clear; clc; close all; format shortg; %Today is all about display %Two main commands, disp() and fprintf() %disp can either display a variable or a string of text x = 1; y = [1:5]; disp(x); disp('y = '); disp(y); disp('Hello World') %fprintf can display numbers and text at the same time fprintf('x = %f',x) fprintf('y = '); fprintf(' %f ',y); fprintf('\n pi = %.2f',pi) fprintf('\n pi = %.5f',pi) a = 1/2; b = -3; fprintf('\n a = %g, b = %g',a,b) %As seen above fprintf has a lot of formatting options %For more detail read pages 101-103 and 105-109 %Problem 24 %use the fprintf command to write out the polynomial %all coefficients to two decimal places %Problems 10, 17, and 24, I will be grading on how your output looks. 1 y = 1 2 3 4 Hello World x = 1.000000y = 1.000000 pi = 3.14 pi = 3.14159 a = 0.5, b = -3 Published with MATLAB® R2014a 1 5 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 5.000000