The Year in Preview Deans, Directors and Chairs Meeting Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak Sept. 19 & 20, 2007 “When I want to understand what is happening today, or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look back.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Honoring the Past Professor James Busey UCCS founder UCCS professor of political science 1965-1980 CU-Boulder 1952-1965 Campus memorial service July 30 Honoring the Past Leslie Manning Dean, Kraemer Family Library 27 years CU service Campus builder “How do we buy a book?” 86,000 to 1.2 million item collection 700,000 in-person and 1.3 million web visits Honoring the Past Professor Tim Tregarthen Professor of Economics, 1971-1996 Computer-aided communication, scholarship First Dwire Hall dedication -- Colorado Springs Gazette photo Honoring the Past Inventing the Future Dwire Hall First true university building Constructed 1972 $10 million remodel and expansion 9 conference rooms 11 classrooms 77 offices 1 lecture hall 1 coffee shop 1 p.m. Aug. 16 rededication ceremony Honoring the Past Inventing the Future Campus Recreation Center Features Pool Aerobic and fitness rooms Two gyms Green/LEED certification 2:30 p.m. Aug. 16 dedication ceremony Student fee-funded Inventing the Future New Programs Master’s of Engineering Games and Media Integration track Computer Science links to Geropsychology, VAPA Connect technology to people Doctorate of Nursing Practice Doctorate of Educational Leadership Bachelor of Innovation Bachelor of Criminal Justice Inventing the Future New Programs Athletics Women’s soccer, Fall 2008 All teams GPA 3.15 (Spring 2007) Most successful UCCS teams in history Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: New faculty/staff 29 new tenured, tenure-track faculty this fall (12 new positions) 1 associate dean 1 professor 2 associate professors 25 assistant professors 18 new staff (positions) Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Vice Chancellors Provost/VCAA VCSS search Peg Bacon, chair Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Strategic Planning Campus priority setting forums 3 p.m. Sept. 26 11 a.m. Oct. 25 9 a.m. Nov. 27 Priorities linked to University budget Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Reciprocal tuition Pikes Peak Community College Space available Tuition only Faculty and staff Spring semester launch Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Five-day schedule Headcount steady since 2005 30% increase in Friday classes since 2005 Importance? Space utilization Parking Student behavior Student photo Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Enrollment Fall enrollment 7,662, 1.9% increase Increases in minority freshmen, transfer and graduate students Increases in Business, LAS, SPA COF impact Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: University Advancement Martin Wood, chief operating officer Jennifer Hane, director, University Events and Alumni Relations Branding, marketing, fundraising, alumni, and community relations focus Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: UCCS Construction Frontage road to University Hall Oct.-Nov. completion Science and Engineering Additional green space November, structural steel Spring 2009, completion Summer 2009, move-in Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: UCCS Construction Heller Center Field House Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Near-campus construction Union/Austin Bluffs Dec. 2008 completion N. Nevada Just the beginning … -- Underpass bridge -- COSMIX ends, N. Nevada reconstruction begins Inventing the Future What’s Ahead: Near-campus construction LDS Church Religious institute near FDC Compliments campus look Spring 2008 construction 100 + additional students anticipated UCCS: Coming of Age in the 21st Century