Dear Candidate: Thank you for your interest in running for a position in the Student Government Association (SGA). Election Timeline: March 18, 2016: Petitions are made available via SGA and the Office of Student Affairs. You can download a form for completion and submission at *Only upon petition completion/submission/approval, may candidates begin campaigning. SUBMIT THE COMPETED PACKET TO DENISE TURYAN ( 724.773.3950) IN THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES SUITE, STUDENT UNION BUILDING. April 8, 2016: Last date to submit completed petitions to the Office of Student Affairs by 5 p.m. April 11-15, 2016: Election Week Be sure that you understand the duties and responsibilities involved with the position you wish you seek in SGA. Please remember to do the following. 1. Review the duties as attached here for the position you are interested in. 2. Complete the petition and GPA waiver to Student Affairs 3. Once reviewed, the SGA advisor (or designee) will affirm/deny petition based on the requirements Petitions not returned/approved by the deadline will mean that your name will not be on the election ballot and you will not be permitted to campaign. You will be considered a “write-in” candidate, as defined by the SGA Constitution. After you return your petition and it is approved by a confirming email, you may begin campaigning and to posting signs around campus. Please refer to the enclosed lists in the approved petition packet, which include information on posting flyers/posters. Get as many students to vote for you as possible, as the election is open to the entire student body! However, please understand that you may not try to get people to vote for you by standing directly next to the election table and “advertising yourself.” Good luck! Sincerely, Student Government Association Petition for Student Government Association Membership Office you are seeking: (Circle one): *President Vice-President Secretary **Treasurer/Business Manager Student representative positions *Candidates for president must have served at least one semester as representative, executive board member, or significant campus leadership role recognized by SGA. **The Treasurer/Business Manager is an appointed position which may be completed as an internship. Please submit this packet with your information for consideration for the position if you are interested. Duties and Powers of SGA Officers and Members The President of SGA shall: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Preside over all meetings. Have the power to appoint committees and committee chairpersons. Be and act as a member of all SGA committees. Be empowered to call special meetings of the SGA when deemed necessary. Assume that all meetings and functions are conducted in an orderly manner. Serve as a spokesperson concerning policies or actions adopted by SGA. Be compelled to vote in an SGA meeting only when there is a deadlock over issue. After a tied vote, a period of discussion, and another tied vote, the president shall be compelled to break the tie. Express the campus vote at all CCSG meetings with due consideration of his/her delegation's opinion. Brief the new president of all of his/her responsibilities. Vice-President of SGA shall: a. b. c. d. Be vested with all the powers of the president, and shall perform the president's duties during his/her absence or inability to act. Have other duties as assigned by the SGA president. Assume the duties of any officer in his/her absence. Brief the new vice-president on his/her responsibilities. The Secretary of SGA shall: a. b. c. As third in the executive, be vested with the powers of the President should the Vice President be unable to fulfill the President’s duties resulting from his/her absence, resignation, or inability to act. Utilize ANGEL or other web based warehouse to distribute SGA documents. Record accurate minutes of all SGA meetings, making sure ample copies are available for distribution. c. d. e. f. g. h. Prepare the minutes of all SGA meetings for publication after the SGA meetings and distribute the minutes ANGEL or other web-based warehouse hosted by SGA. Prepare and copy the agenda for all SGA meetings before the said meeting is to convene. Handle all correspondence concerning SGA business, making a carbon copy for the SGA files. Be responsible for all organization and maintenance of the SGA files in ANGEL. Serve as parliamentarian for all SGA meetings as needed. Brief the new secretary on all of his/her responsibilities. The SGA Representatives shall: a. b. c. d. e. 1. 2. 3. g. h. Be expected to attend SGA sponsored events for assigned times with one permitted miss, excluding extenuating circumstances to be notified in advance. Be present at all SGA meetings. Serve faithfully on all committees to which they are appointed. Represent and consult with their constituency to the best of their ability. Penalties for SGA members due to unexcused absences of office hours or meetings or events are as follows: Second miss: Warning Third miss: Loss of voting privileges for the next two meetings Fourth miss: Removal In the event that a member must miss an SGA meeting, office hour, or event, formal notification, such as a written excuse, must be submitted to SGA and dually noted in the minutes for further reference. Two times late to any SGA sponsored events or meetings are equal to one miss. Name: Email address: Phone number:______________________________________________ Commuter or Residence Hall Student: Why do you wish to run for the above office? Briefly describe two things you would like to accomplish while in office. What prior student involvement/leadership experience do you have? Signatures can be from any Penn State Beaver student. However, a student may only sign this particular paper one time. Statement of Qualifications As stated in Article V, Section 1: “Membership”: “All students enrolled at Penn State Beaver Campus shall be eligible for membership upon meeting the required 2.0 GPA, with the exception of first semester freshman, and be in good standing with the university.” As stated in Article I, Section 5, Paragraph 2: “Nomination Procedures” “To qualify for SGA, a candidate must have a minimum 2.0 GPA, be a full-time student, and be in good standing with the university.” I understand that to be eligible to run for an SGA elected position, my GPA will be checked for eligibility by the SGA advisor. As a candidate, I understand the rules for membership in the SGA Constitution. If I do not meet these requirements, I will withdraw my name from the process. I also understand that if the SGA advisor verifies my records and find that I am not eligible, it is his responsibility to notify the Election Committee of my ineligibility. Printed Name Signature Date PSU Student ID Number______________________________________________________________ To be completed by SGA Advisor The candidate above has met the GPA and credit requirements, as stated in Article V, Section 1 of the SGA Constitution. He/she is academically eligible to run for office in the 2007-2008 Election. Advisor’s Name Advisor’s Signature Date