FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN CHICAGO REAL ESTATE ARE FOREIGN INVESTORS DIFFERENT FROM DOMESTIC INVESTORS? by DEBORAH ANN NOONEY B.A., Communications Vanderbilt University (1985) Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Science in Real Estate Development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology July 1987 Deborah A. Nooney 1987 The author hereby grants MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author Department of Urban Studies and Planning July 31, 1987 Certified by James McKellar Director, Center for Real Estate Development Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Michael Wheeler Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development 1 AU 3 187 gOfto ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During the two month research and production period for this study, over 50 individuals were contacted and interviewed. These interviews were of critical importance and I wish to thank those individuals who shared their time and their knowledge with me. Without their assistance, my work would have been much more difficult. I would like to extend a special thanks to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) who sponsored this thesis as study examining foreign investment part of a broader In particular, I would like patterns in the United States. to thank Mariam Meyer, Manager - International Operations of the NAR, Fred Flick, Director of Economic Research, and Sean Burns, Economist for their personal time and assistance. I would like to extend an additional thank you to the faculty and staff at M.I.T.'s Center for Real Estate Development for all of their help and support. 2 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN CHICAGO REAL ESTATE: ARE FOREIGN INVESTORS DIFFERENT FROM DOMESTIC INVESTORS? by Deborah A. Nooney Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning on July 31, 1987 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Real Estate Development ABSTRACT The nature and level of recent foreign equity investment in commercial real estate in Chicago, Illinois was analyzed as one part of a larger study in which the transactions involving foreign investors within three individual markets (Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Chicago) are being studied to analyze current foreign direct investment patterns in the United States. This study identifies foreign investors active in the Chicago real estate market and determines if and how the foreign investors in this market differ from domestic investors. The findings indicate a foreign interest in approximately seven percent of the existing office supply in the Chicago metropolitan area and nearly 10 percent in Chicago's central business district. Although less than comparable estimates in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., the findings indicate that foreign investors are active in the Chicago real estate market. This participation by foreign investors, especially Japanese investors,is likely to increase in the foreseeable future. Additional findings include the following: significant differences exist among foreign investors active in the United States; the longer foreign investors are active in U.S. real estate, the more they appear to resemble domestic investors; foreign investors have strong product preferences; some foreign investors are willing to pay a premium for some types of U.S. real estate; foreign investors have a longer term view, foreign investors tend to be more relationship oriented than domestic investors and; foreign investors prefer to structure simple transactions. Thesis Supervisor: James McKellar Title: Director, Center for Real Estate Development 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments.. Chapter One Introduction .......................... 5 Chapter Two Foreign Investment in the U.S.: An Overview ......................... 20 Chapter Three Chicago: An Overview ................. 30 Chapter Four Perceptions and Why Chicago? Strategies .......................... 41 Chapter Five Examples of Foreign Investment In the Chicago Market ............... 69 Chapter Six Are Foreign Investors in Chicago Different than Domestic Investors?..87 Chapter Seven Foreign Investment in Chicago: outlook and Opportunities .......... 107 Bibliography.... ...................................... 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .131 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION PREFACE Several cities in the United States tend to have a disproportionate share of foreign investment in real estate, most notably major cities on the Atlantic or Pacific coasts New York, Los Angeles, such as Francisco. analyze Washington, D.C., Few studies published why investment some than differences in cities others activity the level in sphere of Chicago. if The and the one major city interest of Secondarily, a larger determine estate significant foreign investment outside the namely investors, this study attempts to determine if behave differently This investigation is one being conducted concurrently differences foreign focus of this study is to foreign these study investors in three U.S. are appears to fall that foreign investment and the more and domestic investors nature of than their domestic counterparts. of there in the Chicago market foreign investors part attracted the way that foreign behave within these markets. determine to date have attempted to have and and San activity between in commercial foreign and to real domestic markets: Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS exist among Significant differences foreign investors currently active in the United States, as is domestic investors. On one national cultural the case with level these differences reflect traits. Japanese look for different types of investments than do Dutch investors. For example, Japanese investors suburban properties are. On another are at this level, foreign a U.S. significant than any Dutch investors investors differentiate syndicator, a foreign syndicator. purchase Just as a U.S. pension fund is has different investment criteria a foreign willing to time although themselves by investor type. different than not investors These pension fund and preferences than does differences commonalities that are might be more used to generalize the form of foreign investment. The longer foreign investors are active in U.S. real estate, the more they appear to resemble domestic investors. The differences that domestic investors initially arise with respect location preference, and risk time. As between product and preference, posture tend to diminish over these differences diminish, foreign and domestic parties those to between foreign transactions between domestic begin to more closely resemble parties. 6 For example, Dutch investors Sources U.S. are willing report that real to when these estate, they properties. This not willing were in suburban properties. investors began not acquiring interested in is similar to the investors today. players in U.S. invest reluctance of Japanese Japanese investors have only real estate since the early to purchase properties suburban been major 1980's and are in the suburbs at this time. Foreign exhibit a Foreign for downtown properties often perceived of all nationalities strong preference for downtown, properties. point investors by entities have a and "class A" office cultural office properties. reference Furthermore, these command international recognition foreign concerns to types be less and are risky than alternative investments. Some price for types of foreign investors are willing some types of U.S. real estate. entities are able historically Not to pay real estate, but not all properties sold to command high prices. commanded a premium higher prices for all to' foreign Those that have are downtown and landmark properties in major U.S. cities that are both well located and substantially leased. Foreign entities will bid lower on other types of properties culturally unfamiliar or which greater risk. Since there with which they are they perceive to represent a is little documented evidence of 7 of residential, industrial, foreign purchases can assume that foreign properties, one less for and suburban entities would bid properties are sold such properties since to the "highest bidder." In a 600,000 recent transaction in Chicago, square million, or foot downtown $125 per square recently agreed to purchase over $250 per square foot office foot. RREEF purchased a building A foreign for $75 investor has a downtown Chicago property for which may set the precedent for future investments in the market. Foreign investors tend to other cultures, holding than they are are lower have a longer-term view. periods are traditionally in the United States and, as turnover rates. major property in its longer a result, there "Mitsubishi Estate largest owner of real property is In Co., Japan's said to have never sold a 50-year history." 2 Furthermore, foreign entities consider the United States a safe haven for capital this and are country for interested in a investing their longer period of time capital in for capital preservation purposes. Foreign investors tend to be more relationship-oriented than domestic investors. relationships and without the use of They tend to generally would intermediaries. 8 establish long-term prefer to deal directly However, since they are unfamiliar with the United States and with the ways of doing business, like they intermediary to can who align themselves aid them This is the on-going relationship. larger after time domestic with the firms tend for search basis for what often With the domestic insurance their an assistance in negotiating with investments and provide them domestic parties. in with first exception of some companies, who same domestic to be is an of the often deal real estate time firms, more transaction-oriented than foreign investors and do not depend heavily on relationships with investment advisors. Foreign investors transactions, because of the familiar, results by American structures. all- all-cash For to structure standards, on structures with usually are tend debt or which they purchases are culturally all-equity. purchases and example, their simpler What often straightforward "investment vehicles, such deal as limited or general partnerships, do not exist [in Japan] and Japanese laws concerning similar Japanese entities are not well developed... Real estate deals are almost never financed on a non-recourse basis and the concept of the convertible mortgage is unknown in the domestic context." 3 Chicago investment and is not currently a most foreign this market have been active 9 first choice for foreign entities who have invested in in other markets in the United pursuing to prior States opportunities investment in Foreign investment (excluding Canadian investment) Chicago. metropolitan area in the Chicago office space in existing to roughly seven of the decade amounts since the beginning percent of total office space in that metropolitan area. In 51 percent of and in investment Angeles, foreign Los in space office comprises central business the district, Washington, D.C., foreign investment accounts for 12 percent of the supply of office space.4, 5 Foreign investors are likely to future to in this invest in Chicago properties. market tend to office properties in other opportunities saturated, as become prices in trend of in both malls. As investment markets these markets continue to U.S. real estate grow in the Chicago market increases and, as the Chicago market begins current regional and increase, as foreign portfolios of the buildings of foreign investment popular foreign size, as familiarity with Foreign investors downtown office favor are examples although there suburban be more willing in the to show signs of recovery from it overbuilding, is expected that foreign investment in this market will increase. The with Japanese are Chicago. This this beginning to indicates a market. purchases in announced involving Japanese feel more comfortable likely increase In 1986, investment in their projects were in Chicago. One two involved transaction projects additional Japanese debt only. have been Japanese are actively studying that the Foreign also indicated brokers have and local investment advisors 10 representing identified downtown Chicago. in direct investment 1987, July, As of the Chicago market and seeking investment opportunities in the Chicago area. There developers, management lawyers to there are Specifically, market. interface with foreign leasing from properties, to arrange participate in joint entities, to sell in foreign Chicago area to generate fee favorable venture foreign of owned financing, project arrangements properties, or to act between domestic sellers and for brokers, and interests management and estate opportunities firms, leasing agents, investment transactions in the income real Chicago foreign sources of capital in professionals desiring to tap this for opportunities are with to foreign as an intermediary foreign buyers of Chicago real estate. DEFINITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS Foreign direct investment in this study includes only commercial property transactions in which the foreign entity involved has an equity investment. analysis, debt having the assumed to be an For the purpose of this characteristics of equity is also equity investment (i.e. 11 participating or convertible mortgages). have historically been and Although Canadian investors development in to standing affiliations this study investors. This is investments are but due was not a to the conducted, that to imply not limited time have been they Canadian equity in the Chicago force significant firms. American non-North on focuses long their estate real U.S. with Therefore, study real estate, their well as as States, the United proximity the length of domestic firms due to have been active in U.S. time that they virtually are firms Canadian that indistinguishable from market, market, preliminary the Chicago real estate indicates research and ownership property active in quite be to continue which this frame in the from excluded research and analysis. METHODOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION The analysis uses a case-study on-site whenever transactions Initially, possible. foreign interviews, on personal approach based involving in Chicago direct investment of foreign a sample entities that of have 26 taken place in the Chicago market were identified through contacts in the area. After identifying these specific transactions, American and transactions, the the foreign principals intermediaries 12 involved associated in these with both parties to the deal, the prominent real estate professionals real on estate Over length. at possible national level a Chicago and in New York City were 50 people when interviewed were contacted in Using by phone and in person. the relative level and the related interviews, these cases involved in level,and those local, Chicago on a involved and nature of foreign investment activity in Chicago as well as the perceived differences in foreign investment behavior in the Chicago market were then deduced and analyzed. As background, discusses foreign Chapter Two summarizes briefly investment activity and in the of all types United States. Chapter Three introduces economic, and Chicago from a real estate perspective, and currently. a demographic, both historically It discusses the attraction of Chicago for any investor, foreign or domestic, and compares Chicago with other major cities in the country. In addition to summarizing general foreign strategies and objectives for U.S. real estate investment, Chapter Four describes the foreign perception specifically why certain foreign of the Chicago market, entities decided to invest in this market. After identifying Chapter Five offers general perceptions summary transactions that have been closed 13 and strategies, descriptions of four in Chicago over the past several are transactions presents involved have fundamental the including the the parties These pending the of diversity of deals are This chapter and the highlight the cases four transactions over the pending property description, currently being negotiated been transacted of transactions the of involved, the descriptions that have aspects structure. deal Three discussed. briefly also investors foreign types. and nationalities different and that years past several or that years in this market. different from foreign differences, investors Identifying investors. domestic these understanding that assume often Americans when they occur, are and are important for U.S. real estate professionals seeking to work investors. with foreign Different cultures preferences for product types, structures. have different geographic regions, and deal Different cultures also behave differently with respect to how they make decisions and what they are willing to pay for U.S. real estate. Chapter Six addresses, from a domestic perspective, how foreign investors are perceived to be different from domestic investors in Chicago. The final the current chapter offers foreign analysis and investment trends highlights foreign investment this city, and speculates on the 14 activity conclusions of in Chicago, and projections for opportunities created for real foreign to tap this market in estate professionals sources of capital. LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH The field research was affected by severely constrained of field sources to divulge time limitations, the reticence and information specific provide on facts particular reliance on often broad and transactions and, the continued general opinions without the benefit of corroborating facts. This paper was researched and produced over a two-month period. Unfortunately, with such a limited time to cover a broad subject, one can barely scratch the surface of foreign size of Chicago. Therefore, the a starting point with more fieldwork investment in a market the work must be seen as required as a basis for more definitive conclusions. In hard to the assemble because this data for identifying Chicago the From Angeles. property area methods by Washington, in outset, owned because of essence protects there an they 15 were foreign by the anonymity which problem not encountered by other researchers investigations similar be a to This seemed was in gathering of the difficulties study. endemic to Chicago and in limitation, information the time addition to Illinois and D.C. difficulties entities that state law of property owners own property. in Los in the in and the Protecting often of foreign investors obtain from the advisors difficult to was information Furthermore, market. Chicago the in individuals companies and many of preoccupation be a transactions seems to real estate confidentiality of because of the confidentiality of the fiduciary relationship profile, and there Beyond deliberately in Chicago property disguises that no clear reason try one the owners to keep a low chain of intermediaries is often a long further that involved Additionally, clients. estate professional suggested that Chicago real of their and advisors between ownership property. of apparent for this was given obsession with anonymity. solely a this of problem difficulties in gathering data by excerpt the following also because Illinois limits the similar encountered in Chicago as is illustrated from a recent marketing of the confidential nature difficult because not prominent A office building transactions in "Tracking major and researcher. advisor has investment international information was access market inability to This trust structure the availability of in study. Chicago is of most deals the state of information concerning 6 building ownership." Subsequent to Chicago, there involved to identifying foreign-owned was often divulge reluctance on specific 16 properties in the part information of those regarding the It was transactions. given any of sides" much strategies out came and international Whereas difficulties some extent in the other markets such as these did exist to that they exist to the extent they did not being studied, with of conversations advisors representing foreign clients. Therefore, perspectives foreign on information the of offices. many maintain U.S. in the city nor do foreign not have offices the Chicago market do investors active in the of Many transaction. with "both to speak also difficult did in Chicago. Limited information on foreign investment in Chicago is also partially due to compared to other U.S. cities and such investment as like New York, San Francisco, In the related studies foreign investment activity in the Los Angeles and Washington, Los Angeles, that assess of the lack Washington, D.C. D.C. markets, 27 involving transactions foreign equity investment were identified in the Los Angeles central business district, which of space,7 and 70 such has 28 million square feet were identified transactions in Washington, D.C.'s 58 million square foot CBD.8 In Chicago's CBD, which has transactions 19 were over 95 million square feet of space, there involving identified foreign investors. In many transactions instances, with foreign the parties investors 17 involved were not in the comfortable giving out information. In comparison to other markets, Chicago real estate professionals seem to be more guarded in disclosing market professionals in Whereas there information. the Chicago market who were and informative, there were equally discuss specific transactions. Chicago market is industry relies information. the surprising so heavily A guarded climate lower level of interest Chicago market. 18 many were very helpful as many who declined to This characterization of the given that on the the real free estate exchange of could account, in part, for by foreign investors in the Chapter One Endnotes 1 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Chicago Office Market Report, (November 1986), 18. 2 Arthur Mitchell, "Remarks Before the Japan Society Conference on Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate," (2 October 1986), 3. 3 Ibid, 3. 4 Michael Smith and Kevin Whalen, "Japanese Investors in United States Real Estate: Are They Really Different. A Review of Activity in the Los Angeles Area" (M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987). S. John Hodge and S. Kent Roberts, "An Assessment of Foreign Investors in the Washington, D.C. Real Estate Market" (M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987). 6 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Chicago Office Market Report, (November 1986). 7 Smith and Whalen. 5 Hodge and Roberts. 19 Chapter Two AN OVERVIEW OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE U.S. FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES been has There the past exceeded the previous year's investment. in in this country and mortgage related The U.S. Commerce of billion $750.9 invested of total include investments stocks deposits in securities, and Department entities such as assets financial various Portfolio 75 percent approximately represent foreign investment Foreign investment investment. direct or investment investments has is traditionally categorized as either in the United States portfolio investment foreign annual years, several year over Each United States. in the investment activity foreign of amount increasing an and bonds, U.S. banks. foreign estimates that in portfolio U.S. investments in 1985.1 According nearly 52 to U.S. percent of Commerce Department statistics, foreign portfolio investments in the United States are made by the western Europeans, the largest source of Ranked second investments investments in foreign portfolio in largest 1985 dollar in are the volume Japanese. this country. 2 of Sean portfolio Burns, a Forecasting and Policy Analysis research economist with the 20 Division of the National "The Association of Realtors, explains, represents 25 cents investment in the United States." 3 Exhibit 1 identifies the investment according portfolio foreign portfolio dollar in of every This $30.5 billion. alone is Japanese contribution nationality of to the the investor. The other general classification of foreign investment, contributing 25 the United defined as foreign investment in States, is direct investment. 4 Commerce U.S. percent to the total foreign direct Department, investment entity of 10 percent or more is a foreign indirect ownership by "the direct or incorporated business According to the of the voting securities of an enterprise, and a 10 percent or more interest in real property." 5 Foreign direct investment is to nature the of reporting requirements in the United For example, investments are often reported at book States. value which disguises the and difficult to estimate due other estimates market value of these investments rely on information from published articles. 1985 Commerce Department estimates billion to foreign direct investment increase from amount of 1984 investments.6 foreign nationality of the investor. 21 $183 in 1985, an 11 percent Exhibit 2 investment direct attribute identifies the according to the FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN U.S. REAL ESTATE Based on U.S. Commerce the United U.S. Using direct foreign billion) represent direct foreign 1985 According to estimates from Salomon compared to domestic investment in U.S. real investment accounts for "slightly estate, foreign percent of the total of percent investments in the U.S. Brothers, Inc., estate ($18.6 U.S. real 10 approximately estate. 7 1985 estimates,8 Department investments in real U.S. of worth billion nationalities purchased of all types and foreign investors $3.5 Commerce Department statistics, in 1980, real estate in total value of all developed States. the Hence, investment in U.S. real estate impact of foreign is still relatively small in size of the market." 9 Amounting comparison with the overall to $18.6 billion in 1985, total over one direct foreign investment in real of the total foreign investment in the United States in this year. Total estate represents approximately two percent invested in includes the $750.9 billion foreign investment portfolio instruments and the $183 billion directly invested by foreign entities in the United States in 1985. Of all of the United States, Netherlands investors have invested basis as Exhibit own property in the foreign investors who the 3 illustrates. 22 from Great Britain and most capital In the on an the annual past several years have increased the Japanese has Much dramatically.10 their investments in the U.S. about Japanese written been investment in the past twelve months, and their acquisitions of highly visible properties have drawn much press coverage. real the estate until and the investors Japanese prominent actors are 1980's and the beginning of have Judging from the number approached this country cautiously. of transactions players in U.S. investors were not major However, Japanese their purchases, dollar amount of becoming definitely increasingly Japanese estate market. in the U.S. real have at least doubled from investments in the United States 1985 to 1986, and it is estimated that the Japanese invested between $2.5 and investment is Japanese during which an purchase properties.12 estate in 1986.11 $3 billion in U.S. real time expected to Exhibit 4 to $5 additional are investors Japanese $6 illustrates in 1987, double again expected in billion to U.S. annual Japanese real estate investment in the United States since 1980. Although much is important to Japanese, it remember that they investment investment has yet investors. In one billion and in total to surpass dollar that of 1985, Japanese investment dollars. volume, are still Japanese English and Dutch slightly exceeded English investments 23 the Furthermore, in new players in the U.S. real estate market. annual on focused attention has recent in U.S. real totaled $2.3 billion according to Japanese investment in U.S. the compares properties U.S. in 1980 and investor in of the the nationality the making year, Exhibit 5 investment foreign English in and the this year.14 given in a of percentage that largest source of foreign Japanese, the estate However, the Dutch property U.S. of acquisitions same period.13 indicate 1986 for surpass both investors will real during this estimates preliminary while Dutch investment $4.6 billion in 1985 estate totaled 1986. WHAT MAKES REAL ESTATE AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT FOR FOREIGNERS? There are articles published numerous reports and speculating why U.S. real estate is an attractive investment for consistently Reasons foreigners. in cited these articles include: 1 5 *Exchange A Rate Differentials. dollar, weak U.S. compared to foreign currencies, increases foreign purchasing power enabling investors to get more product for their currency. *Lack countries, England, of Domestic Investment Opportunities. including Japan, have opportunities. few This is The Netherlands, domestic caused 24 real by estate Foreign Germany, and investment the unavailability of of developable land. product and the scarcity foreign in owners property reasons, for rate turnover the result, a As States. hold countries time than is common in the properties for longer periods of United For cultural investment grade properties is low in foreign countries thus limiting investment opportunities. rate This reduced Japan. with the foreign countries, than many rates lower tax States offers The United *Tax Advantages. exception of returns, increase overall can however measured, in U.S. real estate investments. In many *Higher Yields. States, owners of real between 8 percent and 10 the United often capture yields real estate. U.S. in investment equity yields derived from investments are lower than real estate yields on foreign countries estate can In According to analysts at percent. Jones Lang Wooten, yields in London average between 4 to 5.5 in percent, Frankfort 5 of those 6 the Netherlands to in home markets would in in excess percent.16 Clearly, sustained yields found and 6.75 percent, attract foreign investors. currently exports foreigners U.S. with desire the lack Deficit. States Trade *The United more than dollars to spend. imports Trade United States which capital 25 gives surpluses coupled investment opportunity of domestic to preserve it The encourages foreign and the investment year [1986] Japan Brothers, "Last trade surplus $51 billion registered a Mitchell, a to Arthur firm Coudert York law the New partner in According countries. outside their with the United States alone." 17 Political and *The States. foreign by political and capitalistic world; it is as a havens in the United of the considered is the safest among to be investors States United The Economic Stability economic safe place to invest and preserve capital for the long term. *Portfolio Diversification. Investment in real U.S. estate is often used as a portfolio diversification strategy for foreign investors for many of the same reasons appealing investors. domestic market, the investment markets size The largest in the of the free world, and the opportunities available provide ample U.S. real estate variety of within individual diversification alternatives foreign and domestic investors. *Globalization of the world's financial Markets. the world's of the merger of This consists global single a into financial and capital markets of rates Differential market... capital in differences plus nations, deregulation in major have markets financial their the initial traits of created large discontinuities and anomalies in the These markets. these merging of process arbitrage many generating are discontinuities of foreign recent flow The possibilities... of such part is estate real int? 8 U.S. capital arbitraging. 26 U.S. for From the statistics, it appears that foreign investment of all kinds in the U.S. is significant in dollar amount and is increasing in volume overall size of the U.S. in investment percent. Foreign component of and real of total annually. However, relative to the real estate market, foreign direct accounts estate for investment in Chicago is total foreign investment in foreign investment in less one an even smaller the United States real estate. specifically analyzing foreign investment than Before in Chicago, it is fundamentals of this market and necessary to understand the its attraction to investors. 27 Chapter Two Endnotes 1 Sean Burns, "The Contribution of Foreign Portfolio and Direct Investment to the U.S. Housing Market in 1986," (January 1987). 2 Ibid. 3 Sean Burns, "An International Role for U.S. Real Estate," Real Estate Today, 20, (June/July 1987), 20. 4 Burns, "The Contribution of Foreign Portfolio and Direct Investment to the U.S. Housing Market in 1986." 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 John Magazine, E. Tsui, "Japan: The Land Rush," (June 1987), 33. Development 8 Burns. "The Contribution of Foreign Portfolio and Direct Investment to the U.S. Housing Market." 9 Anthony Real Estate Downs, "Foreign Capital in U.S. Markets," Salomon Brothers, Inc., (April 1987), 4. 10 Tsui, "Japan: The Land Rush." 1 1 David Ibata, "Japanese Buy Into Downtown," Chicago Tribune, 4 February 1987. 1 2 Real Estate Forum, (May 1987), 42, "The Japanese and Their 'Yen' for United States Real Estate." 1 3 Peter R. DeWitt, "Foreign Direct Investment In U.S. Real Estate," Real Estate Review, 16, (Winter 1987), 69. 14Tsui, "Japan: The Land Rush." 15Downs, "Foreign Capital in U.S. 1 6 Jones Real Estate." Lang Wooten, "International Property Review: 1987." 28 1 7 Arthur Mitchell, "Is the Japanese Market a Level 3. Playing Field," (11 May 1987), 1 8 Downs, Markets," "Foreign Capital in U.S. 2. 29 Real Estate Chapter Three CHICAGO: AN OVERVIEW Chicago is Chicago is remembered for such "The City of Big Shoulders." the as things building - Chicago 1871 the Sears Tower, the Fire, airport Al 1987 when Prior to being of the distinction had gangster that of Chicago's, O'Hare Atlanta's airport volume exceeded International tallest world's antics of the "signature" architecture. Capone, and City" and as the "Windy often referred to the busiest airport in the world. is There far officially became a more to Chicago Chicago this. than and its economy city on March 4, 1837, has substantially grown and changed in its 150 year history. and has Chicago is center financial States. As the early as the founded adding city.2 The volume of Trade reached a than the exchanges - commercial and time the the United 1850's, Chicago was known as the of midwest region transportation in nanufacturing and nation's midsection. Trade was more for center for commercial the been for some In Chicago Board 1849, the a new aspect of commerce combined volume 1985. of the to the the Chicago Board of contracts traded on record high in of This volume was next three the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, futures the Commodity 3 Exchange of New York, and the New York Mercantile Exchange. 30 Chicago is also home to the Midwest Stock Exchange which is 4 the second largest stock exchange in the nation. CHICAGO DEMOGRAPHICS AND SIZE Following New York, whose 1985 population was estimated at million at 8.1 estimated States with population year, Chicago same in this largest metropolitan the third ranked whose Los Angeles, and million, 8.4 area in an estimated 7.3 residents was is the United in 1985.5 According to an analyst at Landaur and Associates, although it is less than 2 percent from the migration population outpaced that of to the "rust belt" in growth affected year and per last the by the tremendous sunbelt, Chicago's decade all major cities in the [1970-1982] has north and central regions of the United States. Chicago is square situated on Lake Michigan approximately miles.6 Since undeveloped, future and covers 4,654 half of expansion of the area this land is has few physical limitations other than Lake Michigan to the east. According to census data, is 29.8 years. years, younger the median age of Chicagoans than the national average of 30.3 household income in the city of In 1985, the median Chicago was estimated from census data to be $19,667.7 31 CHICAGO'S CHANGING ECONOMY As in many northern urban rested Chicago's economy century, in However, industry. areas at of many of the the turn and upon manufacturing these Chicago cities, included, the economic groundwork has shifted to the service industries over the past decade. More than a century ago, Chicago was perhaps best known for its shipping services. located in the center Having the advantage of point linking distribution the nation, the city East to the West. the transportation hub, Chicago has network of Investment transportation Research of being a As a always prided itself on its facilities. of Jones division transport products across the was According Lang to the Wooten, "to continent, the city possesses a network of airports, railroads, waterways, and expressways that carry more passengers and cargo annually than any other location in North or South America." 8 Well before the turn of the century, Chicago became known for industries such as meatpacking, manufacturing, and steel making. as well Chicago was also a metropolis for agriculture as the center for agricultural machinery.9 1960's, Chicago's economic base such as metals, electric By the was comprised of industries machinery, food processing, nonelectrical machinery, fabricated metal products, chemical and allied products, and printing and publishing.10 In 1987, 32 ranked be to continues Chicago gross in one number manufacturing sales in the nation.1 1 Chicago has experienced a dramatic In the last decade, Both the steel-making industry loss of manufacturing jobs. "The metropolitan area has lost experienced troubled times. jobs since 1984, 28,100 manufacturing this the Midwest have surrounding agricultural farms in and the with in gains but has made and sector the whosesale/retail up for in service employment."12 During this same time period, service employment sector increased. in the Chicago metropolitan sector currently provides 75% This area has of all jobs in Chicago according to estimates by Landaur and Associates. economy is expected to continue Although this sector of the to grow, this growth rate is diminishing slightly. 1 3 one which that becoming based on manufacturing was traditionally now is primarily a known as better transformed from economy been has Chicago's Not only Chicago is service center, an to one international city and also has recently been aggressively marketing itself to international firms.14 In addition to being home to almost 80 Fortune 500 companies,15 it is estimated by an analyst at Collins Tuttle now home to nearly 90 of that Chicago is in the world. Jones Lang Wooten's the top 100 banks Downtown Chicago Office Market Report indicates that: "The city's financial sector is based 33 on banking and trade and has been rapidly expanding its Commercial bank deposits international scope. [1985] to rose 13.8 percent over the past year one Chicago reach more than $11.0 billion, making world...In the in of the largest banking centers turn, many foreign banks have opened branches in of Japanese financial The presence Chicago. institutions is most pronounced with 16 branches in Chicago, followed by Canada with 8, France with 7, Italy with 616 Great Britain with 5 and West Germany with 4."1 With global banking an to take situated emerging trend, Chicago is well advantage of financial services expand its and to these opportunities region. to the Considering its broad and diverse economy and its wide financial, trade, and manufacturing base, Chicago provides a good location for both domestic and international firms. to Neil According Bluhm, president of JMB Realty, "Chicago has become a magnet for foreign companies...The city with dealing is an increasingly sophisticated marketplace." 17 In addition is Chicago activity. sales and also to finance, nationally trade, and recognized manufacturing, for its retail In 1985, Chicago recorded $41.7 million in retail was ranked recorded retail sales second behind Los Angeles, of $51 million and ahead of New York 18 City, with retail sales valued at $41.4 million. 34 with THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IN CHICAGO sources close to According to the of the first half of 1987, At the end Chicago during 1986. 13 was constructed in of new office space million square feet market, over the total office supply in the Chicago metropolitan area was area the metropolitan feet, square million 160.5 near New York and Los office markets contain 429 and space respectively.19 office market third largest country behind Chicago in the Angeles whose metropolitan 282 million square According to the feet of Chicago Association indicate the total value of of Commerce and Industry, "data real estate was more the Chicago area's the making than $200 billion, trailing only Los Angeles and New York." According to market, vacancy Chicago percent in percent. below the "The average the vacancy with the reaching almost the past rate over this trends experienced 20 has remained vacancy rate over 12 suburbs, the In the Chicago downtown Chicago in the close to are averaging substantially higher, national fluctuations in very well rates downtown Chicago. rate is vacancy professionals active real estate decade and period compare by most other U.S. cities."20 With the amount of current construction activity, national and local real estate analysts expect vacancy rates as more projects are completed. to continue to rise further Exhibit 6 illustrates vacancy trends in 35 the Chicago office market. Real estate brokers and analysts in Chicago report that asking rents in downtown Chicago range from $24.00 to $30.00 foot, net of per square $45.00 Rents in Chicago. Effective net rents this unusual in this is approximate those D.C. Washington, market. asking D.C. was Washington, in foot although per square Rents in be $50.00 per square foot and New York City are reported to One project compares to Angeles. $22.00 to $25.00 in Los asking rents of increasing. This office space. class A newly constructed expenses, for taxes and operating of in Chicago's central business district generally average $16.00 to $18.00 per square foot, a 20 to other overbuilt markets Associates, "the include as $35.00 much as 2 per square standard, and across According concessions are common. and of the quoted rents.21 30 percent reduction years free foot tenant United States, to an analyst at Landaur concession lease buyout of the As in package today rent on a build-out an existing can 10-year lease, above lease, or building other cash payment to tenant." Industry office space the be close to 2.5 in Chicago to feet per year.22 MIT, America's estimate professionals Acording to a study absorption million square recently conducted at Office Needs 1985-1995, it will require 4.3 23 years to absorb the vacant space in the Chicago market. 36 of According to a report jointly published by the Center area. Urban for Department of Planning, Downtown excess the last five years, Chicago 1985-1986, during Development: of square feet million 20 Northwestern at Research Policy and Affairs University and the Chicago in Chicago in the been brisk activity has Construction and new both of According to this renovated space was completed in Chicago. same report, there are currently nine million square feet of billion renovation within a inventory, 148 in invested was "during and construction, under space downtown." 2 4 growing illustrates 7 Exhibit renovation, and construction or be) completed about to were (or projects that re-use, adaptive new, $2.2 1985-1986, and absorption vacancy trends in the Chicago downtown market since 1984. market study conducted by Jones According to an office Lang metropolis, well over a lies at has been and agricultural and American Midwest. the goods it largest third a urban country. For transfer point for as the of the the cross-roads century, transcontinental industrial, America's "Chicago, Wooten, travelers, as well transportation center of the It has also become, in more recent years, country's leading center for finance and trading in 25 Midwestern commodities." From a real estate investment perspective, 37 Chicago is United States, it is the country, it is ranked third largest office market in the exchanges. There is manufacturing sales, first in gross has active stock retail sales and second in city in the It is the third largest an attractive market. financial presence a major also and commodity in Chicago. markets in the United States, As are other real estate Chicago is overbuilt and vacancy rates are expected to climb in further the years With come. to few physical or artificial restraints on the supply of space, the market has the potential to become more overbuilt than it currently is. According initially to real assimilate demographic, economic, estate advisors, and thoroughly and real foreign investors examine estate trends in prior to any site specific investment analysis. preliminary analysis may indicate these factors and determine investors enter this market. 38 a market Whereas the that Chicago is a healthy and attractive market for investment, beyond fundamental it is necessary to go on what basis foreign Chapter Three Endnotes 1 Kenan Heise, "Chicago: A History of Its Business," Commerce, 84, (April 1987). 2 Ibid, 18. 3 "Chicago Board of Trade: History Made during Another Year for CBOT," Commerce, 84, (April 1987), 77. 4 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, "The Downtown Office Market Report," (November 1986), 7. 5 The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, "The New Chicago." 6 The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, "Why Locate in Chicago?" 7 Landaur 8 Jones 9 and Associates. Lang Wooten Investment Research, 1. Heise, 20. 10Heise, "Chicago: A History of Its Business," 26. 1 1 The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, "The New Chicago." 1 2 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, 3. 1 3 Coulter, Coomece, "Metropolitan Chicago Economy in 1987," (December 1986), 18. 1 4 Hal Land, 45, 15 Jensen, "Chicago's International Flavor," Urban (October 1986). Ibid. 1 6 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, 6. 1 7 Jensen, "Chicago's International Flavor." 39 1 8 The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, "The New Chicago." 1 9 The Urban Land Institute, Development Trends 1987, (1987). 2 0 Jones 2 1 22 Lang Wooten Investment Research, 14. Ibid, 17. Ibid. 2 3 The Urban Land Institute, Development Trends 1987, (1987). 2 4 Mary K. Ludgin and Louis H. Masotti, Downtown Development (Chicago: Center for Urban Affairs, Northwestern University and The Department of Planning, City of Chicago, 1986), xvii. 2 5 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, 1. 40 Chapter Four WHY CHICAGO? PERCEPTIONS AND STRATEGIES WHY THE U.S.? Deciding to invest in Chicago strategy to invest in mentioned in is one part of a broader the United States. As was briefly Chapter Two, there are several macro-economic reasons why foreign investors choose to place large sums of capital, which totaled $18.4 billion in 1985 Commerce Department statistics, To summarize, these foreign investment (1) the diverse disparities, foreign obtained (3) the real estate by in U.S real estate. macro-economic factors influencing activity in U.S. the United economy, lack of in and (6) the the estate rate diversity market which presents opportunities in yields often compared to in other countries, (5) and economic stability of size and exchange the higher U.S. real alternative real estate investments the political (2) States include: investment opportunities markets, (4) investing according to the United States, of the U.S. real estate to foreign investors to satisfy their portfolio diversification objectives. The importance of these various investment in U.S. real estate the nationality of reasons for varies not only according to the investor, but also 41 foreign according to the investor type. make U.S. Beyond real these macro-economic conditions that estate investment appealing to foreign investors, there are a multitude of investment opportunities in the United States from fundamental decision that contemplate is: In which investors must these choose. off-shore investors what city should this several international A must investment take place? WHY CHICAGO? According advisors, United to foreign investors States carefully initially regions prior to targeting kind of investors try to before analysis because pursuing specific foreign given the investment investments. capital, there seem to be more than market facts these advisors feel that foreign overall of U.S. real estate is for investment. do not seem to bear get an overall feel for formulating entire making comparisons certain cities influence where to invest, the estate and major cities within these Although current patterns of investment out this study and cautiously between the different regions real the United States strategies Given that and the acquisition an attractive investment vehicle for are clearly some U.S. cities that more appealing to foreign investors than others large amount of investment activity generated in these cities. For example, 42 rough estimates indicate that foreign equity investment of the central business district, in the Los Angeles office space percent represents 51 investment represents 12 percent of and that foreign equity central business district. 2' 3 ' Exhibit the Washington, D.C. 8 identifies the regions of the United States that have been primary investment choices for foreign investors. foreign investment has Until recently, that bi-coastal; is, concentrated in been primarily major areas on both coasts of the United States. metropolitan The author knows of no studies to date that have determined the dollar amount of foreign investment in Chicago compiled a list of in this that have transactions involving foreign investors market. Rough estimates Association of Commerce and investment in Chicago million) of the or any studies from the Chicago Industry speculate that foreign could be as much as $6 billion in total 1985 15 percent ($900 investment in new buildings. Using the property data gathered for this study-, out of 160.5 million metropolitan square feet area, of office almost space in million 11 the Chicago square feet, or slightly over seven percent, of existing office property can be attributed to foreign central equity investment. there business district, investment in approximately supply of office space. These 43 is In the Chicago evidence of 10 percent of the foreign existing are very crude estimates due to limitations of the time the study and to the limited amount of data that was available because of the limitations discussed in Chapter statistically verify estimates would included. One. attempt made no doubt these was not available for In such cases, an was substituted for the to investment had been be greater if Canadian projects identified. was There is the results. Square footage square feet No all of the average of 500,000 actual square footage. Furthermore, the estimate does not reflect partial interests retained by domestic joint venture partners since most often the percentage of partial interests was not known. The absolute significant as accuracy of the number its relative importance. is not as Whereas estimates indicate that foreign investment in the Chicago metropolitan area is less than that in Washington, D.C. or in Los Angeles, these estimates do indicate the presence of foreign investors in the Chicago market. There is no doubt that there are additional properties owned wholly or partially by foreign investors that have been overlooked. There investment. are It additional is very problems in estimating difficult to track equity capital flows. Although on the surface, there appears to be a prevalence of transactions involving all-cash is no way to financed either determine if purchases in Chicago, there these properties have overseas or domestically subsequent 44 been to the initial investment. According to those interviewed, choose to invest in Chicago reasons that they reasons Chicago's attractive investment investors properties for many of the same choose to invest in include foreign size, other cities. its economy, opportunities, the same These and its factors that influence domestic investors. The cities, Size of Chicago the is Market. ranked Compared third largest population.4 Downtown Chicago's office largest in the United States, to other in U.S. terms of market is the second having 95 million square feet of space.5 Since the majority of foreign investment has been limited to the largest cities in the United States, it seems that the size of a investors. city holds some importance However, illustrated as by Exhibit statistics 9, for foreign indicate, even though and Chicago is as ranked third in size, Chicago does not appear to be ranked third in appeal to foreign investors. Saturation of foreign investors to be Alternative As a the coasts, properties industry in these believe that 45 invest in investment activity on prices of and competition have increased to there appear motivating foreigners to result of the recent analysts According and international advisors, economic reasons Chicago. Markets. for prime commercial markets. these Real markets estate are now becoming saturated as well as expensive. Chicago, on the other hand, offers foreign investors opportunities to invest in U.S. real estate at lower absolute prices per square foot than they would pay in Los Angeles, New York, or Washington, their current favorites. D.C., A recent study of Chicago's office market conducted by Jones Lang Wooten Investment buildings at prices Research reports that "Quality averaging between $100 and $150 per square foot are beginning to attract foreign capital seeking stable, long-term investments that buy' when compared to many regard as a 'better similar buildings in Manhattan that have been selling for more than twice as much." 6 Japanese purchase two investors are downtown office currently buildings "Building Number One" was completed is selling for "Building Number slightly Two" was Japanese investor has foot for a almost $270 over negotiating $130 per completed one interest in per square foot, Chicago. in the early 1980's and square year ago agreed to pay almost 50 percent in to foot. and the $270 per square the project. this seems cheap Even at compared to sales prices that generally fall into the $300 to $500 range in both there Washington, D.C. is not and Los enough sales patterns in this market. Angeles. data to Unfortunately, determine sales price However, foreign investors appear willing to pay a broad range of prices for properties in the 46 market. Diverse Economy. In addition to the size of Chicago and the recent sales prices of property in the market, which are assumed alternative to be less investment expensive in comparison opportunities in other to cities, foreign investors invest in Chicago because of its broad and diverse economy. a diverse and As mentioned in Chapter Three, Chicago has mixed economy. Many real estate investors, domestic and foreign, have felt the recent sting from their investments towns, such Houston, in single-industry where vacancy rates depression in the oil industry. Forum article, Daniele have Properties Group, institutions invested in what soared due to and the In a May, 1987, Real Estate Bodini, Continental as Denver president of reports American "Many they considered major to be the 'blue chip' properties in the sunbelt cities only to see the asset value of their buildings drop considerably."7 Established international foreign International firms interest with in the Three, there is a growing city's economy due in Presence. offices area. in As The Chicago international component part to the demand for additional increased foreign recognition of 47 growth Chapter to the in the This produces a office the city. of indicates mentioned in international banking and services sectors. corresponding number space and Deregulation of banking systems around the world emerging global banking system. to compete with domestic banks has contributed to an This enables foreign banks in the provision of services to domestic clients. Although the offices in Chicago indicates that with property in have offices in the area. foreign investors who own real estate operations or Los Angeles, where they currently actively pursuing acquisitions, if they The presence of directly related to investment activity It does standpoint, to activity to justify the international research estate companies the United States at all. offices seems to be of no foreign real Most that have preliminary Chicago base their U.S. New York City Chicago. international firms increasing, Chicago. own property or are in is there are offices in out of number of staff not an make sense, office unless expense. investment from an there is Furthermore, advisors are not economic enough offices of prevalent in According to these advisors in New York City, many these expanding indication firms their of are establishing, Chicago increasing branches re-establishing, which is foreign investment a or possible interest in Chicago. Product. high Foreign investors have a noted preference for profile, "signature" thought to products. be well-located and having 48 These are buildings notable architecture or other features. involved what local and national real consider prestige being "high of new Many of the transactions in Chicago have and landmark properties. construction, are leased to transactions, requirement as a overbuilt. also credit development U.S. In profile", these properties, with substantially many estate professionals there including Recent development investors have is what foreigners often Chicago, projects the case a not of preleasing are to which as becoming foreign minimum pre-leasing Therefore, the availability of consider to be contributes to the amount In than foreign involvement contributed equity have requirements of 30 percent. the exception often tenants. prerequisite for markets, more addition to investment-grade properties of foreign investment activity in Chicago. Familiarity. Prior to must not only be familiar market. Recognition investment, foreign with, but also comfortable with a becomes an foreign investment when domestic to investment. by important the countries also have Ministry of component of approval is required prior In Japan, all investments insurance companies, trust banks, approved investors by Japanese life and pension funds must be Finance. Other foreign various domestic approval requirements. Foreign pension fund investments usually need to be ratified by a board of directors. Disparities 49 in the amount of properties owned may be the by different foreign investors result of some familiar with Chicago. foreign in Chicago countries being more English, Dutch, and German investors have had a presence in the Chicago market since prior to the beginning of the decade. Japanese investors, however, have only been publicly active in Chicago since 1986. Personal Networks. transactions with investors enter Various in Chicago, Chicago on the basis of relationships and and new Investors are foreign investors in often together. market through directly and bring domestic brokers sellers, (2) international investment bankers, acting on behalf advisors (4) lawyers, of both both indirectly. sellers Intermediaries that transactions in Chicago include: national foreign introduced to Chicago and this relationships, intermediaries involved in involved investors in investment opportunities existing to those foreign personal networks. to According and have been (1) local and buyers and and consultants, (3) (5) institutions such as life insurance companies and foreign and domestic banks, and (6) previous joint-venture partners. Domestic real estate investors intermediaries, but to a lesser extent. also use various Most of the larger domestic investors have in-house departments responsible for identifying acquisition opportunities, analyzing markets and investments, and closing transactions. 50 Foreign investors initially obtain market with which retain intermediaries information and investment advice they may not negotiation and yet be familiar structuring of intermediaries are often retained closed to monitor make more investments, of to search for dependent on markets and U.S. the foreign business in the These additional to help develop investment Some foreign investors intermediaries than largely or to aid transactions. the foreign entity. use in markets after the transaction has investment opportunities, and/or strategies for to others. This is investors' knowledge of practices which in turn is dependent on the length of time they have been active in the United States. In Chicago, a majority investors have dealt primarily York City, who in turn have established and relationships in Chicago of the with intermediaries foreign in New the local contacts on behalf of their foreign clients. Intermediaries transactions are between foreign investors. directly not always domestic real involved estate in Chicago entities and In some instances, property was marketed to foreign concerns by domestic sellers. practice of direct contact and negotiation commonplace over time as relationships between domestic and foreign parties. 51 This may become more are established Chicago other is similar cities that addition have to these not unique to foreign Chicago product to foreign investors. investors enter of industry networking. the elements are present economy, and attracted reasons, market as the result are in size, market In this These factors as all of these in other markets such as New York and Los Angeles. One feature that differentiates Chicago from other markets is its location. the United States, Chicago heavily their invested in holdings of offers off-shore Situated in the offers foreign investors who are coastal cities U.S. middle of a chance property. to diversify Additionally, Chicago to industry, some of Chicago provides foreign investors proximity which is foreign-owned. Portfolio Diversification. investors, whose investments are heavily concentrated in one region of the geographically estate. United diversify Domestic States, their firms an opportunity portfolio often diversify of U.S. real to real estate portfolios in this manner as well. Proximity to Industry. With Chicago considered the capital of a region dominated by industry, foreign investors have opportunities to invest in real estate that is close to industry, especially to the foreign manufacturing plants. With several Japanese auto and electronics plants located in the central United States, 52 investment in Chicago offers these investors proximity to these facilities are these investments. established, familiarity As more of with the region is also likely to increase. Why Chicago? Not unlike cite for investing in express interest and product. investors to the reasons foreign investors other U.S. in Chicago Personal the cities, foreign investors because of its relationships also city, as well as size, economy, attract foreign opportunities for portfolio diversification and the opportunity to be close to foreign industry. WHY NOT CHICAGO? Since Chicago is similar to other U.S. markets in which there is a demonstrated interest by then it not is considered foreign entities to and has real estate be a "tier one" Even though Chicago is the States by a foreign investors, why analysts and choice for investment? third largest city in the United diverse economy in addition to investment-grade property, many real estate professionals on both a local, Chicago level and a national level nevertheless feel that this alone is not enough to stimulate foreign acquisitions of property in this area. As of July, 1987, foreign according to those interviewed, some investors continue to express concern, and most remain cautious, regarding investment in the Chicago market. 53 Reasons frequently professionals and given by unavailability ownership real estate why there is not a investment in this market include of product traditions competition), domestic foreign concerns for greater volume of foreign the both in (stemming Chicago and from from property domestic the softness of the market, unfamiliarity with the area, and the perception of risk in the market. "Things domestic Just Aren't sources "owned" by the Changing interviewed major U.S. emphasize life buildings to want aren't that already owned data collected since only were identified. sales are However, according to recently report, at in speculate that is not downtown there are deep pocket owners." in a real or the Chicago a perceived properties with foreign ownership analysts in the market report frequent a Jones least One cannot be substantiated from the Real estate property is [foreign investors] turnover Whether this is lack of product in Chicago companies. the this ownership pattern produces investment-grade property metropolitan area. market by of Chicago seems that fit what they Industry analysts speculate a lack "It Many that insurance real estate professional commented, not enough Hands." occurrences in Lang Wooten seven properties Chicago. Others Chicago. Chicago office have been in the sold industry the "Chicago mentality" of property ownership to "build, mortgage, and hold." 54 estate real to According Market. Soft The professionals active in the Chicago market, there appears to to the softness of is attributed partially the market. In ownership current mentioned previously the to addition This this time. to sell properties at be a disinclination trends in the market, analysts and property owners feel that the property owners reluctance of to receive inability from the stems of property to dispose adequate returns on properties due to the high vacancy producing a corresponding flat rent "There One real estate scale. more is added, professional product Without opportunities than deals" talk Chicago and another changing hands." are there sale, for in aren't just "Things professional speculates, foreign investors available to investment no who want to acquire real estate in Chicago. Twelve percent vacancy rates in Chicago, compared to cities like Washington, D.C. and New York City whose vacancy foreign suppress supply foreign of investments who that will looking produce for a steady foreigners are not comfortable with where appealing to less demand are environment An investment. space exceeds investors percent, 9- further percent and 9.8 currently 9.9 rates are safe, the those risk-free cash flow. Many nor are they willing to take leasing risks, and the high vacancy rates in the market often signal increased risk to foreign investors. 55 Lack of of property mentality explaining why in the known capital Chicago has not been a more from which foreign countries foreign clients, Chicago is not those to According originates. a professionals popular choice as well city is not yet investors is that the for foreign estate real by "Chicago the soft market, and the ownership" frequently given reason to In addition Familiarity. the investment who represent a "port city." As mentioned previously, one of the reasons that foreign investors invest in a professional working with Chicago is the most One due to recognition. city is in part real estate that investors commented Dutch underrated city by foreigners primarily due to their unfamiliarity with the city. attractive familiar not to foreign transactions home because it that these those who must countries. is the Angeles which city. There is ranked third it does not these other cities. cities are approve the Foreigners capitol of "know" the United York City as a world a large Japanese population in contributes to Clearly, cities representatives of the Foreigners also recognize New financial capitol. that investors is but also to in their Washington, D.C. Los "popular" investment the only to the U.S.-based foreign companies, States. of makes many What Japanese recognition because Chicago is landlocked of and command the same recognition as do It is much easier to sell an investment 56 "back essence, "sale" needs only one It city. of the transactions are an additional "sale" needs to not familiar with the market, made; that in the that of be made; to When those that approve property itself. be there, because city known in a it is home" if once Chicago is possible becomes better known, together with the other factors making market in this investment investment attractive, foreign activity will increase. Industry professionals speculate Domestic Competition. that for competition investment in Chicago. properties limits also Currently, many feel foreign pension funds and life insurance companies, both domestic and foreign, are competing for addition the same types of that, in Chicago, it is In suggested professional competition, one the to investment properties. much easier to submit properties to domestic firms because these domestic firms maintain offices in the city, whereas access to foreign To tap foreign party must approach a foreign investor an intermediary in New York City. have ability the be sources of capital, the domestic difficult. investors entities can investment opportunities than directly or through Additionally, if domestic to respond quickly more to do foreign investors, foreign investors may miss out on investments in Chicago. Another form investment advisors of domestic competition express concern 57 about is the lack which of supply restraints in the Chicago market. for rigid without the potential Because of development controls. competition through artificially restrained nor undeveloped land, zoning or large amount restrained, because of the neither physically of Development in Chicago is supply, on restrictions foreign investors perceive more risk in this market over the long run. are restraints there Angeles and both Los In supply on in Washington, resulting from D.C., stringent zoning regulations and development controls imposed by those cities. Although there Chicago, they are cities. For example, Washington, D.C. there will be restrictions on are some not nearly due to market, development controls as restrictive as in various restrictions it is estimated that no remaining space on which in other in the in 12 years to build. 1 0 With supply, foreign investors are assured that their properties will remain occupied and therefore generate the projected cash flows. Distance opportunities. to Relative Although international airport Chicago in the Alternate has the Investment second world, Chicago is busiest still more difficult to get to, from a time standpoint, than other U.S. cities on either coast. For get to is at least three hours longer; Chicago, the trip from home therefore, foreign a foreign investor to investors tend to keep "closer to home" and in better-known cities. 58 their interests it levels strategies of many Chicago real not reached Specific cities. U.S. other in has estate reasons conflicting foreign investment activity has explaining why the equally as are There market. the in to invest investors foreign good reasons for doubt that there are There is little insight on foreign investors give additional what basis they may enter this market. INVESTMENT IN FOR U.S. FOREIGN STRATEGIES COMMERCIAL REAL A NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ESTATE: Foreign investment estate is expected to Japanese investment alone is expected increase nationwide. to double real in According to their in 1987.12 advisors, foreign entities, such as English and Dutch investors, who have held property for some length of time are beginning to re-examine their U.S. properties portfolios of these properties or sell them. to remain foreign investors. The traditional markets seem top locational investment strong as Those that refinance and either choices for represent foreign clients also commented that investments in the sunbelt are no longer of interest cities. due to the Foreign failing economies of many investors instead are focusing that have a broad and of these on markets diverse economic base which they feel are able to sustain fluctuations in different sectors of the economy. 59 hotel inability increasing familiarity markets and comfort and products, both with in foreign of because locate existing to investors' may increase opportunities investors foreign to attraction professionals Industry properties. that development speculate existing development projects, two of seven represent investments in are exclusively in transactions identified in Chicago, properties.13 Of the 26 which development in involved to investing as opposed ventures becoming are investors foreign many that increasing evidence is There Development their domestic inability to joint-venture partners, and their continue to compete for prime properties. investment existing locating opportunities in most million square feet look to markets are in 1988 and 1989.14 property, abundant. development In 1986, 13 in Chicago. An is expected to Domestic developers often and/or equity capital for debt Foreign investors who participate in development exposure to risk by negotiating ventures can mitigate their master leases, pre-leasing and convertible have difficulty having square feet of space foreign sources of financing. are of space was developed additional 5.2 million come on line who investors foreign For debt. been negotiated domestic parties requirements, preferred returns, of these types All in transactions in Chicago. 60 of arrangements between foreign Joint ventures and with domestic learn projects development to secure a low-risk position, understanding of the market, to acceptable obtain foreign investors are own "the and yields, in invest to prime quick to comment that many Industry sources were property. knowledge and opportunities to increase their advantage of take to investors foreign enables their Participating in an experienced partner. affiliation with through markets development and U.S. about in and to foreign concerns to participate firms also allow they want to beginning to realize if to have to "get in" at the industry analysts project a best," they are going development stage. Suburbs Some trend of foreign real estate This is most investment in the suburbs.15 likely, however, for investors from those countries who have a cultural reference point for suburban development or those investors who Chicago, there Eastern are investments in English, German, Dutch, United States. the with are familiar suburban and Middle properties office In and regional malls. Suburban investment investors. The Japanese suburbs. One speculated that the Japanese popular among have yet to invest investor who the Japanese will have suburban markets cities become is not as opportunities less frequent. 61 However, all foreign in the Chicago was interviewed to eventually enter to invest in major downtown properties are investment the preferred they because feel exhibit downtowns in suburban familiarity with properties Both following trends of the risk posture factors these of time cultural function of is a and the of length by the determined because investments safer A foreign investor's willingness to the suburbs investor. foreign investors most foreign recovery stronger soft-market conditions. invest are these for the are largely investor has been active in the United States. Financing An alternative to direct equity investment in real estate that has been prevalent in today's to be debt popular in the past and continues financing. investor. mitigates One Chicago real attractive to this is domestic firm 100 basis entity This real estate markets to foreign of the transaction: the obtain low cost financing, often points below domestic financing, is able to the estate executive commented that both sides is able to the risk is foreign less risk assume in and the foreign the real estate investment. Landaur and Associates states in a June, 1987 report: Japanese banks have earmarked tens of billions of dollars for financing commercial property in the They have captured the $50 million-plus U.S. segment of the commercial mortgage market because of higher lending limits, quicker loan closings, and rates just below those offered by American banks. According to industry experts, as of the spring of 1987, there are no more than five to 10 willing to bid on single-source U.S. lenders 62 of $100 million or more, stand ready to quickly quality real estate deals while 20 Japaggse banks submit offers. FOREIGN STRATEGIES FOR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT IN CHICAGO of those interviewed A majority one point: major being closely and their advisors. Most of currently is Chicago monitored by foreign investors consistently repeated these advisors are predicting an emerging trend of increased establishing foreign clients. service to market the in offices of their requirements is evidence that investment bankers are expanding international advisors and or There city. the investment in foreign Whereas the the real estate market is considered by real estate industry analysts to be overbuilt and therefore weak at the present time, they real estate markets, overbuilt as to be as consider Chicago do not namely the cities in other U.S. the "oilpatch" Colorado) of the United States region (Texas, Oklahoma, and whose average metropolitan vacancy rates have soared to 31.9 percent. foreign Both domestic foreign professionals and foreign investment activity should as excess supply is absorbed and as investors feel substantially increase estate real the familiarity with market increases, providing there is product for sale. Since the beginning of 1987, increase in Japanese investment 63 there has been a dramatic in Chicago's central Since late 1986, four projects have been business district. projects are: These Japanese capital. announced involving the Nikko Hotel; Xerox Center; Prudential Plaza One and Two; Reports suggest this is merely and 101 North Wacker Drive. the tip of the major Chicago with involved negotiations. iceberg. When contacted, representatives of various However, since been finalized, the properties current in investors Japanese being to admitted companies estate real these transactions have not cannot be publicly disclosed or the specifics of the transactions discussed at this time. Seven such were located in transactions, all If identified. completed, these downtown Chicago, will transactions represent foreign investment in more than 5.5 million square feet of space. Of recent transactions the 26 involving foreign projects, one sources of capital, nine is a renovation office buildings, are hotel two completed, will add over 1,000 supply of 20,000 rooms,18 and equity investments project, Chicago market are development and seven are of the 26 properties Twenty-three out suburban properties. are in the projects that, when rooms to the cities existing three of the recent foreign in the Chicago metropolitan area are in regional malls. There is not universal agreement 'among real estate experts regarding the status of Chicago as an existing or as 64 a potential target city for foreign equity investment. Chicago a primary city for industry sources do not consider foreign investment at Chicago real estate that the Others report this time. studied, and being closely market is Some that Chicago properties are being actively sought by foreign Dutch investors have recently Both Japanese and investors. of target cities, according to added Chicago to their lists of one exception investors foreign metropolitan a Japanese The cities. other one exception not does who investor Chicago the in investments in estate real primarily coastal cities, this, area have property own who Chicago, the active in foreign investor the With investors. foreign these of representatives currently to own property in one of the favorite investment cities, said that his in Chicago company's investment resulted not because but rather because his firm was Chicago was a first choice, unable to locate investments in the other major cities. In the process of seeking real estate investments in the United States, the to this opportunity to invest in bank. firm by a Japanese Chicago was presented It was only after being bank that the Japanese investor approached by this Japanese began to study the Chicago market. Partially investors, may be due to the many professionals becoming a first tier 65 recent presence of interviewed believe city for Japanese Chicago foreign investors. foreign interest in real to foreign In Chicago. in investment estate to be there appears negotiated, currently being known transactions the seven Judging from addition investors pursuing investments within the market, there are firms who are currently marketing property in several U.S. Tokyo by both perceived Chicago. economy; the recognition; strategies and and; foreign investment will increase thing as thing as industry. to in the a typical investment presence in Acknowledged to indicate Chicago metropolitan foreseeable future. However, area as just as there is no such domestic investor, there is no such clearly indicates, a "typical" in diversification that Chapter Five invest networks; portfolio proximity the definite international recent investment behavior seem in an its availability; personal opportunities alternative established international product Chicago; to would want of saturation opportunities; to be following: its size; its diverse They include the the is are There environment. investors foreign why reasons Chicago foreign parties domestic and investment attractive investment. foreign attract hoping to an office in has recently set up headquartered in Chicago, which is For example, JMB, foreign investors. Chicago to foreign investor structure in the Chicago market. 66 or a typical deal Chapter Four Endnotes 1 Sean Burns, "The Contribution of Foreign Portfolio and Direct Investment to the U.S. Housing Market in 1986," (January 1987). 2 Michael Smith and Kevin Whalen, "Japanese Investors in United States Real Estate: Are They Really Different? A Review of Activity in the Los Angeles Area" (M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987). 3S. John Hodge and S. Kent Roberts, "An Assessment of Foreign Investors in the Washington, D.C. Real Estate Market" (M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987). 4 The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, "The New Chicago." 5 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Chicago Office Market Report (November 1986), 1. 6 Ibid. 7 Real Estate Forum, 42, (May 1987), "The Japanese and their 'Yen' for United States Real Estate." 8 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research. 9 Richard L. Stern and Howard Rudnitsky, "Commercial Real Estate - The Worst is Yet to Come," Forbes, 139, (26 January 1987). 1 0 Hodge and Roberts. 1 1 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, "Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate," Urban Land, (April 1987). 1 2 Real 13 Estate Forum, May 1987. Ibid. 1 4 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research. 67 1 5 John E. Tsui, "Japan - The Land Rush," Development Magazine, (June 1987). 1 6 Landaur and Associates, A Summary of Japanese Real Estate Investment and Development Activity in the United States 1984-1987, (June 1987). 1 7 David J. Kostin and David Shulman, A Look Behind Office Vacancy Rates, (Salomon Brothers, Inc., 25 June 1987), 2. 1 8 Jerry C. Davis, "Third Record Year for Office Leasing," Commerce 84 (April 1987). 68 Chapter Five EXAMPLES OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE CHICAGO MARKET The initial data-gathering for this analysis focused on partially 1980 to the present. many foreign-owned One, is as Chicago in properties possible. that there are ommissions in the the limitations discussed in Chapter Whereas, due to it from attempt was made to identify as Every However, there is no doubt data. were purchased investors which by foreign or wholly properties owned Chicago specific identifying impossible report to transactions that have closed on the universe of in this market, the following four cases and the three pending transactions were chosen to highlight the diversity of deals the past five Although many years or 26 foreign-owned instances, because there was information have been place in to take about properties of the with respect to issue of the Exhibit obtaining specific In those an issue, the identities of and the properties 10 lists the involving foreign investors in Chicago. 69 in confidentiality, transactions. involved in the transaction ommitted. Chicago. were identified, a corresponding difficulty in cases where confidentiality was the parties that have taken place over 26 transactions THE PLAYERS Although been active have all investors Eastern and Middle German, English, Dutch, Chicago market in the at least since the beginning of this decade, the recent foreign has activity investment indicated by Japanese, been primarily as is activity in the Exhibit 10, paralleling their rest of the nation, although to a lesser extent. As with foreign United States in the investment general, the players in Chicago have changed over time. current players In the at any given and in the The with capital. time are those 1970's, both nationally in Chicago market, because of oil prices, Middle Eastern investors were active. In the early 1980's, Western European foreign investment in real estate. late 1980's, Japanese investors dominated Currently, in the mid to entities are the new wave of foreign investors pursuing U.S. real estate investments. In addition to investors representing different foreign countries involved in Chicago in this foreign investors market are include: wealthy individuals, companies, consortiums. prefer construction Most to keep investors in this a market. pension funds, life insurance companies, low profile, pooled as Looking at such 70 of group and a diverse foreign investors in the very the types real estate, funds and Chicago market do the domestic a diverse group both of terms in makes type only Chicago not investors in on foreign generalizations investor and nationality difficult but also inappropriate. CASE STUDY #11. 55 WEST WACKER DRIVE negotiation length arms- of months Inc., Wilma Realty, firm, investment Dutch three after Combined with The U.S. insurance company. International, a sold to a 55 West Wacker Drive was In November, 1986, property was originally under contract to a domestic real estate company, Trump Interests, (Julius) equity financing. previously suggest Trump Sources Trump subsequently the purchase, and Wilma changed its stepped in the deal, had a estate other real in Wilma, having already committed participation in for approached Wilma then established relationship When ventures. who mind about to an equity to become the sole purchaser of this property. 55 West building. Wacker a is first as single-tenant building, headquarters. square foot office this building was originally a Now 18 years old, Cross and Blue Shield 200,000 the headquarters of Blue and later as Combined International's a Although prominent building in a prestigious location in Chicago's central business district, the building was sold Combined International by because space could not be accommodated their demand for additional 71 lease 300,000 square They currently existing site. on the feet in a building completed in 1986. million and $22 at was appraised building The was initially marketed to single-tenant users at an asking price of $26 single-tenant sale, potential the involved in to an intermediary According million. interest in purchasing the building users expressed little at the time because the market made leasing a more economical alternative to equity investment. According lease to in the concessions available this same the acquiring in interested also investors were domestic professional, like and, property Wilma, submitted bids at deeply discounted prices from the original Wilma's offer to purchase the asking price of $26 million. property was $16 million, the most attractive offer made. Realty Wilma of this renovation multi-tenant the $16 is in purchase not required even the of by law, addition to price, sources in the As interest in the renovation is the asbestos in the building. the new owners insisted on removing seemed to building but, as the leasing 72 Although insignificant amounts 1987, there of June, market as much as the property. VAT flooring which contains asbestos. a In overall costs of the complete removal of the the building. speculate the renovation will cost Contributing to the building to single-tenant formerly speculative office million completing of the process be much agent for the property reported, there are no signed lease commitments for One local any space. investment represents real estate executive speculated this by a the riskiest venture undertaken foreign investor in the Chicago market. After purchasing 55 West Wacker, Wilma retained a local real estate firm co-develop, lease, to and manage the Recently, Wilma sold a 50 percent interest in the building. building to a Dutch real estate investment trust, VIB N.V. "VIB N.V. is an open-end real estate investment company with the tax are status of an quoted and investment trust. traded on the The shares official market of VIB of the Amsterdam stock exchange."1 55 West Wacker represents Wilma's purchase in the Chicago area. real estate investments in Atlanta, Miami, first The company has and has been active in U.S. real estate for president of Wilma said that they had and only other U.S. and Los Angeles 10 years. no plans The to pursue additional investments in Chicago until they see the-outcome of 55 West Wacker. acquisition in International first real Not only was this Wilma's Chicago but, a representative said that this was estate venture first from Combined Combined International's making it difficult for him to speculate on differences in foreign investor behavior. In addition to the services provided development, management and leasing by Klaff Realty, Wilma has 73 retained the estate firm to another local real services of property. and management of the construction, leasing of Klaff Realty, who executive vice president monitor the The at first was skeptical of the involvement of another party, said that the relationship and has represents the particularly beneficial proved has expedited the decision making process substantially. PRUDENTIAL TOWERS CASE STUDY #2: capital The deal Nissei has general a joint-venture Two Prudential recently begun Japanese life partners Plaza. to be been estimated in the The equity insurance percent a 50 for Plaza and the the existing One Prudential interest in both from is Japanese infusion of a major by into Chicago company. joint-venture acknowledged publicly first Towers Prudential The equity infusion $140 million.2 The agreement are joint-venture Prudential Life Insurance Company and Nissei Realty. Nissei is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's largest insurance company, Nippon Life. Prudential is the largest insurance company in the world. 3 "Nippon began market in 1978 -permitted direct evaluating the [U.S. real estate) three years before the Ministry of Finance investment by Japanese life insurance companies." 4 After less than six presentation to closing, the 74 months from the initial transaction closed just before years-end on December 29, 1986, according to James Purinton, this venture when prior to had done business and Nissei Prudential office. Chicago Development's of Prudential Manager General the Tower in San Prudential sold the Crocker Francisco to Nissei in late 1986. as a general is structured The deal partnership with Prudential acting as the developer (of Two Prudential Plaza) A local firm has been retained and as the managing partner. as for leasing agent the authorized to make the the Prudential buildings. day-to-day decisions is regarding the property although Nissei remains an active partner, who must be consulted on any major decisions. The 41-story One Prudential Center was built in the mid currently is and 1950's substantially leased area. rentable major and contains 1,100,000 square move will Company, the Burnett Leo tenant occupying their space when they The It renovated. being 225,000 their lease expires in 1989 500,000 square into feet of building's feet, will square vacate at which time in feet is their own headquarters building currently under construction. Two Prudential Plaza April, 1989. 930,000 The new 64-story tower will have approximately square feet of already committed to major law completed in to be is expected firm has leasable area. McGraw Hill a minimum of 75,000 square committed 75 to 32,500 has feet and a square feet. Purinton combined Two never falls Prudential Plaza One and occupancy of both that so is timed project the stated below 60 percent. Purinton suggested the deal structure of this project is not to unusual compared have behavior, he respect to foreign investor With negotiated. structures they other deal felt it was unusual for a foreign investor to participate in Although no deal essentially was that a venture cited, Purinton specifics were development for the Japanese investor tendancy to in be risk averse. also commented that, transactions involving Japanese make a Nissei was able to even though relatively quickly of this who he believes has a Purinton in the press, investors covered decision other to comparison emphasized the the risks to mitigate so as was structured development. one-half ultimate approval came from Tokyo. CASE STUDY 131 THE NIKKO HOTEL October, 1987, the Chicago Nikko 450 room Hotel. Tishman Realty venture between Airlines(JAL) is the anticipated completion with a The date for a joint hotel is and Construction participating mortgage and Japan provided by Sumitomo Realty. Tishman and JAL introduced were network, according to a former through a employee of Tishman. personal A U.S. architect, of Japanese ancestry, was aware that JAL wanted a 76 the in participation finance hotel normally Their participation ventures. in a close business relationship after the negotiations One year and Sumitomo. not does Sumitomo transaction. this transaction evolved from between JAL for Sumitomo's subsequently arranged JAL 1985. winter of in the hotel and approached Tishman Chicago for a site in were begun, the deal was completed. Hotels, JAL's Nikko targeted several U.S. cities in or United JAL their flights. travel offering by business hotel generate to in the of hotels a chain complement will States which intends which they plan to purchase to establish develop hotels subsidiary, has U.S. development packages to tourists who both book flights on Japan Airlines accomodations at a and reserve flights into therefore selected Chicago as targetted for hotel developments. San Francisco, York, Atlanta. In New a hotel was that represents the cities U.S. Washington, D.C., York, Nikko has purchased from Marriott, and in San and The other cities are: New Angeles, Los six of one has been airport O'Hare Chicago's increasing JAL Nikko Hotel. and the Essex House Francisco, Nikko bought plans for designed. already in the first hotel The Chicago planned chain Nikko that has been designed and developed by JAL. The project is $68 million is being estimated to cost $74 provided by Sumitomo 77 million of which in the form of million in approximately $6 There is participating debt. equity in the project. JAL considered for several sites hotel in the the According to a former employee of Tishman who Chicago area. was involved in the negotiations, The Japanese appeared to be enamored not proximity of the site to the center of town, several reasons. only with the JAL selected the site for This real on the Chicago River. but also with its location estate professional suggests that the importance of water in the Japanese presence and evidenced by the culture, as is importance of the river in Osaka where JAL is headquartered, were important in the ultimate site selection. The site was rapidly due to a together fairly could be put attractive because the deal pre-existing relationship Tishman had between Tishman and the seller of the property. developed relationships with both JAL and with the Canadian landowner enabling Tishman to negotiate an equitable deal on behalf of the Japanese fairly rapidly. development were some suggested Sources objectives of looking beyond the two chain. establishment of their U.S. hotel they are developing, statement and to establish a Of ultimate importance to parties. particular this The hotel, the Japanese to the Since this is the first Nikko is hoping to make a presence in the United States. JAL is 78 in inconsistencies the long-term goals and On Tishman does side, the other this one hotel. chain, not necessarily of viability of the be in to not want the position of operating a hotel over the long run. CASE STUDY #4l 101 NORTH WACKER DRIVE venture Dai-Ichi second largest Life the is through a general of company.5 life U.S. the sale involved transaction largest a the and Metropolitan insurance company in Japan second is Dai-Ichi subsidiary. U.S. and Mutual Life Corporation, Dai-Ichi Seimei America Company's Company Life Insurance Metropolitan between Insurance reported a joint- 1987, the Chicago Tribune In March, interest 50 percent in partnership arrangement The North 101 Wacker Drive. 101 North Wacker Drive was built in 1980. building is to headquarters Hartmarx feet of square approximately 185,000 square feet. The building is currently the The 24-story who total occupies 567,000 95 percent leased, according to a source at Metropolitan Life. 101 North changed ownership Wacker has according to Charles Palmer, In 1983, Palmer, The Lendhorf Group, president of the Palmer Group. co-developer their partial interest in several times of 101 North Wacker, sold the property to German investors, who in turn sold their building to Metropolitan Life in 1985. interest in the Prior to the sale of the property to the German investors, Palmer reported he had 79 At that time spoken to Dai-Ichi regarding 101 North Wacker. Dai-Ichi was unwilling was only to take the equity risk and instead a debt and equity position. willing to negotiate had the opportunity to obtain According to Palmer, Dai-Ichi higher returns through an equity participation. The relationship between Metropolitan Life and Dai-Ichi New York office with was established through Metropolitan's little Chicago property is leased and The The office. as the establishes Metropolitan Life partnership agreement managing partner. their from involvement managed by a local real estate firm. A vice president at difference only with in dealing Dai-Ichi took longer than would the due diligence a was foreign investor a domestic firm to complete Because process. all decisions had to an unusually long in Tokyo, he reported ultimately be made that the Metropolitan Life feels time frame in negotiating and completing the transaction. PENDING TRANSACTIONS The transactions are as diverse as those that have closed. transactions involve Japanese transactions involves a Japanese local developer. development of a the Chicago area that are pending in investors. square foot 80 One of these construction company and a joint-venture This 650,000 All known pending involves office building the in Japanese construction The downtown Chicago. own a 60 percent interest in the project expected the as soon as begin to and the remaining retained by the developer. 40 percent will be is company will Construction transaction is addition to finalized. construction Japanese The equity position in taking an company, in period for during the construction construction consultant as the the project, will act which they will be paid a fee. Another transaction currently and company a domestic insurance company is a joint-venture as well. to intends of Chicago's of the The Japanese investor interest is in a newly 1986 in the Pending approval Finance, the Japanese institution will for the 50 percent total insurance Japanese district. financial from the Ministry of pay $210 million a building, completed in late constructed office heart 50 percent a purchase being negotiated between interest. the Currently, debt. $70 million building is approximately 50 percent leased. property was This marketed directly investor. The domestic life insurance strategy was to initially identify institution exclusive and then right to of first offer this refusal 81 to the Japanese company's marketing a comparable Japanese Japanese investor to participate in an the joint-venture. this that Japanese investors' sensitivity to approach would appeal to ultimately justify and would and competition publicity institution felt domestic The a larger price. To price the joint venture participation, cap rates and and west east transaction felt coasts that "Chicago should be many buildings have sold price may be Those were used. Chicago comparables were cities." on the of other acquisitions foot sales prices per square involved in priced like other also not used because not recently in Chicago. with competitive the other Whereas this it cities, is substantially higher, on a per square foot basis, than other The property is expected recent sales in the Chiago market. to yield approximately nine percent. The U.S. realty subsidiary of a Japanese life insurance the past eight months with company has been negotiating for a Chicago developer and a large U.S. corporation regarding a downtown Chicago that will add major development project in almost two office market Chicago domestic project developer with a in two originally credit master underwritten by of to the development. The finance the office space phases of to intended lease and by selling bonds Instead, the developer is issuing through a Japanese bank. bonds feet million square a major investment 82 bank and the Japanese bank is giving a letter of bank approached the Japanese agreed to provide a credit. This Japanese life insurance company who has convertible second mortgage on the project. The building is expected to be completed in 1989 and is currently 70 percent leased. Upon completion, the building is expected to lease for $36.00 per square foot. A vice president of the U.S. subsidiary of the Japanese insurance company involved in the transaction investment opportunity company Before identifying was presented the agreeing to Chicago participate reported the to them prior market in for to the investment. the transaction, they reviewed the Chicago market with which they were unfamiliar. This is their second transaction in the first being a limited with Trammell Crow. U.S. markets and hired an specific States are "real partnership interest in 13 properties With deal structures, The strategies in the American regarding with real has recently analyze their stated that investment formulation stage, they company," U.S. this firm real estate to vice president American versus Japanese. familiar the hopes of better understanding American trained in transactions. United States, the a company whose in while their the United hope to form a employees are They feel that Americans are more estate markets and thus have established information networks within these markets. This 83 vice president feels company a companies competitive who do not American employees, Tokyo. that hiring Americans will advantage employ over other Americans. decisions will give his Japanese Although continue to be having made in Furthermore, with an experienced and domestic staff, this may reduce their need for intermediaries. As Exhibit 10 illustrates, the the presence of Japanese, Dutch, Swiss, Middle Eastern, and German equity investment in In addition, foreign the Chicago real estate market. these transactions illustrate the life insurance development transactions indicate companies, construction companies, funds in the area. 100 percent fee presence of wealthy individuals, The deals range from companies, and pension joint ventures to simple purchases and involve both debt and equity. From the foreign and apparent Since cases a variety other of active in Chicago, it However, behavioral differences domestic investment behavior should whereas differences described, some nationalities and be be readily more subtle. investor types are is difficult to generalize behavioral between Chapter differences may between Six differences foreign and discusses between investors in Chicago. 84 domestic some of foreign investors. these and general domestic Chapter Five Endnotes lVIB N.V. Annual Report 1986 2 David Ibata, "Dai-Ichi Buys Stake in High-rise," Chicago Tribune, 20 April 1987. 3 Russell C. Lindner and Edward L. Monahan, Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate: Status, Trends, and Outlook, (M.I.T. Center for Real Estate Development: Cambridge, MA, 1986). 4 Ibid, 34. 5 Hideki Mitani, "Capital from Japan: Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate," Real Estate Finance, 4, (Spring 1987). 85 Chapter Six ARE FOREIGN INVESTORS IN CHICAGO DIFFERENT FROM DOMESTIC INVESTORS? In addition domestic sources differently than domestic investors. sources had To determine were asked dealing with involved with. involvement with had prior if this estate professionals in negotiating and they were foreign investors behave investors transactions with foreign investors on differences to comment the in Chicago, real differences, language foreign assume often perception prevailed involved in obvious the to If these foreign investors, they were also asked to comment if and how these differences if there were differences between have changed over time or foreign investors of different whether discussions focused on differences, between foreign investment motivations, deal nationalities. The there were or not and domestic investors, structures, decision in making, strategies, management of properties, and pricing. As mentioned previously, it is quite difficult to make generalizations due to the wide scope and the diverse nature of foreign investors and investment activity in Chicago. just as there is complicate matters further, To no such thing as a "typical" foreign investor, there is no such thing as a 86 "typical" domestic compare foreign which to investor with investors. WHAT DRIVES FOREIGN INVESTMENT: MOTIVATIONS What motivates foreign investors to acquire property in the States United Chicago in and has previously been described in both Chapter Two and in Chapter Four. Some of the motivations that encourage foreign entities differences between of cultural States are the result in the United to invest There nationalities. different are general incentives that motivate foreign investors which are not applicable to economic foreign situations in For example, investors. domestic countries rate disparities surpluses), the exchange real estate investments both affordable and well limited the as serve as incentives to countries all essentially have no bearing (such as trade that make U.S. profitable, as opportunities investment on the in other foreign investors but investment domestic decisions. Foreign and domestic economic conditions, exchange rate and disparities, motivate foreigners States but not Based on attractive to invest specifically information investment opportunities their capital in in any received one the United region or regarding city. specific transactions in Chicago, it appears that, with the exception 87 in Both this city. not yet similar, induce domestic investment the same things that by many of are motivated factors, foreign investors of macro-economic foreign and goals identical, In strategies. and domestic investors are motivated addition, both foreign and by favorable investment have domestic investors yields, diversification objectives, relationships, and investment opportunities. identical, underlying investment objectives of any essentially Pension the funds, assuring that domestic or their current in the and are assets will future. pension funds domestic, are liability domestic, matching. charged be able Therefore, are not example, the For foreign or asset foreign their liabilities and goals. pension fund, same similar, if investors have and domestic Foreign with to cover both foreign interested in safe investments that are guaranteed to produce future cash flows sufficient to cover these liabilities. Both returns foreign and domestic investments anticipated from requirements, for any real estate investor, perceived risk of an investment. to one For party, however, example, in property average United States may not Japan, is more appealing 88 acquisitions. vary according by Yield to the What is an adequate yield be acceptable where yields two percent, are driven a six on to another. downtown percent yield to a Japanese Tokyo in the investor an in Tokyo. alternate investment yield seems A six percent low to a domestic investor who is accustomed to eight to ten Therefore, in a qualitative sense, adequate percent yields. must yields Lower yields, and investor type. extent on the nationality American to some yields are acceptable depends quantitatively, what by However, investment. from derived be are often standards, foreign to acceptable investors because of the safe nature of the investments. Existing parties also encourage area. Foreign investors Foreign domestic their than relationship-oriented to appear firms are parties, domestic more much be domestic complain, often Chicago in the foreign investment concerns domestic and between foreign relationships counterparts. negotiating with more concerned with in closing the transaction and moving on rather than building a relationship. There is evidence basis of a prior relationship. undertaken in Chicago on the has yet to be completed One transaction that an insurance company and Another transaction was initiated U.S. networks between comparable Japanese a is based upon a The and domestic institution. involving Wilma Realty (Case Study #1) established relationship through its developer. personal relationship three-year ongoing that an investment will be real estate is no it investors are involved. 89 with a industry functions different when on foreign are motivated to invest Foreign and domestic investors in properties Chicago of U.S. geographically balance their portfolio strategy to real diversification portfolio a as owned more identified who investor one foreign was only there Since estate. is no property, there than one evidence of product diversification in the Chicago market by fund metropolitan the Chicago in Chicago product concentrate to seem within diversification in for market for this time, as foreign geographic on more United States the Chicago within the At well. diversification as investors and diversification, geographical 200,000 Domestic players in invest to inclined more are are both area buildings. square foot suburban office Dutch pension by a properties owned The two foreigners. opposed to product diversification within any one market. What motivates both foreign and domestic investors is a example, location, attributes factors that investors. Mogami, a the of property physical by "they (the 90 are yields, and all foreign and important domestic Estate Forum, Naohiko a vice president at Japanese native and that both May article in Real America's investment real estate explains investment that joint-venture partner, are analyzed In a appears property-specific and investor-specific. motivation is both For It factors. of combination Bank of operation in San Francisco Japanese] may have slightly they are driven by the same it should not be forgotten that benefits criteria." (emphasis added)1 to be major cities suburbs or same extent in the not prevalent to the to for the seems competition downtown prestige properties in restricted to and is this However, property. contribute investment foreign and domestic investors competition between same for motivations investment their within possible economic the most investors: getting as U.S. investment motivation Similar counterparts, but than their American different priorities with other property types. DEAL STRUCTURE In appear examining differences be to transactions in recent in a how Chicago, foreign there investor approaches structuring a deal than how a domestic firm would same transaction. approach the and structure deals differently domestic. of than if Foreign importance to Foreign with domestic investors approach firms and institutions in the transaction were investors often attach different levels both parties different return measures in property valuation, use a longer time horizon in investment analysis, take different risk postures, transactions. 91 and structure simpler Sources commented For investors. for different measures return different importance/non-importance of on the example, many domestic firms tend to give more weight to the Whereas foreign firms may compute internal rate of return. on cash the cash seem to value measure, they this return return more. Foreign investors longer time horizon than do domestic investors. foreign in investors over a evaluate investment property market the Chicago Most of the their extended income and expense projections property analysis to include for anywhere from 20 to 40 years into the future. Different different time horizons. to have nationalities also seem Some Japanese investors operate on a 25-year time horizon and one source reported that an English investor operated on a 40-year time projections and was often investors than this of difference, out for were carried pro formas time period, and the long property Because horizon. a longer term appreciation potential of the more important deemed the short term cash flow. to the Short foreign term cash flow may increase in importance to foreign investors if they heed the recommendations of their advisors in the U.S. Foreign risk averse. function "foreign." of typically stereotyped investors are In the Chicago investor There were type market risk aversion is more a than the transactions in 92 as being result which the of being domestic parties reported structuring the deals so as to mitigate the guaranteed and pre-leasing, through party foreign the to risk larger return than risks for a in Chicago willing to take both leasing real estate ventures that were and development as Just preferred returns. were entrepreneurial firms involved often there leases, master normally expect from "risk-free" investments. they would Risk aversion appears to be directly related to the length of time and the Chicago market, as well familiarity with the of time that the foreign as the length investor has been active in U.S. real estate. surprise some to seemed What involving transactions properties was foreign of purchases of all-cash the frequency in parties domestic Chicago purchases. They did not feel this would occur in transactions involving only domestic firms. However, this may be somewhat misleading because it is difficult to track capital flows and therefore it cannot be determined if these properties were financed subsequent to their purchase. A interviewed those majority of from the negotiations of two a transaction different similar to what foreign party is involving a set has a of domestic firms. different variables trade-offs to be made. 93 feel a risk posture to the table transaction would result Each party in and brings that a enable domestic of the because structure legal requirements as client's investment requirements. These deal structures their foreign Since these objectives are often determined with advisor, what ultimately transaction. well as with and U.S. a who is ultimately with domestic are familiar intermediaries of intermediary domestic the structuring with to that similar of the foreign client involved on behalf charged is deal structure the Often investment the help of a domestic results is a deal that looks very similar to a transaction involving two domestic parties. As is the case with domestic transactions, the ultimate deal structure results from who brings what to the table and what Each party to divide. there is with certain goals enters negotiations and objectives, and one have ultimately foreign investors similar to domestic investors, goals deal would expect if and objectives structures would be the type of similar as well. DECISION MAKING Depending again on the nationality and foreign investor, there are differences in how decisions are made. Differences in decision making specifically relate to the amount of In Chicago, with foreign with these close a deal. time involved to negotiate and some domestic parties involved entities reported it took foreign parties 94 whereas in negotiations longer to negotiate others noticed no it took time amount of in the differences the to close One source stated that it took his firm longer transaction. to negotiate with a domestic institution because of the U.S. legal domestic With comply. to which requirements with approval a prerequisite for investment, it is not surprising when a foreign making sometimes takes longer that decision party is involved. For However, this does not always hold. transactions in Chicago were closed example, several of the is not unusual, from a domestic in six months or less which perspective. analysis and partner a Mitchell, extensive length of accused of requiring an are most often time for Japanese investors investors, the the foreign Of all at the New Arthur investments. negotiation of York law firm Coudert Brothers, stated in a speech "In the past, Ministry approval has taken from three to six months; many recent transactions company executives are transactions entire the done, as that believe Many insurance 45 days. 30 to approved within have been more process and more will be accelerated further."2 In another speech, Mitchell commented that of the "Some unfamiliarity with practices of speed can be the market in general with connection in documentation of lack real estate continued: 95 the attributed to or certain market negotiation transactions." 3 and Mitchell Another factor highlighted by many commentators is the so-called ringi system under which all relevant executives both in the United States and Japan are consulted concerning the decision to purchase a particular property. It has been reported that this process may take between 30 to 60 days and can involve up to 10 separate stages. Also, the speed with which a company can make a decision will depend in great deal upon the stage estate its real reavhed in it has that acquisition program. on the estate professionals cannot rely Domestic real assumption that Japanese investors require more time to make will be made in Japan. estate, With more experience in in confidence increased domestic and approval ultimate decisions that the professionals is for assumption valid more A decisions. U.S. real and markets, U.S. established relationships, Japanese investors are capable of (Case Study joint-venture negotiate and close Prudential's the the In decisions. quick making the parties #2), transaction in initial presentation James Purinton of Prudential. Prudential-Nissei were able six months to Nissei, to after according to Also, one source stated that because of the number of transactions certain Japanese firms have in completed the Finance, is beginning to quickly since United States, the Ministry or process these firms' requests more a previous relationship has been established between the MOF and those firms that are active investors in U.S. properties. Furthermore, 96 some sources speculate that of to take advantage are learning in order Japanese investors opportunities and with domestic to compete investors, they must make investment decisions quickly. decision making is often a In addition to nationality, are required investors others, as such domestic approval all of the is making whereas Several not. likely to information can be assembled This, in combination timely fashion. are wealthy individuals, suggested decision professionals expedited if to have types of Certain well. type as the investor function of be in a with pre-established relationships, is likely to produce quicker decisions. STRATEGIES Many interviewed believe of those strategies are a function understanding of and understanding that the foreign foreign investment of the investors' U.S. real estate markets. in turn is knowledge and This knowledge linked to the length investor has been active in of time the U-.S. real estate market. Differences and in investment domestic investors locational preferences, strategies between are most product apparent with preferences, foreign respect to and the aggressiveness of the investment strategy. One strategy that differentiates foreign investors from domestic investors is their geographical 97 and locational major metropolitan cities such demonstrate a preference for as and York New several large cities, in addition to favoring investment advisors, to According Angeles. Los investors foreign Most investment. for preferences foreign investors, depending on the length of time they have been active pursue in the in investment, three of properties are investment amount. one suburban represent Foreign regional malls. example, There transaction. Chicago that can in criteria. This difference satisfy seems to one than $100 according invest not will properties their minimum often lower than For Sumitomo in any transactions the 26 suburban properties because prices of suburban million are which investors may not pursue intermediary, seven study, this identified of Out suburban properties. unwilling to are often United States, less suburban are few this investment significantly to become less pronounced with the length of time an investor has been investing in Chicago are and a U.S. real estate. owned by Dutch investors, Middle Eastern investor. properties Suburban in an English investor, One German investor purchased a suburban shopping mall in Chicago but sold it to a domestic firm just three months after the acquisition. Property type preferences can be another distinguishing factor between foreign and domestic investors. a source at Jones Lang Wooten, the Japanese 98 According to in particular are interested not buildings in "pre-war" because most Japanese investors think that new buildings have the longest lasting value. Sources report, in Chicago foreign investors in buildings completed before 1980. are reluctant to invest In other cities, buildings completed since 1970 are suitable for investment. downtown, are interest primary Of well-located, Foreign office buildings. substantially leased investors are also inclined to invest in hotel developments. Two such hotel developments are currently under construction in Chicago by both Swiss and Japanese interests. Domestic investors often prefer not to invest in hotel properties. do not seem Foreign investors respect to the amount domestic investors with are they willing traditionally take. to on focused buildings in major cities. are extremely cautious and often well Foreign located, of risk that investors prestige analyzing investment have office investors. be painstakingly careful and opportunities Foreign investment risks. strategies extend over a than do many domestic aggressive as They often spend a long time and will not take leasing and operating to be as longer time horizon Foreign investors tend to diligent in their analysis and rely more heavily on assumptions made in their evaluations. In a report on Japanese conducted Nippon at MIT's investment in U.S. real estate Center for Life's investment Real Estate strategies for 99 Development, U.S. real estate that this authors feel confident investment strategy that holds for are identified. acquisitions is a typical The most Japanese life insurance companies: estate Nippon Life seeks long-term, stable real investment in the United States that is compatible to life nature of funds available with the speculative avoids It companies. insurance investments such as those that promise short-term capital gain. An insurance company like Nippon Life has to make sure that every effort to minimize the investment risks that accompany high-return This investment policy means ventures is taken. focused on existing prime that the company has major in districts financial in buildings cities...It is reluctant to invest in growing cities, suburban areas and development projects because it believes that such investments are speculative and5vulnerable to changes in the state of the economy. VIB N.V., one third investments, of a Dutch its real estate investment total portfolio identifies its strategy in real estate its 1986 annual U.S. in trust, with report: spread of VIB's investment strategy is clear: risks, project management under its own control and ownership of large projects through joint-ventures. invested in A small part of the portfolio is development projects... The investment strategy is directed towards the goal of ensuring shareholders attractive dividends and growth in value of their shares. Another goal is to limit risk through the spreading of the portfolio, geographically as well projects....Development kind of regarding as if the inherent considered be only projects will be left with possible, as much as can, risks in this specialized are which companies or partners are projects office in invest to area...Efforts cities like Boston, primarily concentrated on Chicago and Washington D.C. Also the area to the south of Los Angeles 6and the city of San Francisco have VIB's interest. 100 strategies, the strategies of Like domestic investment foreign investors are constantly reviewed and changed. Investment for strategies formulating U.S. real investment. estate differ relative strategies also process of are still in the new Japanese investors of the Many to nationality and investor type. the of Many formalization of relationships. relationship oriented strategies Japanese the involve They appear to be much more than do domestic investors, who they often regard as more transaction oriented. MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES firms manage and to similar to which to the investor is their property. lease a domestic investor Chicago hire in owners foreign property Many entering a new In not familiar. local This is market with this kind of situation it is not economically feasible to hire a staff to monitor the the property. distance a foreign monitor property yet domestic, arise from Management difficulties travel to investor must it would with operations as property owner greater travel distance involved. with decreasingly important subsidiaries. Some of these 101 the with directly a non-local, exception of the This perhaps is becoming the presence of U.S. U.S. subsidiaries are managing properties for in happen foreign their own account, property, they either a rely on only owning Chicago area the in investors yet to however, Generally, area. Chicago the however this has with one partner or joint venture will hire a local firm to direct management and leasing efforts. This added dimension to asset managers. several acquisitions interviewed felt that meticulous regarding properties. This horizon often reliance on property foreign Most comfort. a times owners security and management the likely caused is most in foreign visit their of those Many year. foreign property involved the management of entity additional the foreign property gives advisors as owners also often retain Foreign property owners were quite their U.S. of by the long time and ownership their The Japanese long term property appreciation. are particularly involved in property management. PRICING Partially due to the inability to obtain sales data, it was difficult to find corroborating evidence in the Chicago market that foreign investors had firm would in notion and investors. a the same situation, misleading Japanese paid more than a domestic which expectation concerning investors, in particular, 102 prevalent is a foreign are willing to pay a premium for a prestige and low-risk property. prices paid a domestic the market prices, investors were fair by foreign negotiated by often Chicago reported in transactions involved in people Most advisor on behalf of the foreign entity. In two Chicago transactions in which sales prices were to have paid more for disclosed, foreign investors appeared these properties In one than a domestic investor would have paid. to close in September, 1987) transaction (expected between a Japanese investor for a report the Japanese estate real domestic company downtown office investor used a lower cap rate to determine the offer price. than market rate A representative for nine percent are although cap rates of typical in Chicago, this investor imputed the using a of eight cap rate private building, sources the seller reported property a and value of the percent. In another transaction, which is expected to close around the same time between a domestic life insurance company and a Japanese insurance company, the sales price was based on comparables in other markets such as Los Angeles and New York City. a result, the sales price of substantially higher Research estimates over $250 per square Jones than of recent Lang Wooten sales prices of foot is Investment between $100 7 and $150 per square foot in the Chicago office market. 103 As difficult to speculative ascertain since difficult to of many Also, confidential. and determine the actual of sales investors for comparison. the most of because more is in fact pay not foreign investors Whether or information sales prices Therefore, are prices it confidentiality, paid by is is domestic it is not possible to compare sales prices with any accuracy to determine if there in are fact interviewed, it increasingly sensitive negotiating portrays seems because Japanese According differences. real that the Japanese about the transactions of the recent investors as press those to are becoming they coverage reckless are which buyers. The Japanese are most diligent and cautious in their analysis of potential deals and the prices they are are being misinterpreted as a premium for quality, paying, they feel, being careless rather than just long term appreciation and risk mitigation. WHAT CAUSES DIFFERENCES? Different conducted foreign cultures, as well and professional as differences distance domestic in Chicago differences tend investors. commented that to cause 104 business cause differences business in Europe are different These in how One real the ways is between estate of doing than in the United States. differences in opinion transactions. entities engaged and foreign between domestic practices Business in in business are Japan also different. foreign Are investors? Yes and investors no. "different" than others. domestic from different Some foreigners appear to be more Those appearing most different are those investors having the least amount of experience in the market. Thus differ it slightly from sense. That is, factors that are appears investors in a domestic investors they are quantitative yields, holding differences periods, the decision making and perhaps in prices. 105 in Chicago qualitative many of motivated by appeal to domestic investors. demonstrated different that foreign the same However, there manifested time required in for Chapter Six Endnotes 1 Real Estate Forum, May 1987, 42, "The Japanese and Their 'Yen' for United States Real Estate." 2 Arthur Mitchell, "Remarks before Crittenden's Foreign '87 Symposium: Legal Aspects of Foreign Investment from Japan" (Sheraton Centre Hotel, New York, 25 March 1987), 5. 3 Arthur Mitchell, "Remarks delivered before the Japan Society Conference on Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate" (2 October 1986). 4 ibid., 14. 5 Russell C. Lindner and Edward L. Monahan, Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate: Status, Trends., and Outlook, (M.I.T. Center for Real Estate Development, Cambridge, MA, 1986). 6 VIB N.V. Annual Report 1986. 7 Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Chicago Office Market Report, (November 1986). 106 Chapter Seven FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHICAGO: OUTLOOK AND OPPORTUNITIES THE FOREIGN FUTURE OF CHICAGO: TRENDS INVESTMENT IN AND PROJECTIONS According to local professionals, the future of foreign foreign investment the investment activity increase. This is Chicago in on the based will decline, increase, and that investment the known available. preferences Many seem to coasts become expensive and be prompted to look more future the has the of that of foreign feel potential to market assumptions that that absorption of vacancy rates to interviewed Those the directly tied to in Chicago is States. United Clearly, countries. other in investment to other currencies and the strength of the dollar relative of estate real number of factors, including the United States depends on a economies national and space will opportunities, corresponding of foreign think entities, will opportunities on as be the limited, foreign investors will closely for investments in the Chicago market. There investment presence of is already activity in some evidence of increased foreign the Chicago market, caused by the Japanese investors. 107 In 1986, the Japanese had committed publicly to only a Since the mortgage. million of space may double of two Prudential Plazas By year's end 1987, the Chicago by investments in their 1986 1987, involving Japanese equity in downtown Chicago and participation have been announced. Japanese $50 million square feet North Wacker) representing 2.6 and 101 a hotel and beginning projects (The joint- venture additional 450-room purchasing in excess of five million square feet of space in transactions that the if in Chicago projects seven are currently being negotiated close. Those interviewed feel broad and diversification foreign Chicago market. choice as a investors target foreign investors. Chicago may international proximity objectives and Many become the and to pursue real As those in a "first portfolio may in the investments become a first estate investment the industry refer tier advisors, preliminary of to industry feel that Chicago may city for its size, presence Additionally, firms. international prompt economy, diverse contribute to Chicago such as investment in increased foreign its several factors city." to it, According evidence of for to Chicago's increasing popularity among foreign investors is illustrated by Japanese and European investors who have added Chicago to this target list and are actively seeking property area. 108 in the several things need to occur current level and to increase, within the market: the market must begin to show some signs city must increase, foreign confidence in the of recovery, at its Chicago to continue investment in For foreign and there must be investment opportunities made available to to the Additionally, factors exogenous foreign investors. market such as limited opportunities and saturation of other U.S. markets real estate could further add to increased foreign investment in Chicago. professionals who have done Real estate business with foreign investors report.foreign investors are very diligent in trying trends. to learn Furthermore, flow of good on the limited information foreign investors Los Angeles or market and understand real estate is an behavior and industry dependent If the current trend of on transactions continues, it may take information. more time than Washington such as in other cities, D.C., to develop this understanding of the market and to feel comfortable pursuing investments in the city. OPPORTUNITIES FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS Because of the demonstrated foreign investment interest in Chicago foreign and because of investors the differences in the there behave, are way that opportunities for domestic real estate professionals, such as property owners, 109 lawyers, brokers, to tap developers, Domestic of capital. foreign sources and agents, leasing and managing real estate professionals may have opportunities to generate fee income, to arrange or equity favorable debt project financing, to participate in joint venture arrangements with foreign entities, an as to act or properties, to sell intermediary between domestic sellers and foreign buyers. Estate Real leasing and management firms have opportunities to generate fee income from foreign sources by managing and leasing foreign-owned properties. all, of the foreign-owned and local leased by properties in Chicago are managed agents. the foreign Since Chicago do degree of expertise in the Chicago in not have offices owners in relationships with Most, if not market, they thus property nor the form ongoing and lease their local experts to manage properties. Foreign finance properties equity or demonstrated entities have some in the Chicago combination a willingness area with both thereof. Real to debt and estate professionals seeking to refinance existing properties or to find foreign investors a ready finance new developments may source of capital. The cost to the domestic party seeking to obtain this low cost financing often includes agreeing to master lease the property, fulfill pre-leasing requirements, and guarantee preferred returns. 110 These arrangements which is one to negotiate the transaction, may take longer parties hoping to be considered by domestic more factor to Sometimes, it the foreign investor. risk to mitigate the structure transactions with foreign entities. total sold the some cases, In investors. in interests or partial marketed and have successfully Chicago firms Several there is This is of target an opportunity for local possibly receive higher prices for sellers of properties to their properties than if they were sold dependent on If foreign to their list to add Chicago for investment, cities a investor paid foreign premium, by Chicago standards, for the property. investors continue foreign property to properties the to domestic firms. the themselves and competition in the market. Brokers who market have have a the opportunity foreign investors who sellers who are the Chicago thorough knowledge of to align themselves looking for are seeking to dispose of with both property and property. Foreign investors have a need for complete market information. acquiring expedite property. market data They time investigating the market prior will often spend a long to with Brokers collection are and in the position to make to foreign investors aware of investment opportunities in the market. The best way for tap these vast domestic real estate professionals to resources capital 111 is to establish with a relationships foreign investor local or mentioned that difficult to establish. the city act domestic real managing direct relationships estate developers, together having leasing and contacts with with their branches in Chicago, New York City, and possibly often precedes foreign investment in Chicago. Therefore, it Chicago real estate professionals to would seem logical for until direct with international investment advisors in investment bankers and develop networks outside of brokers, and appears that It agents. investors be sometimes can Often, intermediaries bring foreign to was already It national intermediary. through a or either directly with those professionals in relationships can be established New York City with foreign investors or foreign investors begin to more actively pursue Chicago investment opportunities. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Significant differences exist among In Chicago, different by both country and by investor type. nationalities properties, Chicago of have different market, and levels of have different preferences also vary by the type of a Japanese airlines is willing of a hotel, a Japanese experience risk postures. investor. of the in These Whereas to undertake the development insurance company is 112 types different prefer investors foreign investors only willing, arrangement with a enter into a joint venture thus far, to large domestic institution. real U.S. investors. relatively new apt to behave with respect domestic investing been are are more domestic investor would a making, in from who Japanese, real estate market differently than decision have the However, to the Chicago to like behave almost indistinguishable are time investors. domestic who Canadians, The they more the estate, for some Chicago is active in a particular foreign investor The longer risk structure, deal posture, and product preference. Chicago market exhibit a in the regional of the exception following faster suburbs. strong downtown preference suburban shopping that downtowns interviewed feel Those are apt market conditions soft very strong foreign investors At this time, most downtown preference. with types exhibit a of all Foreign investors Cultural familiarity with than malls. to recover would the suburban markets is not as great in foreign countries as it is in the United States, and know, because foreign investors tend are most major downtowns investors and to those transactions at home. who to go to places often familiar must they to foreign ultimately approve the Of the 26 transactions identified, 19 (73 percent) are prestige downtown office properties. Some foreign concerns are willing to pay a higher price 113 they use a will is investor a for investor, downtown than would office property. to not inclined in the invest than the market pay less therefore would rate cap lower foreign from in Chicago Japanese have demonstrated that The investors. types of real prices high command to able are estate Not all of U.S. real estate. for some types domestic a This suburbs same and clearing price. More than likely, a domestic investor or another foreign investor who suburbs, would outbid is comfortable with the the Japanese investor for a suburban property. investors are willing now are right that have are those properties to pay more for that they see value in over the long run. mostly prestige, been built Those properties downtown office and are 1980, since What foreign buildings substantially leased to credit tenants. Foreign investors tend to have a longer term view. longer time horizon is evident projected holding period. to operate tend derived and stem Longer on a Furthermore, since both in the analysis and the longer time in horizon are foreign the United States safe haven for capital, investors why foreign Reasons also from their goal holding periods The culturally to preserve capital. countries are common. is perceived to be a foreign investors are interested in investment in the U.S. to preserve this capital. Foreign investors tend to be more relationship oriented 114 than their and thus do not have a to dealing directly in transactions, reference involved intermediaries typically transactions. The Japanese the with documentation parties. to them multitude In with comfortable feel of States it the United and intermediaries seem prioritize completing to in involved paperwork preference to form on-going relationships with domestic parties. investors the understand to indicate a Foreign investors transactions. difficult for is often and legal domestic with transactions in necessary of the volume with and lawyers use of unfamiliar particular are in estate real U.S. in the all of for home countries their point in are used Foreign investors counterparts. U.S. the Domestic transaction rather than forming an on-going relationship. Foreign investors tend to structure much simpler deals, by American transactions straightforward parties. purchasers than transactions involving is not and most currently a who have property elsewhere in the have Frequently are more domestic Often the purchases are all cash as well. Chicago investors foreign involve that purchases. their on standards, demonstrated their first choice preference coastal cities over investments this market invested in United States. for foreign own Foreign investors for in Chicago. investments in Foreign equity investment is present in 51 percent of the properties in the 115 Los In Chicago, D.C. market.1,2 the Washington foreign investment represents of percent 12 and CBD, Angeles total inventory of space in the less than 10 percent of the Chicago metropolitan area. and likely to invest in Foreign investors are willing Chicago saturation As properties. in these markets increase, continues, prices for properties and Chicago becomes more familiar foreign investment activity in Foreign to foreign that environment because appealing investment investors, this market should increase. indicated have investors markets other of is Chicago an size, its of its economy, its growing international presence and its location these investors have already and, some of their list of target cities for U.S. The with Japanese are Chicago and market. should increase Japanese If and substantial beginning to rates exchange Japanese will increasingly look opportunities to diversify estate. number investment. feel more comfortable their purchases surpluses trade added Chicago to in to continue favorable, remain this be the for investment to Chicago their portfolios of U.S. real This trend has already begun as is evidenced by the of recent Japanese transactions in the market. Japanese investors, including a construction company, a life insurance company, and a private real estate expected to double their purchase 116 company, are of Chicago real estate in 1987. Intermediaries suggest that the Japanese are studying when they feel more comfortable, the market closely now and they will increase their investments. take advantage of the themselves to between professionals estate Real market. foreign exist opportunities position can estate investors. income from fee generate to estate real differences that exist real domestic and Chicago foreign sources of capital in professionals desiring to tap this for opportunities are There both management and leasing of foreign owned property, to arrange and debt for equity financing construction, to provide valuable entrants transactions and the market, into between foreign product and existing new market information to new to arrange and negotiate and domestic investors real estate professionals. was Due to the limited time frame during conducted, it by no means regarding foreign investment in be useful for each further research nationality separately which this study offers conclusive It would probably Chicago. to be rather trends conducted regarding than grouping foreign investors together. This study gives several examples suggesting behavioral differences most likely between different greater than the differences 117 that the nationalities are between foreign, taken as a variable whole, and for the domestic. differences The that biggest explanatory exist among foreign investors is the length of time they have been in the United States. 118 Chapter Seven Endnotes lMichael Smith and Kevin Whalen, "Japanese Investors in United States Real Estate: Are They Really Different? A Review of Activity in the Los Angeles Area" (MS thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987) 2S. John Hodge and S. Kent Roberts, "An Assessment of Foreign Investors in the Washington, D.C. Real Estate Market" (M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987). 119 Exhibit 1 Portfolio Investment by Nationality of Investor, 1985 Region or Country Portfolio Position 1984 Western Europe Portfolio Position 1985 Change in Portfolio Position 1984-1985 Percent of Total Change 1984-1985 250,525 311,462 60,937 51.8 Canada 24,771 25,328 557 0.5 Japan 50,304 80,789 30,485 25.9 Latin American Republics & Other Western Hemisphere 165,657 184,516 18,859 16.1 Other 142,119 148,822 6,703 5.7 Total 633,384 750,917 117,533 100.0 Source: "The International Investment Position of the United States in 1985", by Russell B. Scholl, Survey of Current Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Business, U.S. 27. Analysis, June 1986, p. 120 Exhibit 2 Foreign Direct Investment by Nationality of Investor, 1985 Region or Country FDI Position 1984 Western Europe FDI Position 1985 Change in FDI Position 1984-1985 Percent of Total Change 1984-1985 108,211 120,906 12,695 69.1 Canada 15,286 16,678 1,392 7.6 Japan 16,044 19,116 3,072 16.7 Latin American Republics & Other Western Hemisphere 16,201 17,050 849 4.6 Other 8,841 9,201 360 2.0 Total 164,583 182,951 18,368 100.0 Source: "Foreign Direct Investment in the United States and U.S. Direct Investment Abroad Grew Moderately in 1985", News Release, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, June 25, 1986, p.6. 121 EXHIBIT 3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN REAL ESTATE IN THE UNITED STATES 1980-1985 (Dollars in Millions) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 All Countries 6,120 8,889 11,397 13,946 17,761 18,557 Canada 1,158 1,770 1,882 2,106 Europe European Communites(10) 2,254 2,119 4 24 493 4 23 999 569 2 135 0 80 50 Belgium France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom Dennaark, Greece, Ireland Other Europe Sweden Switz.erland Other Japan Austrailia, New Zealand,and South Africa Latin America South and Central America Panama Other Other Western Henisphere Bermuda Netherlands Antilles U.K. Islands, Caribbean Other 2,844 2,580 5,035 6,638 8,255 4,651 6,224 7,714 10 10 11 66 28 24 815 966 780 0 5 0 25 29 1,742 2,189 2,471 2,051 3,140 4,135 11 42 12 414 384 0 0 0 0 324 300 150 148 90 84 75 3,675 3,450 9 24 651 4 28 1,507 1,220 7 I 8,821 8,238 9 26 1,049 (b) 24 tx 264 302 394 457 56 55 60 61 4,623 (h) 583 0 444 139 744 1,054 120 117 1,979 2,566 3,273 ,13 3,816 4,664 1,808 307 372 379 268 233 139 256 275 216 185 171 108 116 98 103 83 62 1,746 2,298 1,959 3,437 4,292 4,507 108 119 110 151 61 111 3,945 3,715 2,973 1,880 2,547 437 369 265 399 228 238 51' 43 47 20 83 55. 0 542 592 709 (b) 362 0 362 0 597 0 709 746 1 745 Other Africa, Asia, and Pacific (b) 160 212 271 423 430 Memorandun - OPEC 300 373 551 610 707 737 Middle East Israel Other (b) (c) b - suppressed to avoid disclosure of data to individual companies. c - Less than $500,000 Source: Survey of Current Business, Oct. 1984, at 37-38, June 19285, at 32. Aug. 1985, at 52; U.S. Department of Commerce, Neos, June 25, 1986, at 6, quoted by R. Peter DeWitt in Rel Estaie Review. Winter 1987, vol. 16, no. 4. 122 Exhibit 4 Annual Japanese Real Estate Investment in the United States * - ($) YEAR INVESTMENT 1980 $264 million 1981 $302 million 1982 $394 million 1983 $457 million 1984 $744 million 1985 $1.2 billion *1986 $2.5 to $3.0 billion *1987 $5.0 to $6.0 billion Estimates, Real Estate Research Corporation, "Japanese Investment in U.S. Real Estate, Emerging Trends in Real Estate: 1987 (Equitable Real Estate Group, Inc., November 1987). Source: Survey of Current Business quoted by R. Peter DeWitt in "Foreign Direct Investment in U.S. Real Estate," Real Estate Review, 16, (Winter 1987). 123 Exhibit 5 Percentage of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Propertaes Netherlands 28.7%1 'A Germany 14.2% Japan 7.61%, . 1980 Total Investment $3.5 billion Netherlands 16.9% England Japan Germany 10.2% 28.8% Canada 16.9% 1986 Total Investment $14.8 billion -'preliminary estimate %ource: U.S. Department of Commerce Source: John E. Tsui, "Japan: The Land Rush," Development Magazine, (June 1987). 124 Exhibit 6 DOWNTOWN VACANCY 1976-1986 1716IS 14- -I 131211 10- 7- 34 1978 1980 1979 0 Source: 1981 1982 -+ CWcAGG 1963 1984 1985 1986 WTONAL Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Office Market Report, (Novembe'~1T986). 125 Exhibit 7 Chicago Office Market Performance and Rental Growth Year-End 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988-89 Inventory* 85.8 89.5 94.4 98.3 103.5 New Construction and Renovations* 3.7 3.7 4.9 3.9 5.2 Absorption* Vacancy 3.3 3.2 1.8 1.8 3.6 10.4 10.6 13.3 14.9 15.7 Source: Jones Lang Wooten Investment Research, The Downtown Chicago Office Market Report, (November 1986). 126 (%) Exhibit 8 FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN U.S. REGIONS: Midwest Northeast Southeast Southwest West Total Known Investment Dollar Value Amount Percent Of Total (In Millic ns) $ 110 .7 3 381.2 11 978.9 27 1,761.8 49 362.9 $3,595.5 100 1985 Trans actions Number 7 28 33 44 20 Percent Of Total 5 21 26 33 15 132 100 Source: Jones Lang Wooten; and International Trade Administration, "Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate," Urban Land, (April 1987), 33. 127 Exhibit . 9 Regional Origin of Foreign Real Estate Investment in Major U.S. Cities, 1979-1983 (Millions of Dollars) Canada Amount Total New York Dallas Houston San Francisco Los Angeles Miami Denver San Diego Boston Seattle Percent $8.024.3 ' 100% 1,355.0 1,482.2 521.4 1,001.0 1,046.2 632.1 672.5 497.0 339.0 477.9 18 19 6 12 13 8 8 4 4 6 South America Far East Europe Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent $3,716.4 100% $502.2 100% $681.9 100% 35 190.3 38 1,322.3 262.0 835.8 327.0 106.6 76.9 457.2 70.0 258.6 0 7 23 9 3 2 12 2 7 0 0 8.9 36.0 174.5 0 0 75.5 0 17.0 0 2 7 35 0 0 15 0 3 219.8 7.5 67.9 0 0 369.0 3.0 1.8 0 12.9 32 1 10 0 0 55 0 2 Middle East and North Africa Amount $87.2 62.6 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 23.0 0 Percent 100% 72 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 26 0 Other Countries Amount Percent $208.9 123.8 20 80 0 0 75.1 0 0 0 0 100% 59 1 4 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 Total Amount $13,220.9 100% 3,2738 24 13 11 10 10 9 9 5 5 4 1,753.7 1,442.0 1,364.0 1,327.3 1,154.7 1,132.7 644.3 6206 507.8 'Less than 1% Sources: Jones Lang Wootton and the International Trade Administration Source: Joseph J. DelCasino, "European Investment in U.S. Office Markets," The Appraisal Journal, (January 1986). Percent 00 Exhibit 10 Foreign Investment in Chicago SOURCE DATE COUNTRY 1986 JAPAN 1987 JAPAN DOMESTIC PARTNER/ SELLER INVESTOR FORM PRUDENTIAL PRUDENTIAL PLAZA PHASE I PHASE II (D*1989) NISSEI REALTY E-JV 101 N. WACKER DAI-ICHI E-JV SWISS AIR NESTLE EF HUTTON E PROPERTY 1985 SWITZERLAND HOTEL SWISS BRAND (D) MET LIFE ? 1987* JAPAN AT&T CORP. STEIN &CO. CENTER (D*1989) (developer) 1987* JAPAN (PENDING) ? 33 N DEARBORN ENGLAND 1985 JAPAN NIKKO HOTEL (D*1987) 1986 NETHERLANDS 55 WWACKER JAPANESE LIFE CO D-E JAPANESE BANK LC E U.K. PENSION FUND ? ENGLAND FIDINAM 20 N. LASALLE 1981 NETHERLANDS O'HARE CORP. TOWERS 1987* JAPAN (PENDING) 1986 JAPAN XEROX CENTER 1987* JAPAN (PENDING) (D) PRICE $140,000,000 (E*) DUTCH PENSION FUND: SSP OFFICE 647 ROOMS HOTEL 18,000 RETAIL 1,900,000 OFFICE 350,000 + OFFICE ? $125,000,000 (P) $360,000,000 (P) $47,500,000 OFFICE HOTEL $74,000,000 E 200,000 OFFICE $16,000,000 E 750,000 RETAIL/ OFFICE $100,000,000 (P) UK PENSION FUND: E ALLIED LINES BAIRD WARNER 570,000 ? (D*1987) ? OFFICE JAAN AIR LINES E-D 450 ROOMS SUMITOMO COMBINED WILMA REALTY/ INTERNATIONAL VIB N.V. 1983 SWITZERLAND 10 S LaSALLE PROP. TYPE 1,100,000 930,000 U.S. DEVELOPER JAPANESE ENTREPRENEUR TISHMAN REALTY & CONSTRUCTION SO. FT. ? E OFFICE 200,000 SUBURBAN (2 BLD6S) OFFICE ?? ? $12, 500,000 OFFICE SUMITOMO TRUST &BANKING CHICAGO DEVELOPER D 755,000 OFFICE ? 129 900,000 MIXED-USE (E) $50,000,000 SOURCE DATE COUNTRY PROPERTY 1980 NETHERLANDS THREE FIRST NAT'L PLAZA 1986 ENGLAND NORTHBROOK COURT 1984 NETHERLANDS OAKBROOK TERRACE 1987* JAPAN ? 1987 NETHERLANDS COLUMBIA CENTER (D*) DOMESTIC PARTNER/ SELLER INVESTOR FORM GERALD HINES ROYAL DUTCH SHELL D HOMART BROSEVENOR INTERNATIONAL E-D 1,304,045 REGIONAL NALL BAIRD WARNER DUTCH PENSION FUND: SSP D-E JV 200,000 SUBURBAN OFFICE CHICAGO DEVELOPER JAPANESE CONSTRUCT. CO. E-JV 650,000 OFFICE FIFIELD DEVEL CO 1982 SAUDI ARABIA 500 N MICHIGAN RUBLOFF 1980 SAUDI ARABIA OAKBROOK INTNAT'L OFFICE CENTER 1986* JAPAN XXX LASALLE 1983 GERMANY LINCOLN MALL 1986 GERMANY CHICAGO RIDGE MALL (1) 1985 SAUDI ARABIA 303 W. MADISON (D*1987) 1987* JAPAN (PENDING) U.S. INS. CO. ? - ? ? ? PROP. TYPE PRICE OFFICE SUBURBAN OFFICE $116,000,000 ? PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL E 600,000 OFFICE $20,000,000 (EXCL. LAND) ? E 300,000 SUBURBAN (4 BLDGS) OFFICE $30,000,000 785,000 OFFICE $210,000,000 JAPANESE INS. CO.E-JV LENDHORF GROUP ? ? JAYMONT (D*198X) - Development project/completion date (E*) - Estimate (P) - Total project cost, foreign equity investment unknown E - Equity D - Debt * - Pending transaction (1) SO. FT. Property sold one month after purchase to domestic firm. **This list is not all inclusive and no doubt some foreign owned property has been overlooked. While every attempt was made to be accurate, there say be some inaccuracies in the data. 130 E ? REGIONAL MALL E ? REGIONAL MALL ? OFFICE ? ? Bibliography "Foreign Institutions and U.S. Real Arnold, Alvin L. Estate,"The Mortgage and Real Estate Executives Report 20 (15 June 1987). "Now, Japan Inc. Wears a Hard Hat," The Bennett, Robert A. New York Times, (27 July 1986). "Japan: Their Approach to Site Bingham, James R. Selection," evelopment Magazine (June 1987). "Japanese Buy a New York Boston Globe, (12 June 1987), Landmark." Burns, Sean. "An International Role for U.S. Real Estate Today, 20, (June/July 1987). Real Estate." "The Contribution of Foreign Portfolio and Direct . Investment to the U.S. Housing Market in 1986." (January 1987). Castro, Janice. (March 9, "I'll Take Manhattan-and Waikiki," Time, 1987), Celis, William III. Financing U.S. (29 "Japanese Banks Gain Foothold in Projects," Wall Street Journal, April 1987). Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry. in Chicago?" . "Why Locate "The New Chicago." "1986 A High Point for Commercial Coulter, John M.. Construction," Commerce 84 (April 1987). "Metropolitan Chicago Economy in 1987," . (December 1986). Commerce, Davis, Jerry C. "Third Record Year for Office Leasing," Commerce 84 (April 1987). -------. 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European Investment in U.S. Real Estate is Changing." 135