A Customer Success from the Experts in Business-Critical Continuity .

A Customer Success
from the Experts in
Business-Critical ContinuityTM.
When Sprint introduced a new push-to-talk feature into its network, it wanted
an out-of-band management solution that would offer multi-platform support
and provide redundant access to its network elements. Sprint improved
management of its systems and gained remote access to more than 500 QCHAT
elements spread across eight regional locations with implementation of the
Avocent ACS advanced console server solution into its environment. This now
brings the total number of server elements that are managed by the Avocent
solution to approximately 2500.
The ACS solution enables system administrators to have multiple methods of
access to their systems to ensure a highly available network. Using an Avocent
KVM over IP switching system for remote access to Windows platforms that do
not have out-of-band management capabilities, Sprint reached its goal of secure
high network availability.
Spring Nextel
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Wireless and wireline communications service
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ACS console server KVM over IP appliances
• Sprint needed an out-of-band management
solution that would support the roll out of its
new Qchat product and provide redundant
access to operational platforms.
• The Avocent ACS console server solution and
KVM over IP switching systems deliver out-ofband management and secure remote access
to mission-critical data servers.
• Sprint system administrators gain redundant
access to network equipment and the ability
to better serve the telecommunication
company’s global customer base.
“The Avocent solution has simplified and added redundancy
to the management of our important data servers. It delivers
better access to our network equipment, which in turn
means better control of our servers, which translates to
better service to our customers. I feel very strongly about the
Avocent system and don’t believe there is a better product
out there.”
- Merl Dunham Team/Lead Supervisor Sprint Network Services
Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline
communications services, bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers,
businesses and government users. Sprint Nextel is widely recognized for
developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including two
wireless networks serving 53.1 million customers at the end of 2006; industryleading mobile data services; instant national and international walkie-talkie
capabilities; and an award-winning and global Tier 1 Internet backbone.
Finding a more flexible approach to network management
Several years ago, Sprint began developing its Qchat feature–a walkie-talkie
style, push-to-talk functionality that enables instant wireless communication
with the push of a button. Realizing that “always-on” communication requires
on-demand reliability, the organization needed a more flexible approach to
network management. With redundant access a key requirement, Sprint system
administrators required an out-of-band management solution that would
provide multiple methods of access to their multi-platform environment.
More than 4,000 servers dispersed across eight regional operational centers,
including three of the company’s core data centers, house the majority of
Sprint’s data functions such as Internet connectivity and messaging services.
In the highly competitive telecommunications industry, system uptime is critical
to business success.
Merl Dunham, one of the team leads/supervisors for Sprint’s Network Services
notes that, “a single path to server access is not acceptable. Our operational
A Customer Success
from the Experts in
Business-Critical ContinuityTM.
team needs redundant methods for accessing the platforms it needs
to manage. We needed a solution that would offer an alternate
means of access in a secure environment and enable system
administrators to effectively perform their jobs.”
Avocent ACS advanced console servers and KVM over IP
switching systems Realizing an out-of-band management
solution was critical for network management, and dissatisfied
with the existing solution they had in place, Sprint turned to
Avocent. Deploying nearly 60 ACS advanced console servers and
approximately 10 KVM over IP switches, Sprint has improved
network management and gained redundant and remote access to
its networking equipment.
“The Avocent product has an easy-to-use interface and built-in
advanced security features,” says Dunham. “Since adopting Avocent,
we have universally deployed the devices for all our platforms.
In addition to those two features, the competitive cost and high
reliability have been good for us. It is very important we have access
to our data servers, and the ACS solution has simplified management
of them because of the redundant access and easy-to-use interface.”
ACS console server solutions offer seamless power control of
managed IT devices. Using a hardened Linux® operating system,
the ACS console servers provide optimal performance, security and
reliability. When deployed with DSView® 3 management software,
ACS console servers offer enterprise and telecommunication
environments a complete, centralized management solution.
For Windows platforms that do not have out-of-band management
capabilities, Sprint has remote access and control with Avocent KVM
over IP switching systems. Using a 32-port KVM over IP switch, Sprint
gains two simultaneous digital paths for remote access and BIOSlevel control of all connected servers and serial-based devices in its
data centers.
Secure, remote, redundant and reliable access to network
servers Having the Avocent solutions in place enables system
administrators at Sprint to have secure remote, redundant and
reliable access to their important data servers. Overall management
of the data servers has improved because the redundant access
and the easy-to-use interface simplifies troubleshooting for system
Dunham praises the solution for its high level of reliability and
notes that since deploy not a single unit has required replacement.
Adding new devices is easy and the small design and minimal power
requirements deliver more flexibility for system administrators. Also
appealing are the built-in security features such as SSH connectivity
that ensure data encryption during transmission and secure
authentication technology that ensures only authorized users gain
access to enterprise resources.
“When it comes to our network, our primary goals are to have
redundant access to our servers and experience high levels of
uptime,” says Dunham. “The Avocent solution has simplified and
added redundancy to the management of our important data
servers. It delivers better access to our network equipment, which in
turn means better control of our servers, which translates to better
service to our customers. I feel very strongly about the Avocent
system and don’t believe there is a better product out there.”
The Future
Integrate solutions as needed to support effective and efficient
network Moving forward, Sprint plans continued integration of
Avocent devices into its network with “no end in sight.” More ACS
console server solutions are added as new servers are added to the
network. Likewise, as new Windows platforms are added, Sprint
intends to incorporate more KVM solutions to deliver remote access
to system administrators and boost job effectiveness and efficiency.
About Emerson Network Power
Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE:EMR), is the
global leader in enabling Business-Critical Continuity™ from grid to
chip for telecommunication networks, data centers, health care and
industrial facilities. Emerson Network Power provides innovative
solutions and expertise in areas including AC and DC power and
precision cooling systems, embedded computing and power,
integrated racks and enclosures, power switching and controls,
monitoring and connectivity. All solutions are supported globally
by local Emerson Network Power service technicians. Aperture and
Avocent solutions from Emerson Network Power simplify data center
infrastructure management by maximizing computing capacity and
lowering costs while enabling the data center to operate at peak
performance. For more information, visit www.Aperture.com,
www.Avocent.com or www.EmersonNetworkPower.com.
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