Directed Study Proposal Refer to guidelines and instructions on back of page / Please print of type proposal Name: SFU ID: DS Supervisor: Semester: Course #: Student credits complete: # of Units: Cumulative GPA: Major/Minor Program: Preparatory Courses completed (including formal prerequisites): Course number / semester of directed study previously completed: ***ATTACH YOUR SFU STUDENT TRANSCRIPT TO THIS PROPOSAL FORM*** Statement of work to be undertaken: Be explicit – consideration of your proposal will be based on the content of the work described here (use additional sheets if required) You must consult with the appropriate individuals and obtain signatures attesting to your plans and needs are consistent with School policy and can be accommodated. **Please note that all costs associated with the internship projects are the responsibility of the student Signatures Student: Date: Supervisor(s): Date: Date: Equipment/Space/Resources: Date: Area Coordinator: Date: Approved: Please drop me from Notes: Denied: if this proposal is accepted SCHOOL GUDELINES FOR DIRECTED STUDIES COURSES 1. It is anticipated that directed studies courses or projects will be proposed by senior students who have an excellent academic record, who have completed the majority of their program requirements and who have demonstrated initiative, self-direction, and the ability to plan and carry out project-oriented work. 2. The School strongly advises against proposing a directed study course or project which substantially duplicates the content of an existing course. 3. It is unlikely that the School will approve more than two directed studies courses for application to major requirements. 4. Students should start the directed study process at least six weeks before classes begin. 5. The onus is on the student to develop the proposal, consult with the appropriate individuals, provide the necessary supporting documentation, obtain the necessary approvals, maintain contact with the supervisor(s), and see the project through to completion. The general office will not provide copies of documents in students files or liaise between students and faculty with regards to directed studies proposals. HOW TO PROPOSE A DIRECTED STUDIES COURSE 1. Decide what you want to do and develop your idea and work plan as fully as possible. 2. Complete the Directed Studies Proposal form, including: Statement of work – this description must be detailed and explicit. It will serve as the primary basis for approval or rejection of your proposal. If your project is approved, it will also serve as one of the criteria again which your performance (i.e. your grade) will be evaluated Attach your unofficial student record to the proposal. Obtain the signature(s) of your faculty supervisor(s) – if your project is interdisciplinary or collaborative, you may need or wish to have a supervisor from each discipline involved. Production/Performance/Exhibition Information – if your project requires the use of University or School space or equipment, or the expertise of School personnel other than that of your faculty supervisor, you must clearly itemize all the resources, which will be required. You must then consult with the appropriate person and obtain his or her signature attesting to the willingness or ability of the School, area, or individual to provide the required resource(s). For example: to access or use any SFU Theatre space or equipment, see the SFU Theatre manager. To access the editing facilities, see the Film Laboratory Instructor. Monetary Costs – students are personally responsible for all costs associated with their directed studies project. 3. When faculty supervisor and resources signatures have been obtained, give the proposal together with your student record to the Area Coordinator. The Coordinator will present the proposal to an area meeting for consideration.