I Di P. 1/ /1 . r ' p.1.'" I 1 '1St; SpCoI\ "ihesrS ~.D !\~-~I,:) ,]\ ; r., II '~~>t"1' "'T'~G v'i S'Ji1] art- s :)Y0 ;1 r""':ean r ·wherpl');/ rnan attempts :("" Si vp forms to '1i s i neAc; ,m(l f"p~ i.ngs ,ma t:) g.'1 i.n per'":0:1.?l: .~.:)ti~fA .... t~O'!1 thr'}1!~J"'! inni\"iJl~1r11 tlcrn:--:1p1js:l"T!P!1t~"(~>~ATi'}\ (T\]"=::k :r=':Jrce:~q77). """0t'1 v·,rr>n he ]'"1r()ch .... p<"; "Tork:- nf Clrt <'Ind when he contE''''01 ''It-p,, thr>m, ''1''1'"1 '1<";('0; thp ilrts to '1p1 P hi!1'1 llnder~t;ma ";""c;e'f And +-he ~,,()rln Clr()und "1"1. One cf ":':1(> tradi·i~n21 ,-:~'!r1 un~lr.J(l -:· __~:l.('"'~i:~ns of the ,1.rr.5 ha~ l')ecn to (1:np~ .:"1 ,'=' i '7 \. .: ni-~ i -o:.Tj ~l 1],1.] .; :1 ~- .::- .rpr(·~" a t' ~ .,")t; ,,:1~ expr!"":l~~ j oh" {~:J\~2\ T",~~ P~~~c:~>;1n7:') . hu~·. con :-crne-i • providi.ng activities in '''hich with materials he ha~ i'l. chosen himsplf. Art· education ShOlllo n0t h0 Task chilo can succeed at. his own spepo, ,")f+-pn rnr~fuspd wi th art therapy. Art '-h,;r.'lPY Porce;1~72). i~portant ;~ re~Jr~ appreciate, 'nrl .~ ~n ~he c~pacitj lca~~ of people 0~ ~11 lcvcl~ t~ from I.he successful experiences that enjoy, ~r~ C~~ .. 'ith '-h'" :,assage of PI ()4-142 in lenS, i t is rpqujred that h~noir~pperl yo~nssteYs from ~nfancl through ~ge twentyon'? r0c n j VP-:; f~'pp 'lppropriate education a!:d aD E'qua} pcbca- tiona' 0ppo~tU~~ty. Rec~~se of thi~ law, c'asses ~ave hce~ up in ['u':)l:k sc},oo1s f,::>!" the s('vcrely rr'enta}ly handicapped, C;ome childrc;:}~:ten-:1 tb:ose c'.'l~~."e" in th(' public 'Ochoo1s, ~et ~'!hereas others becallse of hea 1 th , poor adaptive hchavi or, or other reason~, m~y be in day treatment centers or i n ~:t: 1 t '.It ion", ..• Ba sed OJ; surveys of the Amer i can A ssoc ia.t i (~n of ~en~al nef~cienCJ'the ~ajnr ~rganjzation of prn~0ssinnals in the f101d), j t 1-; detcn~i nr.c! tr'at" aoollt 1~ of ':1:(' popu 1 ,"'tti·':)r. can be c)nsidere(1 +n r:ave an TQ that falls withl:-' +-he !-an']0 of ~er~1.' r(,~i1nlatioY1"'Ul;!in and (1(' ('h"araj1()84). skills. Art can a~so be he1pful jn bu~lding decision-making ah~'ities. development''' IP rithjlc)83 1 • a rate one-!1a1 f ':0 tl;rec-follrths '-ha!- nf m'nTlAl chi laren. "'herp is an 4 !1hysir.al .3ges. The sequence of their development may he r.omp1etel v nor~a1, hut the aae 1evel f0r rearhina the various sta0es of npve 1 0pment does not: matrh that of the averaap nOr"laJ child. "r,lany types of me:1+-.,l ret-ardat jon can occur 'vi thO'ltany !1hysjcal disahilit:' ann i+- is llnnerstandablp that hunnn naturp has be~n sl,.,,\\,pr ; n "'hml7i.ng the same sympat'hy to,,'aros this category CIS ; t ("xtend'" to thosp who are phy<dca11 y handi rapnPd. "'hi s i. s prohAbly hecause +-he effects cannot- easi 1 y bp ilsc;essen in oh:lnllC: terms 1 i 1.::('> A. defoP1pd a!""!l or 1 ea. and sinre the +-r-?JTi C' i '~pl i r:-ati ':'ns of c;~lch a handicap arp nnt- ~asi1y un~pr~tood. a physlca'ly ahI€,bodif">(l htl:nan b('~ng ,.,'10 C,)]; ',,'1":(' r-'lt inadeqlvlte or Clbno!"':t1al :n?~;ponc;e;: ':'0 ordinary C',i,t,uatio:1:'" ('hes not nec0s~a!"i ~\" c'\"oke t·1C :-3;::(' :;e:l:1 '":1cnt" (T. !n0.r:ay;ln?~). other':" "'DO Lmction at a slower pare .incidences ~:J chronol :>gica 1 and mental ages. bcca'.ls(~ of S01:1(, emct.iona: s "l'!hat is thE' :r.ini:nuI:' ] p'lcl of inte11 igencc of "child below Hhich it "'QuId be impractica1 to '~ry to ~cvelop artistic expression? And what deviations fron thc norma' ~10des ryf 0y.prpssion :night one expect to Ei:-1('1 in the Oc!tput of :nen ta: 1 y retarded en i Idrcn, ,"lnd how much de',''iation co111<'1 0rH? allo"'! for the G~_;tp:Jt to rerrain ',\':'::hin Ihc defini'ion or art?"'Ga;t::kf:'1l1C'10 ('aits'kell;1C),)1~. A st~dv ~q~O's(Gaitskrl1 in the children vith TQ'~ a~d r'aitske11;1C)S3) found that lower than 40 appear to derive little nr no benefit "The slo\" ] eiln~er 1 1 i k0 .1 norrral chi,l'j, begin~ his career by :laniFJL,tirr; art :naterialc;, rath"'T tha!" hy drawing or modelli.ng recogniz"b'e objC'cts. He i c; :,o'nctl;:',ps slo'd("Y- ~() play 'v.' t:-' t:~,f' 'n3ter Ll~ ~ 'Tiven to hi.m, and '11"lY not explny-e thei'" p0s~ihi1 itiee: f~Jl1y ,'" lip mi.rrht ••. o!")C'E' he hac: hefj'l1n scrihbli.ng he :is often reluctA.nt to branch 011t into the llse of svrrbnls. If qive!" a seconri t.ype of '1'al:erial, he frequently prefers tn 'Tlanipu1ate the 0r:igLnal merlium, in the m:e of wliich "Ie feE'1s More c;e("l1re"~"a'itc;kell .3nn raits'k:el1j1 Cl c)1). artist.i~ "C; Thi? form~ u~cd 'by ~l()\v 1 earners '.:0 extend the :nean i Dry e,f :hei r 1. distortion :~ pronnunced in artions in their ~"~str~tio~s. mh~ titles may jl1ustr~t~ a gpner~l inability to organize thought. linear pers['ective. THe. T i.ke n('lrma1 chi.liln"n, slow learners c:'onc,l? tr.01y 111Jrwit"z., And !Jay;1<l82). c:p€(" ia1 a"! ~owances yrj 1 1 "ave to bf" r:1ade for lessons ,,,i th these is built arocmd Cl 1-D rea1i+:y. "'::'he fcl1o\\·i.ng are h",havioral characteri st i.cs genera 1.1 y i'l.s~:ociated ,dth trp $('''001-''1'1(> :rentCllly retarded chi1_d: 1. Learns at i'l. slower rate than his normi'l.1 peers. ? There is 1ittle ('arry over from one learning situation to another. Concepts and skills must be t:lUgl:t: <1Jle\v tn earh task. 3. HCl5 -jiffic1J1ties rira\vin? generalizations f!"om A Sf'ries of specific ;1Od rela.ted lear'lin,} experiences. 4. Learns better with ccrcyp+:p, rather ~hCl~ 2bstract matc:r-i31~. :'. Lparn~ ~ettpr incre:rent::: ta~k~ arc brokpr1 down into ~rn·1J 1 arc' p!"(>sent('d systematically and and thlt progress fn,cn the sir'1p1 (' 'l:1r1 t,\"hen ~-hat ::-(>qJ'~ntia.l1" ""1ore complex. 6. Demonstrates an infley"bility and a resistance to /""~ang() '7 >1n(~ :!.p,w 1(-'iir.:11nr: s;t~Jation-=-:. Needs reinf(Yrcement ir. learnin'} t.;'rO'.lgh H'f'ptitl()n with slight variation. 8. Has a short attention span and frustrates easily when ~~ as::~ q ..lr(~ ~-,)'") c'o~r1 ex n!~ Ln~::r1~ct ~ ons arc :10t enderst()()d. Np(>rls succcsr; f?XF0r-ienr~es for Lnprovcment C)f hi'" ~o'f-i~ag0 lnd a sen~c of rontrol of the C:1V i. 10. Is ronrnen ~ . 1i~itcd bith in intcl1rrtual funrtiC)nins ~~d ,'dapt i.'.'0 bp'-lavJor" :T1hI i.n a::1d de ChL'1ri1; 1<.)84). "Tt w0u1d sccrr t:!1at d~"e10r~71g 0.~ the rcsponses tC' (1rt curricu1u:r.. diycrt0~ ~o\-,',-lrd~ ·:(-w~1Ja.l expcriC'nrc!'O, ,,11th J clc~3.re, definition ,)f'move:nc~nt, di.rcct.ioo, rhythr;; .'!'1d c:pa~:i'l' YC'!ationships, cOJ}r'! help +:() <::;Jpplemen!- ,:-th€r are,ls 0~ 1 earn;,;:'}" (T,indsay; 1 '1'72) . "Art Activities are b"lSCO on and nurtured h~' sC'nsr":'ry so t~a t ~h0 ~t lr1')l at 10n ()f t~0 \riS1.~a~, .=:tue i ~:f)~T, tacti~e. anrl 01 factory ~en~e~ will give the child a sharpened abili+:'l '.-'ith \"r:ir-h to approac!: C'ommunic,t'on And pXrr~?~si()n in v":'}rio11~ ~en~a"!~;~itskE:-~,' f P'Jr,,.:1 1-'7, ar/t T)ay;lOQ:?~ i !1f0r~,A~:" i()!1? I o to his pxperiences in life. "Vl !"1Ja 1 C'':)nceptions ano Plotor skiUs are the to01o to revert hacY.. perception, sizE' over anc' und C'Y', an~ "., t() shapp '1"nr ,v:ni pel1 (It. inn. f'1.:1']01' paint. an(l rtny ~i~cr~~lnat~on, and rc]ationsh~p~ such as .:mn ont, 1 i. ght <'md dark, a.rcuI1c ar.c1 thr01Jgh, "rid CO:1ccpt;:; tL1t. ar: ,-W(pil"i,d ;}::; chi~drC':-. :nClture, though tr.c retarded child it is necessary '::0 7\1 ~:hot1r;~"" chi1drcn. t.h,~y r;;ental1y rptarde·d chi Icrcn l.earn :norc ~lo . . ."1.y than r~(1r::1al are sUIl potpr;ti;J.1 1earners, and $1-:0810 be t.reated as such. "To ins'-lre aderluatc and appropria.t.e pr09rZlr.1::1ing, i~~ ~.~ educat:i.ol~,'11 r:eccssfl'!'""y to ~"ndi\ridt;'.J.1ize '\nstr,~c":ion :- e.3cr~ r:~i Tn' ~ sf.~~C:l\]t:::: J VNlt)k~pssE"s, best ~ty:tp ('If lear-nin'; ,:::nd inter(lr:ts. Key tn teacr:ir:s t:he~<? cl~il<l~t?n i~ real.i,-t"~(" kno\-!led(]C' and ac('er~ancC' of their pr0sert 'e"e1 of f1Jl"ctio:1i01(~(;n+:<:'11~("'hFll ann adaptive bf'h2v10r) ane to b~111d 1"'Drni:~S' expericnrC's f"r'")':1 +:1:>"'" I"~);nt" (Utlln lnd de rhia¥~;lnR4). to mc n beyo!1r:1 t:i.s c~pacities. Once to develop trust between the t,~~ crild h()s learned a studcn~ an~ ~kil.l, thp trachcr. War it lu~t t~is, it r)0 is 10 "'T':lC' rc'ard~c1 rhi 1d "peds " on11'-)-- r;rpa1:('y" suggestive herf")n l(> <;t-i"r11JIAtP.d,. ,Pecau"f' the ret;lrded chi1c1, ras fp,,'er \'>oc;c;'ihilities of exprpc;c-:ion, creative activit-y will also have t-he bffect of relpac;ino pmot: i. ona 1 tAn c; i on s" (Towpnfeld; 1 Q') 7; . po;ver'th):1 "T~ ttl" !Joron,,'] ~o .-h51c) teach slow lear:1prs, a teacher must: 1, hI' pat:e!)+-. 7. 1)0 bu·--: abl.-: to :""!")~- 3, trnat ~tilnulEltc hur~y '~veY"y sa they improve :"!1c:ltal!y, t:1pr: bCY0!1c1 thc~~Y abiliti·:-,s. ,,10\" learner 3,<: c, hUT'lan ~)E'ing," r(:;aitsv,:"n, HU!"'xitz, ,'lnc Di1y;J Cl 8?). 11 ttt:-:e child lr:tlrn:;- t")c:1~- hp:1o !o:1gcr function~ as an isc~latc-0. 'nu:llan bein,), D.:1C th~':Yv}h the ,1f-qi)i~'it}:-)" of social ~kj"s !';11ch (',,: c()()?0rnti''"m -1n~ <;h,'p"" i'l (J. rp seC's that 1'1p '-,1.D "Ibs(':rb r-e~;rons~hi~i~y -:no ("O:ltrih),~:.0 ~_n a r'~)(,)p(,;iitiv'e 'jT(')OP rfforr. AC~'i'Iitif"C:: ~hAt 0:lP~'4~i7r' ~()r!;~l~7:a.t';or' 1~ .1 pr~:~ary 0l)jC'("t1'r?'O in('ludr :::11 ']r0Up af~+:i-/iti('<; lnd 'mlividcn 1 projC'r-tc: ,,",i;::: comma!'. ']oa1" ,"(1\11\E,\ ']';'\",1-: Por"c;1C> 7 2). "~q~ thout th(? contact \"1 \:1": -1rt, th<? chi 1.<'1 cannrt ha,vE' an llrt o"f' h.i~ ()\vnlttS~!l',va:t7;1~174). ,.., .. " Books 1" .A'::.:"1ck, S?1~'.i ~.~ .. ; Art l\c:tiv-!tic~ ~cr thr: :-Iann.:!capppcj; Prer::re-T.t.]'~ Tn;;.; },]o'-', ,Tc)""sey;1('8:2. 2. Gait~kcll,~harlcs,~nd Mal""9nrct ~ait~kc!!; l.~~; 3, \'~i~<::k~)'~) r-~~~r1.p.s, I!;c()""r:y~,y~, 4. Ti:1d,<;i1Y, LO\\l'~nfclc1, 7. Ph'_i'~> '-.!~~. ;12:!')~O r. :I·lr~.ri;'''z, ,T()'v','ny,r~(""l", (J!~r. ~·~j~hne1 T;1('".; "'0'..' 'Ina the EC!;)oic.'lppcd J>,rt N0W VOl""k; 'Viktf)~; }:;f?v: Y:)rk; Art ~ducati~n ~cr Slow Press; rr~:r()::tojln~<~. l'\'" o,),,""}(,,;. 7,,'l~dp(',; ~o~p3ny; r:::,. Pyc~son :,)i1'y; C"hilnrp;; ~!~d ~hp;r- :\rt; Yor}:; l<1P? rhn~;VZHl ~·o<'."~!",~:nn T"l·,,;nh01r'l 1~7? rr 7,l"t1'"r0 .::ln~ ~·~c~nt2.~ Gro''t''!-'h;~lracrl;~l;ln (1(.,mp~"l;;:/; 1'-H)7 ~~. 'RT0',\ry"J ,,1:10 '"0 3. +:h 0P '-''':lr); Art fer r.;xcrptional rq,i]orcn; T'1.lb' ~.S=1(.\r..r-:; !J'!~;'!rt':.ln, T:,:)\.!.1; ~('8t1 . .Tournals 1. ,'\nr3Prson, P.E,; ~rolurre ? "(,1.10'3: FYlitoria1"; ]\7AEA Studies in }\yt, EducatiO:l; ~2 n0.::-;lc"~1. 1\r:dcrso::, F'r,lr:cis E. ,:mel T'lrry <';. B."lx:1fir:Idj ",'\rt SspeciAl1-:- for r~xc('r:tional"; Art :~ducat:ion; v"]Ul"P ':'7 ::0.4; .'\pri1, 1"'74. 1. BrovTn, ;:'10(,"'p '-'.; "l\rt: .1r:0 '-h", S),pri"ll r)ecp~h<?;, 1 qcn • r:hi~el"; c;c~l'Jol '\rl-::::; " .. 1'11'1p 81; 4. Dalkf?, ro:;~~:.]C'<;"""h':::? 'rc ~"Tc r0~,·'--; "!rerc:Art a~1o '~rcc;:'ia1 :::ot.lcatin:1 l\t TJ':,q''\:!."~ EOuC1ti.o!l;Vo 1.un,-: 17 ;'0.4; t';ovemocr, ~n24. 6. 7 :'I, r,ittpr, T.~na; ., • ~h0 T()'_:~ t.._l:r~1~ ""Irt- for ('hi1 dren "Tdeas for 'T'""achin<' i\rt n.pprpcjati')n"j1\caderric 'T'herapy; VoluI'::c JP,:;o 4; ~"ar('h, 1('91. (' n1chacl "J,A.; ·"111.::oy LO\<Tc".f.,h1:P i on f 'C'r in 1\1"": r::cl:r::-atinn N.!\'S.l\ ,:tuc\i"s i!l 1l.rt E(hlcation; Vo11E:1e 2:' '1 0 .2;1"21. ~Ch~.",tr-~7, n0. p-ron; "A;:- f~r t,h0 :7Y"'ept 10ntlJ t1; "7:; O,""""."·~bC'Y", 1('7~. Th~r;'lpy";