Bethany A. Hall-Long Education

Bethany A. Hall-Long
School of Nursing
365 McDowell Hall
PhD George Mason University (1993)
Focus: Nursing Adminstration and Health Policy
MSN Medical University of South Carolina (1988)
Focus: Community Health Nursing
BSN Thomas Jefferson University (1986)
Certified in In-Patient OB Nursing
Over 15 years of nationally funded research in the area of nursing workforce development,
nursing and health policy/politics, chronic illness/diabetes management, and
environmental/occupational health. Serves as an expert grant reviewer for public (i.e.
NINR/HRSA) and private sectors (i.e. Diabetes Research and Action Education Foundation)
Currently, the PI for the NIH funded ($5 million/5 years, $20 million/20years) National Children's
Study (NCS), New Castle County Study Center, Subaward of the Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia. The NCS study will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health
and development of more than 100,000 children across the United States, following them from
before birth until age 21. Study researchers hope to learn about the causes of health conditions
such as injuries, asthma, pregnancy-related problems, obesity, diabetes, and behavior, learning,
and mental health disorders. The University of Delaware is under NIH subawardto enroll 1,000
children from New Castle County, DE starting in 2012.
A myriad of health policy, public health, and community based nursing refereed and nonrefereed
publications and international, national, state and local presentations. Numerous white papers
and policy reports on issues, addressing environmental and occupational health, public health,
chronic illness, homes care, and health policy financing/access to care.
Teaching expertise is in undergraduate and graduate community health nursing, health policy,
evidenced base practice, nursing science, public health, and women's studies. Joint Faculty
appointments in Urban Affairs and Women's Studies. Regionally and nationally recognized
speaker and receipient of various teaching awards, including the University of DE's Excellence in
Teaching Linbach Foundation Award (1998).
A myriad of diverse nonprofit/community, public and private sector service and volunteer service
in addition to professional memberships with leadership roles. Dr Hall-Long has served on over
44 community, state, regional and national boards. Elected to the Delaware House of
Representatives (2002-2008) and State Senate (2008 - Present)
A recipient of over 45 prestigious professional, civic, and government awards. Member of the
Fellow of American Academy of Nurses. US DHHS Secretary of Health Commission Analyst, US
Senate Fellow, etc.