PES 1120-2 General Physics II – Spring 2011 MWF 9:25-10:40am ENGR 103 Course Syllabus Instructor: Robert G. Gist Office and Hours: SENG A-418, (M 12:30-2, T 11-12) UCCS e-mail: Web Site: Text: Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Ed., by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (Ch 20-32) On-line Homework: Course Description: A continuation of Physics I. Topics covered include electrostatics, the electric field, Gauss's Law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, current and resistance, the magnetic field, Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law, inductance, oscillations, and electromagnetic waves. Credit Hours: 4 Prereq.: PES 1110 Coreq.: MATH 1360 Text: Some version of the text is required to complete the course, but choice of the particular version is up to each student. The publisher has three print versions and one electronic version containing the chapters needed for this course. WebAssign also has an electronic version available, but access to their e-book expires with the WebAssign subscription, whereas the publisher’s version has unlimited availability. The ISBNs for the appropriate texts are: ISBN 0-470-04472-1 Regular Edition (Ch 1-37) ISBN 978-0-470-04474-2 Volume 2 (Ch 21-44) ISBN 978-0-470-00810-2 Binder ready version (Ch 1-37) ISBN 978-0-470-46081-8 Publisher’s e-book* edition (Ch 1-44) Attendance: Attendance will not be monitored. It is each student’s responsibility to cover any material due to missed lectures. Call the Snow Line (255-3346) for snow closure information. Recitations: Friday class meetings will typically be application of the theory and equations learned in class. I will work example problems and help with homework assignments. Homework: Homework this semester will be assigned and graded on-line via WebAssign. You will typically have at least one week after homework is assigned to complete it and submit it electronically via the WebAssign program. Study groups are acceptable and encouraged, but homework should be based on individual effort. Late homework might not be accepted and is subject to a penalty. If extreme circumstances should present themselves, consult with me as soon as possible. Each homework set will consist of around 5-7 problems from the chapter. Register at using the WebAssign class key: uccs 1101 9120 Exams: There will be four unit exams given during the semester. I will give you at least a week’s notice as to the exact date of the exam as well as the material you will be responsible for on each test. The last exam will be given on the scheduled day of the final, but is not comprehensive. Unless arrangements have been made prior to any exam, there will be no make-up exams. You will be allowed to prepare a 3”x5” (index-sized) cue card (front & back) with any information you would like for the exam. Grades: In summary, your grade will be computed as follows: Homework 20% The letter grade ranges are posted on my website. Ranges Unit Exams (4) 80% include +’s and –‘s. Disabilities: Students with disabilities should provide their letters of certification and accommodation within the first two weeks of class. Special accommodations for tests are required a week prior to the scheduled exam date. Calculators: Calculators will be necessary for homework and will be allowed to be used during exams; however, enough intermediate steps must be shown to convince me that you understand how to solve the problem. Web-capable devices are not allowed to be used during exams. R. Gist 1 of 2 1/23/2011 PES 1120-2 General Physics II – Spring 2011 MWF 9:25-10:40am ENGR 103 Questions, comments: It is my hope that you will feel comfortable asking questions in class. Chances are that if you are unsure about some topic, there are others who have a similar question. I would like the class to be as interactive as possible. If you have relevant experience with a subject, please feel free to share comments with the class. Cell phones, classroom: Please show proper etiquette by turning cell phones to silent mode and keeping conversation to a minimum during lecture. Please remain in the classroom unless an emergency arises, since foot traffic in the class can be disruptive to other students. Significant Dates Date Mar 21 – Mar 27 May 11 (Wed) Event Spring Break Final Exam Note No class 8:00 to 10:30am Schedule (subject to change) Topic Date 19-Jan 21-Jan 24-Jan 26-Jan 28-Jan 31-Jan 2-Feb 4-Feb 7-Feb 9-Feb 11-Feb 14-Feb 16-Feb 18-Feb 21-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb 28-Feb 2-Mar 4-Mar 7-Mar 9-Mar 11-Mar R. Gist Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Overview, Elec. Charges Elec. Charges Application Electric Fields Electric Fields Application Gauss' Law Gauss' Law Application Review Exam #1 Electric Potential Electric Potential Application Capacitance Capacitance Application Current & Resistance Current & Resistance Application Unit Review Review Exam #2 Notes Ch 21 Ch 22 Ch 23 Ch 24 Ch 25 Ch 26 2 of 2 Date 14-Mar 16-Mar 18-Mar 21-Mar 23-Mar 25-Mar 28-Mar 30-Mar 1-Apr 4-Apr 6-Apr 8-Apr 11-Apr 13-Apr 15-Apr 18-Apr 20-Apr 22-Apr 25-Apr 27-Apr 29-Apr 2-May 4-May 6-May 11-May Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Wed Topic Notes Circuits Ch 27 Circuits Application Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Magnetic Fields Ch 28 Magnetic Fields Application Mag. Due to Currents Ch 29 Mag. Due to Currents Application Unit Review Review Exam #3 Induction & Inductance Ch 30 Induction & Inductance Application E-M Oscill. & A.C.Circuits Ch 31 E-M Oscill. & A.C.Circuits Application Maxwell's Equations Ch 32 Maxwell's Equations Review Exam #4 Starts at 8:00 am 1/23/2011