PRS/Muon Status & Plans Darin Acosta, for the PRS/Muon Group Results made possible by: Nicola Amapane, Silvia Arcelli, Daniele Bonacorsi, Giacomo Bruno, Tim Cox, Alessandra Fanfani, Ugo Gasparini, Marcin Konecki, Stefano Lacaprara, Marcello Maggi, Jason Mumford, Norbert Neumeister, Hannes Sakulin, Stefano Villa, Slava Valouev, Bart VandeVyver, Rick Wilkinson + the Production team Outline A summary of the Muon HLT material that is in the DAQ TDR (or soon will be): Raw data formats and volume: CSC, DT, RPC Î Calibration procedures Î Software status Î Track segment creation Î HLT reconstruction Î Isolation Î Level-1 working point Î HLT rates and efficiencies Î CPU analysis Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 2 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Overview of CSC Raw Data 540 chambers, 0.5 million channels Î The pulses from the cathode strips are sampled and stored in an analog memory every 50 ns Î The pulses from the anode wire groups (and strips) are discriminated for the trigger, and read out Î Digitization occurs when there is a L1 accept and if there was a local charged track (LCT) segment in the chamber “Region of interest” reduces the DAQ bandwidth Digitized with 12-bit ADC (2 bytes) Î muon cathode wires cathode induced charge cathode with strips avalanche 8 or 16 time samples are read out over a region 16 strips wide by 6 layers deep (3 kB or 5.4 kB per segment, or ≈20 kB/muon ) wires plane cathode Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 3 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta CSC Calibration Methods Cathodes Inject charge into one channel of every FE board simultaneously, read out all 96 channels of each board Determine fC-to-ADC calibration, measure cross-talk Î Data volume per pulse: 3.5 MB Î Data volume for full calibration: ~300 GB Î Expect a full calibration to take 10–20 minutes Î Can use standalone DAQ system to collect data Î Full calibration constants checked periodically (monthly) Î Tests require no beams Î Anodes Pulse wire group channels Î Smaller amount of data than cathodes 1 bit versus 2 bytes, since only have discriminator data Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 4 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Overview of DT Raw Data Î plates 250 chambers, 172K channels I-Beams Drift-tubes organized into 2 superlayers in φ and one in θ Î Honeycomb Field-shaping yields nearly uniform drift velocity along cell But sensitive to radial magnetic field Î Anode wire Electrode Cathode 13 mm Threshold applied to signals from wires Î Events 40 mm mm 42 Drift time for signal to arrive on wire is measured 21-bit TDC used for each channel (4 bytes) Programmable trigger window ~400 ns Î 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 θ=0 600 θ = 15 o o 400 200 0 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Drift time (ns) T[ns] CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 5 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta DT Calibration Methods Calibrations currently foreseen: Threshold run Pulse channels and scan/set discriminator levels for optimum t0 measurement Î t0 calibration Determine time-of-arrival of calibration pulse for each channel Î Rates Run without beam, determine noisy channels Î Extraction gap test Monitor dead channels & misalignment in trigger electronics continuously during the run by pulsing channels during LHC gaps Î Event size not expected to exceed normal event size Each calibration should take just several minutes during fill (or taken during run) CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 6 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Overview of RPC Raw Data 612 chambers, 160K strip channels Î Double-gap design with common pickup Î Pulses from strips are discriminated Î Used by Pattern Comparator Logic, and read out by DAQ Î Î Calibration Methods: Threshold scan and set Time window scan and set Test pattern injection (between fills or in gaps) Monitoring during physics runs Barrel sector – HV – HV CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 7 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Muon Data Volume Consider high luminosity (L=1034) with 100 kHz DAQ Raw data format is well specified by hardware designs Î Rates include neutron background estimate and overhead for headers and empty events Î CSC: 8 time samples and tight LCT coincidence Î 1100 MB/s (1300 MB/s with 3× safety factor on neutrons) Î Average occupancy is 3.4 segments ⇒ 10kB / L1A Î DT: ~1% channel occupancy from muons, punch-through, neutrons Î Event size: 9 kB/event Î Data volume: 900 MB/s Î RPC: Î ~0.6 kB event size (3% of CSC+DT) mostly from noise hits Overall: 2 GB/s at high luminosity (20kB / L1A) CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 8 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta HLT Results: Software Status Many improvements to the software over the last year Î In addition to the development/refinement of HLT algorithms, the code runs much faster, track segment reconstruction improved, overall efficiency increased, and the code is more robust and user friendly Î η generated 5.1 η reconstructed CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 9 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta HLT Input: Track Segment Creation CSC: CSC: Fit “Gatti” function to the spatial shape of 3-strip charge distribution to determine centroid of cluster in layer Resolution: 120–250 µm Î Fit lines in 3-D through the collection of wire and strip clusters in chamber Î Use positions of constituent hits for HLT tracking Î DT: Muon Track Layers 6 5 4 Comparator Bits 3 2 Charges 1 Strips Anode Wire Group Hits Muon track Reconstruct position of each channel above threshold using effective drift velocity Resolution: 250 µm in φ view Î Fit 2-D lines separately in r-φ and r-z through the 8+4 layers of chamber L/R ambiguities solved by best χ2 Î Combine into 3-D segments, use segment position and direction for HLT tracking Resolution: 100 µm in φ view Hit Laye N Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 Bu 10 Wire group hit PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Residuals and Pulls in r-φ residual pull Σ 109 Μm 600 DT 400 200 0 1000 500 0 500 sim fit X0 X0 Μm Residuals ME2,ME3,ME4 χ2 / ndf 1000 Mean 12000 Sigma Constant 0.0002398 6000 Mean 0.02302 6310 0.01169 Sigma 5000 10000 CSC 210.4 / 57 7000 Constant 1.272e+04 14000 χ 2 / ndf Pull ME2,ME3,ME4 1231 / 23 1.238 4000 8000 6000 3000 4000 2000 2000 1000 0 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 -0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 -5 0.2 x rec -xsim (cm) φ φ CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 11 -4 -3 -2 -1 rec 0 1 (xφ -xsim ) / σ xφ φ 2 3 4 5 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta HLT Track Reconstruction Standalone Muon Reconstruction: “Level-2” Seeded by Level-1 muons Î Kalman filtering technique applied to DT/CSC/RPC track segments Segment positions for DT, individual hits for CSC (B-field) Î GEANE used for propagation through iron Î Trajectory building works from inside out Î Track fitting works from outside in Î Fit track with beam constraint Inclusion of Tracker Hits: “Level-3” Define a region of interest through tracker based on L2 track with parameters at vertex Î Find pixel seeds, and propagate from innermost layers out, including muon Î High algorithmic efficiency Î Efficiency Î 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 12 0.5 1 1.5 2 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta η 2.5 ηµ PT Resolution barrel χ 2 / ndf Constant 12 Mean Sigma 10 10.11 0.01847 0.1196 σ = 0.12 8 Level-2: overlap 1.481 / 13 χ 2 / ndf Constant 1.4 1.2 Mean 0.01556 Sigma 0.1432 χ 2 / ndf Constant 1.168 σ = 0.14 1 endcap 0.2567 / 18 Mean Sigma 2.5 0.7722 / 24 2.459 0.03437 0.165 σ = 0.17 2 0.8 1.5 6 0.6 1 4 0.4 2 0 0.5 0.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 χ 2 / ndf Constant Mean 10 Sigma -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 χ 2 / ndf 3.294 / 25 Constant 9.297 -0.002059 1.2 Mean Sigma 0.01314 σ = 0.013 8 0 1 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 χ 2 / ndf 0.3244 / 27 Constant 1.071 -0.001114 Mean 2.5 Sigma 0.01493 σ = 0.015 0.408 / 27 2.306 -0.007125 0.0182 σ = 0.018 2 0.8 Level-3: Order of magnitude improvement 1.5 6 0.6 1 4 0.4 2 0 -0.1 0.5 0.2 -0.05 0 0.05 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 13 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Efficiency vs. PT Threshold Single muons with |η|<2.1 1 Efficiency Efficiency Level-1, Level-2, Level-3 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 10 GeV (a) threshold 0.3 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.1 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0 70 80 µ pT [GeV/c] Efficiency 1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 30 GeV(c) threshold 0.2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 µ pT [GeV/c] 0.9 0.8 0.3 10 1 0.8 0.3 (d) 40 0.2 GeV threshold 0.1 0.1 0 0 20 GeV(b)threshold 0.3 0.1 Efficiency 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 pµT [GeV/c] 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 pµT [GeV/c] Thresholds defined at 90% efficiency CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 14 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Cumulative Efficiency vs. Eta Efficienc Level-1, Level-2, Level-3 Single muons, no threshold, no pile-up 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 Eta coverage limited to 2.1 (Limit of RPC, and ME1/1a of CSC does not participate @ L1) 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0 0.5 1 1.5 Suppressed zero CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 15 2 2.5 |η µ| PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Muon Isolation General framework for isolation released since ORCA 6 Î Î Based on ΣET or ΣPT measurements in cones around the muon Cone sizes and thresholds are optimized To get maximal rejection on “reference background” (Minimum Bias muons with PT above the trigger threshold) for a given nominal efficiency on reference signal (W→µν) Optimization provides flat ε(η) on signal by construction Calorimeter Isolation Î ΣET from calorimeter towers in a cone around muon (sensitive to pile-up) Pixel Isolation Î Î Î ΣPT of 3-hit tracks in the pixel detector in cone around muon Studies done for full pixel detector (no staging) Requires that contributing tracks come from the same primary vertex as the Level-3 muon (to reduce pile-up contamination) Tracker Isolation Î ΣPT of tracks in the tracker (regional reconstruction around Level-3 muon) CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 16 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Isolation Performance Efficiency on minbias events as a function of efficiency on W signal 1 efficiency MB efficiency Efficiency on minbias events as a function of PTgen for 97% efficiency on signal L2 Calorimeter Isolation 0.9 L3 Pixel Isolation 0.8 L3 Tracker Isolation 0.7 High Lumi 0.6 0.4 High Lumi L2 Calorimeter Isolation L3 Pixel Isolation L3 Tracker Isolation e(W) ≥ 97% 0.4 p T ( µ gen ) > 22 GeV, | η | < 2.4 0.3 | η | < 2.4 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 10 10 pT gen 0 2 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 efficiency W “reference background” CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 0.75 “reference signal” 17 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta 10 10 10 10 10 6 5 Sensitive to entire inelastic cross section at LHC, since every π/K/b/c can decay into a muon and multiple-scatter to appear as high PT Î Procedure applied to force muon decays and assign event weight based on the decay and the generated PT Î MB : p T > 0 GeV , pµT > 1 GeV MB : p T > 0 GeV , pµT > 4 GeV 4 MB : p T > 10 GeV , pµT > 10 GeV W→µ+X : pµT > 3 GeV 3 Z/γ*→µ+X : pµT > 3 GeV 2 tt→µ+X : pµT > 3 GeV 10 1 10 10 10 10 -1 -2 Rate [Hz] d σ/dp Tµ [nb/GeV] Muon Samples for HLT Rate Estimates -3 -4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Differential cross-section Integrated muon rates vs. PT threshold, L=1034, |η|<2.1 Neutron background not included in simulations CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 70 80 p µT [GeV/c] 10 6 ± 10 10 10 10 K /π± 0 KL c b τ 5 4 0 Z /γ W± all 3 * 2 10 1 10 10 18 -1 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 p µT threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Possible Level-1 Working Points |η| < 2.1 GeV/c 50 kHz DAQ 41.0kHz for µ, µµ 100 kHz DAQ 8 kHz for µ, µµ 14 2 cut 1.5 12 2.0 10 2.5 8 3.0 4 4.0 5.0 2 6.0 3 12 12, 8;8 εW=91.4 % εZ =99.7 % εBs→µµ=14.5 % 3.5 6 Symmetric di-muon pT Symmetric di-muon pT cut 14 L1 single and di-muon combined trigger rates, high luminosity GeV/c trigger rates in kHz L1 single and di-muon combined trigger rates, low luminosity 14, -;εW=89.6 % εZ =99.8 % εBs→µµ=27.1 % 4 6 8 10 12 8 15 6 18 25, 5;5 εW=74.1 % εZ =99.5 % εBs→µµ=14.3 % 4 2 7.0 0 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Single muon pcut T / GeV/c L = 2x1033cm-2s-1 20, 6;6 εW=82.3 % εZ =99.6 % εBs→µµ= 9.9 % 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Single muon pcut T / GeV/c L = 1034cm-2s-1 Thresholds similar to those listed in Level-1 Trigger TDR, but acceptance limited CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 19 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta HLT Analysis Level-2 PT (@vertex) > 0 (valid extrapolation to vertex) Î Number of used RecHits > 3 Î Convert PT (@vertex) to 90% efficiency scale Î Apply calorimeter isolation at 97% efficiency point Î Di-muons: Require isolation of either of the two candidates Î Level-3 Number of silicon hits > 5 (pixel + strips) Î Convert PT (@IP) to 90% efficiency scale Î Apply pixel isolation at 97% efficiency point Î Apply tracker isolation at 97% efficiency point Î Di-muons: Reject ghosts (∆ PT < 0.1 and ∆η < 0.01 and ∆ϕ < 0.05) (Zµ1 – Zµ2) < 2mm @ IP Require isolation of either of the two candidates Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 20 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Rate [Hz] L1, L2, L3 Trigger Rates @ Low Lumi 10 generator 4.1 ± 0.1 kHz 4 L1 L2 L2 calo isol L3 L3 calo + pixel isol L3 calo + pixel + tracker isol 10 10 4 kHz 3 2 30 Hz L = 2×1033 cm-2s-1 10 10 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 15 20 21 25 30 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Rate [Hz] L1, L2, L3 Trigger Rates @ High Lumi 10 generator 5 L1 6.1 ± 0.3 kHz L2 L2 calo isol 10 4 L3 8 kHz L3 calo + pixel isol L3 calo + pixel + tracker isol 10 10 3 2 30 Hz 10 L = 1034 cm-2s-1 10 20 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 30 40 22 50 60 µ p T threshold 70 [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta 10 Before isolation, all 4 ± K / π± → µ ν c/b → µ + X 10 and after τ→µ+X 3 ± W → µν Z0 / γ* → µ +µ - 10 2 10 1 10 -1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] Rate [Hz] Rate [Hz] Physics Content after Level-3 10 4 all ± K / π± → µ ν c/b → µ + X 10 3 τ→µ+X ± W → µν 0 Z / γ* → µ+µ- L= 1034 cm-2s-1 10 2 30 Hz 10 1 π/K/b/c strongly suppressed 10 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 23 -1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta High luminosity Low lumi L3 Single µ Rates with Isolation (Hz) 12 GeV 14 GeV 16 GeV 18 GeV 20 GeV 22 GeV total 166.1 79.8 45.0 29.9 23.0 18.4 K/π 38.1 15.2 6.8 3.5 2.1 1.0 b/c 104.9 43.5 18.5 8.0 3.7 1.8 tau 2.5 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.5 W → µν 16.9 16.4 15.7 14.9 14.1 13.0 Z → µµ 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 20 GeV 22 GeV 24 GeV 26 GeV 28 GeV 30 GeV 32 GeV 34 GeV 36 GeV 38 GeV total 121.4 93.3 81.2 69.3 62.9 56.9 48.5 43.1 35.1 29.9 K/π 11.2 5.3 2.8 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 b/c 26.4 12.2 7.2 3.7 2.2 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.3 tau 3.4 2.6 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 W → µν 69.1 62.9 59.5 53.5 49.8 45.5 38.9 34.3 27.8 23.2 Z → µµ 11.3 10.3 9.7 8.9 8.4 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.2 5.7 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 24 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Efficiency for W, top Effic @ high lumi tt → 1µ + X 1 0.9 L1 @ 90% L2 @ 90% 0.8 L3 @ 90% L3 + isolation 0.7 Efficiency Efficiency W → µν 1 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 20 30 40 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 50 L3 @ 90% L3 + isolation 0.7 0.6 10 L1 @ 90% L2 @ 90% 0.6 0 0 (W → µν) 0 0 60 70 80 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] 25 10 20 30 40 50 µ pT 60 70 80 threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta 10 4 generator L1 10 L2 3 L2 calo isol L3 10 L3 calo + pixel + tracker isol 2 L = 1034 cm-2s-1 10 Rate [Hz] Rate [Hz] L1, L2, L3 Di-muon Trigger Rates 1 10 10 0 5 10 15 20 L = 2×1033 cm-2s-1 25 30 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] 5 generator L1 L2 4 L2 calo isol L3 10 10 L3 calo + pixel + tracker isol 3 2 10 1 Inclusive rates 10 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 -1 26 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta L3 Single and Di-µ Rate with Isolation 60 Hz 18 30 Hz 16 70 Hz 14 20 Hz 40 Hz 12 50 Hz 10 28.9 ± 0.5 Hz 80 Hz L = 1034 cm-2s-1 8 2 12 14 L= 16 18 20 22 24 26 Single muon p T threshold [GeV/c] 2×1033 cm-2s-1 T 4 threshold [GeV/c] 30 6 Di-muon p Di-muon p T threshold [GeV/c] 20 20 Hz 25 20 40 Hz 5 30 27 32.7 ± 0.4 Hz 15 10 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 30 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Single muon p T threshold [GeV/c] PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta W and Z Efficiency Di-muon 1 0.9 W ± → µν 0.8 0 Z → µ+µ- Efficiency Efficiency Single muon 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Effic @ low lumi 0 0 60 70 80 µ p T threshold [GeV/c] 0 Z → µ+µ- 10 20 30 40 50 µ di-muon p T threshold [GeV/c] Combined Z efficiency is 98% (88%) for low (high) lumi CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 28 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Efficiency of Higgs →WW → 2µ 2ν L3 Singleµ after Iso L3SingleMuIsoEff_histo M Higgs = 160 Entries 356993 Mean= 120 21.27 M Higgs RMS 13.92 M Higgs = 200 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PµT Threshold Efficiency at low lumi: MH = 120: Single µ = 73% Di-µ exclusive: 14% Combined: 87% Î MH = 160: Single µ = 87% Di-µ exclusive: 5% Combined: 92% Î Efficiency at high lumi: MH = 120: Single µ = 30% Di-µ exclusive: 34% Combined: 64% Î MH = 160: Single µ = 45% Di-µ exclusive: 32% Combined: 77% Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 29 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta CPU Usage W sample Single muon trigger 2x1033 cm-2s-1 Treshold = 10 GeV 1034 cm-2s-1 Treshold =18 GeV ms/(event passing previous steps) ms/(event passing previous steps) Total GEANE excl. Total GEANE excl. 430 100 460 105 95 25 110 40 330 160 560 336 Pixel Isolation 75 75 340 340 Tracker Isolation 70 70 220 220 Level-2 Calorim. Isolation Level-3 L2 time/L1 event Total L2 time 20 CPU time on PIII 1GHz W→µ+X events “Signal” Prop. Excl.: 0.105 s Prop. Incl.: 0.459 s 18 16 14 W→µ+X L=1034 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 T (s) PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta CPU Usage: Realistic Muon Spectrum Realistic Spectrum Single muon trigger 2x1033 cm-2s-1 Treshold 10 GeV ms/(event passing previous steps) Total GEANE excl. 1034 cm-2s-1 Treshold 18 GeV ms/(event passing previous steps) Total GEANE excl. Level-2 840 100 Calorim. Isolation 120 40 Level-3 735 425 Pixel Isolation 340 340 Tracker Isolation 370 370 1020 200 Total/L1 muon CPU time on PIII 1GHz CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 31 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Conclusions & Beyond the TDR Muon data volume ≈2GB/s Possible HLT working point at high luminosity Single PT threshold Î Di-muon symmetric PT threshold Î Combined rate Î Nearly all W/Z after isolation Î = 38 GeV : 29.9 ± 0.4 Hz = 12 GeV : 2.7 ± 0.2 Hz : 32.7 ± 0.4 Hz Further studies/solutions of problematic regions needed Inefficiency in DT/CSC overlap region and showering “TeV” muons Î Fast track propagator and replacement for GEANE Î Further optimize L1→HLT→offline for physics Disparity between L1 and L3 inclusive muon thresholds leaves room for more exclusive HLT triggers (correlations) at lower thresholds Î Some cuts should be relaxed at high PT (e.g. isolation) Î Refine/distinguish HLT tools and offline reconstruction HLT should be fast and robust. Just need to get event to tape, which means reconstructing just one or two muons Î Offline you want all muons reconstructed (e.g. H→4µ) Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 32 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Backup Slides Low Lumi Working Points Low Lumi: P1: ÎSingle PT threshold = 19 GeV : 25.7 ± 0.4 Hz ÎDi-muon symmetric PT threshold = 7 GeV : 3.2 ± 0.2 Hz ÎCombined rate = 28.9 ± 0.5 Hz P2: ÎSingle PT threshold = 19 GeV : 25.7 ± 0.4 Hz ÎDi-muon symmetric pT threshold = 6 GeV : 8.5 ± 0.7 Hz ÎCombined rate = 34.2 ± 1.0 Hz P3: ÎSingle PT threshold = 20 GeV : 23.0 ± 0.3 Hz ÎDi-muon symmetric PT threshold = 6 GeV : 8.6 ± 0.7 Hz ÎCombined rate = 31.6 ± 1.0 Hz CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 34 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Low Luminosity Rates Comparison 97% isolation cut (upper) and 90% isolation cut (lower) total 12 GeV 14 GeV 16 GeV 18 GeV 20 GeV 22 GeV 166.1 92.2 79.8 45.0 45.0 28.0 29.9 21.5 23.0 17.8 18.4 14.8 K/π b/c 38.1 23.1 15.2 8.9 6.8 4.1 3.5 2.3 2.1 1.3 1.0 0.6 104.9 49.3 43.5 17.8 18.5 6.8 8.0 3.2 3.7 1.5 1.8 0.6 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 tau 2.5 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 35 W → µν 16.9 14.8 16.4 14.3 15.7 13.7 14.9 13.1 14.1 12.4 13.0 11.3 Z → µµ 3.5 3.1 3.0 2.6 2.7 2.4 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.0 2.1 1.8 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Isolation: performance 0.5 pT (µ 0.4 gen efficiency MB efficiency MB Efficiency on Minimum Bias events as a function of nominal efficiency on signal ) > 16 GeV, | η | < 2.4 Low Lumi L2 Calorimeter Isolation L3 Pixel Isolation 0.3 0.5 p T ( µ gen ) > 22 GeV, | η | < 2.4 0.4 High Lumi L2 Calorimeter Isolation L3 Pixel Isolation 0.3 L3 Tracker Isolation L3 Tracker Isolation 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0 1 efficiency W CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 36 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 efficiency W PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Isolation 1 efficiency efficiency Efficiency on Minimum Bias events as a function of PTgen and η for 97% nominal efficiency on signal L2 Calorimeter Isolation 0.9 L3 Pixel Isolation 0.8 L3 Tracker Isolation 0.7 0.3 High Lumi 0.6 0.4 | η | < 2.4 0.5 e(W) ≥ 97% 0.4 0.2 p T ( µ gen ) > 22 GeV 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 10 CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 10 pT gen 0 0 2 37 L2 Calorimeter Isolation L3 Pixel Isolation L3 Tracker Isolation 0.5 1 e(W) ≥ 97% High Lumi 1.5 2 pseudorapidity PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Alignment using Muons Use prompt collision muons with PT>50 GeV/c from GMT Î 0.2–1 Hz muon/sector Require ~4 days @ L= 2×1033 to reach 200 µm precision ~ 1 TB dedicated data stored offline for alignment analysis Î Must have sufficient precision on ∆B/B See F.Matorras et al., CMS-TN 96-005 Î For the endcaps, might make use of a special accelerator muon trigger implemented in the CSC Track-Finder and GMT Triggers on halo muons traveling parallel to beam axis Î Expect a halo muon to trigger just one endcap or the other Î Needs investigation Î CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 38 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta Misalignment Effects on HLT Trigger Study degradation of the muon identification and Pt resolution after applying different misalignments Use modified ORCA package to perform misalignments Î Great advantage: Already existing MC is used, without being necessary to simulate distorted geometries. Based on existing Tracker ‘misalignment tools’: Basic concept: displace chambers hosting the reconstructed segments while leaving its local position unchanged ORCA study: CMS IN 2002/049 Calderon et al. L2 barrel L3 Example: Vertical displacement due to gravity. Units in cm. ∆y = 0 ∆y = 1 cm CPT Annual Review, 18 Sept 2002 39 PRS/Muon Status, D.Acosta