What is the goal of STEPS? The program's aspiration STEPS for Girls aims to break down gender and cultural biases that may prevent young women from considering careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We accomplish this goal by providing early introduction to STEM topics with hands-on activities using female role models to break down stereotypes and give young women the confidence and knowledge that STEM careers are interesting, rewarding and well within their grasp. hnology and Engin eeri e Tec enc ng Sci UW-Stout Previe w Summer Camp Who supports STEPS? Current sponsors of the program hnology and Engin eeri e Tec enc ng Sci UW-Stout The program is supported in part by the University of Wisconsin-Stout; through grants from the Otto Bremer Foundation, the AnnMarie Foundation, Xcel Energy and 3M; and through generous corporate and private donations. For a full list of sponsors, please visit our website: www.uwstout.edu/steps To help support STEPS today, please contact: Previe w Summer Camp Stout University Foundation 320 S. Broadway Menomonie, WI 54751 Phone: 715.232.1151 Email: suf@uwstout.edu Contact us Take a step in our direction For current STEPS tuition, sponsorship, or other information, please contact: UW-Stout 228 Jarvis Hall Techology Wing Menomonie, WI 54751 Phone: 715.232.5510 | Fax: 715.232.4056 STEPS@uwstout.edu | www.uwstout.edu/steps UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STOUT Learn more at www.uwstout.edu/steps SUPPORT STEPS! www.uwstout.edu/foundation Take a step in our direction Previe w Summer Camp UW-Stout SUBMIT THIS FORM WITH YOUR GIFT TO: Stout University Foundation | 320 S. Broadway St. | Menomonie, WI 54751 715.232.1151 | suf@uwstout.edu | www.uwstout.edu/foundation EXPIRATION DATE (please circle one) $50 $100 $250 $500 $ I would like to pledge $ every year for the next three years My check, made payable to the Stout University Foundation, is enclosed Please charge my gift to my credit card A survey of college-age STEPS graduates who attended the 1997, 1998 and 1999 camps was conducted in 2005. The results indicate that girls who attend STEPS are up to three times more likely to choose college majors in science and engineering than peers who have not had the STEPS experience. hnology and Engin eeri e Tec enc ng Sci ACCOUNT HOLDER’S NAME Through a voluntary pre- and post-camp survey, perceptions about science and engineering fields are assessed each summer. The surveys consistently show increased interest in STEM topics by program participants and greater awareness of the importance of science and technology in everyday life. CREDIT CARD NUMBER POSITION EMPLOYER The core technical activities of the camp are focused on manufacturing an obstacle-avoiding robot that each girl will build herself and take home. These activities take place within state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories at UW-Stout. In the plastics lab and foundry, participants learn how plastic and metal components are formed. They solder the electrical components for their robots in the electronics lab and create a product enclosure during the packaging activity. They operate industrial robots and learn about automated manufacturing systems. To foster writing and technical communication skills, they design multimedia content and write articles about their experiences. Their work is shared online with friends and family. The importance of math and science is also highlighted in several class sessions throughout the EMAIL A look into the program STEPS graduates who demonstrate sustained interest in STEM fields have the opportunity to return to the program as mentors. They can apply to serve as junior counselors (10th grade) and lab assistants (11th – 12th grades) in the areas of electronics, plastics, foundry and product assembly. PHONE What happens at STEPS? STEPS graduates STATE, ZIP The program is structured as a series of four, five-day camps that each serve 40 girls during the months of July and August. The girls are divided into four teams of 10 that are led by a female college student who serves as their counselor. Each team is involved in a balanced schedule of hands-on technical, developmental and recreational activities, all of which are designed to be fun and interesting. Outcomes CITY The Science, Technology and Engineering Preview Summer for Girls (STEPS for Girls) program began at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in 1997. The mission of the program is to inspire young women to prepare for and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. The program is designed for girls entering seventh grade and exposes the participants to a broad range of interesting career options and builds confidence in their ability to learn and succeed in technical fields. ADDRESS A brief overview of the program week. Most sessions are conducted by UW-Stout faculty, staff and students, a majority of whom are women. In addition to technical activities, several developmental and recreational activities are planned each week. Campers tour two local manufacturing companies to develop an appreciation for how things are made. NAME(S) What is STEPS?