Cycle 21 CS Training COS/STIS Instrument Team Paule Sonnentrucker June 12, 2013

Cycle 21 CS Training
COS/STIS Instrument Team
Paule Sonnentrucker
June 12, 2013
Acknowledgments: Nolan Walborn; Svea Hernandez, Cristina Oliveira, Steve Penton, Charles Proffitt, John Debes
I. Introduction
I. Phase II Support: Timeline & Responsibilities
II. Cycle 21 Highlights
I. General Considerations: Cycle‐independent
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
Who We Are Officially:
“The Contact Scientist (CS) is an Instrument Scientist (IS) belonging to the STScI team who supports calibration and use of the instrument(s) in the assigned programs.”
Our Official Role: The CS provides advice on observing strategies:
1‐ to meet the scientific objectives of the program, 2‐ to answer questions about instrument performance and
3‐ to maintain the health and safety of the detectors subject to damage by over‐illumination: COS and STIS/MAMA
Our responsibility ends when programs have completed!
=> Questions are redirected to helpdesk
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
STScI expectations and our goals:
Providing excellent support of HST science and users is the fundamental reason for the existence of the Institute and our scientific staff. 1‐ Support of GO program development and implementation as a primary point of contact between STScI and the astronomical community
2‐ IS bring essential scientific and instrument expertise to this process, which complements that of the PCs/RIAs in scheduling and other technical issues (helpdesk service)
Our Goal: Do our best from our perspectives to ensure optimum effectiveness of HST observing programs and optimum data quality.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
1‐ TAC Notifications were sent out to Proposers: May 30, 2013
2‐ CS/IS assignments & SPAR notification + CS phase I deliveries: June 7
Phase I are confidential!
3‐ Phase II deadline: June 27, 2013 – Budget Hard deadline. NB: Phase II can be submitted later by at most 1 week. Decision should be
made on a case‐by‐case basis in consultation with PC.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
PI/PC Responsibilities –
1‐ Deliver an error‐free Phase II proposal – PC checks submission
2‐ Perform BOT reviews & provide supporting material to CS at
time of submission 3‐ Provide ETC ID numbers in APT for ACQ & Science exposures
4‐ Check target coordinates and proper motion accuracy 5‐ Check for duplications & phase I / Phase II compliance 6‐ Confirmation charts are the responsibility of PI now! PCs are not
tasked to remind PI to produce those charts anymore!
We do not check these items!
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
CS/IS Responsibilities: Things to Remember!
The advice we give is only as good as the information we receive! So…
1‐ Get familiar with the Phase I proposals once sent to you. Remember Phase I are confidential. ‐> remove copies from your mailbox and protect your repository.
2‐ CS interact directly with PIs; IS do not but can if they so wish. If you choose to remain an anonymous IS, send your recommendations to PC/helpdesk and always copy the history file of the program you are giving advice on. 3‐ If contacted, do not hesitate to ask the PIs for details about sources, fields, crowding, etc…‐> important to determine feasibility and best TA strategy.
‐> If you consult a team member on PI question, do not involve PC or PI in this discussion to avoid confusion on their side as to who is the point of contact
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
CS/IS Responsibilities: Things to Remember!
4‐ Keep all exchanges in writing and copy all exchanges to the new history repository (e.g.:
5‐ If phone exchange is inevitable (deadline crunch time typically): ‐> send email to the PI summarizing decisions made ‐> copy summary to history file and
‐> ask PI for email confirmation of agreement (should avoid future “blame game” situations)
6‐ Forward all AVAILABLE MODE requests and Change request to USER SUPPORT Leads (Paule & Nolan) for approval before phase II deadline. The PI has to specify exact configurations and scientific justification. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
CS/IS Responsibilities: BOT Things to Remember!
The BOT is only used to clear field stars. The ETC have to be used for science targets 1‐ Proposers need to run the BOT for all fields and all configurations (TA + SCIENCE) and they need to check the results! Null result does not mean SAFE!
2‐ Remind PIs to enter ETC IDs in APT form. The “warning” should not be ignored so that reviews can be expedited. 3‐ If field star is unknown or unsafe, additional information has to be provided by the PI and ETC or instrument handbook brightness limits should be used for clearance. 4‐ PI has to identify and share remaining issues and provide all supporting material at the time of submission. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
Post‐Phase II Deadline Activities
1‐ Phase II deadline is nominally followed by one month for PC verifications
reviews and one month for CS/IS reviews…
2‐ All CS/IS reviews without ongoing issues are expected to be completed by
September 30th of each year to support the new cycle scheduling (subject to any
other team priority directives) ‐> Early start for available proposals is recommended. 3‐ BOP Reviews are to be done expeditiously but not hastily‐ CS is sole judge of
safety!! All doubts are to be cleared before program can be allowed to execute.
Additional information has to be provided by GOs. ‐> If contentions arise, contact the USER SUPPORT Leads (Paule & Nolan) who
will resolve them.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
II. Phase II Support
Post‐Phase II Deadline Activities
4‐ The USER SUPPORT Leads resolves all Verification (TAC compliance,
duplications) and Change issues, for policy uniformity. These should be sent to the Leads only ‐> If you inadvertently receive any directly, forward them
with recommendations to Nolan & Paule for resolution.
5‐ Moving target (MT) and Target of Opportunity (ToOs) programs cannot be
completed until activated, but instrument specifications should be checked
early to catch any issues. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: Buffer Time
BT is time it takes to fill one of two on‐board COS buffers
Maximum counts in each Buffer = 2.35 x 106 counts
 BT(s)= 2.35 x 106 counts
Global count rate (c/s)
N.B: Global count rate has to include the following:
‐ source count rate
‐ counts from detector dark current & stim pulses (FUV)
‐ actual source counts factoring in QE and dead times
BT given by ETC includes all factors => ETC value should be used to determine appropriate BT!
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: Buffer Time: Recommendations changes from C20
To minimize overhead when reading buffer
Texp =2300s
BTETC x2/3 BT2/3 BT2/3 ≤ 80 sec Y N TEXP ≤ 80 sec Y N YA 80 < BT2/3 ≤ 110 sec YB N BT2/3 ≤ TEXP & BT2/3 > 110 sec YA YB N N= (2300‐110)s = 3.13
ACCUM BT2/3 > TEXP & BT2/3 > 110 sec Y BT2/3 = 80 sec BT2/3 = 2/3 x BTETC No data loss but smaller Texp
TEXP = 2 x BT2/3 BT2/3 = 111 sec Data loss but full Texp
BT2/3 = 2/3 x BTETC BT = (TEXP – 110)/N N = round[(TEXP‐ 110)/(2/3 x BTETC)] BT2/3 = 2/3 x BTETC => N=4 & BT=548s
For Texp > 110s: we no longer require that BT2/3= Texp when BT2/3 > Texp
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: Blue modes and Segment=B
If G130M/1055 or G130M/1096 and Segment=B, TAGFLASH is disabled
 the lamp does not provide counts below 1180Å.  Users NEED to include GO wavecals in a specific sequence that will depend
on their number of orbits per visit and FP‐POS usage.
See June STAN 2013 and Steve Penton’s web link below:
‐> APT will issue a warning for PIs using these configurations asking them to contact their CS for further advice. NB: The APT warning will remain after the wavecal have been inserted but the proposal can be submitted with the warning.
‐> SPAR flags visits with these configurations and reminds CS to check appropriate wavecal inclusions.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: Blue modes usage with Segment=both (FUVA on)
If there are any very deep 1055/1096/1222 observations where segment A is left "on" for very long exposures with significant count rates, we might want to look and see if they unnecessarily burning in the long wavelength end and extracting lots of charge.
‐> If you are the CS on one such proposal; bring the program to the attention of User Support Lead (Paule)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: FP‐POS usage in regular modes
1‐ The use of multiple FP‐POS positions for each CENWAVE setting of the COS FUV/ G160M and especially FUV/G130M & FUV/G140L(1280) is required unless a strong scientific justification to do otherwise is provided in Phase I.
‐> APT issues a warning if all FP‐POS are not used in a visit for regular modes
‐> reduce impact of Lyman A Geocoronal lines on detector
‐> Improve S/N and Legacy value of archive
NB: flexibility is allowed on a case by case basis
NB: Blue modes with Segment =B need special treatment (see above).
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: FP‐POS =ALL and exposure times
2‐ Remind users that since Cycle 20, the exposure time entered in APT when setting FP‐POS=ALL is the exposure time for EACH individual FP‐POS. It is no longer the total exposure time (that APT divided into 4 equal sub‐exposures in previous cycles). As a result, PIs have adjusted the individual FP‐POS exposure times with the orbit planner.
‐> Check that the exposure times entered for each FP‐POS in APT/Phase II is consistent with scientific goals. (e.g for high S/N, need to have approximately equal Texp for each FP‐POS).
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
OBSOLETE: work‐around was implemented June 13, 2013.
COS: Target Acquisitions issues: 1‐ There is bug is the "Home Position" or "Global Variable" Bug of current flight software. This will not be fixed in the FSW until LV53 (March 2014). Until then, we will be using Alan's workaround which inserts dummy OSM rotations to get the appropriate variables set before executing TAs with the following settings:
COS/FUV G130M/1309 CUS/NUV G185M/1850
‐> CS should bring those programs to the attention of the User Support Lead (Paule & Nolan)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
COS: NUV Target Acquisitions and ETC revisions
2‐ NUV ACQ/SEARCH has been implemented in the ETC and is added to the existing ACQ/IMAGE ETC for Phase II. PIs who used the ACQ/IMAGE ETC algorithm to estimate their TA exposure time in Phase I might now find that their TA exposure time is significantly larger for faint objects when using the proper ACQ/SEARCH ETC algorithm + ACQ/IMAGE ETC algorithm. ‐> In such instances the PI is encouraged to contact their CS. The CS should then forward to the User Support Lead (Paule & Nolan) for resolution.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
STIS: E140M and E140H configurations: global scattered light contamination.
Observations show that the Global Count Rate (GCR) for all FUV STIS Echelle
configurations (E140H or E140M) is greater than the GRC given by the ETC.
Example for 2 settings (calculations from Ayres and Debes)
GCR for E140H/1416 is higher than the GCR given by ETC by 30%
GCR forE140M/1425 is higher than the GCR given by ETC by 20%
‐> CS should bring all Cycle 21 proposals using those modes where the prediction
global count rate is within 30% of the limit (or above 150000 c/s) to the attention
of User Support Lead (Paule & Nolan). 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
III. Cycle 21 Highlights
STIS: CTI warning in ETC global scattered light contamination.
A new "feature" warning was added to the ETC at the request of ACS/WFC3
concerning CTI that is will appear for STIS/ACQ but is not appropriate for STIS. ‐> CS should tell their PIs they will have enough counts in the source that they
won’t have to worry about the warning for their observations. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
1‐ SPAR 1.13 tool is available:
‐ Replaced the CS Toolbox since April 17th, 2012
‐ Has the same functionalities as CS toolbox, but more flexible
How to use it:
a‐ login: same as AD; Password: same as AD
b‐ Enter proposal version number in template
b‐ Review template flags & check lists.
d‐ save unready reviews if resolution is lengthy to support status tracking. e‐ SPAR now sends submitted review copies to all parties involved in review (CS + outsourced or backup)
f‐ combined COS+STIS proposals require separate COS and STIS templates; Do immediate reviews of MT and ToOs, insofar as possible.
g‐ COS Buffer time flag as been remove (BT> exposure time is obsolete now)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
2‐ APT/BOT/Aladin Interface:
1‐ upload the proposal to review in APT (retrieve from STScI)
2‐ Select single visit or single exposure to be reviewed
3‐ click “BOT icon” on top menu bar in APT
4‐ Select GSC2, click “Update display” and check all results in the summary table
5‐ Select Galex, click “Update display” and check all results in the summary table. When relevant, activate “Proper Motion” feature and Repeat steps 4‐ and 5‐
6‐ “ LOAD DSS”. The exposure(s) will appear as different planes in the order they are listed in the APT spreadsheet. Galex AIS plates are not accessible in Aladin too!
7‐ Macro‐apertures and stars are displayed when selecting exposure planes
8‐ A region selection allows display of details for enclosed star(s) in table at
bottom of Aladin window
9‐ “Orient Ranges” in APT top menu allow display of specifications and U3 arrow. Grab
arrow or corner to rotate. “Reset Orients” returns to original settings. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
3‐ Galex database: AIS now available in Aladin!
‐ BOT screens all fields with AIS (all‐sky) survey coverage. ‐ BOT assumes all Galex sources are unreddened O5V stars. ‐> If targets do not violate local/global count rates they are declared “safe”
‐ BOT does not check for Galex coverage of the field to be cleared!!
‐> Need to check for coverage separately (using Galexview/Aladin, for instance).
‐ If no Galex coverage, no sources will be returned in summary table. Note that the result is the same when there are no sources but field is covered!
‐ Galex provides an upper limit to individual source flux because of low spatial resolution (4’’). If it clears, fine. If not, the source(s) may still be safe but required higher resolution data. HST images can be loaded in Aladin. No calculations will be done but blended sources can be resolved. ‐ Magnitudes between FUV=14.332‐12.6 and NUV=14.875‐10.2 are subject to saturation. Non‐linearity corrections are now applied by the BOT. Targets brighter than those limits are not to be cleared with Galex. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
Final Remarks
Programmatics: 1‐ The program review status is maintained on our COS/STIS User Support Page
2‐ Lists of Urgent/verified proposals are distributed via emails under the
“Weekly Report” banner and are circulated by User Support Leads weekly. Please
abide by the “Review before” date. If delays occur, inform Lead (Paule & Nolan)
of underlying reasons. 3‐ Track your review time: update to nearest hour each time a proposal is worked on
and send final results to CS Lead. Do this continuously as reviews progress. 4‐ Transmit to User Support Leads notable cases of errors (corrected or not) and
recommended improvements. These may be useful to other CS/IS.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
Final Remarks
Health and safety rules! ‐ All doubts are to be cleared before allowing observations!
‐ Work With GOs & PCs cooperatively on solutions and alternatives, but do not
accept pressure!
‐ Do not hesitate to bring problem cases to the attention of the User Support
Leads for resolution. Ultimately it is up to you to protect the instruments!
Happy CS reviewing Season 2013!
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
IV. General Considerations
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
Tools: Major Resources
1‐ The SPAR Engine:
2‐ BOT/Aladin interfaces: called from HST Astronomers’ Proposal Tool (APT) Current Version: 20.1 ‐> update if needed!
3‐ Galex/GSC2/MCPS databases: to check field stars coverage: Need to be used if the BOT/Galex tool generates a warning about field empty or crowded (MC survey)
4‐ ETC to verify health and safety of science targets for sure and unknown & unsafe field targets, if necessary.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
3‐ GSC2 database:
‐ Contains 2 filters F and J to derive 1 color to 21‐22 mag over full sky. ‐ BOT calculates V and B‐V from J and F under conservative assumptions (all main sequence stars with no reddening). Since one color does not determine SpT and EB‐V , all stars with B‐V <+0.1 are treated/classified as O5V stars. All stars bluer than a given magnitude (spectral element dependent) are assumed O5V
Beware: ‐ One or both filters have significantly brighter limits on some fields (Galactic Center and Magellanic Clouds)
‐ Resolution is inadequate in some fields; young regions in nearby Galaxy, extended regions. As a result, “unknown” and “unsafe” objects will require attention
‐ GSC2 omits stars within a substantial radius of very bright stars because of PSF artifacts. Star within saturated bright stellar or nebular images may be absent, requiring alternative sources
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
3‐ GSC2 database (continued):
‐ BOT now clears faint stars assuming they are unreddened O5V stars if only 1 filter is present as follows. ? #' #1' 2) $$
@3 ? OKa %! 61).!KJ!dJ!%J!/ &%J!( <*!0$( ), < K, 0!, ' 4$5.)!G1.#!<, !dJ!( ))- > $!.#$!, ' 4$5.!1)
@3 ? O^ a %! ( )![- <M<, G<[J!)F$5.0( 6!.: F$ ( <!3 c%!).( 0!7d&Ke &BCf N8!( <*!F0, 5$))!
( )![<, !5, 6, 0!1<D, [!
<, 0> ( 66: C!!=D!.#$!, ' 4$5.!*, $)!<, .!.0122$0!
( <: !( 6$0.)J!61).!.#$!KJ!%J!)F$5.0( 6!.: F$!
7( ))- > $*!3 c%8J!5, - <.!0( .$)J!( <*!).( .- )C!=D!
.#$!, ' 4$5.!*, $)!.0122$0!( <!( 6$0.J!61).!.#$!KJ!
)F$5.0( 6!.: F$!( )!T<, !5, 6, 0!1<D, UJ!( <*!
0$( ), <!( )!T- <M<, G<UC!
Cf: COS ROBOT (May 2011) at:‐bright‐objects/index.html
? #' #1' 2) $$
A$*&+$BH$&2' $*$; ' *) $
K, 0!, ' 4$5.)!G1.#!<, !KJ!
@, > F- .$!.#$!%!> ( 2<1.- *$!( )!.#, - 2#!.#$!
( ))- > $!.#$!, ' 4$5.!1)!( <!
, ' 4$5.!G$0$!( !).( 0C!=D!.#$!%!> ( 2<1.- *$!1)!
3 c%!).( 0!7d&Ke &BCf N8!( <*! D( 1<.$0!.#( <!( !5- ., DD!L( 6- $!7G#15#!1)!.#$!%!
F0, 5$))!<, 0> ( 66: C!!=D!.#$! , D!( <!3 c!).( 0!1<!.#$![G, 0).[!D16.$0!0$**$<$*!
, ' 4$5.!*, $)!<, .!.0122$0!( <: ! ' : !Q7/ &%8e BCj !G#15#!1)!4- ).!)( D$k!1D!.#$!
( 6$0.)J!61).!.#$!dJ!%J!)F$5.0( 6! , ' 4$5.!G$0$!0$**$<$*!6$))J!.#$!, ' 4$5.!
.: F$!7( ))- > $*!3 c%8J!5, - <.! G, - 6*!' $!.0$( .$*!' : !.#$!., , 6!( )!( <!3 c!).( 08J!
.#$<!.0$( .!.#$!, ' 4$5.!( )!( !).( 0C!" #$!5- ., DD!
0( .$)J!( <*!).( .- )C!=D!.#$!
, ' 4$5.!*, $)!.0122$0!( <!( 6$0.J! L( 6- $)!( 0$!Ka %!7; Af BP8!AcCAf !( <*!^ a %!
7.( M$<!D0, > !? " =? Ob I b I )8!Aj Cj C!
61).!.#$!dJ!)F$5.0( 6!.: F$!( )!
T<, !5, 6, 0!1<D, UJ!( <*!0$( ), <!
( )!T- <M<, G<UC!
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
1‐ Make sure to review the instrument parameters in the Phase II proposal, which goes to the telescope and not those in proposal free text (APT “exposure Name” emails) that may be wrong.
2‐ Please answer all questions in the BOT review section of the template. Multiple targets/visits may be included in the same one, but each must be addressed separately. You may paste detailed flux or calculation inputs from the proposal or GO email but you must also do your own ETC calculations for all targets and unsafe/unknown field objects, if necessary. 3‐ For multiple targets with same configuration, look for the worst cases (brightest + bluest) to logically clear others with one ETC calculations. The field must me cleared for each target though. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
4‐ Recheck FUV and NUV fields for SCIENCE exposures against screening limits using APT/BOT/Aladin interface (see above). For COS: global rates refer to the
entire detector (segment/stripe). FOR MAMA: local rate check bins data to 8x8 pix. Multiple objects in this area will be checked as single. 5‐ Check GO‐supplied target parameters as thoroughly as permitted, most critically if count rate is within factor 2 of our screening limits. If the object parameters are judged to be uncertain, or you have any other doubts, consult with the BOP Lead. Automatic secondary BOP review at certain count rate levels is no longer practiced. 6‐ Any unresolved issue at time of Phase II submission must be documented by GOs. GOs must provide whatever data and format we request to resolve issues. IUE data must be low‐resolution large aperture. Annotated images must be accompanied with corresponding photometric tables (HST, IUE, 2MASS, etc…)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
7‐ ETC Spectral Energy Distributions: Use original Kurucz models for BOT earlier than Sun (earliest O5) not Castelli & Kurucz, not Bruzual. Use solar template for normal G2 but need actual data for later types in FUV because no models include chromospheric emission lines. 8‐ Stars with only V magnitude must be treated as unreddened O5 stars. Adding a single color they may be treated as reddened O5’s. With 2 colors SpT
and reddening can be determined. A reddened O5 has more flux than and
unreddened star of the same color. Do not use BOT values which are approximate. Check against our screening limits. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
9‐ POS TARG, patterns, Mosaics increase the macro‐aperture to screen.
ORIENTS reduced the area of concern. Note that the aperture orientation is updated to the scheduled value in APT/Aladin
10‐ Moving target fields must be cleared when windows are determined. Targets of opportunity when activated (very rapid turnaround disallowed for BOP detectors)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
11‐ Coordinated parallels should have unique ORIENT. The specified parallel field is
now properly screened and displayed by APT/BOT. Parallel STIS/MAMA imaging /grism
and all SBC are now excluded. 12‐ Proper motion to the midpoint of the cycle is now implemented (Cy19) as a
selectable option in APT/BOT. There are 3 epochs involved, the correct field will be
screened by BOT but the target location relative to the field will be incorrect. See: item 9.
Note that POS TARG is disabled when proper motion is activated.
13‐ For procedures and requirements for observations of unpredictably variable objects such as CVs, see ACS ISR 2006‐04. Such targets require real time confirmation of quiescence within 24h before BOP observations either ground or onboard.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP Common to COS and STIS
14‐ Singe GS also increases the macro‐aperture but won’t usually become known until
scheduling, so required further review later. The COS 7” or STIS 5” buffers must be increased to 50” in this case. (STIS ISR 2000‐1). Review procedure is : create a LINE
pattern with 5 points and spacing of 10” at 0 deg orientation in the POS TARG
coordinate frame. Make the exposure in question use that pattern and run BOT. As always be sure NOT to save any proposal changes. Single GS is disallowed for SNAPS. 15‐ If the GO wishes to change their specifications after the STScI BOP reviews are complete, they must submit a scientific justification and new BOP reviews for consideration. 6/12/13
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP: COS specific
1‐ All ACQ exposures must be screened. Be careful to determine which configuration produces the largest field.
2‐ Nominal macro‐aperture is 43” diameter circle, including both the PSA and BOA
(13.2” apart) with 7” buffers, but more critical area depends on which aperture is
active. BOT calculates corresponding throughput for each aperture and reports objects
in overlap region twice (BOA reports can be ignored). 3‐ PSA buffer increases to 15” for very bright field objects that would produce:
global rates greater than 1x105 cts/s/segment in FUV, 2x105 cts/s/stripe in NUV
local rates greater than 3.3 cts/s/pix in FUV and 250 cts/s/pix in NUV.
Not implemented in BOT, but should be rare. 4‐ Screening limits are in IHB Table 10.1
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP: STIS specific
1‐ ACQ use CCD and are not subject to BOP Review
2‐ STIS macro‐apertures vary widely from small echelle slits to direct imaging an slitless
spectroscopy. BOT checks the field to appropriate radius from target configuration and
adds 5” buffer. All apertures are correctly displayed and screened by BOT. Note STIS MAMA FOV is not displayed.
3‐ The buffer increases to 13.5” for very bright field objects that would produce:
global rate greater than 1.5x106 cts/s local rate greater than 500 cts/s/pix Not implemented in BOT, but should be rare. 4‐ NDQ filters have special problems described in IHB Fig 13.82
5‐ Screening limits are in IHB Tables 7.8, 13.44 and 14.3
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
CS Reviews Tools
BOP: Alternatives for uncertain/bright Targets 1‐ Change/Add aperture, filter, grating, wavelength, setting, detector. Duplication check is required (PC). Configuration changes may be approved by the CS Lead if no
duplications but Science instrument changes require TTRB approval. CS never alters the Phase II proposal: make recommendations to PI only!
2‐ Add POS‐TARG and ORIENTS to avoid uncertain fields. Any unsafe or questionable
target must be at least 7” (COS) or 5”( STIS) away from detector edge at all allowed
rolls. Beware of POS‐TARG back toward STIS/FUV‐MAMA repeller wire or too close to
detector edge. 3‐ Change target if needed. Refer to Lead for approval or TTRB referral if scientific objectives may be altered. Duplication checks need be done by PC again. 4‐ Take preliminary observations with safe configuration. Must come out of allocated
time unless TTRB grants time increase (unlikely if not requested in phase I)
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
Documentation Resources
1‐ Cycle 21 Phase II instructions‐ P2PI.pdf:
2‐ COS and STIS STANS for latest technical updates:
3‐ Instrument Handbooks:
4‐ APT/BOT demos and movies.
APT general page:
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
Documentation Resources
5‐ APT/Aladin & Phase II Interface demos and movies:‐PII.html‐PosTarg.html‐Pattern.html
6‐ Galex Interface: to check field coverage and crowding:
NB: The Galex fields are directly accessible via the APT/Aladin interface now!
7‐ GSC V2.3 is used.
A few facts (see Lasker et al. 2008): Astrometry: Complete to V=19.5 mag, F=20.5 and J= 21.5 ; Ref frame ICRF; typical error: 0.3” (worst case is 0.35‐0.75” at edges of plates). Photometry: Errors 0.2‐0.25 mag. For stars brighter than V=9 mag in GSCII, Tycho‐2 mag is used.
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker
May 29 2013‐Meeting with Denise and Ray. PC/Cs orientation
Comments on presentation:
only 1 pure parallel in C21
1 program will need to be executed in July.
SNAP can be reviewed as soon as verification is done. 3 FGS proposals
got 20% increase this year.
matched COS/STIS with Pure parallel should be reviewed as early as possible! 50‐100 orbits low for summer of 2013 for C20.. need reviews for C21 early if possible. ToOs are disruptive if request observation to be executed within less than 3 weeks from activation. Non‐disruptive ToOs if request observation to be executed within more than 3 weeks from activation. 30 non‐disruptive for C21
PC do not remind PI to produce confirmation charts!
/grp/hst/usersupport/cs/history/ stored in files called NNNNN.history (PC only list. We have only read access). this is different from that PI and CS/PC use for phase II discussions
IS do fill in SPAR review regardless of BOT
COS/STIS CS training ‐ P. Sonnentrucker