Syllabus for Math 308 Differential Equations Fall 2010

Syllabus for Math 308
Differential Equations
Fall 2010
Sections 503 and 504
Instructor: Volodymyr Nekrashevych
Office: Milner 223
Office hours: Office hours: Monday 1:00–2:00 and Wednesday 2:00–3:00 PM or by appointment.
Telephone: (979) 845 24 50
Class hours:
Section 503: MWF 10:20–11:10 AM
Section 504: MWF 11:30–12:20 PM
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MATH 308 web page: The web page of the course is˜nekrash/teaching/10F/M308.html
The Mathematics Department has a web page for Math 308. Its URL address is
You can find there: Weekly schedule of the course, suggested homework problems, math department computer
help, help session schedule and other information.
Text. J. R. Brannan and W. E. Boyce, Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods & Applications
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN-13 978-0-471-65141-3.
I will provide handouts with introduction to MatLab. The following book might be helpful:
J. C. Polking, D. Arnold Ordinary Differential Equations using MATLAB, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-145679-2.
A personal copy of MatLab is useful, but not necessary, since you will be able to work remotely on Calclab
Topics covered. This is a course in differential equations. Topics include linear ordinary differential equations
and systems of linear differential equations, second order linear equations, solutions using Laplace transforms,
numerical methods.
Grading. Your grade will be determined by homework, two midterm exams and a cumulative final exam. The
weights of each of these are as follows.
Section Homework
20 pt
Exam I
25 pt
Oct. 6
Oct. 6
Exam II
25 pt
Nov. 12
Nov. 12
Final Exam
30 pt
Dec. 14, 8–10 am
Dec. 15, 10:30–12:30
I may curve any grade and will then compute the course grade by the following rule: A for at least 90 points,
B for at least 80 points, C for at least 70 points, D for at least 60 points and F for less than 60 points.
Plan of lectures.
8/30 Section 1.1. Some Basic Mathematical Models; Direction Fields
9/1 Section 1.2. Solutions of Some Differential Equations
9/3 Section 2.1. Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors
9/6 Section 2.2. Seperable Equations
9/8 Section 2.3. Modeling with First Order Equations
9/10 Basic commands of MATLAB. Section 2.4. Differences Between Linear and Nonlinear Equations
9/13 Section 2.5. Autonomous Equations and Population Dynamics, Section 2.6. Exact Equations and Integrating Factors
9/15 Section 3.1. Systems of Two Linear Algebraic Equations
9/17 Section 3.2. Systems of Two First Order Linear Differential Equations
9/20 Section 3.3. Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients
9/22 Section 3.4. Complex Eigenvalues
9/24 Section 3.6. A Brief Introduction to Nonlinear Systems; Solving equations with MATLAB
9/27 Section 7.1. Autonomous Systems and Stability
9/29 Section 7.2. Almost Linear Systems
10/1 Section 7.3. Competing Species, Section 7.4. Predator-Prey Equations
10/4 Section 4.1. Definitions and Examples, Section 4.2. Theory of Second Order Linear Homogeneous Equations
10/6 Exam Review
10/8 First exam
10/11 Section 4.3. Linear Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients
10/13 Section 4.4. Characteristic Equations with Complex Roots
10/15 Section 4.6. Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients
10/18 Section 4.7. Forced Vibrations, Frequency Response, and Resonance
10/20 Section 4.8. Variation of Parameters
10/22 Section 5.1. Definition of the Laplace Transform
10/25 Section 5.2. Properties of the Laplace Transform
10/27 Section 5.3. The Inverse Laplace Transform
10/29 Section 5.4. Solving Differential Equations with Laplace Transforms
11/1 Section 5.5. Discontinuous Functions with Laplace Transforms
11/3 Section 5.6. Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing Functions
11/5 Section 5.7. Impulse Functions
11/8 Section 5.8. Convolution Integrals and Their Applications
11/10 Overview.
11/12 Second exam
11/15 Section A.1. Matrices; Section A.2. Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations, Linear Independence, and
11/17 Section A.3. Determinants and Inverses ; Section A.4. The Eigenvalue Problem
11/19 Section 6.1. Definitiions and Examples
11/22 Section 6.2. Basic Theory of First order Linear Systems
11/24 Section 6.3. Homogeneous Linear systems with Constant Coefficients
11/29 Section 6.4. Complex Eigenvalues
12/1 Section 6.5. Fundamental Matrices and the Exponential of a Matrix
12/3 Section 6.6. Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems
12/6 Overview
Make-up policy: Make-ups for missed quizzes and exams will only be allowed for a university approved excuse
in writing. Wherever possible, students should inform the instructor before an exam or quiz is missed. Consistent
with University Student Rules , students are required to notify an instructor by the end of the next working day
after missing an exam or quiz. Otherwise, they forfeit their rights to a make-up.
Scholastic dishonesty: Copying work done by others, either in-class or out of class, is an act of scholastic
dishonesty and will be prosecuted to the full extent allowed by University policy. Collaboration on assignments,
either in-class or out-of-class, is forbidden unless permission to do so is granted by your instructor. For more
information on university policies regarding scholastic dishonesty, see University Student Rules.
Remember the Aggie Code of Honor: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.”
Copyright policy: All printed materials disseminated in class or on the web are protected by Copyright laws.
One xerox copy (or download from the web) is allowed for personal use. Multiple copies or sale of any of these
materials is strictly prohibited.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a
federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning
environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability
requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For
additional information visit