JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL i•ESEAI•CH VOL. 72, NO. 23 DECEMBER 1, 1957 Some Remarks on the Position and Shape of the Neutral Sheet CHRISTOPHER T. RUSSELL AND KENNETH I. BRODY Institute o• Geophysicsand Planetary Physics University o• California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Recent measurements have delineated some of the major featuresof the structureof the earth's geomagnetic tail [Ness, 1965; Speiserand Ness, 1967]. The so-calledneutral sheet is an important feature of the tail dividing it into two main regionswith the largest flux components directed, respectively,parallel and antiparallel to the solar wind. The existingmeasurements suggesta relatively simple empirical formula for the locationof the neutral sheetin the geocenttic solar magnetosphericcoordinatesystem, in which many researchersorder their data taken in the tail [see for example,Speiserand Ness, 1967; Murayama, 1966; Bame et al., 1967]. In this coordinatesystem the X axis points toward the sun; the Z axis, coplanar with the X axis and the earth's magnetic dipole axis, points abovethe ecliptic plane; and the Y axis, which completesthe right-handedCartesianset, points to the dusk meridian. The X-Y plane rocks with respect to inertial spacewith a 24hour period so that the geomagneticequator always cuts the solar magnetosphericequator along the Y axis. The orderingof data in this coordinatesystem acknowledgesthe dual control of the geomagneticdipole and the solar wind on the direction of the field lines in the tail. Ideally, we would like our X axis to be antiparallel to the solar wind flow vector, corrected for the aberration of the solar wind by coordinatesystempointedtoward the sun.However, again, the nonradial flow of the solar wind introducesa differencebetweenthesetwo ar•gles. Thus we will alwayshave somescatter when we attemptto ordertheneutralsheetpositions in the nonidealcoordinatesystem. The neutral sheet serves to divide the tail into two regionswith substantiallyequal magnetic fluxes acrossany Y-Z plane, oppositely directed above and below the neutral sheet. The magneticequator servesa similar function within the magnetosphere. There is a component of the field toward the dipole axis in the northern hemispherean'daway in the southern. Thus a simple rational model of the neutral sheet would place its closestapproach to the earth on the geomagneticequator just outside of the particletrappingregionon the night side of the earth.As the neutralsheetextendsaway from the geomagnetic equator,it may be assumedto quickly take a positionso that lines of constantY coordinateare nearly parallel to the solar wind and perhapsasymptoticallyapproach the X-Y plane at a great distancefrom the earth. Assumingthat the neutral sheet starts out from the geomagneticequator and that there is no dependenceon the distance behind the earth, it is easyto showthat we expectto fin'd the neutral sheet at a distance Z• above the solar magnetosphericequator where the earth's orbital .motion. This is not neces- sarily the solar direction [Wolfe e• al., 1966], and the fluctuationsin velocity and direction observedwill produce a scatter in the measurements of a feature that is well defined and fixed Z• -- F•(Y•) sink (1) Here Y•. is the Y coordinateat the point of observation,X is the angle betweenthe dipole axis and Z axis. We defineX as positive when the in the ideal coordinate system. Another useful north magnetic pole is pointed toward the sun parameter in addition to the spatial coordinates and negativewhen the north magneticpole is of a feature is the angle between the dipole pointedaway from the sun. axis and the Z axis at the time of the measureSuch a formula has already been used by ment. This would be the same as the geomag- Speiser and Ness [1967] and by Murayama netic latitude of the subsolarpoint if the ideal [-1966]. Speiserand Ness [1967] assumedno Y 6104 LETTERS dependenceand found F•(Y•) to be equal •o 6105 I I I I i IMPI OGO I 10 Rs -+- 3 Rs for ]Y•] _< 6 Rs. Murayama [1966]setF•(Y•) -- 8 Rs for [Y•] _<8 Rs and zero otherwise,in order to estimatethe distance from the neutral sheet at the times IMP I was within the geomagnetictail. However we have no a priori reasonto excludeeither a Y dependenceor X dependence. If we wanted to take accountof the tendency for the neutral sheet to approach the magnetospheric equator, we would multiply the righthand side of equation I by a function of the distanceof the point of observationbehindthe earth. Then (1) becomes Zj•r= Fi( YN)F2(XN) sin X (2) if the X 'dependence is independentof Y. Two sets of data on the positionsof.the neutral sheet have been reported up to this date. These are the IMP 1 measurements[Speiser and Ness, 1967] and the OGO 1 results [Brody et al., 1967] Table 1 lists the crossingswhen X was equal to or greater than 5ø. This arbitrary cutoff in X was chosen since the errors inv'olved are io 5 o Y DISTANCE -5 (EARTH -IO RADII) Fig. 1. The distanceabove the magnetospheric equator normalized by dividing by the sine•)f the magnetic latitude of the subsolar point plotted versusthe magnetosphericY coordinatefor neutral sheet crossingsobserved by IMP I and OGO 1. Distances are in earth radii. foun'd in the OGO 1 data have been omitted becauseof insufiSeientdata coverageeither before or after the erossing.Figure 1 is a plot of Z•/sin X versus Y. The error bars indicate the change that would occur in g•/sin X with a changein X of --+3ø. This plot is equivalent to possibly greater than 3ø and the plotting of normalizing'the positionof the observedcrossthese points in Figures 1 and 2 requires a ings to the equivalent position if the dipole division by sin X. In addition severalcrossings axiswere alignedwith the solarwind. If equation 1 holds,i.e. there is no X dependence,and the TABLE 1. neutral sheetstarts from a circle in the geomagnetic equator,then within the errors mentioned Satellite Orbit X Y Z X above we expect the points to fall on a circle. If the neutral sheet started from an ellipsein --12 7 .1 8 30 --65 IMP 1 the geomagneticequator, the points would fall --11 0 - .2 -9 31 --65 on an ellipsein this plot. Within the scatter of 33 --53 --81 - .2 -5 the data shownhere a circle fits just as well as --13 7 -.1 6 34 --18 5 OGO -1 35 40 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 47 47 --17 --18 --14 --14 --27.8 --25.2 --27.5 --19.3 --16 --25 --26 --27 --25 -23 142 --14.5 --11.6 --13.3 143 145 5 2 8 0 8 4 5 5 0 8 --11 8 --62 --53 -- 4.5 -.1 -- .4 + 1.3 -- .3 + .2 + 2.3 +2.5 + 5.9 +5.2 +4.5 9.5 6.2 11.1 .7 .5 1.8 2 1 1 6 24 2 5 3 7 4 0 3 5 3 4 2 5 4.6 4.9 7 11 9 16 10 9 16 25 ,12 18 32 30 25 .3 -1.2 -1.3 8 -11 -11 25 an ellipse.Althougha strictly circularshape would not be expectedphysically,the spreadin the data doesnot justify a more complicated approximationthan a circle. If there were a strongdependence of g• on X, then the points wouldfill the circlerather than lie near its edge, provi'ded,of course,therewasenoughvariability of the X coordinatesin the sampling.The lack of a strongX dependencesuggested by Figure 1 is verified by Figure 2. There those points with Y coordinate between -+1.5 RB have been plotted versusX. There is no obviousdecrease of Z/sin X with X, but the statisticsare poor, and there are no data at geocentricdistances greaterthan 28 Rs. 6106 LETTERS I I i 20-- _ -• I0-- o i i -10 i -20 X DIST.•,NCE (E.•,RTH -30 -, 0 R.•,DII) to lie closeto the magnetospheric equator (the Z = 0 plane). Other more reasonablefunctional forms for F• (Y,), giving an asymptotic approachof the neutral sheetto the magnetospheric equator with increasingdistancefrom the center of the tail, would require fitting two arbitrary parameters,e.g., for a Maxwelltan. We feel that the above formula shouldprove usefulin studyingphenomenain the magnetotail whenevera knowledgeof the distancefrom the neutral sheet is an important parameter. abovethe magnetospheric Acknowledgments. We wish to thank ProfesFig. 2. The distance equator normalized as in Figure 1 plotted versus sor R. E. Holzer and Dr. E. J. Smith for helpful the distance behind the earth for those neutral discussionsand advice during the preparation of sheet crossingsof •igure 1 with a Y coordinate this note. between ñ 1.5 R•. This work representsthe results of one phase of researchperformed for the Jet PropulsionLaboraWe concludefrom the abovethat in properly tory, California Institute of Technology,sponsored ordering data taken in the tail it is necessary by the NASA contract NAS7-100. to know the direction and velocity of the solar REFERENCES wind outside the tail at the same time as the observations within the tail are being made. This is of courseobvious.However, even if the coordinatesystemused to order the 'data were Bame, S. J., J. Asbridge, H. E. Felthauser, E. W. Hones, and I. B. Strong, Characteristicsof the plasma sheet in the earth's magnetotail, J. Geo- rotated Brody, K. I., R. E. Holzer, and E. J. Smith, OGO 1 search coil magnetometer measurements in the geomagnetic tail (abstract), Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, J8, 168, 1967. Murayama, T., Spatial distribution of energetic electrons in the geomagnetic tail, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 5547-5557, 1966. Ness,N. F., The earth's magnetictail, J. Geophys. with the X axis of the coordinate systempointingin a directioncorrectedfor the nonradial solar wind flow and the associated aberration angle, the neutral sheet does not coincidewith the X-Y plane (whenever the dipole is not perpendicularto the solar win'd), but rather it is a curved surface touching the X-Y plane at the edgesof the tail and furthest from the X-Y plane in the center of the tail. For regionswithin about 11 R• on either side of the center of the tail and less than 30 R• behind the earth, the data presentedhere suggestthat a reasonableempiricalfit is given by phys.Res.,.72,113-129,1967. Res., 70, 2989-3005, 1965. Speiser,T. W., and N. F. Ness, The neutral sheet in the geomagnetictail: Its motion, equivalent currents, and field line connnection through it, J. Geophys. Res., 72, 131-141, 1967. Wolfe, J. H., R. W. Silva, I). I). McKibbin, and R. H. Mason, The compositional, anisotropic and nonradial flow characteristics of the solar wind, J. Geophys.Res., 71, 3329-3335,1966. = - x with Ro equal to 11 R•. Between Y• -- 11 and the ee•geof the tail we expectthe neutral sheet (Received July 10, 1967; presentation revised August 18, 1967.)