Design, Modeling, and Optimization of Indium Arsenide Diodes for Microscale Thermophotovoltaics BARKER by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Michael Masakichi Masaki APR 2 4 2001 B.S., Electrical Engineering University of Hawai'i at Manda (1998) LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2000 @ MIT, MM. All Rights Reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in . Signature of Author.... . . . ...... ... . . . ........ . ......................... Department ofElectrical Engineing and Computer Science 29 September 2000 Certified by........ .... .. .... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clifton G. Fonstad,Jr. Professor of Electrical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by....... .............. Arthur C. Smith Chairperson, Department Committee on Graduate Students Design, Modeling, and Optimization of Indium Arsenide Diodes for Microscale Thermophotovoltaics by Michael Masakichi Masaki Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on 29 September 2000, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Abstract The band gap of Indium Arsenide is 0.354 eV (3.48 pm) at room temperature, ideal for photovoltaic applications in the near infrared wavelength range. In order to facilitate the design of InAs photovoltaics, SimWindows@, a one dimensional Poisson equation solver, was used as a design and modeling tool for InAs photodiodes and to provide insight into their design. The validity of the modeling was confirmed by comparing its predictions with experimental data in the published literature. Two InAs photovoltaics were also fabricated by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, followed by characterization. The I-V characteristics of the two devices differed greatly from theoretical predictions. Since the discrepancy could not be explained by modifying the models created in SimWindows@, it was concluded that the results must be due to a more fundamental aspect outside the scope of SimWindows@. Several tests were done to identify this aspect. It was found that the diode characteristics of the device resulted primarily from a metal-semiconductor junction on the back side of the wafer, not from the InAs p-n structure grown on the wafer as originally expected. Finally, a low temperature measurement revealed that the remaining non-linear I-V characteristic was due to the tunneling nature of the p-n junction. Thesis Supervisor: Clifton G. Fonstad,Jr. Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering 2 Acknowledgments At this time I would like to thank everyone who helped and supported me in this endeavor. Without their help and support, I would not be writing these words at this moment. Firstly, I would like to thank God for too many reasons to list here. I also thank my parents, Melvin Y. and Clara Y. Masaki, for their undying support and motivation, and their belief that an education is the most important gift of all. I would like to extend my warmest thanks to my brother Gavin for keeping me in line. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Professor Clifton G. Fonstad. His unending patience, support, and guidance were invaluable to me, and I would not be able to conduct the research without the use of Professor Fonstad's laboratories, experience, and research funding. I would also like to thank Professor Fonstad for giving me the opportunity to be the teacher's assistant for 6.012 (a rewarding and invaluable experience), and for reading over this document. Henry Choy's friendship, honesty, advice, and knowledge was essential to finishing this work. The many nights spent on debating points and testing if I really understood things drove me to push harder that I have done before. Also, thank you Henry for teaching me how to use the many pieces of equipment in the laboratory, growing the samples 9722 and 9725 that were used in this thesis, and tolerating (barely) my Star Trek fanaticism. Many thanks go to Professor Sheila Prasad for tips (especially on how to write my thesis) and many cups of coffee. I also thank Karen Young-Waithe for processing the wafers and providing me with the necessary information in analyzing the photodiodes. I am grateful for the assistance of Gale Petrich, Joyce Wu, and Hans Callebaut for their assistance in the cryogenic measurements. In addition, thank you Dr. P. Aitor Postigo Resa and Dr. M. H. Madhusudhana Reddy for your knowledge of the art of MBE growth, and Wojciech Giziewicz for your advice and humor. I would also like to thank my roommate Harry Lee for his advice, comments, and informing me of the existence of SimWindows@, and also for being a great roommate. Thank you Junji Himeno and the MIT Kendo club for your words of encouragement and keeping me in shape, both physically and mentally, and Steve Wang for filling in for me at all the practices I could not attend. Finally, I would like to thank Professor Kazutoshi Najita of the University of Hawai'i for encouraging me to attend graduate school instead of working in industry, Mrs. Suzuki and Mr. Mersereau for believing that I had a future, and Brandon Rai Mitsuda, Esq., for his friendship and support over the last 13 years. 3 Contents 1 2 Introduction 1.1 Why InAs Photovoltaics? 1.2 SimWindows@ 1.3 Overview of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Formulating a Model for Optimizing a Device Design 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 11 SimWindows 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.1.3 InAs Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.4 Shortcomings of SimWindows Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Theoretical Results from InAs Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 29 2.2.1 Testing the SimWindows Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Design Parameters from Model: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Summary of Chapter 2: 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Application of SimWindows to MIT Diodes 40 3.1 InAs Photovoltaic Structure: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.2 Comparison with the SimWindows Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.3 3.2.1 9725: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.2.2 9722: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Explaining the Discrepancies 3.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Poor Metallization on top of the device: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4 4 3.3.2 Surface Inversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.3.3 Bad Metal-Semiconductor Contact on the Bottom: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.3.4 What Happened to the P-N Junction? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Conclusion 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.1 Summary of Accomplishments. 4.2 Future Avenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 A Optical Properties of Indium Arsenide 64 B Ideal Model of a Homojunction Photovoltaic Device 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 B .1 Basic Principles: B.2 Circuit Model and Current-Voltage characteristics: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 B .2.1 Circuit M odel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 B.2.2 The open circuit voltage V, and short circuit voltage I .. . . . . . . . . . 72 B.2.3 Maximum Power Generation B.3 Monochromatic Response B .4 Spectral Response: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5 List of Figures 1-1 5000 C Black Body Spectrum, the energy spectrum of interest for InAs. 1-2 InAs Band Structure. EO is the bandgap. . . . . . 14 Eo = 0.354 eV, Ao = 0.46 eV, Al = 0.28 eV, and El = 2.50 eV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1-3 Index of Refraction (Solid) and Extinction Coefficent (Grey) of InAs[5] . . . . . . 15 1-4 Absorption Coefficient of InAs [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 The model index of refraction data (gray) and the calculated index of refraction (solid) with respect to enegy. 2-2 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 The model absorption coefficient data (gray) and the calculated index of refraction (solid) with respect to enegy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2-3 Thermal Conductivity versus Temperature. The solid line represents the measured data[11], and the thin line represents the model results. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2-4 Electron Mobility versus Doping Concentration. Model (black line) and mea- sured (grey line)[13] data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2-5 Hole Mobility versus doping. Model (solid line) and measured (diamond) [14] data. 25 2-6 The dominant Auger recombination processes in InAs. A: eeh recombination. B: ehh, recombination[18]. 2-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 IV characteristic from SimWindows@. Note that the IV characteristic changes from exponential (ideal) to linear (R). 2-8 Lack of high level injection in SimWindows@. the ideal diode equation (grey). relationship (n=1) to resistive. 2-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SimWindow data (black) and Note that the plot changes from exponential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Structures used to verify model. Device A: pin diode. Device B: p-n diode. 6 . . . 29 2-10 I-V characteristics of measured and simulated Results. Figure A is the I-V characteristic of the PIN structure and Figure B is I-V characteristic of the P-N structure. Note that the measured current does not saturate in Figure B. This is caused by tunneling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2-11 I-V characteristics of measured and simulated Results. The simulation data uses a mobility 1.7 times smaller than the previous figure. Figure A is the I-V characteristic of the PIN structure and Figure B is I-V characteristic of the P-N structure. Note that the measured current does not saturate in Figure B. This is caused by tunneling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2-12 Photocurrent versus the location of the light impulse, calculated (black) and simulated by SimWindows@ (grey). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2-13 Minority Carrier Lifetime versus Doping Concentration for P-type InAs. The data for Auger recombination is approximate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2-14 Minority Carrier Lifetime versus Doping Concentration for N-type InAs. . . . . . 36 2-15 Electron Diffusion Length versus Doping. Note the diffusion length is within the same order of magnitude of the substrate thickness for low p-type doping . . . . 37 2-16 Hole Diffusion Length versus Doping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3-1 Device Structures used in this analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3-2 A diagram of the device structure and surface of device 9725. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3-3 Terminal Characteristics of a device fabricated on growth 9725 plotted on a linear scale.. . . ................ .... .... . ... ... .... . .. . ... 42 3-4 Log plot of device 9725 and fit. 3-5 Log Scale Plot of the 9725 Data, with the Results of the SimWindows@ Simulations. 43 3-6 Doping variations of the 0.56 pm 2x10181 3-7 Doping variations of the 1.0 pam 5x10 17 - 1 3-8 Doping varitation of the 1.0 pm 5x 10171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 p-type buffer layer. p-type layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 n-type layer. Doping this layer more n-type made no noticeable changes in the I-V curve. 3-9 . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Changes in the IV characteristics with changes in the SHR lifetime. 3-10 The simulated effects of increasing series resistance in device 9725. . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . 48 3-11 Side profile of the 9722 devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7 3-12 The metalization pattern of device 9722. The top metal (shown in black) served as etch mask to define the mesas. Areas A,B,C,F, and H are 4x10- 4cm 2 in area; D and E are 4.9 x10-cm 2 in area; and G is 2.24x10- 2 cm 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3-13 A comparison of the simulated I-V characteristics between the 9722 and 9725 d evices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3-14 The measured IV characteristics of the 9722 and 9725 devices. The data from device 9722 was multiplied by 9.78. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3-15 Measurements taken from device 9722 from pad E to the back of the substrate (gray) and from pad D to the back of the substrate (dotted black) . . . . . . . . 51 3-16 Measurements taken from 9722. These measurements were taken from A, B, C, F,or H to the back of the substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3-17 I-V characteristics of several devices after thermal annealing. These plots demonstrate the I-V plots that were symmetrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3-18 9722 Measurements. These figures display the more diode-like I-V characteristics. 53 3-19 Surface inversion in InAs. Note that the Fermi Energy at the surface penetrates the conduction band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3-20 Effects of Passivation on the InAs photodiodes. Note that the diode-like characteristics dissapear after every treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3-21 Through-substrate measurement of 9722 (grey) compared with 9725 I-V characteristics (black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3-22 Compensated 9722 Data (grey) with 9725 Data (Black). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3-23 Through Substrate measurement of 9722, before back metal (Grey) and after (Black). Note that all the diode-like characteristics dissapear. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3-24 Room Temperature Measurements of device 9722. Note that the I-V characteristics are sym m etrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3-25 The differential resistances of the devices. Note that resistance is not symmetrical about the origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3-26 Linear Plot of the I-V Characteristics of Device 9722 at room temperature (grey) and 132 K (black). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 8 3-27 Log Plot of the I-V Characteristics of Device 9722 at room temperature (grey) and 132 K (black). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3-28 Tunneling Current in a P-N junction. Figure A demonstrates tunneling directly from the condunction band to the valence band. Figure B indicates tunneling by interband states. ........ .................................. 60 3-29 Effect of Tunneling on the Size of Power Rectangle. Figure A represents an ideal diode, Figure B represents a diode with tunneling. A-i Transitions of interest in InAs. A-2 Real Permittivity, 61, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 versus photon energy. eia is equation A.5, and deals with the EO and EO + AO transitions. Eib is equation A.11, and deals with the El and E 1 El A-3 + A, transitions. ei1 is equation A.15, and deals with the E2 transition. + Eib b = - 61c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imaginary Permittivity, E2, versus photon energy. with the EO and EO + AO transitions. 6 6 68 2a is equation A.6, and deals 2b is equation A. 12, and deals with the E 1 and E 1 + A 1 transitions. 62c is equation A.16, and deals with the E 2 transitions. e 2diand E2d2 is equation A.18, and deals with the EL indirect transitions. 6 2a + 6 2b - 6 2c + 6 2d1 + 6 2d2. 2 = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 B-1 An example side schematic of a p-n junction photovoltaic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 B-2 a) A photovoltaic under no illumination. No carriers are generated. b) A photovoltaic irradiated by light. Excess holes and electrons are generated. . . . . . . . 72 B-3 a) The cicuit diagram of a photovoltaic in operation. b) The idealized equivalent circuit of the photovoltiac operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 B-4 a) I-V curves of a photovoltaic with and without illumination. b) The power rectangle of a photovoltaic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 B-5 A photovolatic with impulse illumination of area G at x.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 B-6 The cross section of a photovoltaic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 9 List of Tables 1.1 Bandgap energy of several semiconductors at room temperature, and the black body temperature necessary for the black body peak to be absorbed by the m aterial. [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1 SimWindows@ InAs Material Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 Values used for the photodiode 2.3 Electron and hole mobility of several semiconductors at 300 K[4]. 'NA' indicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 that the material does not have mobility data at room temperature. A.1 InAs optical porperties calculation parameters. 10 . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Chapter 1 Introduction The main source of power for most satellites and deep space probes are solar cells. For example, both the Stardust[1] and Deep Space 1 [2] probes use solar cells as their primary source of energy. However solar cells harvest increasingly smaller amounts of energy as the probe travels farther away from the sun. Eventually the solar cells become useless and reduced to excess weight as the probe leaves the confines of the solar system. A solution to this problem is to bring the luminous source with the satellite. An example of a luminous source is the black body spectrum from a hot object, which can be created readily from a sustained nuclear fission reaction. A photovoltaic is able to use the black body spectra produced from this reaction to produce electricity. The goal of this project is to analyze and diagnose a photovoltaic created for such an application. This effort is part of a larger project directed at using InAs photovoltaics in a new enhanced performance application called microscale themophotovoltaic (MTPV) energy conversion[3]. 1.1 Why InAs Photovoltaics? The power density of a black body is given by Equation 1.1: PdA =- 27rhc 2 5 h e kBTX ) dA [ Watt 1M where c is the speed of light, and kB is the Boltzman constant. Also, from Wien displacement law, the black body peak is given by: 11 Material Bandgap Energy [eV] Blackbody Temperature [K] Si 1.12 2483 Ge 0.664 1472 C (Diamond) BN BP BAs AiN AlP AlAs AlSb GaN GaP GaAs GaSb InN InP InAs InSb 5.50 6.4 1.98 1.46 6.2 2.41 2.153 1.615 3.44 2.722 1.424 0.75 1.89 1.344 0.354 0.169 12194 14189 4390 3237 13745 5343 4773 3580 7929 6035 3157 1663 4190 2980 785 375 Table 1.1: Bandgap energy of several semiconductors at room temperature, and the black body temperature necessary for the black body peak to be absorbed by the material.[4] T- 2 2 1 7 E [-+1 (1.2) eV where E is the black body photon energy in electron volts. The bandgap of the material must be smaller or equal to than the black body peak in order for the material to absorb a significant amount of the incident black body radiation. The band gaps all group IV and III-V semiconductors are shown in Table 1.1. For TPV and MTPV applications one typically uses a blackbody temperature less than 1000 K so among the group IV and III-V semiconductors, the two best candidates are InAs and InSb. An important figure of merit for a photovoltaic is the open circuit voltage, Vc, which determines the maximum efficiency of the photovoltaic and must be maximized (this is discussed in detail in Appendices B.2.2 and B.2.3). Since the maximum value for V, is the band gap of the material, InAs would be a better choice than InSb since InAs has a direct band gap of 0.354 eV (A - 3.48 fum) at room temperature, more than twice the bandgap of InSb (0.169 eV at room temperature). Also the band gap of InSb is too small to build diodes that operate properly at 12 room temperature and the MBE in the laboratory where the research was conducted does not have Antimony cells. Consequently, InAs was chosen for the initial work. In later work, closely related ternary alloys might also be of interest, but their use complicates the design too much at this stage. The goal is to use a 500'C (773 K) black body (the spectrum is shown in Figure 1-1) as the radiation source, which is close to 784 K. The band structure of InAs is shown in Figure 1-2. Other properties of InAs that will be important are the refractive index, shown in Figure 1-3, and the absorption coefficient, shown in Figure 1-4. [5]. The Figures 1-3 and 1-4 are derived in Appendix A by a method used by Sadao Adachi[5][6] which uses a algebraic method of ascertaining the optical properties of several semiconductors from the band structure. 1.2 SimWindows@ In order to develop an efficient photovoltaic design, a model must be developed for the device that takes in consideration the device dimensions, specifications, and the material properties. One such program is SimWindows@. SimWindows@ is a one dimensional Poisson equation solver program that is able to simulate semiconductor devices. SimWindows@ has the capability to simulate the electrical, optical, and thermal properties of a device. For example, it can simulate optical generation of carriers in a semiconductor, or calculate the total amount of heat radiated from the device. The models developed by SimWindows@ can ideally be adjusted to explain any discrepancies that may occur between the theoretical and measured result, and can also be used to reveal the limiting mechanisms of the device such as Auger recombination. SimWindows@ is discussed further in Section 2. 1.3 Overview of the Thesis The purpose of this thesis was to create a simulation file using SimWindows@ to diagnose and design InAs photovoltaics. The model developed for SimWindows@ will be discussed, as well as the advantages of using SimWindows@ and its shortcomings. The model was tested and 13 500 C Black Body Spectrum 8.OOE-04 8.00E-05 7.00E-04 7.00E-05 5.00E-04 5.00E-05 t! 4.00E-04 4.OOE-05 3.00E-04 3.00E-05 2.00E-04 2.00E-05 P "E 1.00E-05 0 5 0.00E+00 10 15 Waveiungth 20 25 (m"cmn) Figure 1-1: 5000 C Black Body Spectrum, the energy spectrum of interest for InAs. EgL El A1 B0 'Ill L F X Figure 1-2: InAs Band Structure. EO is the bandgap. Eo = 0.354 eV, AO = 0.46 eV, A1 = 0.28 eV, and El = 2.50 eV 14 l I I i i i I !i i 4 . . Sn= 4. 3.5- al -2.5 2- 1.5. 1. 0.5 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 Phown Energy (Electrmn Volts) Figure 1-3: Index of Refraction (Solid) and Extinction Coefficent (Grey) of InAs[5] 1.00E+07 1.OO4(6 1.00E+05 1.OtE+04 v 0 I I I 2 3 Photon Energy Eectron 4 Voas) Figure 1-4: Absorption Coefficient of InAs [5] 15 5 6 compared to InAs diodes in the literature. SimWindows@ was able to fit most of the data in the literature within the limitations of the program. Also, some design issues of InAs photodiodes will be discussed. The model created by SimWindows@ was then applied to two InAs diodes grown by MBE in an effort to analyze them. The measurement revealed a diode characteristic, but the saturation current predicted by SimWindows@ was several orders of magnitude larger than what was actually measured. In addition, the current though the device did not scale properly with area. However, the model developed in SimWindows@ was unable to explain the discrepancy between the theoretical results and the measured results. Therefore, the discrepancy was due to a more fundamental aspect of the diode that was not included in the SimWindows@ model. Several tests were done to isolate the problem. The top metal was annealed to provide a better top contact, which made no change in the I-V characteristics. to passivate the surface, but this yielded a more ohmic behavior. Next, HF was used Next, CP-4 was used to passivate the surface, and this also brought about no change. Metal was applied to the back of the substrate, which removed all diode-like behavior from the device. It was concluded, as will be discussed in Section 3.3.3, that the diode-like behavior was primarily due to the poor metal-semiconductor junction on the back of the device (substrate to probe station chuck), not from the p-n junction. In addition, a low temperature measurement revealed that the remaining non-linear I-V characteristic was due to the tunneling nature of the p-n junction. 16 Chapter 2 Formulating a Model for Optimizing a Device Design 2.1 SimWindows 2.1.1 Description SimWindows@ is a one dimensional Poisson equation solving program developed by David Wells Winston in 1996 as his Ph.D. thesis from the University of Colorado[7]. SimWindows@ was created to simulate VCSELs and as a tool for VCSEL design. However, SimWindows@ can be also used to simulate two terminal devices, such as resistors and diodes, and it can be used with devices which either emit or absorb light, making it ideal for photovoltaic simulation. Since it was designed to simulate VCSELs, the program can also simulate heterostructures. SimWindows@ is able to simulate a user defined device under numerous conditions, such as different biasing conditions, AMO illumination conditions, and non-uniform temperature. In addition, the program uses material property files that are defined by the user that allow the development of more realistic material models. For example, the lattice and carrier temperature and doping concentration can be taken into account when specifying the electron or hole mobility. Also, SimWindows@ can take into account many other phenomenon, such as finite surface recombination velocity. Thus SimWindows@ is ideal for designing and simulating a device, provided that the materials under construction have bee adequately characterized. 17 2.1.2 Advantages There are several advantages of using SimWindows@ rather than other Poisson Equation solvers. Firstly, SimWindows@ is free', and Winston's thesis is readily accessible[7]. The inner workings of the program and the assumptions the program is based on can be found in this thesis. The thesis indirectly also provides the user knowledge of the limitations of his program since most aspects of the program are discussed in the thesis. By knowing the models that were used, one can judge when the results are valid or incorrect. SimWindows@ is fairly easy to use. It is designed to run under Windows NT , and most of the simulation aspects of program are menu driven. 95, 98, and The most difficult aspect of SimWindows@ is creating a good material data file. The material data file developed for InAs is detailed in Table 2.1. Creating a device then consists simply of specifying the thickness and doping of each layer. In addition, the material parameters can be changed when defining the device itself, allowing to user to change parameters in different layers, such as the mobility. The program is able to simulate and diagnose most of the aspects needed in a device analysis through its ability to simulate the electrical, optical, and thermal environment and models of the device. The ability to control the use of Maxwell-Boltzman or Fermi-Dirac Statistics and to enable and disable different generation and recombination processes are the most useful of the electrical properties that can be controlled. Since the bandgap of InAs is small (0.354 eV at room temperature) compared to Silicon or Gallium Arsenide, it is essential that FermiDirac Statistics is used for InAs. However, for low doped samples of InAs or samples at lower temperatures, Maxwell-Boltzman statistics can be used. This is useful since the computation time for Maxwell-Boltzman simulations is much shorter than for simulations that use FermiDirac statistics. The ability to enable or disable generation and recombination processes is an extremely useful feature of SimWindows@. The main recombination mechanisms in the program are Shockley-Hall-Read, radiative, and Auger recombination, and the main generation mechanism (besides thermal generation) is optical generation. The user is able to find out the dominant 'SimWindows@ can be downloaded for free at [ 18 Material=InAs Alloy=Default BAND-GAP Model=Band-gap terms=0.35,0,0,-2.76e-4,83 ELECTRON-AFFINITY Model=Band-gap terms=4.9,0,0,1.38e-4,83 STATICPERMITIVITY Value=15.15 REFRACTIVEINDEX segments=4 start-e=0.00 end-e=0.20 value=3.5 start-e=0.20 end-e=0.35 value=0.867*e+3.33 start-e=0.35 end-e=0.63 value=-0.473*e+3.8 starte=0.63 end.e=10.00 value=3.5 ABSORPTION Segments=4 start-e=0.00 end-e=0.35 value=0 start-e=0.35 end-e=1.15 value=10 ^(0.306*e+3.69) start-e=1.25 end.e=1.80 value=10 ^(1.6*e-2.2) start-e=1.50 end.e=10.00 value=1.3e5 THERMALCONDUCTIVITY Value=1/(2/T ^2+.0001*T 2) DERIVTHERMALCONDUCT Value=-2*T*(.0001*T^4-2)/(.0001*T^4+2) ELECTRON-MOBILITY model=mobility terms= 10000,0,0,300,-1.66,3e8,0,0,-1.66,2.5e16,0 HOLEMOBILITY model=mobility terms=100,0,0,300,-2.3,3.5e6,0,0,-3.3,5e16,0 ELECTRONDOSMASS Value=0.027 HOLE-DOSMASS Value=0.43 ELECTRON.CONDMASS Value=0.027 HOLE-COND-MASS Value=0.42 ELECTRONSHRLIFETIME Value=1.e-7 HOLESHR-LIFETIME Value=1.e-7 ELECTRON-AUGERCOEFFICIENT Value=1.le-26 HOLEAUGER.COEFFICIENT Value=2.54e-26 RADRECOMB-CONST Value=1.le-10 ELECTRON.ENERGYLIFETIME Value=0.8e-12 HOLEENERGYLIFETIME Value=0.8e-12 ELECTRONCOLLISION-FACTOR Value=0.5 HOLE-COLLISIONFACTOR Value=0.5 Table 2.1: SimWindows@ InAs Material Parameters 19 recombination in the device by enabling or disabling any of the above processes. In addition, the program also plots the generation and recombination rate of each process throughout the length of the device. Finite surface recombination velocity and Schottky barriers at the surfaces can also be simulated, as well as intraband tunneling. The most useful of the optical aspects (besides simulating optical generation of carriers, and light generation of the device) is that the user is able to define an incident radiation spectra, and to be able to incorporate the wavelength dependence of the index of refraction and absorption coefficient. Modeling either of these by hand or creating a program to do so would be tedious. In addition, the direction of light, area of illumination, and reflection between boundaries can also be simulated. Finally, the program is able to simulate thermal effects in the device. The band gap, mobility, electron affinity, refractive index, absorption coefficient, and thermal conductivity can be evaluated at any temperature as long as the model created by the user incorporates the thermal effects. In addition, the device can be isothermal, have different temperature reservoirs at each terminal of the device, or the user is able specify the electron and hole temperature in the lattice. 2.1.3 InAs Model The properties used for the InAs model is tabulated in Table .2.1, and are explained further in this section. Band Gap, Electron Affinity, and Static Permittivity: The band gap model[8] that was used is: Eg = 0. 4 15 - 2.76 x 10--4T 2 x T+83 [eV] (2.1) The electron affinity model[9] is: X = 4.9 - 10 4 T 2 T+83 [eV] (2.2) The temperature dependence is taken from the GaAs model provided with the program. 20 The static permittivity[10] is E = 15.15. Refractive Index and Absorption Coefficient: The refractive index and absorption coefficient were taken from two articles from Sadao Adachi[5][6]. The relations are detailed in Appendix A. Since 500' C black body radiation is insignificant 1 eV, the model needs to be accurate only to 1 eV. Also, SimWindows@ tended to crash if the model was too complicated, and, for example, contained too many segments. The refractive index was specified as: 3.50, n(E) E < 0.20 eV 0.867E + 3.33, 0.20 < E < 0.35 eV -0.473E + 3.80, 0.35 < E < 0.63 eV (2.3) E > 0.63 eV 3.50, The absorption coefficient was modeled as: 0, a(E) E < 0.35 eV = 1 0 0.306E+3.69, 0.35 < E < 1.15 eV = io(E) 1 0 1.6E-2.2 1.15 < E < 1.80 eV 1.3 x 10 5, E > 1.80 eV (2.4) (2.4) .cm The index of refraction model is plotted and compared to the data from Figure 1-3 in Figure 2-1, and the absorption coefficient model is plotted and compared to the data from Figure 1-4 in Figure 2-2. Thermal Conductivity and the Derivative of the Thermal Conductivity: Thermal conductivity was not essential for the photovoltaic simulations, so a rough model was made that followed the correct trends in temperature. According to Shalyt [11], the thermal conductivity increases from 2 to 6 Kelvin as T 2 .2 , and decreases from about 30 K as T- 2 (see Figure 2-3). T 2 provided a better fit while using the expression: 2 =7 T 1 TWatt [K 10 21 ( (2.5) .rn ~. - ~ - - - ~-,--~.- 5 4.5 3 r 2.5 2 1.5 0.5 0 0 1I 2 3 4 5 6 Photon Energy (Electron Volts) Figure 2-1: The model index of refraction data (gray) and the calculated index of refraction (solid) with respect to enegy. . E 07 I _ I I . . . . . . . . . 1.OTE+06 E1.00m+05 f 1 .0+04 0 I 2 3 Phown Energy 4 5 6 (lecben Valtm) Figure 2-2: The model absorption coefficient data (gray) and the calculated index of refraction (solid) with respect to enegy. 22 -- The derivative of the thermal conductivity is given by: &- -2T dT - 2) 1 0 00 T4 Watt (2.6) K 2 - cmJ +2 A plot of the model versus measured results[11] is shown in Figure 2-3. Thermal Conductivity Versus Temperature 100 ____--Thermll Conductivity Model -Measured I/ I 10 E / 4 1 10 100 Temperature (Kelvin) Figure 2-3: Thermal Conductivity versus Temperature. The solid line represents the measured data[11], and the thin line represents the model results. Electron and Hole Mobility: The mobility model in the program is of the form: Peh (T, NA, ND) = A (-) B + 1± DTE NA+ND G (2.7) where, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are constants. This function does not provide InAs with a good fit, but it is better to use the built in models whenever possible, since SimWindows@ is able to evaluate the built in models faster compared to user defined models. Also, the mobility is not a well defined parameter since it depends greatly on the growth conditions. Thus, only the 23 general shape of the curve is of prime importance. The electron mobility was defined to be: Pe (T, NA, ND) = 10000 ( 300 - 3 x 108T-1.66 N+ V + cm 2 V.S 2.5 x 101U (2.8) The model versus measured data is shown in Figure 2-4. The poor fit is due to forcing the model to saturate at 3.3 x 104 C,2 a value given for a pure piece of material[12]. Voltsr bC Electron Mobility Versus Doping Concentration zI .7 40 'E 1.OOE+04 r FU 1.00E+03 1-4-..1.00E +15 1.OOE+16 I I I 11111 1.OOE+17 1.00E+18 1.OOE+20 1.00E+19 Doping Cancentration (1/cma Figure 2-4: Electron Mobility versus Doping Concentration. Model (black line) and measured (grey line)[13] data. The hole mobility was defined to be: ph (TNA, ND) = 100 (3T0y23 300 3.5 x 10'T-2.3 +1 + NA +N 5x101 > [ cm21 .2 1 (2-9) The model versus measured data is shown in Figure 2-5. There is a lack of mobility data for holes for lightly doped InAs. The small band gap makes lightly doped p-type InAs intrinsic at high temperatures[15]. 24 Hole Mobility Versus Doping Concentration 1000 1UU U. I 1.00E+15 1.OOE+17 1.OOE+16 1.OOE+18 1.00E+19 1.00E+20 3 Doping Concentration (1/cm ] Figure 2-5: Hole Mobility versus doping. Model (solid line) and measured (diamond) [14] data. Effective Mass: The electron density of states mass is given by Equation 2.10: 1 d me= Nim1 "m?" 2 2 (2.10) where N = 1 at the F minimum, and the mt, m, are the transverse and longitudinal masses of the minima (mt = ml of the r minimum). For InAs, md = 0.027. The electron conduction effective mass is given by Equation 2.11: 1 = 2 Tnc 3 mt + mi (2.11) For InAs, mC = 0.027[16]. The hole density of states mass is given by Equation 2.12: )2 mn = 25 (2.12) (2.12)an where mih, mhh are the light and heavy hole effective mass. For InAs, mlh = 0.43, mhh = 0.026, and md = 0.43. The hole conduction effective mass is given by Equation 2.13: 5 5 d mIAmhh mh 3 3 m1h + (2.13) hh For InAs, md = 0.42[17]. Lifetime: The Shockley-Hall-Read (SHR) lifetime is another parameter that is not well defined since the density of deep level states depends on the growth conditions, and impurity content. The SHR lifetime was taken to be 1 x 10- 7 seconds based on the work done by N. P. Esina and N. V. Zotova[18]. The electron Auger coefficient has been reported to be A = 1.1 ± 0.1 x 1026 [20]. The electron Auger recombination process is dominated by the eeh (electron, electron, hole) process, as shown in Figure 2-6A. The hole electron Auger coefficient is A = (3.38 - 1.7) x 1026 19] C C '6 C ['V E8 V r 7V r7 V A) F B) F Figure 2-6: The dominant Auger recombination processes in InAs. A: eeh recombination. B: ehh, recombination[18]. 26 and is expected to be roughly twice the electron Auger coefficient[18] [19]. Thus, the average was chosen, A = 2.54 x 10 -26cm S . The hole Auger recombination process is dominated by the ehh, (electron, hole, hole, spin-orbit) process, shown in Figure 2-6B. The ehhs process does not require an activation energy (this is due to the fact that AO (split orbit band energy, AO = 0.46 eV) and EO (Band gap, Eo = 0.36 eV) are close in energy (see Figure 1-2), and since the lifetime depends exponentially on this energy, the lifetime is very short [18]). At high doping levels (ND > 2 x 1017 ,the recombination shifts from SHR to Auger[20]. The radiative recombination lifetime was reported to be Rd = 1.1 x 1010m[21], and the electron and hole energy lifetimes were reported to be 0.8 x 10-12s[22]. Scattering Coefficients: Due to the polar nature of III-V materials, InAs has optical mode phonons. In III-V materials, the relative movement of the two different atoms in the basis causes a polarization in the of the crystal, and a strong interaction may result. The scattering coefficient for polar scattering is 0. However InAs, GaAs, and InP experience impurity scattering as well, and the scattering coefficient of ionized impurity scattering is [23]. In light of this, the scattering parameter was set to 1, the same value that the program used for the GaAs model. 2.1.4 Shortcomings of SimWindows Simulations Unfortunately, SimWindows@ is not a perfect simulator. There are several shortcomings of SimWindows@ simulations. Firstly, SimWindows@ is unable to simulate high level injection in a device. This can be seen in Figures 2-7 and 2-8. Note that the characteristics change from exponential to resistive without entering a region where 1 < n < 2. This severely limits the accuracy of the I-V characteristics in the forward bias regime. Also, SimWindows@ is unable to simulate interband tunneling. This prevents accurate simulation of devices such as Esaki and Zener diodes. Unfortunately, Zener tunneling currents dominate the I-V characteristics of InAs diode at low temperatures. However, at 300 K, diffusion currents dominate. [25]. In addition, SimWindows@ is a semiconductor simulator: it is not designed to simulate metals. This prevents SimWindows@ from simulating Schottky barrier diodes. 27 Current Density Versus Applied Potential 4.50E+06 4.00E+06 3.50E+06 3.00E+06 -Sin Wu~dsA deal E 2.50E+06 2.00E+06 0 1.50E+06 0 1.OOE+06 5.00E+05 0.00E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Applied 0.50 0.60 Potential (Volts] 0.70 0.90 0.80 1.00 Figure 2-7: IV characteristic from SimWindows@. Note that the IV characteristic changes from exponential (ideal) to linear (R). Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1.00E+06 1.00E+04 1.00E+02 1.006+00 . -1.0 ' 0 I 1111 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 Applied Potantial (Voltal 0.50 0.75 I 1.00 Figure 2-8: Lack of high level injection in SimWindows@. SimWindow data (black) and the ideal diode equation (grey). Note that the plot changes from exponential relationship (n=1) to resistive. 28 Finally, SimWindows@ is unable to simulate space charge generation and recombination and avalanche breakdown. In Figure 2-8, the reverse bias characteristic has a slightly higher current magnitude than what would be expected. However, this additional current is only due to base width modulation. The inability of SimWindows@ to simulate avalanche breakdown severely limits the accuracy of simulations of InAs in the reverse bias regime. Like other small band gap materials, the critical field strength for avalanche breakdown in InAs low (8 x 10 4 -1.2 x 105V roughly a third of that of Silicon).[9]. In the present application, the parameters of interest are mobility, refractive index, absorption coefficient, and recombination. For the most part, SimWindows@ can be expected to perform well in these areas. 2.2 2.2.1 Theoretical Results from InAs Model Testing the SimWindows Model Dark Analysis: 1x10 19 cm 4 , p+ InAs, 0.1 prm 1x10 18 cm-4 , p InAs, 0.1 gm IxO1 Undoped InAs, 0.7 gm 18 4 cm , cm-3, p+ InAs, 0.1 jim 1x10 18 cmr3 , p InAs, 0.1 jim 8 3 lxlOt cm- , n InAs, 0.2 jim ND>1x10 9 1x11 8 3 cm- , n InAs, 0.2 pm 1 n InAs, ND>lxlO Substrate 8 4 cm , n InAs, Substrate A) B) Figure 2-9: Structures used to verify model. Device A: pin diode. Device B: p-n diode. The Indium Arsenide model was constructed with the model discussed in Section 2.1.3. To ensure that the model was valid, it was tested by simulating devices in the literature, and comparing the real and simulated I-V characteristics. The devices used were reported by C. H. Kwan, R.-M. Lin, and S.-F. Tang[25][26]. The two diode structures are shown in Figure 2-9. 29 The device area is 3.14x 10- 4cm 2 for both devices. The substrate thickness was assumed to be 300 um for both cases. The data from the simulation and measurements are shown in Figure 2-10. The difference in reverse saturation current can be explained by the mobility. The simulated saturation current is 1.7 times larger than the measured current. The mobility in the model can be 1.7 times larger than the acutal mobility in the device. The compensated data (the simulated data was divided by 1.7), is shown in Figure 2-11. The excess reverse current of the measured p-n junction is due to a shunt leakage current[26], most likely due to tunneling, which SimWindows@ cannot model. The nonideality factor of the measured data is 1.3, and this is most likely due to high level injection, another feature which SimWindows@ cannot simulate. A reasonably good fit can be achieved by SimWindows@ within the capabilities of the program. Illuminated Analysis: The SimWindows@ program was tested at irradiated conditions by using localized generation in a photodiode, as discussed in Appendix B.3. Impulse illumination was chosen since the program can convolve the results of the impulse generation function along the length of device to find the effects of a generalized generation function. This also tested the optical parameters of the model. For impulse illumination conditions, the user only specifies the energy of each photon and the incident power. The generation rate is given by: P G = ce(E)~ ~ (2.14) where a(E) is the absorption coefficient of InAs for a photon with energy E, P is the incident power density, in units of W eV, P = 100 ", cm-.s. , and E is the photon energy in Joules. For this analysis, E = 0.45 and the associated a(E) is 6.73 x 10 3 1. G was found to be 6.34 x 1024 M is defined as: M = G -6x (2.15) where 6x is the width of the pulse in centimeters. In this case, 8x calculated to be 1.86806 x 1018 = 2 x 10- 7 cm, and M was ' The parameters used in the analysis are shown in Table 2.2. The results of the analysis is 30 .~~.I Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1.0XE-02 -- SimWindows Si mlutation. PIN diode, Uncompe nsated Data E --- Measurement, PIN diode 0) N - 1.lOE-03 q CL E 4 AjIjA, 0 1.00E-04 a) AAAA 4 .- 1. 1 1.t_%JaUC -0.50 -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0 .20 Applied Potential (Volts] A) Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1.OOE-02 ... . .. . .. .... . -0-- SimWindows Simulation, PN Diode Uncompensated Data. -0- Measurement PN Diode E ..... ..... 1.1111.. ... ....... .... 1.00E-03 EL E K.. ... II 1.XE-04 t 0 1.OOE-0 -0.50 -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 .0.10 0.00 0.10 020 Applied Potential (Volts) B) Figure 2-10: I-V characteristics of measured and simulated Results. Figure A is the I-V characteristic of the PIN structure and Figure B is I-V characteristic of the P-N structure. Note that the measured current does not saturate in Figure B. This is caused by tunneling. 31 Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1.00E-02 -0E SimWindows Simlutation, PIN diode. Compensated Data j -A- Measurement, PIN diode S1 .00rE-03 -C aL E -TVI :i-'1 4 0 1.00)E-04 C I '-C I~ ii 0 1.00OE-05 -0. 5 -0.4 -0.3 " -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 Applied Potential (Volts) A) Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1.00E-02 . -0- SimWindows Simulation, PN Diode, Compensated Data. -0- Measurement, PN Diode E U 1.01E-03 CL - -0.5 -0.4 - ...... -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 On. 0.1 02 Applied Potential (Volts] B) Figure 2-11: I-V characteristics of measured and simulated Results. The simulation data uses a mobility 1.7 times smaller than the previous figure. Figure A is the I-V characteristic of the PIN structure and Figure B is I-V characteristic of the P-N structure. Note that the measured current does not saturate in Figure B. This is caused by tunneling. 32 Variable NA Value I x 1011 X 1017 ND 4, 1[Pm I tm M 1.868 x 1018 In 12 Table 2.2: Values used for the photodiode shown in Figure 2-12. There is good collaboration between the calculated and simulated data, Photocurrent Versus Location 0.35 II I I 0.3 IiAr -Calculated CD f, a, 0.25 -C D- E - Simulated 1 1 1 F-I I r tt 0.2 a) I I I 0_ .4 f r 4QI.15 ~1:!bJ-! 221 r 0 0 40 a 0.05 0 0.00E+00 2.50E-01 5.OOE-01 7.50E-01 1.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.50E+00 1.75E+00 2.011+00 Position(pm] Figure 2-12: Photocurrent versus the location of the light impulse, calculated (black) and simulated by SimWindows@ (grey). which means that SimWindows@ should give accurate results for the generated photocurrent in the device. The simulated data is slightly larger for regions closer to the junction due to base width modulation: the calculated data assumed that the depletion region did not change in size for different biasing conditions. 33 2.2.2 Design Parameters from Model: Repercussions on Photovoltaic Design: The ideal diode equation is: Ye p J(V) = J ekBT 1 nkBT [Amp] Ph e e weNA where ni is the intrinsic concentration (ni = 1015 (2.16) Am _)cm2 W*ND for InAs at room temperature) , and w* and w* are the effective region lengths for the p-type and n-type regions. In order to have the maximum conversion efficiency for a photovoltaic, the reverse saturation current, J', must be minimized, as discussed in Appendix B.2.3. As a result, the hole and electron components must be minimized jointly. The first step would to maximize the dopings NA and ND across the junction to minimize J. The effects of mobility and electron and hole effect lengths will be discussed currently. The discussion will be limited to homojunctions. Mobility: The ratio between electron and hole mobility in InAs is much larger than the ratios of the other III-V or group I-V compounds, other than InSb and possibly a-Sn (grey Tin). Table 2.3 lists the electron and hole mobility of all group III-V and group I-V (except for a-Sb), and ratios, if defined. Since the electron mobility is two orders of magnitude larger than the hole mobility and the doping level and other parameters are comparable, the hole contribution can usually be ignored. Equation 2.16 can be rewritten as: J (V) = nTkBTBe - w*NA [ cm2 (2.17) As a general rule then, the p-type regions in a diode structure will dominate the diode characteristics, and the I-V characteristics depend little on the doping and thickness of the n-type regions. Minority Carrier Lifetime and its Dependence on Doping: Before continuing to the electron and hole effective lengths, the minority carrier lifetime 34 e Material Si Ge C (Diamond) BN BP BAs AIN AlP AlAs AlSb GaN GaP GaAs GaSb InN InP InAs InSb 1450 3900 2000 NA 40 NA NA 80 300 200 NA 160 9200 3750 NA 5900 33000 70000 l Ratio of 505 1800 2100 NA 500 NA 14 450 200 400 440 135 402 680 50 150 450 850 2.871 2.167 0.952 0.08 0.178 1.5 0.5 1.185 22.886 5.514 39.333 73.333 82.352 Table 2.3: Electron and hole mobility of several semiconductors at that the material does not have mobility data at room temperature. 300 K[4]. 'NA' indicates needs to be examined. Plots of the simulated minority lifetimes are shown in Figures 2-13 and 214. In the model, the dominant recombination mechanism is assumed to be SHR recombination for NAD < 2 x 10161, and for NA,D > 10171, the recombination is limited by Auger recombination. Radiative recombination does not affect the recombination time. Note that the recombination times are roughly the same in both n and p-type materials. Since both sides of the junction are doped heavily to minimize J, the dominant recombination process will be Auger recombination. Electron and Hole Effective Diffusion Lengths: In photovoltaic design, the electron and hole effective diffusion lengths, w* and w*, need to be maximized to minimize J. The upper limit of the effective diffusion length is the minority carrier diffusion lengths, which is defined by: Le,h - : e V qkTTh 35 [cm] (2.18) Electron Recombination Time Versus Doping Level 1 flE-fl6 1.&0 - 1.0E-08-- 0 E 1.OE 09 -g 0 - 1.OE-1 0 -All -oG -SHR -, -- Auger I.DE- II -0--Radiative 1.OE- 12 1.OE-13 I1.OE+16 1.OE+17 Doping 3 1.OE+ 18 I.OE+19 Level (1/cm ) Figure 2-13: Minority Carrier Lifetime versus Doping Concentration for P-type InAs. The data for Auger recombination is approximate. Hole Recombination Time Versus Doping Level 1.OE-06 1.DE-07 1.OE-08 E 1- - .2 1.OE-O9 All -U-SHR E S1.OE-1 1 *Auger - 1.DE-11 -Radiative - 1.OE-12 1.oE+ 16 1.DE+ 17 3 Doping Level (1/cm) 1.OE+1S 1.0E+19 Figure 2-14: Minority Carrier Lifetime versus Doping Concentration for N-type InAs. 36 Doping versus Minority Carrier Diffusion Length, Electrons 1000 100 0) E 1 0 0.1 0.01 1. 0E+16 _ -_ ----- _ __ 1.00E+17 _ _ _ __ 1.OE+18 __ _ 1.00E+19 1.00E+20 Doping Concentration (cm-) Figure 2-15: Electron Diffusion Length versus Doping. Note the diffusion length is within the same order of magnitude of the substrate thickness for low p-type doping where A,,h is the carrier mobility and Te,h is the carrier lifetime. The carrier lifetimes are within the same order of magnitude for electrons and holes, but the difference between electron and hole mobilities is quite large. Table 2.3 lists the electron and hole mobilities of several semiconductors. The electron mobility of Indium Arsenide is about two orders of magnitude larger than the hole mobility. Thus the minority diffusion length is about an order of magnitude larger for electrons than holes at a given doping, as seen in Figures 2-15 and 2-16. Also note that the electron diffusion length is extremely long. For low dopings (NA 1016 = ) the electrons can travel over 100 pm before recombining. Ramifications on Photovoltaic Design: To minimize the saturation current, the effective length, w*, should be the electron diffusion length and the p-type region should be longer than the electron diffusion length. Since the p-type region must be much larger, the photovoltaic structure should be a n-on-p, psubstrate structure, opposed to p-on-n, n-substrate structure. Growing upon a p-type substrate would 'give' the electrons the necessary length to diffuse, allowing the electron diffusion length 37 Doping versus Minority Carrier Diffusion Length, Holes 100.00 10.00 - _-_- _-_- 1.00o 0 -J C o . 0.10 __ 0.01 1.OOE+16 1.OoE+ 17 1.00E+18 1.OOE+ 19 1.00E+20 Doping Concentration (cm-) Figure 2-16: Hole Diffusion Length versus Doping. to be used for w*. The n-region is much more difficult to design: the n-type region needs to be thin enough such that a large fraction of the generated carriers are created near to the junction, but yet thick enough to minimize the saturation current. As seen in Figure 2-12 (and discussed in Appendix B.3), the photocurrent peaks when the carriers are generated close (or inside) the junction. Therefore, the n-type region cannot be thicker than the optical absorption coefficient. The best structure to use would be a n+vp+ pin structure. The v serves as a large region where the generation is maximized (see Appendix B.3. This is caused by the relative lack or carriers to recombine with in the v region). In addition a v region prevents leakage tunneling current, as seen in Figures 2-11 and 2-10[25]. The reverse current for the p-n junction does not saturate in Figure 2-10B due to a shunt leakage current which was postulated to be a tunneling current by the authors. The v region decreases the probability of a carrier from tunneling from the n to p regions as seen in Figure 2-10A by increasing the width of the barrier formed by the band gap. The v region cannot be longer than the minority carrier diffusion length (in this case, the hole diffusion length at that doping), since carriers would recombine in a longer v 38 region. 2.3 Summary of Chapter 2: The simulation software SimWindows@ was proposed in this chapter for use of simulating devices. Advantages and shortcomings of SimWindows@ were also discussed and a material model was developed for simulating InAs devices. The model was then tested under dark and illuminated conditions, and was compared to results found in literature or calculated results. Finally, InAs photovoltaic device design issues were discussed, and how the doping, mobility, carrier lifetime, and minority carrier diffusion length influence device design. The SimWindows@ model developed in this chapter was applied to InAs devices fabricated in our laboratory. The results are discussed in the next chapter. 39 Chapter 3 Application of SimWindows to MIT Diodes 3.1 InAs Photovoltaic Structure: The two devices analyzed for this thesis were grown in a three chambered RIBER 2300 system used for the molecular beam expitaxial (MBE) growth of III-V devices. The devices were grown by Henry Choy, and cross-sections of the structures are shown in Figure 3-1. Both of these devices were not grown for photovoltaic operation: these were test structures. Structure 9725 was designed to be a symmetrical pin diode, and the unintentionally doped region generates a larger depletion region in the device. The concentration of carriers in the depletion is very low, which would decrease the carrier recombination rate. Therefore, most of carriers that are optically generated in this region will contribute to the photo current. Structure 9722 was designed to be a simple p-n diode structure. 3.2 Comparison with the SimWindows Simulations 3.2.1 9725: Analysis was first done on a device made from Structure 9725. A diagram representing the different areas of the device is shown in Figure 3-2. The contact ring and grid are made of gold. The Cathode region consists of a 0.05 [im thick n+ cap layer doped at 1 x 10191, 40 followed by 1x10' 9 cm- 3, n+ InAs, 0.05 pm 5x10 17 cm- 3, n InAs, 1.0 um Unintentionally Doped InAs, 0.013 2x10' 7 Cm- 3, n InAs, 0.3 pm pm 5x10' 7 cm- 3 , p InAs, 1.0 tm 1x10 17 cm- 3 , p InAs, 1.0 gm 2x10' 8 cm- 3, p InAs, 1x10 18 cm- 3, p InAs, 0.56 pm NA> 2 -4 xlO 8 cm- 3, p InAs, 0.3 pm NA> 2- 4xl 0 1 8 cm- 3, p InAs, Substrate Substrate A) 9725 B) 9722 Figure 3-1: Device Structures used in this analysis. Contact Ring Grid Mesa Top Anode Substrate Figure 3-2: A diagram of the device structure and surface of device 9725. 41 a 1 pum thick n-type region doped to 5 x 1O17 , followed by a 0.013 tam unintentionally doped layer. The anode is constructed from a 1 [im p-type region doped at 5 x 1017 , followed by a 0.56 pim p-type buffer layer, which was doped at 2 x 10186. The area of the mesa is 0.0961 cm 2 , the area of the contact ring is 0.0216 cm 2 , and the area of the grid and contact ring is 0.0729 cm 2 The results of room temperature current-voltage measurements are shown in Figures 3-3, 3-4, and 3-5. The different areas referred to in Figure 3-5 can be seen on Figure 3-2. -V Characteristics of Device 9725 - - 9725, Measurement1 0.014 0.012 -- 9725 Measurement 2 --- 9 7 25 Fit o~1For Iit: E l s=1.5x1O. Amps n=2.42 R28 Ohms 0.2 0.002 -0.004 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Applied Potential (Volts) Figure 3-3: Terminal Characteristics of a device fabricated on growth 9725 plotted on a linear scale. The experimental I-V curve can be fit in the forward bias regime by an exponential diode curve with an ideality factor, n, of 2.42, and a reverse saturation current, I, of 1.5 x 10-5Amps, in series with a resistor, R,, of 2.420. This fit is shown in Figure 3-3. The currents predicted by SimWindows@ were several orders of magnitude greater than what was obtained experimentally; this is shown in Figure 3-5. This discrepancy cannot be explained by the current traveling though the different areas of the device as seen in Figure 3-5. The smallest metallization pattern is the contact ring, and the simulated current using this area is much larger than the measured data. 42 Current Versus Applied Potential 1.0E<01 - - 9725. Measurement 1 -9725, Measurement 2 -9725 Fit 1.0E-02 1.E-05 Ep H 1.T-'E -1 06 -0.8 -0.4 -0.2 0 02 06 14 C8 1 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-4: Log plot of device 9725 and Ifit. Current Versus Applied Potential 1.00E+03 9725 Measurement 1 1.00E+02 9725. Measurement 2 1.00E+01 1.00E+00 - - Simulated Device, Area .0961 cm2 - - Simulated Device. Area .0216 cm2 - Device. Area .0729 cm2 - -Simulated A, - 1.00E-01 o 1.00E-02 m 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 II I 1.00E-06 1.00E-07 L-2.00 -1.50 -1.00 I I IfI I I I I I I 1 1 -0.50 0.00 Applied Potential 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 (Valtel Figure 3-5: Log Scale Plot of the 9725 Data, with the Results of the SimWindows@ Simulations. 43 The reverse saturation current is given by Equation 3.1: Js = n kBT W( -_ we* ) NA w* (7h) ND Amp c (3.1) ( From the diode equation, the most plausible explanations that could explain the small saturation current were: * The presence of doping mistakes or poor mobility in some regions " Differences in minority carrier lifetime * The presence of a highly resistive region in series with the diode Each of these factors can be tested readily by SimWindows@. Doping Differences and Mobility: The devices where grown in an Arsenic stable environment: the growth condition was such that the limiting growth parameter was the Indium flux. The excess Arsenic pressure in the growth chamber will tend to make the devices more n-type (For example, unintentionally doped structures would tend to be n-type). As a result, lightly doped p-type regions could be compensated, and possibly become intrinsic or n-type, and n-type regions would be more n-type. Several simulations were done where the doping of each layer was varied (except the substrate). The doping concentration is usually quite accurate so the doping variation was limited to four orders of magnitude toward n-type for the p-type regions. Figure 3-6 shows the results of changing the doping of the 0.56 pm buffer layer, Figure 3-7 shows the results of doping the 1.0 pm p-type layer, and Figure 3-8 shows the results of doping the 1.0 pm n-type layer. The PIN structure that was simulated was similar to the 9725 structure, but the 1.0 pm p-type layer was replaced by a 1.0 pm undoped layer. The changes in the I-V characteristics were small when the epilayer doping was changed. As noted in Section 2.2.2, the heavily doped p-regions, will dominate the I-V characteristics. In the present devices, dominant the region is the substrate. Therefore, doping shifts will not contribute to decreasing the saturation current. 44 Current Density Versus Applied Potential 100000 m 10000 1000 - Na-5e16 - o Nd-5e15 U PIN - 100 Original | Tht ii Na-5e17 - I La. 1: 1 Na-e15 A Nd-5e16 1 1 I II 11111 E I I 10 1 I~ E) 1 II 0.1 0.011 ~I I II .I. ,L -1.00E+00 -8.00E-01 -6.00E-01 H+Tf-f 0.00E+00 -2.00E-01 -4.00E-01 Applied II.1tL L[.L IJJ.LLLLLLIAJ| I |LL 2.00E-01 4.00E-01 6.00E-01 8.00E-01 1.00E+00 Potetial (Valtl Figure 3-6: Doping variations of the 0.56 pm 2 x 1018 -I p-type buffer layer. Current Density Versus Applied Potendal 100000 10000 Original - II1 II II 011r1I1 Na-5e16 - - Na-5e15 - 0 Nd-5e16 0 Nd-5e15 1000 100 E PIN -F~F- i-T7--i T - h F I I 10 I 0.1 0 E01 L- -1000.+00 . I I I. I I II.-. 00E-1 I -8.000-01 -6.000-01 4. tIE I -4.000-01 II I I II I I I I -2.00E-01 0.00E+00 Applied Paietdal T 200E-01 4.00E-01 6.00E-01 Figure 3-7: Doping variations of the 1.0 pum 5x10 1 7 45 8.00E-01 1.00E+00 (Velte) p-type layer. Current Density Versus Applied Potential 100000 10000 - Na-5e17 Original - - - Na-5e16 Na-5e15 -100 0 0.1 -1.00E+00 -8.00E-01 -6.00E-01 -4.00E-01 -2.00E-01 0.00E+00 Applied POreial 2.00E-01 4.00E-01 6.00-01 6.00E-01 1.00E+00 Vnal Figure 3-8: Doping varitation of the 1.0 ptm 5 x1017k n-type layer. Doping this layer more n-type made no noticeable changes in the I-V curve. In the same vein, the minority carrier mobility (electrons) cannot solely compensate for the smaller current. In the literature, the electron mobility is between 10,000-30,0002 at room temperature. To lower the saturation current, the electron mobility would have to be decreased by two to three orders of magnitude. Lifetime: As stated in the last section and in Section 2.2.2, the most heavily doped p-region will dominate the device operation. In device 9725, the most heavily doped p-type region is the substrate. Since the substrate is roughly 300 pim thick, the effective length of the region, W:*, will be the electron diffusion length, which is about 2 1 um for a region doped to 1018k (see Figure 2-15). The carrier lifetime for the p-type region doped at 108 is limited by Auger scattering (see Figure 2-13) and the minority carrier lifetime is between 10-10 - 10-11 seconds. As seen in Figure 3-9, the IV characteristics will not change until the SHR lifetime falls below the Auger recombination lifetime for that doping (in this case, 10~10 - 10- seconds). In doing the simulation, it was assumed that the SHR lifetime was constant within the device, but ideal 46 (10- 7 seconds) in the substrate. In other words, the density of interband states is constant within the epilayers. This simulation revealed that the SHR lifetime will not affect the IV device characteristics if the SHR lifetime was less than the modeled value (10-7 seconds). In addition, the measured saturation current would be greater than the predicted value if the SHR lifetime was less than the Auger recombination lifetime. Current Density Versus Applied Potential "-'El-SHR 10000 Lifetime- 1e-7 (Normal) --- SHR Litetime-1 e-9 *-'-- 1000 SHR Lifetime-11-1 SHRLI-Natime-le-11 SHR Lifetime-1e-12 100 E 10 0.1 0.0 1-. -5.00E-01 - -4.00E-01 - - - -- -3.OOE-01 -2.00E-01 -1.00E-01 0.00E+00 Applied 1.OOE-01 2.00E-01 -3.00E-01 4.00E-01 5.OOE-01 Potetial (Valt) Figure 3-9: Changes in the IV characteristics with changes in the SHR lifetime. High Series Resistance: The final possibility is that there was a large series resistance in series with the device, possibly a Schottky barrier diode between the top contact metal and the n-type region. The effect must be in series with the device: any device shunting the diode would at the least contribute to the saturation current. However, a large series resistance will only affect resistive region of the diode in the forward bias regime, leaving the value of the reverse saturation current intact as seen in Figure 3-10. In addition, a Schottky contact cannot be formed with n-type InAs[9]. Therefore, it is unlikely that there is a large fixed or variable series resistance with the diode. 47 Current Density Versus Applied Potential Increasing Series Resistance 12+E04 1.0%E+03 1.O+02 E 1.00r=+0 1.0E-01 1.0%E-02 1.C012 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 Q0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Applied Potential (Volts) Figure 3-10: The simulated effects of increasing series resistance in device 9725. SimWindows@ could not explain the large discrepancy between the simulated and measured I-V characteristics. Therefore, the cause must lie outside the scope of SimWindows@. Before the origin of this discrepancy is discussed, the results of device 9722 will be examined. 3.2.2 9722: The structure of the 9722 devices and the metallization pattern are shown in Figures 3-11 and 3-12. The metallization shown in Figure 3-12 served as an etch mask to define the mesas shown in Figure 3-11, Since the substrate doping is the same between samples 9722 and 9725 (see Figure 3-1), the current density should be approximately the same, as seen in Figure 3-13. The measured current (taken from pad H from Figure 3-12) was a factor of 9.72 smaller than the current measured from device 9725. However, the smallest area in device 9725 is the contact ring, which is 54 times larger than metal pad. Other measurements on the same die were inconclusive: several seemed resistive (see Figure 3-15) and devices had reverse currents that were larger than their forward currents (see Figure 3-16) 48 Side: Top of Mesa Cr, .03 Micron1.Mirn micronBottom InAs Na=1X10 17 of 1/cm 3 1B Mesa m micron InAs Substrate N,=2-4x 1" 1 /CM3 300 micron Figure 3-11: Side profile of the 9722 devices. Metalization Pattern: E D MB M MA Figure 3-12: The metalization pattern of device 9722. The top metal (shown in black) served as etch mask to define the mesas. Areas A,B,C,F, and H are 4x10-4cm 2 in area; D and E are 4.9x10- 5 cm 2 in area; and G is 2.24x10- 2cm 2 . 49 ~EE - -- =~ - Current Density Versus Applied Potential 1DOE+O4 IO ILLI IL 1,0E I I I I I1 II II I I I I I11F 1111 IT] i.O&+02 0 1.OIE+01 II E IOOE00 1. 0 1.Om-01 1 nOCIE- D-02 1.:)I I1I1I1 II II 1. 4 WIIIIM -5.0Cm-01 III -3.OO-01 -4.OGE-01 -2. O-01 -1.01-01 OD..fl Iii 10101 I liii 2JDOE-01 II 3.00E01 liii II 4.00-01 SOOE-01 Applied Potential (Volts) Figure 3-13: A comparison of the simulated I-V characteristics between the 9722 and 9725 devices. Current Versus Applied Potential 1.13E-01 . I O - 1.01E-02 q lb- C. L-i&WW-W - I r I dF I E <1.00)E-03 I I I f 4 --0-9725 -X- 9722 1.0£E-04 1.OE 05 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 0.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-14: The measured IV characteristics of the 9722 and 9725 devices. The data from device 9722 was multiplied by 9.78. 50 Current Versus Applied Potential i i i -bo -E -f- 6.00E-06 D 4- - - - - 4.00E-06 -J. I I 1 1 0, 1 I-'- 4 - 2.00E-06 ewE fill 0.00E+00 -2.00E-06 -L-L- --4 4-- ~i i i -4.00E-06 -6.OOE-06 I I I I I I ii I ±- 'illli i I I F++H- H- I I I 1 4 1 i I -iH H -1 -8.OOE-06 -02 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Applied Potential [Volts Figure 3-15: Measurements taken from device 9722 from pad E to the back of the substrate (gray) and from pad D to the back of the substrate (dotted black) Current Versus Applied Potertial 3.00E-06 1.00E-06 1111.T2fi i I -1.00E-06 -- C -3.00E-06 -A- 8 -A -F + H -500E-06 -7.00E-06 -9.00E-06 -1.10E-05 -2.00E-01 -1.50E-01 -1.00E-01 -5.00E-02 0.00E+00 5.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.50E-01 2.00E-01 Applied Potentil (Voks] Figure 3-16: Measurements taken from 9722. These measurements were taken from A, B, C, F,or H to the back of the substrate 51 3.3 Explaining the Discrepancies Both measurement from 9722 and 9725 produced measurements that do not match with the results from SimWindows@. Nor does adjusting the doping, SHR lifetime, and or mobility in this model explain this discrepancy. The same effect seems to be in both devices The IV characteristics are similar in Figure 3-14 in the reverse and a portion of the forward bias region. Thus the effect should also be a factor that both devices share in common. The three possibilities explored were that there was poor metallization on the top of the device, that the surfaces of the device were inverted, or that there was a poor backside contact. 3.3.1 Poor Metallization on top of the device: Current Versus Applied Potential 0.0003 + A 0.0002 -+-C - B 11 1 14M -x--H 0.0001 -- 4 -C E 0 17 1 i"!M C rp,W_-' TT1 Z7@ -oi - .fidwokiiiiii4o 0.0001 I I-FTT-F-I Hill -0.0002 I T -H+44 -0.0003 .0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I Applied Potential (Volts) Figure 3-17: I-V characteristics of several devices after thermal annealing. These plots demonstrate the I-V plots that were symmetrical. If the metal contact on top of the device was poor, then the effective contact area could be smaller. To test this hypothesis, the device was subjected to a rapid thermal anneal at 300 C. The I-V characteristics became more symmetrical after the treatment, as seen in Figure 3-17, and others maintained their diode characteristics, as demonstrated by Figure 3-18. The current in Figure 3-18 is much larger than the devices in Figure 3-16. Otherwise, the I-V 52 Current Versus Applied Potential 0.0004 tltfhH 0.0002 I I I II I- -1- ~Th~HS~ I I I I FF lit" IH4 0 E S I i 111111111444- -0.0002 -0.0004 -0.0006 -0.0008 I I -ii -0.001 -1 -0.8 i - 110 -0.6 1 -0.4 I I I 1 - +4 -0.2 0 0.2 Applied Potential (Volts) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 3-18: 9722 Measurements. These figures display the more diode-like I-V characteristics. characteristics did not change. Thus, poor top metallization cannot be the answer. 3.3.2 Surface Inversion Most III-V materials have their Fermi level pinned at an energy lying within the bandgap at the surface. However, the Fermi energy of InAs will be pinned in the conduction band at the surface, as shown in figure 3-19[28]. One problem that might occur would be that the current Surface EC ------------------------------- EF Figure 3-19: Surface inversion in InAs. Note that the Fermi Energy at the surface penetrates the conduction band. 53 Current Versus Applied Potential 0.000 - -0.0002 HFT -Beor -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0008 1 -1 1-0d -1st CPEtch HF Et1h -0.8 -0-6 -. 4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Applied Potential (Volts) Figure 3-20: Effects of Passivation on the InAs photodiodes. Note that the diode-like characteristics dissapear after every treatment. flow was limited to the surface channels created by the surface inversion. The inversion layer would be very thin, so the effective area would be much smaller than the mesa area. The surface must be passivated to remove the inverted surface. Two different techniques were employed to passivate the surface: a HF etch and a CP-4 etch. In III-V materials, an HF etch is used to remove the oxide from the surface and to provide a short term passivation[29]. The device was etched for 30 seconds, 1 minute, and two minutes. The treatment made the photodiodes symmetric, as seen in Figure 3-20. The CP-4 etch was used by Jack Dixon to prepare a InAs surfaces to have recombination velocities less than 10 3 [30]. The CP-4 etch consisted of 15 cc of Acetic Acid, 25 cc of HNO 3 , 15 cc of 48% HF, and 0.3 cc of Bromine. The device was etched for 20 seconds and 5 seconds. The CP-4 decrease the current though the device, but no new features in the curve (see Figure 3-20). The etching seemed to make the device more symmetric. This also cannot be the solution. 54 Current Versus Applied Potential 0.016 0.014 - ""- 972 0.012 -"9725 0.01 CL 0.006 - - - - - 0.004 0 -0.002 0.00-0.004 Z -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-21: Through-substrate measurement of 9722 (grey) compared with 9725 I-V characteristics (black). 3.3.3 Bad Metal-Semiconductor Contact on the Bottom: Another die of 9722 was probed from the top of the substrate (bottom of the mesa) to the bottom of the substrate (see Figure 3-11). This should have been a resistive contact, but revealed a diode like characteristic as shown in Figure 3-21. By multiplying the current scale in Figure 3-21 by 1.25, a good fit can be achieved, as shown in Figure 3-22 The only current path that 9725 and the through-substrate measurement of 9722 share is the substrate. Therefore, it was concluded that the diode characteristic must be caused by the substrate. To confirm this hypothesis, the bottom was coated with Ge-Au. All diode characteristics disappeared, as demonstrated in Figure 3-23. The diode affect arose from the poor backside contact. The surface band structure was inverted (see Figure 3-19). Higher dopings of p-type InAs tend to form non-linear (but symmetric) resistive contacts with metals, while lower dopings produce Schottky contacts. However in this case, the surface was inverted. The HF etchant passivated the backside, creating a nonlinear resistive behavior. The same effect was generated when depositing metal to the back side. However, this does not explain why the p-n junction failed to give a rectifying behavior. 55 Current Versus Applied Potential 0.01600 69725 -9722 1:: 0.01200 0.01000 0 0.00800 S00600 0.00400 0.-D200 0.00000 -0.00200 -0.00400 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-22: Compensated 9722 Data (grey) with 9725 Data (Black). Current Versus Applied Potential 0.016 0.014 7- 0.012 |- - 9722 - 9722 aftei Metal 0.01 0.008 4 0.006 0.004 U 0.002 0 -0.002, -0.004 L. -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 Applied 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Potential (Volts] Figure 3-23: Through Substrate measurement of 9722, before back metal (Grey) and after (Black). Note that all the diode-like characteristics dissapear. 56 3.3.4 What Happened to the P-N Junction? The results at room temperature revealed a nonlinear but apparently symmetric resistive response. This can be seen in Figure 3-24. However the differential resistances of the same devices were not symmetric about the origin, as demonstrated in Figure 3-25, which suggested that the devices could contain diode characteristics. At lower temperatures, the symmetry was Current Versus Applied Potential 0.002- 0.0015 0.001 o0.0005 4 0 C) -0.0005 -0.001 -0.0015 -0.002 -0.0025 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Applied Patendal (Volts) Figure 3-24: Room Temperature Measurements of device 9722. Note that the I-V characteristics are symmetrical. broken as seen in Figure 3-26 and 3-27. Device 9722 was cooled to 132 K, and a negative resistance feature appears at roughly 0.04 Volts. This feature is indicative of interband tunneling. Interband tunneling explains why the reverse current does not saturate since the tunneling current will prevail in the reverse bias condition. Tunneling also explains the symmetry about the origin: the reverse current of a tunneling junction increases exponentially with applied voltage, the same voltage dependence as a forward bias p-n junction. This effect should not occur since the junction was not doped degenerately (Na = 1 X 1017k, Nd = 2 x 10171). Normally, tunneling that occurs around the origin (V = 0 Volts) is due to an electron traveling from the conduction band of the n-type region to the valence band of the p-type region, tunneling through the forbidden band gap, as shown in Figure 3- 57 Differential Resistance Versus Applied Potential 1200 i i i-fl! i i i i i i i-H- II-1 1I1 1I I III III I 1000 -Z I I LAIt 0 800 III +4 I 400 I IA LL IL -FT LL FL -J -L- -FT :11:FTT'F i 600 |II -1 HHHA+H~H+H II 1-krFTT200 I I I I-TT-1 ±H±ffl i i I- X-'ff N* 1 11 II 1111 17S.J T-iftLi I f 71 P-T A I I 0 -0.5 FT-T -0.4 -0.3 -02 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-25: The differential resistances of the devices. Note that resistance is not symmetrical about the origin 28A. However, if there was interband defects, as shown in Figure 3-28B, the carriers are able to tunnel between states in the forbidden band gap. This is the most probable explanation since there was an abundance of etch pits that formed on the sample. At room temperature, the forward current is dominated by injection. However, the injected current varies with temperature as: J,(T) cx T where -y is a constant[31]. 2e kT (3.2) As seen in Equation 3.2, the current decreases with decreasing temperature. At sufficiently low temperatures, tunneling will become dominant in the forward bias regime. There was a p-n junction, but it operated as a tunneling diode. The reverse current was dominated by the tunneling current and did not saturate. This effect may be detrimental toward photovoltaic operation: if the diode operates at low temperatures, the tunneling effect will decrease the amount of power generation, as seen in Figure 3-29 by changing the size of the power rectangle (the power rectangle is discussed in detail in Appendix B.2.2). 58 Current Versus Applied Potential 0.1 aoe --- 0.06 K 0.04 300 12 K 0.02 E 0 -0.02 a4 -006 0.1 - -0.1s - -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 - .z -. 2 0 1- . 0.2 I - - 0.6 0.4 0.8 Applied Potential (Volts] Figure 3-26: Linear Plot of the I-V Characteristics of Device 9722 at room temperature (grey) and 132 K (black). Current Versus Applied Potential 0.1 . 0.01 E 0.001 -300 K -132 K 0.001 0ooo1 -08 -0 -0.4 42 0 Applied Potential C.2 .4 C.6 0.8 (Volts) Figure 3-27: Log Plot of the I-V Characteristics of Device 9722 at room temperature (grey) and 132 K (black). 59 EF EF EC EV A) B) Figure 3-28: Tunneling Current in a P-N junction. Figure A demonstrates tunneling directly from the condunction band to the valence band. Figure B indicates tunneling by interband states. This problem can be solved by decreasing the amount of defects formed in the growth, and by incorporating an v region between the p and n regions. By decreasing the amount of defects in the sample there are less destinations for carrier tunneling, thus decreasing the tunneling current. The amount of defects can be improved by better growth techniques. The v region will increase the size of the barrier, and thus decreasing the probability of tunneling across the junction. 60 I ___________ v I V 7 B) Figure 3-29: Effect of Tunneling on the Size of Power Rectangle. Figure A represents an ideal diode, Figure B represents a diode with tunneling. 61 Chapter 4 Conclusion 4.1 Summary of Accomplishments InAs has considerable promise as a material for microscale thermophotovoltaic applications. The main emphasis of this thesis was to develop a method to design photovoltaics and the tool that was chosen to facilitate in the this task was SimWindows@. A material model was developed for SimWindows@ to diagnose and design InAs photovoltaics. The model was tested and compared to InAs diodes in the literature and SimWindows@ was able to fit most of the data in the literature within the limitations of the program. Some design issues of InAs photodiodes were also discussed. The model created by SimWindows@ was applied to two InAs diodes grown by MBE in an effort to analyze them. The measurement revealed diode characteristics for both devices, but the saturation current predicted by SimWindows@ was several orders of magnitude larger than what was actually measured. However, the model developed in SimWindows@ was unable to explain the discrepancy between the theoretical results and the measured results. The discrepancy was due to a more fundamental aspect of the diode that was not included in the SimWindows@ model. Several tests were done to isolate the problem. The top metal was annealed to provide a better top contact, but this yielded a more ohmic behavior. Next, the surfaces were pacified, which made several changes in the I-V characteristics, as well as an ohm behavior. Finally, metal was applied to the back of the substrate, which removed all diode-like behavior from the 62 device. It was concluded that the diode-like behavior was due to the poor metal-semiconductor junction on the back of the device. Finally, a low temperature measurement revealed the presence of a p-n junction on the device, but the p-n junction formed a tunneling junction, instead of a rectifying junction. The tunneling was most likely due to tunneling due to states located in the forbidden band region. This problem can be solved by better growth techniques and the incorporation of a v region between the p and n regions. 4.2 Future Avenues The first initial steps have been overcome in developing InAs photovoltaics. The next step would be to perfect the growth process on InAs, and to incorporate a v region. These improvements should improve the I-V characteristics at room temperature. Next, heterostructures should be incorporated into the design. Heterostructures will provide carrier confinement, but may also cause interface states due to the lattice mismatch. Another avenue would be to use graded semiconductors, which are able to absorb more of the incident radiation, and experience less loss due to carrier randomization. Of course, models must be provided with these new materials. Presently, a InGaAs and InAsP model is being worked on to provide a "window layer" for the photovoltaic, and to minimize the lattice mismatch for InAs. 63 Appendix A Optical Properties of Indium Arsenide The contents of this appendix are taken from Sadao Adachi's work on the subject[5] [6]. The complex refractive index n* (w)is given by: n*(w) = n (w) + ik (w) = = 1ei (w) + 62 (w) v (A.1) Where n is the real part of refractive index, k is the extinction coefficient, e is the complex permittivity, 6i is the real part of permittivity, and E2 is the imaginary part of the permittivity. From Equation A.1, n and k can be written as: n(w) k(w) = 4 47r ei w) 2 (A.2) 32(w)---ci(w) 2 (A.3) The absorption coefficient, a (w), is defined as: (w)=47r ) k E (w)2 + E2 (w) - 6E (w) 47r A 2 64 (A.4) There are several major interband transitions that affect the optical properties of InAs, shown in Figure A-1,and the associated parameters used in this appendix are shown in Table L4 5c X7c 176c L L6(" 6c X6c E El 8V L L45v AI EO X7v A r 7V X6v L6VA // L X F Figure A-1: Transitions of interest in InAs. A.1. EO and EO + AO Transitions: The EO transition corresponds to electron-hole pair generation between the symmetry points P~v and 1{, from either the heavy or light hole band, and the EO + AO transitions are from rf to rc. ei and Cl E2 are given by: (w) AEO f(xo) + f[H E2 (W) = H (XO - 1) + 1 E A H Eo f (xSo)] + 1 E ( ho-EO + 2H (x'O - 1) V'hw - (Eo + Ao)] 65 (A.5) (A.6) Parameters Units Value Eo eV 0.36 AO eV 0.40 E1 A1 Ex A B1 Bi1 eV eV eV eV eV2 None eV2 2.50 0.28 4.45 1.07 0.61 6.59 13.76 B2 None 0 B 21 E2 eV2 0 ' None 0.21 C None 1.78 7 None 0.108 D None 20.8 E100 None 2.8 Table A.1: InAs optical porperties calculation parameters. with: f(x) = x-2 [2 - V/1+x - H (1 - x) V1+ x X0 (w) - Xs0 (W) = and: H(x) { (A.8) Eo (A.9) EO + AO 1, for = (A.7) x>0 (A.10) 0, for x < 0 El and E, + A 1 Transitions: The E transition corresponds to electron-hole pair generation between the symmetry and LC, and the E + A 1 transitions are from LJ to LC. el and points L e1 (w) = -BIX 62 (W) = [X-2H 2 £2 are given by: In (1 - x2) - BiX2 in (1- X2s) + 1 (1 - Xj) H (Bi-- B V/E--hw) (B 66 1 - B 1E -\I)h (A.11) ... (A. 12) +x 2 H ( - Xis) H B - B21 VJE + A - hw B2 +BIx(2 H (x1 - 1) + B2xIs Hx1-1] where: hw (A.13) Xi = El = iw (A.14) X's =FEl Note for Equation A.11, that w should be replaced by w + il, where F is the damping energy. E 2 Transitions: The E 2 transitions do not correspond to single, clearly defined transitions from critical points in the band structure. Thus, the E2 will have the same structure as a damped harmonic oscillator: C (I - X2) X 2 ) 2_2+ - X 2(1 +)(X27) -F1(w) = -2 (w) (A.15) I C7YX 2 = - (A.16) X(1 + (X27)2 X) where: X2= (A.17) X2E2 EL (Indirect) Transitions: The EL transition are indirect band transitions from rV to L. 2 (w)= (h D2 W) - (E hq)]2 H (1 E2 is given by: X,) H (1 - Xc;) (A.18) where: _g EL ± hW Ehwq hw Xch = 67 Ech (A.19) (A.20) is the energy of the photon that is participating in the indirect transition. In this case, 4.084 x 1013 [f]. Ech is the high energy cutoff, and it is assumed that Ech = El. hwq Wq = E, and E2 Equations. E1 is the sum of Equations A.5,A.11, and A.15. A.18. 62 is the sum of Equations A.6,A.12,A.16 and is shown in Figure A-2, and 62 is shown in Figure A-3, along with their components. 61 20 15 lbo 10 .E 5 C- a) Ela 0 -5 -10 0 1 2 3 Photon Energy (eV) 4 5 6 Figure A-2: Real Permittivity, el, versus photon energy. eia is equation A.5, and deals with the EO and EO + AO transitions. 6 1b is equation A.11, and deals with the E 1 and El + A, transitions. 6 1c is equation A.15, and deals with the E 2 transition. el = 6 1a + 6 1b + 6 1c. The refractive index, extinction coefficient, and absorption coefficient are plotted on Figures 1-3 and 1-4. 68 100 I I I I I I I H- 62 10 E E2dl Ekc E 62d2 E2a- 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Photon Energy (eV) Figure A-3: Imaginary Permittivity, -2, versus photon energy. 6 2a is equation A.6, and deals with the EO and EO + AO transitions. E2b is equation A. 12, and deals with the E 1 and E + A 1 1 transitions. 6 2c is equation A.16, and deals with the E 2 transitions. e2dland 6 2d2 is equation A.18, and deals with the EL indirect transitions. E2 = -2a + 6 2b + 6 2c + 6 2d1 + E2d2. 69 Appendix B Ideal Model of a Homojunction Photovoltaic Device The information was taken from Sze[32] and Bhattacharya[33]. B.1 Basic Principles: Photovoltaics are semiconductor devices that generate power from optically generated carriers. The photovoltaic consists of a p-n junction diode, and a front and rear contact metal as seen in Figure B-1. The operation of a photovoltaic is shown in Figure B-2. In Figure B-2a, the photovoltaic is not exposed to light. Thermally generated minority carriers will diffuse into the space-charge region and create the reverse saturation current, I,. At zero bias, I, is counterbalanced by an equal drift outflux of majority carriers, resulting in no net current. In this situation, no power is generated by the device and the device operates as a diode. However, in Figure B-2b), the device is illuminated with photons of energy hv and electron-hole pairs are created if the incident photon energy is sufficient to create a electron-hole pair (hv > Eg). The minority carriers that are generated near the space-charge region (within one diffusion length) will diffuse into the space-charge region, and are swept into the opposite side of the junction. This action will generate a current through the device, and a voltage will form across the ends. The device still has diode characteristics, but it now also may generate 70 hv Front Contact n-type I Back Contact Figure B-1: An example side schematic of a p-n junction photovoltaic. power. B.2 Circuit Model and Current-Voltage characteristics: B.2.1 Circuit Model The circuit model is shown in Figure B-3. The photovoltaic is generating the net current I to the load resistor RL. In addition, a voltage V forms across the resistor, placing the photovoltaic in forward active operation. The photocurrent Iph is the current created from the diffusion of optically generated excess minority carriers across the junction. The current is leaving the anode opposed to the cathode, opposite of the diode normal operation.. The current-voltage relation of the circuit in Figure B-3b) is given by. I = Iph - Is ek -- (B.1) The reverse saturation current I, is given by Is qAni ? Z ThND 71 + Tn ) TnNA (B.2) E,: Vbi Efn ----------- Ef -------------------------------------------- E E, Ev b) Irradiation a) No illumination Figure B-2: a) A photovoltaic under no illumination. No carriers are generated. b) A photovoltaic irradiated by light. Excess holes and electrons are generated. Where A is the device cross-sectional area, hole lifetime in the cathode, Te ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration, Th is the is the electron lifetime in the anode, NA is the doping of the anode (p-type region), ND is the doping of the cathode (n-type region), W is the effective hole diffusion length, and W is the effective electron diffusion length. The effective hole diffusion length, Wp, is the hole diffusion length, Lh than the cathode length, 12. If L, > li, or We B.2.2 = 11 if Le 12 = VDrhTh, if the hole diffusion length is much longer is much larger than Lh, then W, = 12. Likewise, We = Le if < 11 where 11 is the anode length. The open circuit voltage V,, and short circuit voltage 'Sc. The I-V curves are given in Figure B-4a): The I-V curve without illumination is displaced in the negative I direction by the photocurrent, Iph. As Figure B-4a) indicates, part of the curve lies in the forth quadrant, indicating power generation. Two important quantities are the open circuit voltage, V0c, and the short circuit current, Ic. Vc is the voltage formed across the terminals of the photovoltaic if the photovoltaic is illuminated, but connected to a load with infinite impedance. In order to have no net current flow, the photocurrent must be balanced by the forward current of the diode. 72 hv V RL p q.V sek-T 5 "ph 1) V RL M a) Photovoltaic in operation b) Idealized Equivalent Circuit Figure B-3: a) The cicuit diagram of a photovoltaic in operation. b) The idealized equivalent circuit of the photovoltiac operation. V, is the voltage formed to create the forward current. Vc is given by: Voc = kBT Iph q The photocurrent ph (IS ) ,p>> > (B.3) 'ph q is is usually much larger than the reverse saturation current 1 s so the approximation in B.3 is valid. The short circuit current is the current produced by the diode if the terminals are shorted together. In this case, the voltage across the diode terminals is zero, thus: (B.4) ISc = Iph B.2.3 Maximum Power Generation The power delivered to the load is given by P = VI, and using Equation B.1: P=IV=V f'ph Is ekB T -1) (B.5) The power is the shaded rectangle under the I-V curve, as shown in Figure B-4b). The maximum power, Pm, that can be delivered by the device is given by Pm = ImVm, where voltage Vm and current Im are necessary to provide the power Pm. Pm is found by: 73 VM TI' Voc V Without Illumination With Illumination Isc N/ a) The operation of a photovoltaic with and without illumination b) The power rectangle of a photovoltaic Figure B-4: a) I-V curves of a photovoltaic with and without illumination. rectangle of a photovoltaic. b) The power f dP (B.6) dV=0 V=Vm dP dV d I I--Is ekBT 1)±+ ( IphV] V=Vm 'phs = gBT fekBT 1) kB 7 eI ekB T 0 V=Vm Iph - Is (ekBT - 1) qIsVm -BT J kBT Is ekBT = 1+ 74 m kBT v ekBT =0 (B.7) (B.8) kBT In q 1I+ kBT n 'pI, qVr i+[1+kBTj phi kBT s q q In 11 +qVm, kBT_ Voc Vm=Voc - kBT In 1qVm q IlkBT (B.9) Im is given by: Is Im = 'ph - - e kBT 1) (B.10) By using Equation B.7 and Equation B.8: qIsV kT IM qVm kBT [ 1+1 qVm qv e kB T kBT I.k+ T_ 1 Is+I'ph1 1 + V kBT ph Iph5Is Iph 1 kBT (qv ) The last approximation comes about from Equations B.3 and B.9. Vm is bounded by Vc, but since 'ph > Is, Vo c > kBT. In order for Equation B.9 to hold, Vm Im > kBT kBT) 'Iph ( - (B.11) q Vm The maximum power is given by: Pm = VmIm ~ = Iph M (Vm kBT) q Iph = 'ph VOC - kBT In (1 I q +q1/; kBT) kBT] q (B.12) (B.13) q where: m = q [Voc - kBT n q 75 (1+ qVm kBT) kBT q] (B.14) (m is the energy derived per proton to the load at the maximum power point. The conversion efficiency, q, is given by: P Pm VmIm ' incident Pincident _ (B. 15) kBT Pincident To maximize the power delivered by the photovoltaic, Vm and Im must be maximized. By Equation B.9, Vm is limited by Vc. However, Vc is limited by <pbi, the built in potential of the diode. To make SObi as large as possible, the doping on each side of the junction, NA and ND, must be large. From Equation B.10, Im, is maximized if Iph = Ic is made as large as possible, and 1, is minimized. An important Figure of merit is the fill factor, ff. The fill factor is defined as: ff = B.3 (B.16) Monochromatic Response This discussion will be limited to a short base photovoltaic with localized monochromatic illumination. A short base photovoltaic is shown in figure B-5. ni' n-type n PX G (cm- 3s) Figure B-5: A photovolatic with impulse illumination of area G at x,. 76 The short base approximation is that the minority carrier diffusion length, L, for electrons in the p-type region and Lh for holes in the n-type region, is much longer than the length of their respective regions. The minority carrier diffusion length is given by: Le DeTmin = = Dh-min Lh where Pe and /1 h = q kBT Pe min (B.17) PhTmin (B.18) are the respectively the electron and hole mobilities, and Tmin is the minority carrier lifetime. The currents are found by the continuity equations and the definition of carrier flux. an 4 at -VFe+G-R (B.19) at -V Fh+G - R (B.20) Fe -De V n - nye (B.21) Fh -Dh V pppAh (B.22) ap_ where n and p are respectively the electron and hole concentrations, Fe and Fh are the electron and hole fluxes, G is the generation rate, R is the recombination rate, and is the electric field. By assuming constant doping on each side of the junction, low level injection, quasi-static excitations, quasi-neutrality, and that the minority carrier flux is dominated by the diffusion component (opposed to drift), Equations B.19-B.22 can be rewritten as: 0 = 0 = Fe dFe ( x - + G -m (B.23) ~ + G - -P(B.24) dx dii -De--dx 77 Tmin (B.25) Fh for a p-type region, where ft and (B.26) -Dh-±Lp +Plh dx P are the electron and hole minority carrier concentrations. For a n-type regions, the equations will be: 0 d Fe = dx = 0 Fe =-De- Fh = ii + G (B.27) ft Tmin ~ + G -P dx T-min dil dx dii (B.28) (B.29) _nte (B.30) -Dh+ ax Since the excitation is an impulse, G is given by: (B.31) G = M6(x - x,) where M is the area under the excitation in real space, 6(x - x,) is a Kronecker-Delta function centered about x0 . Let the excitation be in the p-region (x, c [In + xp, in + ip]. This argument can be readily applied to the excitation being in the n-region). The minority carrier continuity equation is given by: - + M6(x - xO) 0- 0=dFe dx (B.32) h T min Integrating both sides from x- to x4: 04 0 dFe JX dx xdx [Fe (x) - Fe (XO)] +M S/ - dx + M6(x - x)dx - 78 JX x0 dx (B.33) Tmin (B.34) M = Fe (XO) - Fe (xO-) (B.35) where we used the fact that the recombination is only dependent upon the concentration at a point, and as the limits of integration approach this point, the integral approaches zero. When x C [In + xp, xO-], there is no generation, so by combining Equations B.23 and B.25 and using the short base approximation: 0 d2dx2 _ X= = A (x - (In + 'h (x) where A is a constant. For x E (B.36) xp)) [4+, In + Ip]: d2fi dx2 0 J+ x) 0 = -B (x - (In + (B.37) Ip)) Since the carriers must be continuous at xo: X) -() = - A (xO - (In + )) But the flux on each side of x, is given by: Fe (X--) Fe (x4) = -De -De - I dx X=,- I dxj + 79 DB (xO (xO = DeB - (1, + Ip)) (in + xp)) (B.38) (B.39) And substituting for Equation B.35: M = B = -DeB 1+ (B.40) De (x Un1+1P) _1 (xo-(ln+xp)) Since there is a built-in field between the p and n regions, only the election flux will enter the depletion region (holes will be repulsed away from the space charge region, so the current is given by: Je =Je(x qDe le + xp) = -qFe (x-) -M De qDedx (xO- __ 1) (xO (XO-1+iPi (Xo-(ln+xp) (n - + lp)) (In + Xp)) -qM (xo - (In + 1p)) ((XO - (1n + lp)) - (xo - ( Je = qM (x, - (In + 1p)) XP - P + xp))) (B.41) Note that the excitation is independent of the region type (note that the diffusion coefficient disappears). Similarly for x0 C [0, in - xn] Mx" -Xn JA = (B.42) For xO E [in - Xn, In + Xp] (generation in the space-charge region), the electric field is high, so the generated carriers are swept out of the space charge region before they can recombine. Therefore, all carriers generated in the space-charge region will contribute to the photocurrent. Thus the current can be written as: Jtotal = qM 80 (B.43) B.4 Spectral Response: di < Surface Back Contact 06 X Figure B-6: The cross section of a photovoltaic. Figure B-6 indicates the variables that will be used in this discussion. The photons entering the photovoltaic will flux per unit wavelength #1 . The flux per unit wavelength at a point x inside the diode is given by: F(x) = #1(A)e-Aox (B.44) where a(A) is the absorption coefficient. The excess carrier generation rate is given by: dF(x) G(A) a(A)#1(A)e-'(A)x dx (B.45) However, the flux in the semiconductor (#1 (A)) is not the incident flux at the surface, since reflection at the surface is not accounted for. The flux 01 # 1 (A) (A) = #0 (A) (1 - R (A)) 0 (A), is given by: (B.46) where R (A) is the fraction of electrons that are reflected at the surface. Thus Equation B.45 can be rewritten as: G (A) = a(A)#o (A) (1 - R (A)) e(A)x 81 (B.47) In this situation, low level injection, quasi-static operation, uniform doping on either end of the diode, and quasi-neutrality is assumed. Thus the continuity equations in one dimension can be written as: Gn A where n dFe Te dx -0, Gp (A -_ 0 dF dx - Th =0 (B. 48) P and ft are the hole and electron excess carrier concentration respectively. The minority carrier fluxes per unit wavelength are given by: -Je- Dif f usion +F Drift Fe -q = F Fh JhA q -D dft +no _1t do Diffusion + Fr p -- = -Dh hdx (B.49) Pot 'ho Assuming that the electric field is zero outside of the junction (the voltage drop across the device will fall solely across the space charge region), then: Frift FDrift - 0 In the n-type region, the excess hole concentration is given by the differential equation: d2 P + o(A)O5 (A) (1 - R (A)) e-(x dx Dh- - = 0 Th (B.50) with the boundary conditions: (B.51) A(li) = 0 Dh dx= (0) Sp I (B.52) The first boundary condition arises from the depletion region removing excess charge at the space charge region boundary. The second boundary condition is due to the finite recombination velocity, SP, at x = 0. The solution of the differential equation is given by: 82 z# (1- R) Th (B.53) L(SPLh a2L - 1 Dh_ + aLP) sinh e-- L Dh sin h sinh (SPLh + cosh + cosh (Ih) e-"JB.54) h) The current density per unit wavelength at the junction is given by: A (Xj) = I -qDx X=1i qa (1 - R) Lh [SPLh+ L 1 e2L2h - - e-all +L Dh SPLh SPLh cosh (7) + sinh - aLhe-'1i (B.55) sinhQL) +cosh (h) In the p-type region, the excess electron concentration is specified by the differential equation: + a(A)#5 (A) (1 - R (A)) e-a(A)x De d2 dx h =0 Th (B.56) with the boundary conditions: ft(li +w) = 0 De ii dx If = ft (11 + 12) Sn (B.57) (B.58) X=11+12 The solution of the differential equation is: ao (1 - R)Tre 2L2 - 1 [cosh x- ( _+W) e-a(x-(1+w))Le 83 (B.59) cosh (-12 ) SnLe SnLe - e-al2 + sinh ({2 ) - cLee-l2 + W x - .in sinh IL,) + cosh (2) Le The current density per unit wavelength at the junction is given by: Je (xj) qDe I dx J x=l1+w qaO (1 - R) Le e-C(l2+w) X _ I 1 -2L2 [ SnLe cosh ( -- a'21 --2) ,/ -e nLe j SnLe sinh ~1Le - sinhL) L,) IL,)+ - aLee-0l2 cosh (9) (B.60) However, some generation is taking place in the space charge region. As stated in Section B.3, carriers generated in the space charge region are swept out before they can recombine. Thus the photocurrent per unit wavelength in the space charge region is given by: 1i+U JSCI? qF = q (A) Ii+W 21 = e-a(A)xdx Gdx = q0O (A) (1 - R (A)) a (A) 11 q 00 (A) (1 - R (A)) e-a(A)li (I - e-a(A)w) (B.61) The total photocurrent density per unit wavelength is given by: J(A) = Jh (A) + Je (A) + JSCR (A) (B.62) The spectral response is defined as: SR (A) = 1 [Jh (A) + Je (A) + JSCR (A)] q 00 (A) (I - R (A)) The photocurrent density is given by: 84 (B.63) AM Jph = q J, o (A) (1 - R(A)) SR(A) d (B.64) 0 where Am is the longest wavelength that can pass though the photovoltaic without exciting a photon. Amn = ch Eg (B.65) where c is the speed of light, h is Planck's constant, and Eg is the bandgap of the material. 85 Bibliography [1] "STARDUST Flight System Description," [] [2] "Advanced Technologies, Technology, DS1" [ Nov, 1999 (3] Pan, J. L., Choy, H., Fonstad, C. 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