: 2709.11_50 Page 1 of 19 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK JUNEAU, ALASKA FSH 2709.11 – SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Supplement No.: R-10 2709.11-2006-6 Effective Date: December 22, 2006 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed. Approved: /s/ Paul K. Brewster (for) DENNIS E. BSCHOR Regional Forester Date Approved: 12/06/2006 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was R-10 Supplement 2709.11-2006-5 to chapter 40. New Document(s): 2709.11_50 19 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2709.11_50 (2709.11-2003-6, 9/24/2003) 6 Pages Digest: 51.1 – Adds Index Title to Clauses 51.2 – Adds Alphanumeric Index to Clauses 52 – Restores several ANILCA clauses which we lost when the regional ANILCA cabin permit supplement was replaced by terms and conditions in the Special Uses Data System. Adds several new clauses from other regions for Alaska Region use. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 2 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS 51 - Index 51.1 – Title Index to Clauses This supplement contains terms and conditions pertinent to specialized situations and needs for Special Use Authorizations in Region 10. These conditions supplement both those printed on the standard special-use authorization forms and those included in the parent text. The Office of General Counsel for Region 10 has reviewed these terms and conditions for legal sufficiency. Direct inquiries to the appropriate Regional Forester staff if the applicability of terms and conditions use in a specific situation is questioned. The Regional Forester in consultation with the Regional Attorney must approve the use of any additional terms and conditions or changes to any of those listed in this chapter or elsewhere in this handbook. Include these terms at the end of the permit, unless otherwise directed in the user notes. Do not strike out any of the standard clauses within the body of the authorization unless the instructions for the specific clause indicate to do so. Approved Region 10 terms and conditions for use in authorizations follow. These terms are given 100-series numbers to differentiate in SUDS from previous supplements. Title Alienation of Property ANILCA Facility Maintenance ANILCA New Cabin Authorization ANILCA Permit Tenure ANILCA Permit Assignability ANILCA Permit Termination Archaeological – Paleontological Discoveries Alienation of Property Authorization on Lands subject to disposal Assignability of Roads and Trails Club Requirements Conduct Construction Plans and Materials Contaminated Site Clean Up Designation of Holder Representative Emergency Rescue Holder’s Operations Inspection of Major Drainage Structures Category and Number R10-G102 R10-X103 R10-X104 R10-E101 R10-E103 R10-E104 R10-X106 R10-G102 R10-E105 R10-G103 R10-B104 R10-B101 R10-C101 R10-D101 R10-X101 R10-B102 R10-X105 R10-G101 R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 3 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Title Invasive Species Prevention and Control Minimum Reservoir or Conservation Pool Nonprofit Fish hatchery fee No Proprietary Rights or Privileges Performance Bond, Linear Right-of-Way Regulation of Motorized Equipment in Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas Operation and Management Plans Seasonal Site Management Specified Reservoir Flow Stream Flow Termination of Authorization on Lands subject to disposal Tide Lands Use of Equipment in Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas Utility Installation Category and Number R10-D105 R10-D108 R10-A101 R10-E102 R10-C103 R10-D104 R10-C102 R10-D102 R10-D107 R10-D106 R10-E106 R10-X102 R10-D103 R10-B103 51.2 – Alphanumeric Index to Clauses Category and Number Title A R10-A101 FEES AND PAYMENTS Non-Profit Fish Hatchery Fees B R10-B101 R10-B102 R10-B103 R10-B104 SAFETY, HEALTH, LIABILITY, AND NONDISCRIMINATION Conduct Emergency Rescue Utility Installation Club Requirements C R10-C101 R10-C102 R10-C103 DEVELOPMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND PERFORMANCE BONDS Construction Plans and Materials Operation and Management Plans Performance Bond, Linear Right-of-Way D R10-D101 R10-D102 R10-D103 RESOURCE AND IMPROVEMENT PROTECTION Contaminated Site clean Up Seasonal Site Management Use of Equipment in Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 4 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS R10-D104 R10-D105 R10-D106 R10-D107 R10-D108 Regulations of Motorized Equipment in Designated Wilderness or Wilderness Study Areas Invasive Species Prevention and Control Stream Flow Specified Reservoir Flow Minimum Reservoir or Conservation Pool E R10-E101 R10-E102 R10-E103 R10-E104 R10-E105 R10-E106 TENURE, TERMINATION, REVOCATION, AND LIMIT OF USE ANILCA Permit Tenure No Proprietary Rights or Privileges ANILCA Permit Assignability ANILCA Permit Termination Authorization on Lands subject to disposal Termination of Authorization on Lands subject to disposal F FIRE G R10-G101 R10-G102 R10-G103 ROADS Inspection of Major Drainage Structures Alienation of Property Assignability of Roads or Trails X R10-X101 R10-X102 R10-X103 R10-X104 R10-X105 R10-X106 MISCELLANEOUS Designation of Holder Representative Tide Lands ANILCA Facility Maintenance ANILCA New Cabin and related structures Holder’s Operations Archaeological-Paleontological Discoveries 52 – Supplemental Terms and Conditions 52.1 – A Clauses – Fees and Payments A-101. Nonprofit Fish Hatchery Fees. (R10-A101) User Note: To be used for any nonprofit fish hatchery authorization. On August 14, 1974, the State of Alaska passed legislation authorizing operation of private, nonprofit salmon hatcheries. This use involves the occupancy of National Forest System lands. The land use rental fee will be made for the use and occupancy of National Forest System land, based on a percent of capital investment and is two-tenths (0.2) of one percent of the on-site investment with a minimum fee as shown in the Regional Fee R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 5 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Schedule, FSH 2709.11, Chapter 30. Fees are to be assessed on an annual basis. 1. In consideration for this use, the permit holder shall pay to the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, the sum of $ (Dollars) for the period from (date) to (date) . Thereafter, the annual fee will be whichever is the greater of the Regional minimum fee or 0.2 of one percent of the value of the on-site investment located on the permitted site as of the last day of the calendar year just ending, provided; however, that charges for this use may be made or readjusted by the Forest Service, whenever necessary, to place the charges on a basis commensurate with the value of said use. Upon completion of the construction of the facilities authorized by this permit, the permit holder will give the Forest Service a statement of its total investment on said site, certified by the permit holder or its certified public accountant as being complete and correct. Any change in the facilities or an adjustment of a total investment will be reported to the Forest Service within thirty (30) days of completion of such change in the form of a revised statement of total investment, duly itemized and certified. The value of improvements, such as buildings, and other structures, will be the cost of materials and construction on the site. The value of equipment is its purchase or sale price including transportation and does not include installation costs. Changes in investment will be recognized only, if there is an increase or decrease in the value of the investment resulting from additions or removals. They will not be made for appreciation or depreciation. Any necessary changes in the fee will be made as of the beginning of the calendar year. 2. The permit holder, prior to any development or construction under this permit, will show evidence of available financing adequate to complete and operate the planned project in the amount of $_______ within _______ months of the date of this permit. Source: R10-FSH 2700-2003-3 dated 9/19/2003, section 2722.16 fish hatchery fees Modification: number change to R10-A101 52.2 – B Clauses - Safety, Health, Liability, and Nondiscrimination B-101. Conduct. (R10-B101) User Note: For use in Outfitter/Guide and Commercial Service permits. Use also in ANILCA facility authorizations. In general, the holder is expected to behave in a professional demeanor regarding their interactions with the Forest Service, other agencies, their peer group, and the people they serve. Disorderly or objectionable conduct by the Holder, (or those occupying the R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 6 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS premises with holder’s permission) may be cause for termination of this authorization. The authorized officer shall determine whether or not “proof of disorderly conduct” is sufficient to warrant termination of the authorization. Source: R10-FSH 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA Cabin Special Use permit, clause 19. Supplement dated 4/22/1991. Modification: number change to R10-B101, language change recommended by Bruce Campbell, Cordova RD. B-102. Emergency Rescue. (R10-B102) User Note: Optional for use. Recommended for use with Outfitter and Guide permits. In the event of rescue and evacuation involving the holder, and/or agents, employees, and/or clients engaged in or conducting the activities authorized herein, the United States shall not be responsible for the costs of such rescue and evacuation, or associated aid and treatment. Source: R1-2709.11-2000-1, dated February 8, 2000 Modification: number change to R10-B102 B-103. Utility Installation. (R10-B103). User Note: Use in authorizations when appropriate. This provision applies to permits authorizing construction of permanent facilities and to linear rights-of-way. The installation of utilities such as water, sewage, electricity, and natural or liquefied petroleum gas, must conform to national, state, local, and industry standards. Source: R2-2709.11-2006-1 clause R2-B-101 Modification: number change to R10-B103 B104. Club Requirements. (R10-B104). User Note: This clause is mandatory for all new club permits and for all current authorizations when they are reissued per FSM 2347.2. The percents indicated in item c. are to be determined on a case by case basis for each authorization. Progress over time in improving accessibility, and maintaining group (as opposed to individual) resting space should be clearly demonstrated. a. Individual or family ownership of any portion of a club building and facilities is not permitted. Such ownership shall be common to the club organization. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 7 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS b. Club members shall enjoy common rights and shall be treated equally with regard to all privileges and facilities under this permit. c. On new or remodeled buildings, at least percent of the space allocated for sleeping must be dormitory-type accommodations. Male and female dormitory space may be separately maintained. d. The holder must keep a current record of use of the permitted area by members and guests. This record must be made available for review upon request of the Forest Service. e. Any changes to club bylaws must be submitted to the Forest Service for review. The above requirements (a-d) must be supported in the aforementioned bylaws. f. New club members may not be added per Section 1307 of ANILCA. This section of ANILCA specifies persons providing visitor services prior to January 1, 1979, needed to document their engagement in such activities in the original application for a special use authorization. Source: Civil Rights Title VI compliance, R6-2709.11-2005-1, dated December 27, 2005. Modification: number change to R10-B104, Clause adapted to ANILCA clubs in AK 52.3 – C Clauses – Development, Construction, Operations, and Performance Bonds C101. Construction Plans and Materials. (R10-C101) User Note: To be added to all ANILCA facilities special use authorizations where construction of facilities placed on a permanent foundation is approved. For optional use with other uses where construction is being authorized. All proposed permanent facilities will require that the applicant submit plans, which have been certified by a State Licensed Engineer. These plans will be subject to review by the Forest Service prior to any construction. The exterior of all new facilities shall be constructed of materials which blend with and are compatible with the surrounding environment. Source: R10-FSH 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 02, ANILCA Cabin Special Use permit, dated 4-22-1991 Modification: formerly clause number 14, number change to R10-C101 C102. Operation and Management Plan. (R10-C102) User Note: For optional use in authorizations when an operation or management plan is desirable to control specific uses, construction, operation, or maintenance impacts. The Outfitter and Guide permit FS- R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 8 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2700-4i has a standard operating plan clause, so this regional clause would be redundant – do not use in Outfitter and Guide permits. The attached operation or management plan, described as Exhibit * , when currently approved by the authorized officer this plan will become a part of this authorization. Its terms and conditions are binding on the permit holder / grantee. Source: R9-2709.11-2004-1, dated December 14, 2004 Modification: number change to R10-C102 C103. Performance Bond, Linear Right-of-Way. (R10-C103) User Note: Use in all linear right-of-way construction permits. The Holder shall provide a performance bond in the amount of (Amount) Dollars ($ (##) ) per mile or fraction thereof, for the total project before the start of any construction. If the project is constructed in phases, each phase shall be covered by a separate bond in the amount of (Amount) ($ (##) ) per mile or fraction thereof, payable before the start of each phase of construction. Bonds are to guarantee the construction of the project in accordance with approved plans and specifications and may be used for site restoration in the event the project is not so constructed or is abandoned or terminated. Bond(s) shall remain in force for a period five (5) years after the entire project has been inspected, accepted, and has become operational. The Authorized Officer shall notify surety when the project has been inspected and accepted. Source: R2-FSH-2709.11-2006-1, dated May 3, 2006 Modification: number change to R10-C103 52.4 – D Clauses - Resource and Improvement Protection D101. Contaminated Site Clean Up (R10-D101). User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations where hazardous materials, including petroleum products, may be used or stored. . The Outfitter and Guide permit FS-2700-4i has standard Compliance with Environmental Laws and Clean-up and Remediation clauses, so this regional clause would be redundant – do not use in Outfitter and Guide permits. Holder is responsible for notifying the Authorized Officer immediately upon the release of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant, or a discharge of oil. If lessee/holder is unable to reach the Authorized Officer immediately, the lessee/holder shall contact the National Response Center (at 1-800-424-8802, or as otherwise provided in 40 CFR 300.125) for guidance concerning whether the release will require immediate response by R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 9 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS regulatory response entities. The terms hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant and oil are as defined in CERCLA and the Clean Water Act at 42 U.S.C. 9601(14); 42 U.S.C. 9601(33); and 33 U.S.C. 1321(a)(1), respectively. The National Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 CFR 300, may apply to discharges of oil or releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. The NCP provides specific procedures for federal, state and local authorities to take to ensure coordinated and effective response to discharges and releases, and contains procedures for determining the applicable cleanup standards. For all releases or discharges on, from, or affecting National Forest System lands or resources, the Forest Service will coordinate with appropriate regulatory entities to lead, oversee, and/or facilitate the cleanup. Pursuant to authorities outlined in Executive Order 12580, as amended by EO 13016, the FS retains lead agency authority for removal actions of CERCLA hazardous substance releases on NFS lands. As per the Memorandum of Understanding between the USFS and the Alaska Department of Environmental Coordination (FS Agreement 02MU111001-010), the FS will ensure that non-CERCLA contaminated sites on NFS lands are referred to ADEC for cleanup by the person or persons responsible in accordance with the site cleanup rules at Title 18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 75.325-390. For non-CERCLA substances regulated under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2761, as annotated), ADEC will determine, on a site-specific basis, the scope and nature of response, including the applicable cleanup standards for petroleum, oil and lubricant contamination. Accordingly, the lessee/holder shall obtain prior approval from the ADEC before beginning any non-CERCLA contaminated site cleanup process on the approved site. All cleanup activities at contaminated sites on National Forest System lands in Alaska must, at a minimum, meet the environmental cleanup standards for soils, established by ADEC at 18 AAC 75.341 in Tables B-1 and B-2, or for groundwater in 18 AAC 75.345 Table C and applicable water quality standards. The initial soil cleanup levels are conservative and based on the Method 2 Migration to Groundwater pathway for the appropriate rainfall zone. The responsible party may apply to ADEC for alternative cleanup levels after characterizing the contamination and evaluating site specific soil parameters. ADEC may approve a Method 3 alternate cleanup level for various petroleum hydrocarbons based on these site-specific conditions. The Forest Service provides consultation to ADEC when alternate cleanup standards are proposed. Other federal or state pollution control laws may also apply depending on site-specific factors. Nothing in this provision relieves the lessee/holder from also meeting the requirements of other federal or state pollution control laws. Source: R10-2709.11-2003-6, dated September 24, 2003. Modification: number change to R10-D101, Language updated by Ken Maas 11-10-04 R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 10 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS D102. Seasonal Site Management (R10-D102). User Note: To be added to all ANILCA facilities special use authorizations used for the taking of fish and wildlife. Optional for use in other authorizations where site management might pose a problem. For outfitter and guides see D103 clause. Use shall be limited to the season specified on the face of the authorization, with ___ (one or two) ___ additional week(s) on either side of the season for preparation and clean-up. The Authorized Officer may approve additional use or an extension of time. To preserve the temporary nature of facilities approved under a permit, the breakdown and storage of said facilities shall be required upon regular or seasonal cessation of activities. The components of approved facilities and equipment may be stored on site in an orderly and consolidated state. Authorized site shall be kept clean, neat, well maintained and orderly. Trash, debris, unusable machinery, fuel containers, etc. shall be disposed of concurrently with site use or no later than the end of each season, to avoid an accumulation of unneeded equipment. Toilet holes shall be filled in to avoid the spread of human waste and attraction of animals. Source: R10 FSH 2709.11-2003-4, dated June 30, 2004, and R10-FSM 2300-2003-2 dated September 17, 2003 Modification: number change to D102, name changed to Seasonal Site Management, from Seasonal Use D103. Use of Equipment in Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas (R10-D103). User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for temporary ANILCA facilities authorize by Section 1316 of ANILCA in wilderness or wilderness study areas. Use of motorized equipment may by used when determined to be the minimum tool necessary and is approved in advance by the Authorized Officer. Only temporary equipment directly and necessarily related to the taking of fish and wildlife will be authorized, and may include equipment such as chainsaws, generators, and other handheld tools or appliances. Source: R10-FSM-2320 R10 Supplement No. 46, dated 2-26-1990, Tongass Land Management Plan 1997, Chugach Land Management Plan 2002. Modification: Changed number to R10-D103. D104 - Regulation of Motorized Equipment in Designated Wilderness Areas or Wilderness Study Areas (R10-D104). User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for 1303(b) and 1303(d) ANILCA cabins in wilderness or wilderness study areas. Use of motorized equipment may by used when determined to be the minimum tool necessary and is approved in advance by the Authorized Officer. Authorized ground R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 11 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS equipment may include chainsaws, generators, power brush cutters, and other hand-held tools and appliances, but not all terrain vehicles (ATV’s), motorcycles, or other types of off road vehicles (ORV’s) except snowmachines. Power lawn mowers, rototillers and other power garden equipment may be used only on existing lawns and gardens that were established prior to the designation of the area as wilderness, or designated as wilderness study areas. Source: R10-FSM-2320-2003-2, dated September 17, 2003. (Taken from Sept 1992 letter signed by Michael Barton, RF copy filed in Historical ANILCA Correspondence Notebooks); Tongass Land Management Plan 1997, Chugach Land Management Plan 2002 D105. Invasive Species Prevention and Control. (R10-D105) User Note: Use this clause in all authorizations involving ground disturbance that could result in the introduction or spread of noxious weeds and/or exotic plants. Clause would be appropriate for use at sites associated with permanent structures, such as cabins, resorts, communication sites, pipelines, etc. The intent is to apply this provision only for a well-defined area, such as a narrow linear right-of-way, where it can be determined without a doubt that the noxious weeds resulted from the activities of the holder. The Outfitter and Guide permit FS-2700-4i has a standard noxious weed prevention and control clause, so this regional clause would be redundant – do not use in Outfitter and Guide permits. The introduction of invasive, non-native plants, including noxious weeds and/or exotic plants needs to be prevented and controlled on National Forest System lands according to the following: 1. The holder shall be responsible for the prevention and control of noxious weeds and/or exotic plants arising from the authorized use. For purposes of this clause, noxious weed and exotic plants include those species identified in the Alaska Region publication “Selected Invasive Plants of Alaska” 2004, or any subsequent version issued during the tenure of this authorization. 2. When control or elimination of noxious weeds and/or exotic plants is determined to be necessary by the authorized officer, the holder shall develop a plan for noxious weed and exotic plant prevention and control. Such plans must have prior written approval from the authorized officer and, upon approval, shall be attached to this permit as an appendix. Source: FS-2700-4i permit, dated June 2005. Modification: number changed to R10-D105, adapted to Alaska Region publication R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 12 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS D106. Stream Flow. (R10-D106) User Note: Use in water related authorizations when appropriate. The Holder shall maintain stream flows adequate to protect the environment, including fishery resources and channel stability. Minimum flows shall be specified by the Authorized Officer. During high spring runoff, natural peak discharge will be maintained for a period of not fewer than five (5) days. The Holder shall be responsible for monitoring stream flow and determining when reservoir releases, diversion curtailments, or other measures are required to maintain required stream flow levels. Prior to development, the Holder shall submit a Stream Flow Monitoring Plan for approval by the Authorized Officer. Source: R2-FSH-2709.11-2006-1, dated May 3, 2006. Modification: Wording change from bypass flow or instream flow to stream flow. Number change to match R10 numbering system. D107. Specified Reservoir Flow. (R10-D107) User Note: Use in reservoir authorizations where specified flows are needed to protect aquatic habitat, to provide stream bank stabilization or to protect streamside vegetation. To provide and maintain satisfactory (aquatic habitat)(stream bank condition)(streamside vegetation), the Holder shall: 1. Release an instantaneous flow of (##) cubic feet per second (cfs) from the reservoir outlet at all times except when the inflow to the reservoir is less than (##) cfs, in which case the release shall equal the inflow. If directed by the Authorized Officer, the Holder shall install and maintain an acceptable measuring device for determining the amount of water being released. 2. Control maximum release through the outlet works so as not to exceed (##) cfs at any time. Source: R2-FSH-2709.11-2006-1, dated May 3, 2006. Modification: Number change to match R10 numbering system. D108. Minimum Reservoir or Conservation Pool. (R10-D108) User Note: Use in reservoir related authorizations when appropriate. The holder shall maintain the minimum level of the reservoir pool at (insert elevation, acre feet, outlet elevation, or other parameter) unless specifically authorized in writing by the Authorized Officer to lower the reservoir pool below the said specified minimum level. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 13 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Source: R2-FSH-2709.11-2006-1, dated May 3, 2006. Modification: Number change to match R10 numbering system. 52.5 – E Clauses - Tenure, Termination, Revocation, and Limit of Use E101. ANILCA Permit Tenure (R10-E101) User Note: To be added to all 1303(b) ANILCA Cabin special use authorizations. May be used as appropriate for other ANILCA facilities. This permit may be renewed for a period of 5 years. At the time of renewal, reasonable terms and conditions which may be prescribed by the Forest Service to comply with the current existing laws and regulations governing the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands shall be included in the renewed authorization. Source: ANILCA 1303(b)(2); R10 Supplement 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA cabin special use permit, clause 1. Supplement dated 4/22/91. Modification: formerly clause number E1, number change to R10-E101 E102. No Proprietary rights or privileges. (R10-E102) User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for shelters and cabins authorized by Section 1303 or 1316 of ANILCA, including industrial facilities. This clause may be used in other authorizations issued under the authority of the Organic Act of 1897, as needed. This permit conveys no proprietary rights or privileges to the Holder. Private recreational use, commercial use, (other than shown on the face of the permit), or subleasing of the facilities is prohibited. The Holder (or the holder’s estate) agrees to vacate the site and remove all personal property upon termination, non-renewal, or revocation of the permit. Source: R10 Supplement 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA cabin special use permit, clauses 18 and 24. Supplement dated 4/22/91. Modification: formerly clause numbers 18, 24, and 26, number change to R10-E102 E103. ANILCA Permit Assignability (R10-E103). User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for ANILCA 1303(d) cabins that have been transferred one time or ANILCA 1303(b) cabins which are not subject to the transfer clause; or for temporary facilities issued under ANILCA section 1316. This authorization is not assignable or transferable. If Holder, through death, voluntary transfer, enforcement of contract, foreclosure, or other valid legal proceeding ceases to be the owner of the improvements described on the face of this authorization, this authorization shall terminate by its own provisions. A new authorization shall not be issued to any subsequent person, heir, living trust, corporation, or any person holding an interest in the improvements. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 14 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS If this authorization is terminated, it is agreed that the removal of the structures and improvements, in accordance with the terms of the authorization, shall be the sole responsibility of the holder or the holder's estate. It is also agreed that any and all costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred by the Forest Service in connection with the removal of structures and improvements and the restoration of the site are proper charges against the estate to be paid by the holder or from the assets of the estate. Source: R10 Supplement 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA cabin special use permit, clauses 11 and 12. Supplement dated 4/22/91 Modification: number change to formerly clause number 12, renumbered to E103. Combined with Conditioned Tenure clause, formerly clause R10-E1. Name change from Non-transferable to Assignability, and wording from Assignability clause incorporated into 1 st PP. E104. ANILCA Permit termination (R10-E104). User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for ANILCA 1303(d) or ANILCA 1303(b) cabins. For temporary facilities issued under ANILCA section 1316, delete the second paragraph. This authorization may be terminated upon breech of any of the conditions herein, or upon a finding by the Authorized Officer, that there is a demonstrated conflict with the purposes for which the area is used or was established. Termination for reasons involving conflicts for which the area is used or was established, would be effective only after specific findings, following public notice and an opportunity for written comments from the Holder. Termination or non-renewal for reasons involving conflicts for which the area is used or was established will require notification 5 years prior to termination of the authorization; or death of the last Holders named herein, whichever occurs first. Source: R10 Supplement 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA cabin special use permit, clause 25. Supplement dated 4/22/91. Modification: number change to E104. E105. Authorization on Lands subject to Disposal. (R10-E105) User Note: Use this clause in all authorizations issued for uses occurring in areas that have been identified or are being considered for disposal. Do not use in easements, leases, or term permits. In the event of conveyance of the Federal land underlying this authorization, the holder hereby acknowledges that said Federal land shall be appraised as though unencumbered by this or subsequent authorization. In no event shall the said Federal land be diminished in value as a result of this or subsequent authorizations. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 15 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Source: R2-FSH-2709.11-2006-1 dated May 3, 2006 Modification: number change to R10-E105 E106. Termination of Authorization on Lands subject to Disposal. (R10-E106) User Note: Use this clause in all authorizations issued for uses occurring in areas that have been identified or are being considered for disposal. The following clause must be used in special use permits that are presently in or may be within the boundaries of State or Native claim selection areas. Do not use in easements, leases or term permits as these uses are conveyed subject to outstanding rights. This authorization will terminate upon issuance of a decision to convey the land into nonFederal ownership. Should this authorization fall within the boundaries of a present or future State or Native claims selection area, this authorization shall terminate 2 days prior to the selection receiving tentative approval, interim conveyance, or patent to the State of Alaska, a Native, or a Native corporation. Source: R10-FSH-2709.11-2003-6, dated June 30, 2003 clause X-12 combined with R2-FSH-2709.112006-1 dated May 3, 2006. Modification: number change to R10-E106, replaces former R10-X12-State or Native Claims Selection 52.7 – G Clauses – Roads G101 - Inspection of Major Drainage Structures (R10-G101). User Note: This clause is mandatory for all private roads with major drainage structures as defined as one with a span of 20 feet or greater. Clause may be added as Item 4 to WO clause G-1. The holder is responsible for the inspections of the following major drainage structures: (description and location) These structures shall be inspected by a qualified engineer, registered within the State in which the structure is located, on a two (2) year interval or when damage occurs to the structures. The procedure shall include a written field inspection report and structural analysis to determine the safe load carrying capacity. Structures shall be rated as to safe load carrying capacity in accordance with the current edition of the Manual for Maintenance Inspections of Bridges published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. A copy of maintenance and/or repair or replacement shall be forwarded to the Forest Supervisor for review and approval. The holder and the Forest Supervisor then will agree as to when the needed repairs and/or maintenance or replacement will be completed. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 16 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Source: R1-FSH-2709.11-200-1 dated February 8, 2000. Modification: number change to R10-G101 G102. Alienation of Property (R10-G102). User Note: This clause is mandatory for use in any FLPMA Forest or Private Road special use authorization where there is a possibility of sale or subdivision of private land served by this authorization. If Holder ceases to be the owner of the real property described above, or any portion thereof, this permit shall terminate. At its discretion and in accordance with then-existing laws, regulations and policies, the Forest Service may grant additional authorization(s) to subsequent property owners. Source: R1-FSH-2709.11-200-1 dated February 8, 2000. Modification: number change to R10-G102 G103. Assignability of Roads or Trails (R10-G103). User Note: This clause is mandatory for use in any FLPMA Forest or Private Road special use authorization where there is a possibility of sale or subdivision of private land served by this authorization. This authorization for road or trail access to privately owned property shall terminate, if the permit holder ceases to be the owner of the above-described real property through death, voluntary transfer, enforcement of contract, foreclosure, or other valid legal proceeding. This authorization is not assignable or transferable. Source: R1-FSH-2709.11-200-1 dated February 8, 2000. Modification: number change to R10-G103 52.8 – X Clauses - Miscellaneous X101. Designation of Holder Representative (R10-X101). User Note: Use on all Permits if the holder is an organization or if the permit has been authorized under ANILCA (e.g. with a listing of family members). The holder (or use name of authorized group) must designate in writing to the authorized officer the name and title of the person who is authorized to act in all matters connected with the privileges authorized by this permit. In the event the designated representative is to be changed for any reason, the authorized officer must be notified of the replacement as soon as possible. Source: R10-FSH-2709.11-2003-6 dated September 24, 2003. Modification: number change to R10-X101 R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 17 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS X102. Tide Land Clause (R10-X102). User Note: All Permits that involve, or may involve, the use of tidelands shall include the following clause. This permit authorizes only the area and improvements located above the line of mean high tide. Mean high tide is usually found around the 12 foot tide level, and is commonly associated with the presence of beach vegetation. Authorization for the use of the tidelands seaward from the line of mean high tide must be secured from the State of Alaska, Division of Lands. Source: R10-FSH-2709.11-2003-6 dated September 24, 2003. Modification: number change to R10-X102, re-worded by Jim Ustasiewski in OGC to be consistent with Tongass NF, Quiet Title Settlement Agreement. X103. ANILCA Facility Maintenance (R10-X103) User Note: To be added to all special use authorizations for ANILCA cabins issued under section 1303(b) or (d), including temporary facilities issued under section 1316. Include the second paragraph only in those authorizations which were issued under section 1303(b)(2) of ANILCA, or are within wilderness or wilderness study areas. The existing improvements authorized by this authorization may be maintained, replaced in kind, removed, but not enlarged. Only routine maintenance is permitted. New structures or major modifications of existing structures will not be allowed unless required to meet reasonable health and safety needs. All exterior maintenance will require construction with natural materials and colors which blend and are compatible with the surrounding environment. All improvements or replacement structures shall have prior written approval from the Authorized Officer. In the event a substantial portion of the existing improvements are destroyed by fire or other casualty so as to render the same untenable, they may not be rebuilt; the permit shall terminate according to its own terms. The proportioned amount of fees for the balance of the calendar year will be reimbursed to the holder once the site has been restored. Source: R10-2709.11-2003-2, dated June 30, 2003; R10 Supplement 2709.11-91-1, Exhibit 01, ANILCA cabin special use permit, clause 14. Supplement dated 4/22/91 Modification: number change to R10-X103 R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 18 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS X104. New ANILCA Cabin and Related Structures (R10-X104). User Note: To be used for all new permanent cabins permitted in Alaska after December 2, 1980, authorized by sections 1303(b)(1) and 1303(b)(4) of ANILCA. Any cabin or outbuilding approved for construction by the Forest Service under this authorization, which is authorized under Section 1303(b)(1) of ANILCA, upon construction will become the property of the U.S. Government, U.S.D.A., Forest Service, and shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as other post-ANILCA cabins on National Forest System lands including but not limited to: (1) Authorization may be renewed every 5 years at the request of holder, so long as the holder is engaged in the activities for which this authorization was issued. Authorization will terminate upon nonuse for purposes authorized, or noncompliance with terms of authorization, or at the request of the holder. (2) Authorization is nontransferable and will terminate upon the death of the holder or termination, revocation, or non-renewal. (3) Holder agrees to vacate the cabin or structure and remove, within a reasonable period established by the authorized officer, all personal property from it upon nonrenewal, termination, or revocation of authorization. It is agreed that the removal of the structures and improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the permit holder, or the holder’s estate in the event of death of the holder. (4) Holder acknowledges that they have no interest in the real property on which the cabin is located. (5) This authorization is granted specifically for the purposes designated herein. Cabins and other structures authorized herein shall not be used for recreation or commercial purposes. Use of any structure(s) authorized under the terms of this authorization shall be limited to the purposes for which the authorization is issued. This authorization shall be revoked for unauthorized use. (6) Authorization may be revoked under Section 1303(c)(2) of ANILCA. Source: R10-2709.11-2003-6 dated June 30, 2003. Modification: number change to R10-X104 X105. Holder’s Operations. (R10-X105) User Note: To be added to all authorizations used in conjunction with State licenses, such as mariculture and commercial fishing set-net facilities. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2709.11-2006-6 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/22/2006 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed. 2709.11_50 Page 19 of 19 FSH 2709.11- SPECIAL USES HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS This permit is subject to and contingent on required Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the holder's operations. Termination or sale of any of the required Federal or State licenses or permits needed for the holder’s legal operation shall automatically terminate this authorization. Source: R10-2709.11-2003-2 dated June 30, 2003. See section on Mariculture Uses, and Set-Net Fishing sites. Modification: number change to R10-X116 X106. Archaeological-Paleontological Discoveries (R10-X106). User Note: This clause is mandatory in all permits that authorize any land use. (1) For authorizations where ground disturbing activities are not permitted. Items of historic, prehistoric, or paleontological value are protected under various Federal laws, including the Antiquities Act of 1906 (16 U.S.C. 433), the Archaeological Resource Protection Act of 1979 (16 U.S.C. 47033) as amended, and Federal regulations. If historic, prehistoric, or paleontological objects or sites are discovered during activities under this permit, the holder is responsible for assuring that those objects or sites are not disturbed during the course of the activities of the holder or the holder's clients. The holder must notify the Forest Service of such discovery at the earliest opportunity. Failure to comply with this clause may result in criminal prosecution of the holder for violation of a Federal law or regulation. (2) For authorizations where ground disturbing activities are permitted: Items of historic, prehistoric, or paleontological value are protected under various Federal laws, including the Antiquities Act of 1906 (16 U.S.C. 433), the Archaeological Resource Protection Act of 1979 (16 U.S.C. 47033) as amended, and Federal regulations. If historic, prehistoric, or paleontological objects or sites are discovered during ground disturbing activities under this permit, the holder must cease such activities in the vicinity of the discovery. The holder is responsible for protecting the objects or sites from further disturbance until the Forest Service is notified. The holder must not resume activities in the area of the objects or sites until written approval from the Forest Supervisor is given. Failure to comply with this clause may result in criminal prosecution of the holder for violation of a Federal law or regulation. Source: R10-2709.11-2003-6 dated June 30, 2003. Modification: number change to R10-X106