Physics I – Discussion Group – PHY 2053 Location and Time: Sec. 3435 Sec. 3447 Sec. 6168 NPB 1216 NPB 1101 NPB 1101 W-F, Period 5 W-F, Period 8 W-F, Period 10 Instructor: Arthur E. Ianuzzi Office: NPB 1224 Office Hours: W-F, Period 7 Course: This discussion group accompanies the PHY 2053 lecture. The purpose of the group is to provide a venue for students to ask questions, engage in the process of solving problems, and discuss concepts presented in the lecture portion of the course. Unlike the lecture, this discussion group will (with a few exceptions) have no pre-planned material to be covered in the class. This is your time as the student to receive whatever help you need to master the concepts covered in the lectures. Students must attend the discussion group that is assigned to them, but please feel free to attend the office hours of any discussion leader. A list of the office hours of all discussion leaders can be found on the course lecture section website. Text: There is no additional text beyond the one required for the lecture portion of the course (College Physics, Vol. 1, Serway and Vuille). It is not required to bring the text to class, but it is encouraged, since it is helpful to have problems, diagrams, equations, etc. available to look at while we are solving problems. Quizes: There will be approximately ten quizzes given weekly throughout the semester. Two quiz grades may be dropped, but there will be no makeup quizzes given. The only exceptions to this rule will be documented medical excuses, religious holidays recognized by the University of Florida, and official school activities (i.e. members of athletic/academic teams). Each quiz will be composed of one, multi-part question, and will be of a length appropriate to be completed in approximately fifteen minutes. The questions posed will reflect the content of the lectures, discussion group, and homework problems, and will aid in preparation for the lecture section examinations. There will be no quizzes during the first week of the semester, or during exam weeks. Grading: This discussion section will make up 20% of the total grade for the entire PHY 2053 course. This 20% will be composed entirely of quiz scores, and will be curved independently for each discussion section at the end of the semester. Beyond this, the remainder of the course grade, as well as what numeric score corresponds to what letter grade will be decided by the professors of the lecture sections. Please see that syllabus for more information. Academic Honesty: The following academic honor code shall be followed in any course at the University of Florida: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." In the discussion section of the course, this applies specifically to the in class quizzes, which are to be the independent work of each student. Students violating the academic honor code will be subject to academic discipline including failure of the entire course and referral to the Dean of Students Office. Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. See for more information.