PT-patch-insert actually has a more specific restriction: r.PT cannot contain any string that shares a
longer prefix with B than A does.
PT-diff(7r.PT, PTNode a, PTNode b), where a and b are trie leaf nodes in PT.
We know just from looking at the trie how exactly ir.S(b) first differs from ir.S(a):
the path from the root to a will diverge from the path from the root to b at some
node whose length we call i. Then, we know that Vk < i, 7r.S(a)[k] = 7r.S(b)[k] but
ir.S(a)[i] = 7r.S(b)[i], where 7r.S(a)[i] is the branching character leading toward a and
ir.S(b)[i] is the branching character leading toward b.
We return (i, 7r.S(a)[i], 7r.S(b)[i]).
" PT-patch-insert(r.PT, PTNode x, i, char xi, char ni, KeyPtr K, ValuePtr V), where
x is a trie leaf node in r.PT and xi = r.S(x)[i].
Say N is the string we are attemping to insert into T.PT (i.e., one for which N[i] =
ni). We find the highest node h along the path from the root of r.PT to x for which
len (x) ;> i; then, one of two cases applies:
1. If len (h) = i, then we add a branch from h along character ni to a new leaf node
with key/value pointer pair (K, V). 3
2. If len (h) > i, then we add a new node h' with len (h') = i between h and its
parent. A branch from h' labelled by character xi leads to h, and the other branch
from h' labelled by character ni leads to a new node with key/value pointer pair
(K, V).
The following is then an approximation of the SBT-remove procedure, neglecting the orthogonal matters of joining two undersized index nodes and of removing the root if it becomes
1. Traverse to the leaf index node 7r with key P, or return if P § A
2. Set d to be the leaf trie node in 7r.PT for which 7r.S(d) = P
3. If d is neither the leftmost node f nor the rightmost node r in 7r.PT, or 7r is the root of
the String B-Tree, PT-remove(ir.PT, d) and return
4. If d = f, set n := succ(d)
Otherwise, d = r, so set n := pred(d)
(i, i, ni) :=PT-dif f(7r.PT, f, n)
(j, rj, nj) := PT-diff(7r.PT, r, n)
Set r to be the parent of 7r
If i > j
1. Set x to be the node in T.PT corresponding to 7r.S(e)
2. PT-patch-insert(r.PT, X, i, fi, ni, n.K, &7r)
1. Set x to be the node in r.PT corresponding to ir.S(r)
2. PT-patch-insert(r.PT, X, j, ry, nj, n.K, &7r)
If, among all strings in -r.PT,r.S(x) shares the longest prefix with N, then there is not already a branch
along character ni here: no string Y in r.PT sharing the first i characters with N also satisfies Y[i] = ni.
PT-remove(w.PT, d)
Set d:= x
Go to 3
7 := T
Using this procedure, we can remove any key from the database without needing to load
additional keys beyond those used for the downward traversal.
Analysis. We can now complete the analysis of SBT-remove very simply: since the only
disk accesses required are those on the downward traversal-even in the case that we remove
the leftmost or rightmost node from some index node's Patricia trie-we do not exceed
O(IPI/B + logB m) for the entire operation.
Revisiting SBT-insert
As with SBT-remove, SBT-insert can require us to perform Patricia trie inserts on keys we
do not have in memory; and, as before, we find that we do not actually need the keys in
memory in order to do this. We can directly use the infrastructure built for SBT-remove to
complete SBT-insert, ignoring the orthogonal matter of replacing ancestor keys if the key
we insert is the leftmost or rightmost in some Patricia trie:
SBT-insert(P, KeyPtr K, ValuePtr V)
1. Traverse to P's insertion point in leaf index node r
2. If P c A, then replace its associated value with V and return
3. PT-insert(7r.PT, P, K, V)
4. If 7r does not exceed its key count limitation, return
5. If r is the root of the String B-Tree, create a new empty root
6. Set T to be the parent of 7r
7. Set f to be the leftmost node of 7
8. Set r to be the rightmost node of 7
9. Create a new index node < as ru's new successor, redirecting pointers as necessary
10. (PTL, PTR) := PT-split(w.PT)
11. Set n to be the node in .PT corresponding to the rightmost node in PTL
12. (1, fi, ni
=PT- dif f (7. PT,7f, n)
13. (j, rj, nj) := PT-diff(r.PT, r, n)
14. If i > J
1. Set x to be the node in T.PT corresponding to r.S(f)
2. PT-patch-insert(T.PT, x, i, fi, ni, n.K, &7r)
15. Otherwise
1. Set x to be the node in T.PT corresponding to .S(r)
2. PT-patch-insert(T.PT, X, j, ri, nj, n.K, &r)
16. Set m to be the node in 7r.PT corresponding to the leftmost node in PTR
17. (1, ni, mi) :=PT-dif f (r. PT, n, m)
18. (j, rj, m) := PT-dif f(.PT, r, m)
If i > j
1. Set x to be the node in r.PT corresponding to ir.S(n)
2. PT-pat ch- insert(-r. PT, x, i, ni, mi, m.K, &0)
1. Set x to be the node in -r.PT corresponding to 7r.S(r)
2. PT-patch-insert(r.PT, x, j, rj, m, m.K, &#)
r := r
to 4
Using this procedure, we can successfully perform a String B-Tree insert with cascading splits
without loading any additional blocks of key data from the disk.
Analysis. Just as with SBT-remove, we do not need to perform additional disk accesses in
SBT-insert above the O(|P/B + logB m) required for the traversal.
An implementation of a modified version of the String B-Tree algorithm has been developed
in C++ using the asynchronous I/O libraries (hereafter designated "AIO") developed for SFS.
Asynchronous I/O
The AIO library provides facilities for performing disk I/O using callbacks: essentially, when
a programmer wishes to perform an I/O operation, instead of blocking on completion, he
passes to the AIO operation a callback with the logical "next step" in the algorithm. So,
for instance, to read a block from disk using blocking I/O and then operate on it with some
function g, we would do something like
FILE *f ;
fread(buf, len, 1, f);
whereas with AIO we would provide a callback to perform the action:
ptr<aiofh> f;
f->read(pos, buf, wrap(g));
The interesting part about this is that we can dispatch many read calls in parallel, whereupon
the callbacks will be called in whatever order the underlying I/O operations complete. This
allows the operating system to reorder the accesses optimally for the hardware:
ptr<aiofh> f;
aiobuf. The AIO library provides aiobuf, a class of buffer that is allocated in an asynchronous manner and which avoids memory fragmentation; however, for the purposes of this
discussion, it can be thought of as a character array.
Database components
The implementation of the database has been split up into three primary logical components:
a generic block database; a Patricia trie implementation; and a String B-Tree implementation
based on the previous two components. Various support data structures (container maps,
sets, and lists) support these three components.
Block database
The block database is a database operating on whole blocks and consecutive groups of whole
blocks, and that enforces atomicity on user defined operations (called "requests"). It provides
facilities for allocating and deallocating groups of blocks, for loading and saving multi-block
structures (called "elements"), as well as for retrieving unstructured, read-only subsequences
of one or more whole blocks. It also provides an element cache for recently-accessed elements.
It is implemented as class BDB, and provides a minimal interface:
typedef uint32_t blockd;
typedef uint32_t blockct; //
block descriptor
block count
class BDB {
// Buf<T> is a container buffer for an aggregate or scalar
// parameterized type T
typedef Buf<unsigned char> Cbuf;
// attempts to dispatch any new requests that have been created
As is obvious from the spartan interface above, nearly all interaction with the block database
is done through the friend class BDB: :Request, which are discussed below. Internally, BDB
stores pointers to cached elements and requests in private hash tables; to minimize the impact
of memory management, nearly all data managed directly by the block database are reference
Elements. An "element" is a structure that can be written in binary form to one or more
blocks in the database: examples include index nodes and data nodes in a String B-Tree.
Elements must provide minimal facilities for constructing themselves from binary data and
converting themselves to binary data, to simplify the storage model.
Elements are implemented as classes derived from the base class BDB: : Element. The
following interface must be implemented by each derived element X: 4
from-bin-aiobuf and allocate do not, of course, have to be class functions.
class X : public BDB::Element {
X(BDB *bdb, blockd start, blockct count, ... )
BDB: :Element (bdb, start, count)
// converts an instance of X into a binary data
// and writes it to an aiobuf
(ptr<aiobuf>) const;
// passed as a callback to Request::loadelement,
// constructs a new instance of X from an aiobuf
static ptr<BDB::Element>
BDB *db,
// duplicates an instance of X
0 const;
// passed as a callback to Request::allocate-element,
// creates a new instance of X
static ptr<BDB: :Element>
() const;
From the time of its allocation by the block database, an element is associated with some consecutive sequence of blocks on the disk, and cannot be moved to another location or resized.
Therefore, the base class BDB: :Element can provide two useful methods: block-start 0,
which returns the first disk block allocated for the element; and block-count (), which returns the number of blocks allocated for the element.
Blocks are allocated for elements using the binary buddy block allocation algorithm: the
total store is first divided into regions of some equal size 2 N bytes; then, each of these regions
is recursively subdivided into two equally-sized subregions (called "buddies"), down to regions
of size 2' bytes. Allocation of a sequence of bytes must be performed on a region boundary,
and removes all its subregions from the free block list; this implies that an allocation request
for a sequence of x bytes is effectively rounded up to one for 2 [0 2 x bytes, i.e., up to the
next power of two.[4]
Conversion to and from binary form (using to-bin-aiobuf and from-bin-aiobuf) can be
expensive, depending on the internal representation of the element. In the case of a String
B-Tree index node, for example, the Patricia trie is represented internally as an arbitrary tree
with memory pointers leading from node to node; externally, they are represented as binary
strings structured recursively from the root in prefix order. As a result of both the dynamic
allocation used in the Patricia trie structure and the general complexity of the structure, this
operation is very CPU intensive.
Requests. A "request" to the block database is a logical sequence of operations that must
together be performed atomically (i.e., without interruption the asynchronous I/O facilities).
As a result, if a request would block on the retrieval of data from the disk, the request is
completely reset and all changes undone; it is later reinitialized once the requested data has
been loaded. The rationale behind this design was that, since databases are largely I/Obound, a transaction system requiring fewer resets would be far more complex without much
added performance.
In addition to loading a complete element and constructing it from binary form, a request
may ask for sets of single blocks ("partial-elements"), which are loaded from the disk and
stored in read-only binary form. However, a partial-element can be in memory only when
the associated full element is not; therefore, a request needs to be able to glean its needed
information from either form, since it does not know a priori which form it will have access
Requests are implemented as classes derived from the base class BDB: :Request. The
following interface must be implemented by each derived request X:
class X : public BDB::Request {
X(BDB *bdb, ... )
BDB: :Request(bdb)
// called by BDB: :dispatchrequests to start (or restart)
// the execution of the request
// reports an exception resulting from the failed execution
// of some asynchronous operation
(const BDB::Exception&);
// called after the request has been completed but before
// this instance of X has been destroyed
Creating a new request is as simple as calling new X (bdb, ... ).
Since a request may be restarted at any time, no new requests may be allocated anywhere
in the execution tree starting from init 0: due to AIO-induced restarts, such a request may
inadvertently be re-created several times. Along these lines, some restrictions on the data
that requests may preserve across restarts unenforcable at either compile-time or run-time
* no pointers to any elements or partial-element data
no block descriptors
These may not be preserved across request restarts because elements may move around in
memory, partial-element data may be evicted from memory, and blocks on disk may be
allocated or deallocated as the result of another request's completion; systems build on top
of the block database must determine a set of invariants that will be true at the start of
any request (e.g., the location of the superblock in the String B-Tree implementation) so the
request can actually assume something useful about the state of the database.
Requests have access to the following interface from BDB: :Request:
typedef callback<void>
class BDB {
// callback<R, P1, P2, ... > is a template class that performs a
// type of limited function currying on functions with return
// type R and parameter types P1, P2, ...
typedef callback<void, ptr<const Element> >: :ref
typedef callback<ptr<Element>, ptr<aiobuf>, BDB*,
blockd, blockct>: :ref
class BDB::Request {
// allocates space in the database and constructs a new
// instance of an element using allocatenew-cb
frees space in the database associated with an element
// that does not necessarily have to be in memory
// executes the viewer callback if the requested element is
// already in memory; otherwise, initiates an asynchronous load
executes the callback if the requested partial-element
consisting of blocks (load-start, loadstart + count - 1)
// associated with full element (elt-start) is already in
// memory; otherwise, initiates an asynchronous load
load count,
// returns a non-const pointer to a given element; if the
// element is not in memory, an exception is thrown
(ptr<const Element>);
// returns true iff the full element is in memory or is
// being loaded by the AID subsystem
// returns a pointer to a constant character buffer
// associated with a particular partial-element; if the
// partial-element is not in memory, an exception is thrown
ptr<const BDB::Cbuf>
Element cache. Once a request asks for a particular element, that element is locked in
memory-in the element cache-until the completion of the request. Only when all requests
locking a particular element have completed can the element be saved and evicted from the
An element is not immediately flushed from the cache once the last request for which
it is locked completes; rather, some arbitrary elements are flushed once the cache reaches a
threshold size and a new element is loaded from the disk. This delayed eviction is motivated
both by the complexity of the binary-internal conversion and by the presumption that keeping
an element's data in user space is significantly more efficient than moving it in and out of
the buffer cache as needed.
There is also a partial-element cache that operates in much the same way, with one
primary difference: if the full element encompassing some cached partial-element is loaded,
the partial-element is evicted to preserve consistency.
Patricia tries
Patricia tries are implemented basically as stated in [5], with the following exceptions:
o No termination character. The requirement for a unique termination character is
trivial on paper, but is inefficient to implement. The result is that nearly all Patricia
trie functions have to change in at least a minor way to support the lack of a termination
" The structure of the Patricia trie is changed to support key/value pointer pairs
at each node, and the dichotomy between leaf trie nodes and internal trie nodes
is replaced by one between those with key pointers and those without. Call those
nodes with key pointers "key nodes" and those without "non-key nodes."
" For any string A and any non-empty string B, A < AB lexicographically.
" For a key node x, succ(x) points to the key node of the lexicographically succeeding
key; similarly, pred(x) points to the key node of the lexicographically preceeding
" Wherever there is a reference to the "leftmost leaf," we now refer to the "bottom"
key node, i.e., the one for which there is no predecessor. 5
The blind search portion of PT. search (P) will not actually reach an index for
which P[len (x)] does not match any of the branching characters of x if there is
some leaf y such that S(y) is a prefix of P; in this case, we choose t = y.
" In the smart search portion of PT. search(P), we have two new cases:
" if P is a prefix of some string in 7r.PT, then the hit node h is the first node
IPI. The correct
x along the path from the root to T such that len (x)
lexicographic position of P is immediately before S(x) for x the highest key
node along the left spine of the subtrie rooted at h.
* if there is some leaf y in 7r.PT such that S(y) is a prefix of P, then the hit
node h = y. (Note that this case is a true exception: this is the only case in
which the hit node h does not satisfy len (h)
" PT.insert (PT, P, K, V) has two new cases:
" if P is the prefix of some string in PT and len (h) > JP for the hit node h, we
need to insert the new node between h and h's parent
" if h is a leaf and S(h) is a prefix of P, then we insert the new node along
branch P[len (h)].
" PT.remove(PT, n) must be changed in the following ways:
The astute reader will note that this must be some node along the left spine of the trie.
If n is an interior node, we first check to see if it is a key node; if so, we remove
the key/value pointer pair and then remove n if it is redundant (i.e., has only
one child).
" If n is a leaf and we remove it, we do not remove n's parent if it is a key node.
" PT. split () first chooses some key node n, and splits PT into two pieces: PTL
contains copies of all nodes on the path root-+n plus copies of those nodes to the
left of the path; PTR contains copies of all nodes on the path root-+n plus copies
of those nodes to the right of the path and a copy of the subtrie rooted at n.
Additionally, since key nodes can be interior nodes, we need to remove the
key/value pointer pairs from the copy of the path root-+n in PTR.
Finally, we remove the redundant nodes (non-key nodes with only one child)
along the right spine of PTL and along the left spine of PTR"
PT. concatenate (PTL, PTR) is essentially the same operation as PT-concat,
except that only non-key nodes can be considered redundant during clean-up.
o No PT . dif f or PT . patch-insert. Due to time considerations and the difficulty of
adapting these operations to the lack of a termination character, these operations were
not implemented in time for the analysis.
Asynchronous operation. When the programmer wishes to perform a Patricia trie search,
insert, or remove operation, he must provide a callback that performs the string comparison
between the search string P and the blind search string T; this callback then continues the
trie search procedure with the location of the difference between the strings (i), the strings'
characters at that point (P[i] and T[il), and whether P is a prefix of T or lexicographically
before T, T is a prefix of P or lexicographically before P, or P is equal to T. This setup is
designed to allow the comparison function to make AIO calls that may cause the request to
Since this information is sufficient to perform the search, insert, and remove operations,
the complexity of the string comparison is left up to the owner. For example, in a simpler
block database implementation without the ability to load partial-elements, all of T can be
loaded to perform the comparison.
Parameterized character type. The Patricia trie is implemented as a template class
paramaterized over the character type (typically char or unsigned char), the string location
descriptor type (an instance of which is passed to the comparison function to describe the
location of the requested string), and a data type an instance of which is associated with each
complete key. The use of templates here allows one to use more complex character types (say
wchar for Unicode) without modifying any of the Patricia trie implementation.
Node structure.
The structure of a Patricia trie node is what one would expect:
struct PTrie<C,K,V>::Node {
// Pointers to other nodes, where applicable (0 otherwise)
Character along branch from parent to this node
// Branches to child trie nodes
typedef Map<C, Node*, less<C> > branch-map;
// Pointer to key/value for key nodes
The precise container used for the branch map has only one restriction: that iteration through
it be done from least character value to greatest character value; therefore, hash-based maps
are not applicable, while all balanced, ordered tree-based maps are.
String B-Tree
The String B-Tree is an implementation of the simpler of the two algorithms in [5], which
solves only the prefix search problem, not the substring search problem. It is implemented
atop the block database, with each operation type (allocate, insert, remove, find, and iterate)
a request and each node type (superblock, index node, and data node) an element. The only
functionality discussed in the design section not yet implemented at the time of this writing
is sequential access.
Superblock. The superblock is the first block in the database. Currently, it contains only
the location of the root index node.
Index nodes. An index node is simply the binary representation of a Patricia trie, along
with pointers to preceeding and succeeding index nodes on the same level of the tree. As
stated above, internally a Patricia trie is represented as a complex data structure making use
of splay tree-based maps; thus, when an index node is loaded, its binary representation is
converted to this internal representation, and back again when it is saved.
The string comparison callback passed to the Patricia trie operations uses the partialelement loading ability of the block database, loading one block at a time to perform string
comparisons on traversals.
Data nodes. A data node is a series of blocks containing a windowed key (a 32-bit unsigned
integer i in network byte order followed by i key bytes) followed by the associated value. The
data nodes are placed in no particular order in the database:
nodes based on key value.
there is no locality of data
The interface of the String B-Tree is slightly different from that of other
class SBTree : protected BDB {
struct valueloct {
blockct count;
typedef callback<void, ptr<const Cbuf> >::ref
typedef callback<void, valueloc-t, ptr<Cbuf> >::ref postalloccb;
// Initializes the database and executes a user-defined ''main'
// function once the database is ready
// Called before insert to allocate space for some new data
post.alloc-cb post-request);
// Inserts a previously allocated key/value into the database
// Removes a key and its associated value from the database
// Searches for a key and executes the appropriate callback
// Signals the String B-Tree that it should shut down once all
// requests have completed
The primary difference between this setup and those of other databases is that the data
node allocation and insertion operations are logically separate: this is necessary since the
user cannot know a priori how much space is required for the value and key, which are both
stored together. Therefore, upon allocation, the user specifies a minimum amount of free
space he desires in the data node, but the alloc function may provide much more: this will
be evident by the size of the Cbuf passed to the post..request callback, all of which may be
filled as desired.
Once the user has finished modifying the value buffer, he passes it to insert which
performs the actual insertion into the tree. It is important that an alloc actually be followed
by an insert, or those allocated blocks will be lost.
Support data structures
Several data structures support the operation of the above components. These are described
here briefly.6
Splay tree. Based on the algorithm in Sleator and Tarjan's original paper,[8] the class
SplayTree is a container with parameters for the key, value, and an asymmetric and transitive
key comparison relation class. SplayTree provides the expected basic functionality: insertion
(both exclusive values for a key and multiple values associated with the same key), removal,
search, and sequential iteration.
Two containers are derived from the SplayTree: Map, which enforces a unique value for
each key; and Set, which has no value for a particular key.
The key and value can each be any scalar or aggregate type, but the comparison relation
class is worth noting. It is a template class on some type T with only one method-the
application method, operator(const T &a, const T &b)-returningtrue iff a < b.
Hash table. A typical hash table with adaptive expansion, HashTable is a template class on
key and value parameters that, on n buckets, hashes keys modulo n according to the unsigned
result of a call to hash-primary (key). A future improvement will be to parameterize the
hash function as was done for the comparison relation in SplayTree.
The C++ standard template library containers were not used primarily because they cause significant
global namespace pollution on some primitive C++ compilers-including any version of gcc before 2.9-that
interferes with the compilation of the AIO library.
To demonstrate the performance of this database against a well-known baseline, in some tests
I have chosen to compare it to the freely-available Sleepycat implementation of the standard
Berkeley database in B-Tree mode. The version of Sleepycat used for the tests was 3.1.14.
There were two machine configurations used:
" Small. Intel Celeron 233 with a 6GB 5400 RPM ATAPI hard drive and 64 MB of 60ns
SIMMs running Linux 2.2.14
* Large. AMD K6-2 450 with a 10GB 5400 RPM ATAPI hard drive and 256 MB of
PC-100 DIMMs running Linux 2.2.16
Wallclock time in the below results was timed from the beginning of the test-generally,
opening the database-until all of the test data was written to disk using the sync operations
provided by the database and operating system. In particular, the measured time does not
include that spent scanning the Sleepycat database to produce statistics.
In each test comparing the String B-Tree to Sleepycat, both databases use the same
specified blocksize.
Finally, to ensure consistent results from back-to-back tests, flushb (a Linux ext2 filesystem command to flush the read buffers from the VFS buffer cache) was called immediately
before a test began.
Benefit from asynchronous I/O
One of our primary goals for this project was to determine the benefit derived from asynchronous I/O. In this test on the String B-Tree only, a database with a blocksize of 8192 bytes
and already populated with 30,000 16000-byte keys was hit with 100,000 random accesses (in
the proportion of 5% inserts, 5% removes, and 90% searches). Figure 6 graphs the number of
concurrent requests versus the wallclock time required for the random accesses to complete
on the large machine.
When there is only one request, all I/O operations are essentially serialized: only one element fetch at a time can be initiated by a request. When multiple requests run concurrently,
" the AIO subsystem has greater choice in scheduling the I/O operations;
" requests desiring data already in the buffer cache do not have to wait for a costly disk
access to complete, reducing latency; and
" requests not blocked on I/O and which consume non-trivial CPU time can run while
disk I/O is occuring, essentially eliminating disk idle time
This is clearly evident from figure 6, in which the total running time drops by 23% from the
single-request scenario to the one in which there is an optimal number of concurrent requests
(8-9). Concurrency beyond this point appears to add only overhead and not additional
performance, but of course, this most likely depends on the application.
Concurrent requests
Figure 6: This graph shows the running time of 100,000 random accesses on a
database of 16000-byte keys. The benefit of concurrent requests due to the AIO
library is substantial.
Large keys
Another of our goals for this project was to demonstrate that this algorithm would perform
comparatively well on key distributions composed of keys large relative to the blocksize.
Varying keysize
For each of several keysizes between 500 and 10,000 bytes, we populate a database of 1024byte blocks 7 with 30,000 keys and then perform 10,000 searches for random keys in the
database. The String B-Tree had eight concurrent requests at any one time. Tests were
performed on the small machine, to minimize the impact of the buffer cache.
Figure 7 graphs the keysize versus the running time of the insert operations, while figure
8 does the same for the search operations. In both tests, the String B-Tree maintains a
sizeable advantage over Sleepycat over the entire range of tested keysizes, despite the absence
of PT-diff and PT-patch-insert. This can likely be attributed to Sleepycat's frequent
access of key overflow blocks in the search test (which is a series of searches for keys we know
are in the database) and to fewer index nodes in the String B-Tree, leading both to more
effective use of the buffer cache and to fewer levels in the tree.
While the String B-Tree also needs to load a complete key when the search key is in the
database, it needs to do this only once: Sleepycat may need to do this several times on a
downward traversal, a problem that is exacerbated by the low branching factor on trees with
1024-byte blocks were used due to limitations on the test machine: smaller blocks mean smaller keys are
large relative to the block size, allowing us to fit more keys into a database of the same size.
5000StigBTeString B-Tree
a in-
String B-Tree
3000 CY)
E 2000
Keysize (in KB)
Figure 7: The String B-Tree is faster than
Sleepycat at creating large databases, at
any keysize.
Keysize (in KB)
Figure 8: Searching for large keys known to
be in the database again favors the String
large keys.
Varying population
For database sizes ranging from 500 to 50,000 4000-byte keys, we wished to determine the
relative performance of the String B-Tree and Sleepycat. There were two stages to this test:
first, the total running time of the inserts was clocked; and second, the running time for
100,000 random accesses was clocked. The databases each were configured to use 1024-byte
blocks, and the tests were run on the small machine to minimize the impact of the buffer
Figure 9 graphs the database size versus the wallclock time for the insertions to complete.
Sleepycat has performance similar to the String B-Tree at first, but slows down considerably
at around 10,000 keys and continues to fare poorly thereafter. This is likely due to the
overhead of writing multiple key overflow blocks, and to the operating system's inability to
cache the large number of index nodes resulting from a low branching factor: the String
B-Tree has fewer index nodes-which presumably are all cached-and must therefore load at
most one block per level.
Figure 10 graphs the database size versus the wallclock time for the searches to complete.
As for inserts, the performance of Sleepycat is better than or similar to the String B-Tree
until about 10,000 keys, when it becomes markedly worse. This is probably due to accessing
key overflow blocks on finds and removes, and to the large number of index nodes, as above.
-0 5000
3000 -0-
String B-Tree
4000 -
String B-Tree
2500 -
8 2000-
3000 -
Keys (in thousands)
Inserts (in thousands)
Despite the hiccup (presum-
Figure 9: For the insertion of large num-
Figure 10:
bers of relatively large keys, the String BTree has much better asymptotic performance than Sleepycat.
ably) caused by the buffer cache, the String
B-Tree search on relatively long keys is significantly faster than in Sleepycat.
The preceeding tests, though sufficient to demonstrate that the String B-Tree satisfies the
desired properties, are not the whole story: although the String B-Tree succeeds admirably
in certain cases, it may not yet be truly "generic." Some implementation issues and a single
primary deficiency of the String B-Tree design related to this application add up to the need
for some improvements.
Small databases
Although the String B-Tree seems to perform well on databases with large numbers of large
keys, it fares worse on smaller databases. A test on the large machine involving 100,000
random accesses on an already-existing database of 5,000 keys was performed to gauge the
performance of the String B-Tree (at eight concurrent requests) versus Sleepycat on small
databases. The blocksize for each database was set at 4096 bytes, and the test varied the
keysize. Figure 11 shows the running time versus the keysize. The results here indicate that
when the database has few keys, Sleepycat outperforms the String B-Tree at any particular
Profiling suggests that much time is wasted in the support data structures: in the splay
trees used to store Patricia trie node branches, in the conversion between the internal Patricia
trie representation and the binary representation, and in keeping reference counts in many
data structures that change frequently.
The String B-Tree's AIO advantage may not manifest itself on such small databases,
which makes CPU usage a much greater portion of the overall running time. This suggests
- -
String B-Tree
5 1500
Keysize (in KB)
Figure 11: This graph shows the running time of 100,000 random accesses on a small
database (5000 keys). Tests run on a small database favor Sleepycat at any keysize.
that reducing CPU usage would make a database which is already very I/O efficient even
Block loads
A test similar to the one on varying keysize in section 4.2 was performed, except that some
searches were performed for keys not in the database: the impact of this on the String B-Tree
search is that at most one block needs to be loaded for each level of the tree, regardless of
how long the keys are. We performed 10,000 random accesses on an existing database of
30,000 keys of a fixed size. As in the other tests, we used eight concurrent requests.
To provide a "worst-case" scenario for this test, the blocksize was set at 512 bytes, forcing a
low branching factor and, consequently, adding many levels to the tree over a larger blocksize.
The results are graphed in figure 12. Although its wallclock performance is not indicative
of key-independence, the constancy in the number of block accesses versus varying keysize
suggests this database provides optimal performance for this particular input parameter. As
suggested above, other factors-including but not limited to high CPU usage-may account
for the difference. In this case, the increasing size of the database and the resulting greater
latency in accessing a random block may account for the increase.
Small keys
The one main design deficiency related to this analysis of the String B-Tree is its failure to
deal adequately with keys that are small relative to the blocksize. The problem is that on
distributions of very small keys, two entire blocks must be loaded at every level of the tree:
one for the index node itself, one for the key used in smart search.
CO 100
0 1
Keysize (in KB)
Keysize (in KB)
Figure 12: Despite the non-constant time to perform random accesses on databases
of varying keysize, the number of block loads was essentially constant, in accordance
with the theoretical foundations of the String B-Tree. This suggests other factors
impact the running time.
Assume the branching factor of a String B-Tree is B. For a tree in which only one block
needs to be loaded at each level for distributions with small keys (such as Sleepycat, which
stores small keys entirely within the index nodes), the equivalent branching factor b is given
log m = 2 log m
log 2 m
=-> log22 m
= 2
log 2 b
92 b =
log 2 B
log 2 B
b = v/B
which is significantly smaller, as we would expect in a prefix-compressed tree. Thus, the large
branching factor of the String B-Tree doesn't help in databases with small keys, since other
databases can have twice as many levels of index nodes and still require fewer disk accesses.
The real win with the String B-Tree is for databases with large keys, for which designs like
Sleepycat's require key overflow blocks.
A possible solution to this problem is to design a hybrid tree: one in which individual
index nodes can each take on a form best suited to its data: small keys would be governed
by a prefix compressed index node, while large keys that would otherwise end up in overflow
blocks could be governed by Patricia trie-based index nodes.
Another solution which is easier to implement would be to traverse the entire tree assuming the key exists. When the key is actually in the tree, no mistakes would be made, so we
would naturally end up at the correct node; however, if the key isn't in the tree, we could
- ---
- - -
String B-Tree
String B-Tree
a) 500
a 2 00
Files (in thousands)
Figure 13: The performance of file system emulation was very similar on both
databases, with Sleepycat having a slight
edge on this dataset.
Files (in thousands)
Figure 14: Due to the contiguous placement of file blocks in the String B-Tree,
much more space was wasted than in Sleepycat, in which files are automatically broken up into smaller pieces.
find this out by loading the associated key blocks one at a time in succession, backtracking
to the point in the traversal at which we made a mistake, and continuing from there in a
second search for the insertion point using the standard algorithm.
Denote by IVI the length of the data node, which includes both the key and its associated
value. Using this strategy we would load the following numbers of blocks in each case:
not in tree
in tree
1st search
2nd search
logB m
JP1/B + logB T
logB M
RI/B + 10gB M
value fetch
- (1PI/B +
ogB M)
In the case that the key is not in the tree, we wind up loading a possible IPI/B + 3 logB m
blocks, worse than the Pl/B + 2 logB m from the standard algorithm; however, in the case
that the key is in the tree, we load only logB m + IVI/B, the minimum number required
to traverse the height of the tree and load the entire data node. Thus, when most of our
searches are for keys in the database, it makes sense to use this strategy. Furthermore, when
we are concerned only with the case in which a key exists-i.e., when we don't need to know
the insertion position of a key not in the database-we do not perform any disk accesses over
the standard algorithm in either case.
File system emulation
Some of the files in the /usr tree on a Debian 2.2 box were added to a database, and then
random accesses (in the same percentages as in the uniform key tests) were performed. To
account for the limited storage on the test machine, the size of a single file was capped at
300,000 bytes. A blocksize of 4096 bytes-a typical cluster size for a Linux machine-was
used. As before, the String B-Tree had eight concurrent requests at any one time.
Figure 13 graphs random access time versus the number of files (chosen randomly from
/usr) in the database. Although Sleepycat jumps out to an early lead, the String B-Tree
performance seems to level-off after about 15,000 files. This is likely due to the small key
inefficiency discussed above, and to the inability to fragment large values discussed below.
Figure 14 graphs database size versus the number of files in the database. Sleepycat automatically breaks up large values into smaller pieces, and can scatter them throughout the
database; this String B-Tree implementation has no such mechanism, and therefore wastes
more space as a result of the binary buddy block allocation algorithm: a key/value combination of 216 + 1 bytes would actually take up 217 bytes, nearly double the space actually
needed. (This extra data also needs to be loaded at the end of a search, further burdening
an already busy disk.)
Future work
In addition to the aforementioned performance improvement suggestions, there are several
possibilities for future implementation work:
" Reduce complexity of underlying data structures. The inability of the String BTree to perform acceptably relative to Sleepycat on small databases and small keysizes
is not necessarily due to the String B-Tree algorithm itself, but may be caused by
relatively high CPU usage. Simplifying the support data structures and the complexity
of the Patricia trie implementation has the potential to remove this roadblock.
Reducing the time spent saving a copy of each modified element would provide additional performance gain, since each element must be copied in its entirety in case some
request is backed out. A log-structured approach to modifying elements may provide
the desired time relief, with the added benefit of crash recovery.
Insertion and removal times are
" Implement PT-diff and PT-patch-insert.
abyssmal when small blocksizes are combined with large keysizes, because the String
B-Tree insert and remove operations may require one key load in the case of a parent
key replacement or two full key loads per level in the case of a split. Adapting these procedures to the lack of a termination character and implementing them properly should
greatly improve the performance of large key inserts and rmoves.
" Improve the element cache. Abominable performance caused by the rampant conversion between the binary and internal representations of an element motivated the
rapid development of an internal element cache. It is possible that the parameters on
this cache can be tuned to provide better performance; even more likely is that a better element cache altogether would dramatically reduce the number of binary/internal
conversions. The average element cache hit-rate was only ~80% on all tests performed.
" Use a more intelligent transaction system. Right now, requests are limited to
"all-or-nothing" atomic operation: either complete the request without blocking, or
restore everything and start over. Fine-grained locking and resultingly fewer restarts
may lower CPU usage, despite the added complexity of deadlock detection.
9 Allow for a variable maximum branching factor. Currently, the branching factor
of an index node is fixed at the pessimal number of strings per Patricia trie fitting in
a single block in binary form; this situation occurs only when the Patricia trie is a
complete binary tree with an extra node above the root.
This restriction is caused by the dichotomy between the insert and remove code: under
a system with a variable split threshold, a String B-Tree remove operation can cause
some nodes to increase in size. Currently, there is no way to split a node in the remove
operation. Joining the insert and remove code would trivially allow for variability in
the split threshold.
e Provide an automatic value-fragmenting capability. This will improve space
efficiency in databases with large values.
I wish to acknowledge the assistance and thoughtfulness of my advisers Frans Kaashoek and
David Mazieres, both in giving me the opportunity to participate in a large software project
and in providing guidance along the way. I also wish to thank David Karger for the timely
6.854 project that resulted in the study of the String B-Tree algorithm.
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