LANDSCAPE FURNITURE HOUSE @ HAROLD BANE MACDONALD 1988 The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. by HAROLD BANE MACDONALD Bachelor of Arts Yale University 1980 I1. SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY, 1988 Harold Macdonald Department of Architecture January 15, 1988 Signature of the author William Porter Professor of Architecture Certified by U i ai William Hubbard Accepted by .. pat.m t Chairman Com.ittee for Graduate Students Mil5AcaUsETTs INS=TIT O TECHN0LOGY MAR 0 8 1988 MITLibraries Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE: PAGE ONE TABLE OF CONTENTS: ABSTRACT: PAGE TWO PAGE THREE PICTURES: PAGE FOUR t~i LANDSCAPE FURNITURE HOUSE by Harold Macdonald Submitted to the Department of Architecture on January, 15 1988 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture ABSTRACT a house. over there on the cliff. it is very large. the owner must have a lot of cash. right on top of the cliff over the reservoir. seagulls come from the rockport ocean to drink fresh water and sit in the sun. the house does not loom large in their minds. it is irrelevant. the way literature is irrelevant to architecture. the gulls are thinking about fish. even when they fly. twirling gliders. make my ,day. curving perfect while i swerve ascending. i am free when i ski. but fish are in the quarry. by the cliff. where men look under the curving roof up into the sky. Thesis Supervisor: William Porter Title: Professor of Architecture CLIFF HOUSE ON GRANITE QUARRY I 7 -- / ( /7 XI "0 N I / C 9. IJ - ~ Jr NA: 1 -. V I 4 -~ 12. -i.. '1 1%. '.. ' - .4. *1 I -4 4 q V -' 9 -N 'p p 9 ( a 0 I 9 I 1' 7~1, K' I, Pt ( I-.-.- I" ( I, o i p I / '1 A 14. 7/ 0 4 S a 0 000"N %ft IF \ 4001V ,,;omr .9 v .0 * i .- 0 t* \SK6 A \b wo, K 0 - 40 %000 U. S 'I' S C S I <-~ _ S .11 0 / 7 lo. \1. I 4 Q a I I 3 V ~ I) .* '~:i. I N 7 a ) pw * a / Lioo /h /a 0 a a 0 0 a* / I p . At 4, *. 4' ft.. 26. .1' III I '4 U'1-0 28. ftA -. 1'op-: t & 4I NEW A=--, 29. .0J. ILLPAI * 1OWKIN67- ;4ybvT)k 0 aJ'?AOj VCLC &OcrTal?6,64, 6.V&5 7vl4 E.S F 7J 7#e ej, phlM COA/r/ItAt 11-W.M111V j-1 4TIOAl a,'? /,Mdm,1C.70a.a 7:: - IANi'5~ At I Aie a r/aQ S r Cc C)C,64AI PhEW frfE~ OFA ZIqA c 6 cs r4//? 6 :, Aluse AlE %N CON? I;qlbt/ /MIC67f 11 W#146 440cowip rHik, rIA c - 6 see1 OIN6q YS -Fq 71 I 7-m4~ tv6-%r A * 7 *:: /V> 4&*k, 4 76TI? ., WI] T6 to OO 'F111u11i2/111 11x1 14 )~ j 'Y 30.A OllE MILE ROCKPORT, MASSACHUSETTS S A N |D V * 13 A Y Bartlett Rock 31 The Ip Gully ) 3) *romaa Asrynd) v / 4- Hi 'It-! 914' V ?Prc I I I II II I I I - -~4-- -~ I I I flu' II 7/ I II I II I II II 1 'TO CLARIFY 35.A 6 +2'1 +1 1 GRADE LEVEL -- --Tn ~TZI -2 -3 -5 ..... . ... - .... r : TO CLARIFY 35. B M OWN FIREPLACE ENo UNDRYP C'EE RVAT ION PLACES PiAN0 HALLWAY P "')RCHf -.MASTERk BEDRO, M YST' eMUD ROOM iii ..... ME( HANICAL :DESCINING RO OM 61DESCENDING .....-,Li LFARY/ STUDY/ DRESING PAT 10S ROOM : TO CLARIFY 35. c ROCKS CU1BIC FEET OF STORAGE SPACE IN ATTIC BEDRO MS. I -0 I | || | | .1 7--'- BATH ROOMS ( : TO CLARIFY 35.D L.. -4-4-- --41 L k :TO CLARIFY 3. 35.E 72 39. 0 6A T)I j FEET Ij I VX FEET FEET row--. C FEET FEET FEET f1f FEET 4 Nt Is * ..A / 4& 4 4lkA- .--numb 40