7740 Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (REGION 4) OGDEN, UT FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS Supplement No.: 7700-2004-1 Effective Date: March 8, 2004 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JACK G. TROYER Regional Forester Date Approved: 02/23/2004 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 7700-92-2 to FSM 7730. New Document(s): 7740 6 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 7740 (Supplement 7700-91-1, 8/1/91) 5 Pages Digest: 7740 - This is a technical supplement that converts the format and style of this Regional directive to the new FSM template using the agency’s current cooperate word processing software. Although some minor typographical and technical errors have been corrected, this supplement contains no changes to the substantive direction in this title. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7700-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/8/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7740 Page 2 of 6 FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 7740.43 - Regional Forester The Regional Forester is responsible for all phases of the Federal Lands Highway program, including Forest Highways and Public Lands Highways involving National Forest System lands and resources in the Intermountain Region. This includes program planning, project selection, concurrence on location and design criteria, letter of consent on plans, specifications and rights of way easements, construction and acceptance of completed projects. In implementing the Nationwide Action Plan and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FHWA, all items identified as being Forest Service responsibility shall be the responsibility of the Regional Forester. The Regional Forester is the authority for all matters of policy, procedure, resource and environmental questions other than day-to-day activities of the Social, Economic, and Environmental (SEE) Team. Specific authorities and delegations in the Regional Office are as follows: 1. Regional Forester. Recommends Forest Highway designation changes to FHWA. 2. Director of Recreation and Lands. Issues letter of consent. 3. Director of Engineering. a. Approves list of Region 4 priority projects for consideration at annual tri-agency program meeting. b. Represents the Region at the annual tri-agency program meeting. Approves the agreed upon construction program for the Forest Service. c. Represents the Region on project field reviews, hearings and public involvement sessions and plan-in-hand reviews. d. Designates the project SEE Team and Field Representative (usually Forest Engineer) with concurrence of the Forest Supervisor. e. Approves Project Plans and Specifications with concurrence of the Forest Supervisor. f. Recommends acceptance of complete project to FHWA with concurrence of the Forest Supervisor. Exhibit 01 shows the process steps in Forest Highway Program development, and Forest and Regional Office responsibilities in carrying out the program. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7700-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/8/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7740 Page 3 of 6 FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 7740.44 - Forest Supervisor The Forest Supervisor is responsible for identifying Forest Highway and other transportation needs to serve land and resource management needs on the Forest. This includes incorporating Forest Highway needs into the Forest Plan, and for periodically supplying resource and utilization data for use in project evaluation. The Forest Supervisor recommends changes in Forest Highway designation to Director of Engineering for evaluation. Project development is the responsibility of Federal Highway Administration. However, the Forest has responsibility for the following actions on individual Forest Highway projects: 1. Recommends SEE Team Representative and Field Representative (usually the Forest Engineer) to Director of Engineering. 2. The Forest SEE Team representative conveys Forest environmental and resource concerns to FHWA through the SEE Team. 3. Attends plan-in-hand and concurs with final plans. Recommends approval to Director of Engineering. 4. Checks rights-of-way status and drafts stipulations and letter of consent for Director of Recreation and Lands. 5. Field Representative monitors construction and concurs with completed project. Forest recommends acceptance of completed project to Director of Engineering. 6. Forest refers question of policy or procedure to the Regional Forester for disposition. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7700-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/8/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7740 Page 4 of 6 FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 7740.43 - Exhibit 01 FOREST & REGIONAL OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE FOREST HIGHWAY PROGRAM FOREST Provide Forest data defined by criteria for designation. Identify Forest Highway needs in the Forest Plan. Recommend changes to Director, Engineering. PROCESS STEPS FOREST HIGHWAY STUDIES FOR DESIGNATION REGIONAL OFFICE Director, Engineering assembles data, assures compliance w/criteria, and evaluates routes. Regional Forester selects routes and recommends to FHWA. FHWA DESIGNATED FOREST HIGHWAY ROUTES Gather data for project criteria. Evaluate project according to established criteria. Establish Forest priorities. Work w/local jurisdictions to clarify R/W and other issues. Recommends projects to Director, Engineering. ******************************* TRI-AGENCIES MEET ANNUALLY TO SELECT PROJECTS FOR MULTIYEAR PROGRAM FHWA DESIGNATES MULTIYEAR FOREST HIGHWAY PROGRAM FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ****************************** Coordinate w/States, other Regions, & FHWA on multi-year Forest Highway Program. Director Engineering develops and approves projects for multi-year program. ******************************* FHWA BEGINS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Supervisor recommends FS SEE Team Representative. FHWA ESTABLISHED PROJECT SEE TEAM Director Engineering Designates project SEE Team Representative in cooperation with Forest Supervisor. All coordination w/FHWA is through SEE Team Representative in consultation with Director Engineering. SEE Team Representative uses appropriate Line and Staff as needed. Develops project requirements & 4(f) statement, if applicable, sends to RO for transmission to FHWA. SEE TEAM INITIATES STUDIES OF EFFECTS Director Engineering monitors coordination between SEE Team Representative and FHWA. Assures compliance w/policy & FHWA MOU. Transmits 4(f) statement and project requirements to FHWA. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7700-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/8/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7740 Page 5 of 6 FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 7740.43 - Exhibit 01--Continued FOREST & REGIONAL OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE FOREST HIGHWAY PROGRAM FOREST PROCESS STEPS REGIONAL OFFICE SEE Team Representative works with FHWA as needed. SEE Team Representative provides Forest data and Forest recommendations to FHWA. FHWA PREPARES ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS Coordinate with FHWA and Forest as needed. Review documents to assure FS concerns are addressed. SEE Team Representative attends if requested. Represents Forest, Forest Plan & resource data. FHWA CONDUCTS PUBLIC HEARINGS Attend hearings as desirable. Represent Regional Forester. SEE Team Representative consults w/FHWA as needed. Assures FS needs are appropriately protected. Keeps Director Engineering informed of problems. FHWA PERFORMS DATA COLLECTION, SURVEY & DESIGN Coordinate with SEE Team Representative and FHWA. Provide technical assistance and advice as requested. SEE Team Representative and other interested line/staff attend to assure Forest concerns are properly addressed. FHWA CONDUCTS PLAN IN HAND FIELD REVIEWS Director Engineering attends to assure FS concerns are properly addressed. Review plans & specs to assure FS requirements are included. Forest recommends approval to the Director Engineering. FHWA DOES FINAL DESIGN Director Engineering with concurrence of Forest Supervisor approves Project Plans & Specifications. Forest reviews R/W needs and checks lands status. Draft the Letter of Consent. COOPERATOR PRODUCE PRIVATE ROW FHWA ISSUES DOT EASEMENT Director Recreation and Lands issues Letter of Consent authorizing FHWA to issue DOT easement. Director Engineering Designates project SEE Team Representative in cooperation with Forest Supervisor. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7700-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/8/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7740 Page 6 of 6 FSM 7700 – TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM CHAPTER 7740 – FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAY PROGRAMS 7740.43 - Exhibit 01--Continued FOREST & REGIONAL OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE FOREST HIGHWAY PROGRAM FOREST PROCESS STEPS REGIONAL OFFICE Recommend FS Project Field FHWA AWARDS CONTRACT Representative (Usually continue & CONSTRUCTION BEGINS w/the SEE Team Representative; i.e. Forest Engineer). Attends Prework Conference. Monitor construction for compliance with design. Issue FS permits as needed in conformance w/stipulations. Director Engineering designates FS Project Files Representative (Usually the Forest Engineer) in cooperation with Forest Supervisor. Project Field Representative concurs. Forest Supervisor recommends approval to the Director Engineering. FINAL COMPLETED PROJECT Director Engineering attends final inspection and in cooperation with Forest Supervisor recommends acceptance to FHWA. Periodically review project as desirable to evaluate whether project meets objectives. Recommend needed action to Director of Engineering. POST CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Initiate action as needed.