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Amendment No.: R-10 2409.22-2005-2
Effective Date: July 15, 2005
Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: /s/ Dennis E. Bschor
Regional Forester
Date Approved: 07/13/2005
Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and
calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this
amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to
this Handbook was 2409.22-2005-1 to chapter 100.
New Document
9 Pages
Superseded Document(s) by
Issuance Number and
Effective Date
0 Pages
200 - Zone averages are replaced with logging cost models and formulas to be updated annually
with data from annual cost collection and periodic production studies.
210 – Establishes logging cost centers (activities and cost categories).
220 – Establishes logging system definitions.
230 – Establishes data needed for logging cost calculations that are to be entered in Input Page 1
of the appraisal program.
240 – Sale administrators and field personnel may be requested to provide logging divisors and
other sale information to facilitate annual cost collection and periodic production studies.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Table of Contents
200 - LOGGING COSTS ................................................................................................. 3
210 - Logging Cost Centers ........................................................................................................ 3
220 - Logging System Definitions .............................................................................................. 6
230 - Input Page Items for Appraisal Program ........................................................................... 7
240 - Other Logging Data Needs for Cost Collection .............................................................. 10
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Logging costs in the Region 10 Timber Sale Appraisal program will be estimated with logging
cost models and formulas developed specifically for Region 10. The models and formulas are
based on a constructed cost method and will be annually updated with data from logging cost
collection and periodic production studies.
210 - Logging Cost Centers
1. Fall & Buck. All costs of cutting logs for yarding.
a. Activities. Crew transportation and travel time, falling, bucking, and limbing trees
including merchantable, right-of-way, cull, and hazard trees.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
2. Conventional Yarding. All costs of moving logs, trees, or products (in cable and
shovel logging areas) from stump to landing or other point of transportation.
a. Activities. Equipment mobilization, crew transportation and travel time, yarding,
equipment moves and set up, equipment operation, maintenance and normal cleaning
of landings, stream protection and cleanout, knot bumping at landings, and fire
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
3. Helicopter Logging. Helicopter logging includes all costs of falling, bucking,
moving-in, moving-out, yarding, slash cleanup, sorting, decking, and loading.
a. Activities. Equipment move-in and move-out, crew transportation and travel time,
felling and bucking, yarding, equipment moves and set up, equipment operation,
maintenance and normal cleaning of landings, stream protection and cleanout, knot
bumping at landings, fire prevention, spill prevention, sorting, decking, and loading.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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4. Sort and Load Trucks. All costs of sorting and loading logs or products for truck
a. Activities. Crew transportation, sorting and loading, equipment moves and set up,
equipment operation, maintenance and normal cleaning of landings, and
branding/painting logs.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
5. Log Haul. All costs of hauling logs or products on logging trucks from roadside
landing to terminal transportation facility or Mill.
a. Activities. Contract hauling, equipment operation, and bundling logs.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
6. Sort and Load Barges. All costs of sorting and loading logs or products (at terminal
transportation facility or sort yard) for barging.
a. Activities. Crew transportation and travel, loading, equipment moves and set up,
equipment operation, maintenance and normal cleaning of landings and sort yards.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, docks/floats, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata
general administration, and mobilization.
7. Dump and Raft. All costs of dry decking, bundling, dumping and rafting logs or
products into water at terminal transportation facility.
a. Activities. Installing A-frame and equipment, constructing or reconstructing raft
facilities, constructing bag booms, equipment operation, dry storage operation,
removing debris from log dump and dry storage area, and bundling logs.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, docks/floats, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata
general administration, and mobilization.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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8. Barge or Tow. All costs of barging or towing logs or products from terminal
transportation facility to Mill.
a. Activities. Contract barging, hooking to tug, towing to mill or log storage area,
salvaging lost logs, and patrolling storage areas.
b. Cost Categories. Direct and incidental towing costs, fuel, and insurance.
9. Temporary Road and Landing Construction. Constructing temporary roads and
landings (undesignated facilities). NOTE: Permanent road construction and designated landings
and Engineering cost centers.
a. Activities. Building and closing temporary roads and landings.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
10. Routine Road Maintenance. Maintaining the entire transportation facility during log
haul and related timber harvest activity. NOTE: Pre-haul and post-haul road maintenance are
Engineering cost centers.
a. Activities. Plowing snow, maintaining drainage, installing and maintaining
erosion control, removing minor slides, clearing culverts, grading roads and filling
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, shop and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
11. Camp. Except for helicopter and other unusual circumstances, camp only includes
move-in and not move-out. Number of camp days includes both conventional and helicopter
logging days.
a. Activities. Moving-in, setting-up, living-in (room/board), and maintaining camp
for logging crews.
b. Cost Categories. Labor, payroll assessments, fuel, parts, repairs, supplies and
freight, camp, shop, and equipment operation/depreciation/lease, prorata general
administration, and mobilization.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12. General Logging Overhead. General Logging Overhead are costs solely attributable
to the entire logging operation and were not charged directly to cost centers.
a. Activities. General woods supervision, clerical work, off-season security,
supervisory travel, crew hiring, and fire fighting.
b. Cost Categories. Executive and administrator salaries, payroll assessments, travel,
vehicles for supervisory personnel, office expenses, administration, fire fighting
equipment, safety, liability insurance, taxes, and licenses.
NOTE: Scaling and log acquisition costs are included in manufacturing costs.
220 - Logging System Definitions
External Yarding Distance. EYD is the longest slope distance (feet) from headspar to
cutting unit boundary.
Average Yarding Distance. AYD is the average slope distance (feet) from headspar to all
logs in setting. AYD in a fan-shaped setting is usually 0.67 x EYD.
Short-span Cable. Any cable yarding system where the longest External Yarding
Distance is equal to or less than 1000 feet.
Long-span Cable. Any cable yarding system where the longest External Yarding
Distance is greater than 1,000 feet.
Short-span Cable Partial Cut. Any short-span cable yarding system where the number of
merchantable leave trees will contribute to additional yarding costs. For example, more than 25
dispersed leave trees (9+” dbh) per acre may require lateral yarding to extract turns from
amongst leave trees. NOTE: The Partial Cut definition does not apply where lateral yarding is
employed in a clear-cut.
Cold-deck and swing. This system requires two yarding operations. Typically, logs are
first yarded by shovel to cold-deck and then yarded from cold-deck by cable to roadside landing.
Shovel. Shovel yarding is typically limited to short distances along roads or cold-deck
landings. A swing-boom loader is used to pick up, swing and deck logs repeatedly and
progressively closer to roadside landings. The same loader is often used to load trucks.
Shovel Partial Cut. Any shovel yarding system where the number of merchantable leave
trees will contribute to additional yarding costs. For example, more than 25 dispersed leave trees
(9+” dbh) per acre may require extra time and maneuvering to extract turns amongst leave trees.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Helicopter-logging. An aerial logging system utilizing helicopters to fly logs or products
from yarding area to landing. Although production is high, it typically does not cover the high
operating costs. Landing location is critical, not only to reduce yarding distances and turn times
but also to provide adequate room for safe operations.
230 - Input Page Items for Appraisal Program
The following data is needed for logging cost calculations and shall be entered in Input Page 1 of
the appraisal program.
1. Appraisal Point, Input Item 9. See FSH 2409.18, 45.11.
2. WRC Export, Yes/No, Input Item 10. Type yes if the Regional Forester has approved
export and refer to the Regional Office for assistance in appraising for export.
3. Minimum DBH Utilization Standard, Input Item 11. Enter 9” unless approved by the
Director of Forest Management for a different standard.
4. Total Harvest Acres Including ROW, Input Item 12. This is the total number of acres
(including right-of-way) that will have harvest activities in the timber sale. Round total harvest
acres to nearest whole number.
5. Total Gross Removed-MBF, Input Item 13. Enter volume reported from appropriate
Cruise Output Report.
6. Total net Utility-MBF, Input Item 14. Enter volume reported from appropriate Cruise
Output Report.
7. Total Net Sawlog Removed-MBF, Input Item 15. Enter volume reported from
appropriate Cruise Output Report.
8. Helicopter Percentage by Net Sawlog-MBF, Input Item 16. This is calculated by
dividing the helicopter net MBF volume by the timber sale’s total Net MBF volume. Round
percentage to nearest whole number.
9. Shovel CC Percentage by Net Sawlog MBF, Input Item 17. This is calculated by
dividing the shovel CC net MBF volume by the timber sale’s total Net MBF volume. Round
percentage to nearest whole number.
10. Shovel PC Percentage by Net Sawlog MBF, Input Item 18. This is calculated by
dividing the shovel PC net MBF volume by the timber sale’s total Net MBF volume. Round
percentage to nearest whole number.
11. Short-span Cable CC Percentage by Net Sawlog MBF, Input Item 19. This is
calculated by dividing the short-span cable CC net MBF volume by the timber sale’s total Net
MBF volume. Round percentage to nearest whole number.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12. Short-span Cable PC Percentage by Net Sawlog MBF, Input Item 20. This is
calculated by dividing the short-span cable PC net MBF volume by the timber sale’s total Net
MBF volume. Round percentage to nearest whole number.
13. Long-span Cable Percentage by Net Sawlog MBF, Input Item 21. This is calculated
by dividing the long-span cable net MBF by the timber sale’s total Net MBF volume. Round
percentage to nearest whole number.
14. Short-span Cable PC, AYD, Input Item 22. Round AYD distance to nearest 50 feet.
15. Long-span Cable, AYD, Input Item 23. Round AYD distance to nearest 50 feet.
16. Heli Gross Removed MBF (required), Item 24. This is a calculated field. Net MBF
required removal for system (from R-10 helicopter costing calculator) times one minus scaling
defect from the cruise.
17. Shovel CC Gross Removed MBF (required), Item 25. This is a calculated field.
Gross MBF required removal for the system times percentage of system volume.
18. Shovel PC Gross removed MBF (required), Item 26. This is a calculated field.
Gross MBF required removal for the system times percentage of system volume.
19. Short-span Cable CC, Gross Removed MBF (required), Item 27. This is a calculated
field. Gross MBF required removal for the system times percentage of system volume.
20. Short-span Cable, PC Gross Removed MBF (required), Item 28. This is a calculated
field. Gross MBF required removal for the system times percentage of system volume.
21. Long-span Cable, Gross Removed MBF (required), Item 29. This is a calculated
field. Gross MBF required removal for the system times percentage of system volume.
22. Number of Logging Camp Days, Input Item 30. Enter the logging system
percentages and the timber sale’s total Gross removed MBF volume in the Tongass Logging
Camp Days Calculator (Excel spreadsheet). Round total number of logging camp days to nearest
whole number.
23. Number of 32 Ft. Logs Per Gross MBF, Input Item 31. This is available from Cruise
Output Report R001. Round number of logs to two decimal places.
24. Gross Removed MBF Per Log, Item 32. This is a calculated field. Inverse of Input
Item 31.
25. Gross Removed Per Acre, Item 33. This is a calculated field. Total Gross removed
MBF divided by total harvest acres.
26. Cruise Scaling Defect Percentage, Excluding Utility, Item 34. This is available from
Cruise Output Report R001. Round cruise scaling defect % to nearest whole number.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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27. Haul, Gross Removed Volume MBF (required), Input Item 35. Enter Gross volume
to be hauled by truck. Round haul volume to nearest whole number.
28. Estimated Round-trip Truck Haul Hours, Input Item 36. Enter one-way distance,
round-trip truck speeds, and unit volumes into the Tongass Average Truck Haul RTT Calculator
(Excel spreadsheet). Round hours to one decimal place.
29. Round-trip Tow Statute Miles, Input Item 37. Measure round-trip barge distance on
appropriate maps and rounded to nearest whole number.
30. Specified Road Construction & Development, Input Item 38. Enter engineer’s
31. Specified Road Reconstruction, Input Item 39. Enter engineer’s estimate.
32. Temporary Road Construction Cost, Input Item 40. Enter engineer’s estimate.
33. Pre-Haul Road Maintenance, Input Item 41. Enter engineer’s estimate of necessary
pre-haul maintenance costs.
34. Routine Road Maintenance, Input Item 42. Enter estimated total cost of maintaining
transportation facilities during timber sale activities and log haul.
35. Post-Haul Road Maintenance, Input Item 43. Enter engineer’s estimate of necessary
post-haul maintenance costs, includes surface replacement.
36. Other Logging Cost Total Amount, Input Item 44. This includes unusual
adjustments, for example: removal of slash from units, cold deck and swing logging costs.
Round cost to nearest whole number.
37. Essential KV Total, Input Item 45. See FSH 2409.18, section 45.42.
38. Timber Property Value, Input Item 46. See FSH 2409.18, section 45.42.
39. Species Diameter And Grade Net Volume Inputs. Enter volume by value classes as
reported in Cruise Output Report R006.
The following data is needed for logging cost calculations and shall be entered in the Heli Input
Page 2 of the appraisal program.
1. Helicopter Setting Number. This corresponds to the landing or drop area. The
variables entered for each helicopter setting determine average turn time, a critical cost factor.
2. % Basal Area Retention. An entry in this field is not required unless a setting has 66
percent basal area retention or more.
R-10 AMENDMENT 2409.22-2005-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/15/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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240 - Other Logging Data Needs for Cost Collection
Upon request from the Regional Office, sale administrators and field personnel will provide
logging divisors and other sale information to facilitate annual cost collection and periodic
production studies.