clear; clc; close all; A B C D = = = = [1,2;3,4]; [1,-1;1,-1]; [1,0,-1;-1,1,0]; A*B; E = A*C; %F = C*A %2x2 matrix %2x2 matrix %2x3 matrix %Matrix Multiplication: # of columns of first matrix %must be the # of rows of second matrix %(2x2)*(2x3): Works %(2x3)*(2x2): Doesn't work a = [1:5]; %b = a^2 c = a.^2; d = 2*[1:5]; e = 2.*[1:5]; %Creates a vector of values %element by element calc: requires a '.' see pg72-74 %Creates a vector by evaluating each entry in x %Note scalar calculations don't require the '.' %But they will still work if you put the '.' f = [1,2,3]; g = [1,0,-1]; dot(f,g); cross(f,g); %Look on page 77 for useful functions on vectors %Dot product of vectors, f and g %Cross product of vectors, f and g %As always for more hints look at sample problems Published with MATLAB® R2014a 1