2409.19 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK OTTAWA NF (REGION 9) IRONWOOD, MI FSH 2409.19– RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING Supplement No.: 2409.19_30_2015-1 Effective Date: November 3, 2015 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LINDA L. JACKSON Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 10/23/2015 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2409.19-30_2015-1.. New Document 2409.19_30_2015-1 9 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2409.19_30_2011-1 9 Pages Digest: 31.12 – Revises the national support collection rate and the Forest collection rate. 31.21 – Revises FACTS Activity Codes and Direct Unit Cost in Table 31.21 31.23 – Updated the FY Inflation Rate. R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 2 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING 31 – COLLECTION OF FUNDS 31.12 – Program Support Cost 31.12a – Program Support Content The FACTS (Forest Service Activity Tracking System) data manager will annually update FACTS with the latest assessment rates. The assessment rates for FY15 are as follows: 1 Assessment Rates % National Support Collection Rate (R.O./W.O./ Forest Cost Pools)1 40 Forest Collection Rate2 17.31 Total Assessment Rate3 57.31 From 10/7/14 letter from Regional Forester, Enclosure A. 2 The Forest collection rate was calculated using the FY15 CWKV Planning Collection Rate spreadsheet. Costs included are Forest Program Management, Cost Pool 6 – Office of Workers Compensation, Cost Pool 7 – Unemployment Compensation Insurance, and Cost Pool 9 – Facilities Assessment. 3 Includes the National Support Collection Rate (40%), the Forest Collection Rate (17.31%), and 40% of the Forest Collection Rate (9.78%) The latest assessment rates will be used when developing new KV plans, or when revising KV plans. KV plans are updated with the latest assessment rates, by using buttons in FACTS to “Get Latest Rates”, “Recalculate Total Unit Cost”, and “Allocate KV Funds”. Revised plans are then printed for approval signatures. Check FSH 2409.19, Chapter 30 for assessment rate updates each fiscal year. 31.2 – Documenting Sale Area Improvement and K-V Collection Plan 31.21 – Form FS-2400-50 Activities must be within the sale area boundary, and within ¼ mile of a cutting unit to qualify for KV funding. KV plans are done through FACTS, where the FS-2400-50 form will be created. The following table displays the average direct unit costs incurred on the Ottawa to accomplish different activities. Direct unit costs are all the costs (contracts, supplies, fleet, personnel) to R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 3 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING accomplish an activity, not including direct and indirect assessment costs. The average direct unit costs can be used as a guide in preparation of SAI (KV) plans. Adjustments to the direct unit costs in the table should be made when necessary, but must be documented in the SAI/KV Plan Narrative Template in FACTS. 31.21. - Exhibit 01 FACTS ACTIVITY CODE 1111 1130 1152 1153 ACTIVITY FIRE Activity Fuels Prescribe Burn Burn of Activity Fuels Piles Compacting/Crushing of Activity Fuels Piling of Activity Fuels DIRECT UNIT COST UOM $400 $175 $450 $300 Acres Acres Acres Acres $1100 $1000 Acres Acres $200 Acres $100 $100 $6 Acres Acres Acres 3231 3232 3320 3350 3380 3500 3500 RECREATION Trail Maintenance (Clearing) Trail Reconstruction (Relocation) Visual Resource Seeding/Replanting Vista Clearing Visual Resource Slash Treatment Recreation Gate Roads or Trails – (Wood structure) Recreation Gate Roads or Trails - (Metal structure) $68 $19,008 $840 $175 $58 $571 $896 Miles Miles Acres Acres Acres Structure Structure 4341 4341 4341 4342 4342 TIMBER/SILVICULTURE Stocking Survey (1st year – natural regeneration) Stocking Survey (3rd year - natural regeneration) Stocking Survey (3rd year plantation) Plantation Survival Survey (1st year) Plantation Survival Survey (3rd year) $6 $6 $3 $10 $6 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 2510 2510 2510 2510 2510 2520 INVASIVE SPECIES Invasive Species Treatment – Chemical (Aquatic) Invasive Species Treatment – Chemical (Terrestrial, Woody Plants) Invasive Species Treatment – Chemical (Terrestrial, Herbaceous Plants) Invasive Species Treatment – Mechanical Invasive Species Treatment - Manual Invasive Species Monitoring – (Monitor the effectiveness of the KV treatment) R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 4 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING FACTS ACTIVITY CODE 4381 4382 4383 4431 4432 4460 4470 4474 4493 4494 4511 4512 4521 4541 5300 5410 5410 5410 5410 5410 5510 ACTIVITY Certification of Natural Regeneration With Site Prep Certification of Natural Regeneration Without Site Prep Certification of planting Full Planting without Concurrent Site Preparation (Includes planting stock @ $170/M) Fill-in Planting without Concurrent Site Preparation (Includes planting stock @ $170/M) Animal Damage Control for Reforestation (8’ high fence – approx $13/lineal foot) Note: cost is highly variable depending on location and shape of fence so recommend doing a cost estimate for each fence) Site Preparation for Planting (Hand) Mechanical Site Prep for Planting Other Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration (Aspen) Mechanical Site Preparation for Natural Regeneration Individual Tree Release and Weeding Area Release and Weeding Precommercial Thinning –individual or selected trees Prescribed Burn Control of Understory Vegetation WATERSHED Watershed Resource Monitoring Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Closure by metal gate) Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Closure by earthen berm with logging debris/stumps) Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Hardened Dip) Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Install small culvert 15”- 24”) Watershed Resource Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Install large culvert 30”- 48”) Watershed Resource Non-Structural Improvements Erosion Control (Riparian Underplantings) WILDLIFE DIRECT UNIT COST UOM $3 $3 Acres Acres $3 $230 Acres Acres $165 Acres $4000 Acres $100 $125 $120 Acres Acres Acres $120 $120 $120 $155 $300 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres $100 $896 Acres Structure $880 Structure $2403 Structure $2646 Structure $5581 Structure $600 Acres R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 5 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING FACTS ACTIVITY CODE 6012 6030 6031 6050 6070 6080 6080 6080 6080 6080 6090 6102 6102 6104 6104 6107 6110 6120 6130 6130 ACTIVITY Wildlife Inventory – Plots (Shrub Survival Survey) Wildlife Habitat Monitoring – area (Monitor the effectiveness of the snag creation KV project) Wildlife Habitat Monitoring (Monitor the effectiveness of KV nest boxes) Wildlife Habitat Improvement (Fence to protect regeneration) Wildlife Habitat Large Woody Debris Placement (Debris piles) Wildlife Habitat Seeding and Planting (Seeding temporary roads) Wildlife Habitat Seeding and Planting (Shrub planting @75 trees/acre) Wildlife Habitat Seeding and Planting (Oak planting including shelters) Wildlife Habitat Seeding and Planting (Planting hemlock containerized stock including shelters) Wildlife Habitat Seeding and Planting (Marsh development - wild rice planting) Wildlife Habitat Grasses and Forbs (Mowing hunterwalking trails, openings) Wildlife Habitat Release and Weeding (Release wildlife shrubs or trees) Wildlife Habitat Release and Weeding (Release mast trees or shrubs) Wildlife Habitat Regeneration Cut (Regenerate aspen non-commercially) Wildlife Habitat Regeneration Cut (Regenerate tag alder) Wildlife Habitat Mechanical Treatment (Prune fruit trees) Wildlife Habitat Edge Treatment (Browse strip conifer enhancement on an edge) Wildlife Habitat Access Mgmt – Closure Area (Close or obliterate road or trail) Wildlife Habitat Create Openings Permanent opening construction – (Mechanical) Wildlife Habitat Create Openings Permanent opening construction – (Manual) DIRECT UNIT COST UOM $50 $50 Acres Acres $60 Each $2500 Acres $300 Structures $300 Acres $600 Acres $700 Acres $700 Acres $250 Acres $250 Acres $200 Acres $300 Acres $500 Acres $400 Acres $250 Acres $600 Acres $100 Acres $1000 Acres $600 Acres R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 6 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING FACTS ACTIVITY CODE 6131 6150 6150 6210 6210 6210 6210 6210 6210 6210 6213 6217 6413 6413 6423 6440 6520 6531 6533 6534 6535 6536 6538 ACTIVITY Wildlife Habitat Rehabilitate Openings (Permanent opening reconstruction) Wildlife Habitat Structural Maintenance (Bird box monitoring) Wildlife Habitat Structural Maintenance (Remove illegal blinds) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install large bird box) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install barred owl box) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install waterfowl box) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install songbird box) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install bat box) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures (Install loon platform) Wildlife Habitat Nest Structures, Den Development (Construction of bear dens) Wildlife Habitat Snags Created Wildlife Habitat Interpretive Signing T&ES Protection (Close road or area with a berm) T&ES Protection (Close road or area with a gate) Sensitive Species Protection (Deer fencing) T&ES Structural Habitat Improvement (Install eagle/osprey platform) FISHERIES Anadromous Fish Habitat Monitoring (Stream Surveys) Anadromous Fish Log Structures (Elwd) Anadromous Fish Brush Cover Structures Anadromous Fish Rock or Boulder Placements (Wedge dams) Anadromous Fish Trees or Platforms (Shelters - Half log streams) Anadromous Fish Channel Stabilization Construction (Sediment trap) Anadromous Fish Spawning Facility Construction DIRECT UNIT COST UOM $500 Acres $60 Structure $500 Structure $250 Structure $300 Structure $300 Structure $150 Structure $200 $500 Structure Structure $450 Structure $50 $70-$500 $100 $100 $2500 $1000 Structure Structure Acres Acres Acres Structure $200 Acres $447 $151 $1066 Structure Structure Structure $167 Structure $2250 Structure $2200 Structure R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 7 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING FACTS ACTIVITY CODE 6541 6556 6567 6584 6610 6620 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6638 6641 6644 6650 6665 6666 6674 6676 6684 ACTIVITY (Riffles) Anadromous Fish Channel Revetment (Construct bank cover – skybooms 8’ unit) Anadromous Fish Stream Barrier Removal (Beaver dam removal) Anadromous Fish Tree Planting for Fisheries Habitat Improvement Anadromous Fish Thinning for Fish Habitat Improvement (Release of planted or natural desired trees) Inland Fish Habitat Inventory (Lake Surveys) Inland Fish Habitat Monitoring (Stream Surveys) Inland Fish Structural Improvements (Reefs in lakes) Inland Fish Log Structures (Streams – Large Woody Debris) Inland Fish Gabion Drop Structures (Cribs in Lakes) Inland Fish Brush Cover Structures (Streams Brush Bundles) Inland Fish Rock or Boulder Placements (Wedge dams) Inland Fish Trees or Platforms (Shelters – Half-log structures) Inland Fish Channel Stabilization Construction (Large sediment trap) Inland Fish Spawning Facility Construction (Riffles) Inland Fish Channel Revetment (Construct bank cover inland skybooms – cost per 8’ unit) Inland Fish Submerged Brush or Trees in Lakes Inland Fish Habitat Access Management (Closures – gates, boulders, berms) Inland Fish Stream Barrier Removal (Beaver dam removal) Inland Fish Population Control (Lakes) Inland Fish Habitat Fertilization (Liming of lakes) Inland Fish Tree Planting for Fisheries Habitat Improvement Inland Fish Thinning for Fish Habitat Improvement (Release of planted or natural desired trees) DIRECT UNIT COST UOM $200 Structure $285 Each $140 Acres $200 Acres $15 $240 $30, 000 $275 Acres Acres Structure Structure $1500 $180 Structure Structure $1275 Structure $200 Structure $18000 Structure $2650 $240 Structure Structure $275 $700 Structure Acres $285 Each $30 $100 $140 Acres Acres Acres $174 Acres R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 8 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING 31.22 – Narrative Statements KV Plan narratives will be prepared for all KV plans and attached to FACTS using the “Narrative” button. For all projects in the sale area improvement KV plan that are not included in the table in 31.21, or when the cost of the project will differ from the standard rates shown in the table, a narrative statement with estimated cost computations will be prepared in FACTS by the resource specialist who proposed the project. 31.22b – Inflation Rate The current inflation rate set by the WO will be entered into FACTS by the FACTS data manager. The inflation rate for FY15 is 2.0%. 31.23 – Sale Area Improvement Plan Map For all new sales, the SAI/KV map will be created in FACTS using ArcGIS. The Forest protocol for making KV maps in GIS through FACTS will be followed. The activity unit in the form of a point, line or polygon must be created in GIS before any data is entered into FACTS. See the list of activities with the correct unit of measure for each activity in the Appendix to the FACTS User Guide or the table in 3 1.21. There will be a feature dataset for activities that are planned, laid out on the ground, and accomplished. Any GPS data collected should be exported into a format compatible with GIS, such as a feature class or shape file, and given the correct Ottawa projection (UTM, Zone 16, NAD83, Meters). The polygons in the coverage or shape file must be cleaned up by the user. “Cleaned up” means that lines are smoothed out - no spikes, extra polygons, or double lines. The shape files or coverages need to be attributed with the payment unit number. This number will assist the GIS editors in attributing the regions with the correct SUID number. This 19 digit number is made up of region, forest, district, and the FACTS ID number. The format is RRFFDDFACTSIDNUMBER RR = Region (09) FF = Forest (07) DD = District (01-06) FACTSIDNUMBER = Timber/Silviculture - 5 digit STARS # + “000” + 2 digit Payment Unit # + 3 digit subunit # Invasive species outside PU’s - 5 digit STARS # + “0” + 4 digit weed # + 3 digit subunit# Wildlife openings – “0000” + 3 digit compartment # + 3 digit stand # + 3 digit subunit# Note: All subunits occur within the 000 subunit. R9 OTTAWA SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.19 Page 9 of 9 FSH 2409.19 RENEWABLE RESOURCE CHAPTER 30 – CWKV COLLECTIONS, COSTS, AND ACCOUNTING The same SUID number will be assigned to spatial data in the nepa, layout, and accomplished FACTS coverages. Since payment unit numbers are not assigned until layout, the facts_nepa spatial data will not be entered until the layout stage. Attributing the payment unit number to the polygons will facilitate assigning this number when it is added to the FACTS coverage. GIS specialists will then move the files into the FACTS GIS coverages.