R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 1 of 7 FSH 2409.17 - SILVICULTURAL PRACTICE HANDBOOK R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 8.1 - Exhibit 08 EXAMPLE DIAGNOSIS AND PRESCRIPTION Management Objectives SAMPLE MOUNTAIN TIMBER SALE Silvicultural Prescription Stand Numbers: 103-03-71; 103-02-05,21,31; 103-04-38; 102-01-08,10,40; 102-02-04,11,12,13,15,26,32 Refer to The Forest Plan and the Broadscale analysis for the Example Landscape for details. Summarized Objectives: 1. Winter game range - manage for effective cover/forage (25% of this landscape, including these stands). 2. Visual Quality Objective - modification for ground viewers. 3. Provide for a diversity of composition, and structure of the forest community, including old growth structures and amounts, within the the Landtype Associations in the landscape to provide for long term ecosystem function. The late seral stage structures should occupy 15-20% of the landscape. 4. Regulate timber yields commensurate with winter game range and old growth structure requirements. R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 2 of 7 8.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued Stand History 06/09/93 STAND HISTORY MASTER LIST --- FORM 21 --PAGE: 1 STD NOTES FIELD NUMBER STAND ID 10303071 1 ST 30 7 CON DIS 1 8 COUN 77 9 STND ACRE 22 10 STK % 0 11 FOR TYP DF 12 LAND TYPE SOILS 13 14 SL % 22 15 ASP S 16 ELEV 52 17 HAB TYP 312 18 PR CL 0 19 LOG SYS 0 20 SPC UNT KND 0 21 SPEC UNIT NUM 0 22 CAPAB AREA 3DAI51 23 LAND SUIT CLAS 0 24 MGMT AREA TIMBR 25 ---PARENT INFO--DATE PARENT MMDDYYYY STAND 0 0 601-603 611 06/09/93 STAND HISTORY MASTER LIST --- FORM 22 --PAGE: 2 NOTES FIELD NUMBER STAND ID 10303071 1 COND STAND CLAS STRTM 7 28 29 RANGE ALOT 0 30 VIS TES SP 0 31 STAND STAND QUAL TREAT OBJ NEEDS 2 32 33 SSC SIZE CLASS MULT 34 STND YEAR ORGN 1883 35 FUEL RISK LOAD WATER SPCL PI PI RATE TON/AC SHED USES STRTMHABITAT 0 0 21 0 36 37 38 39 40 41 06/09/93 STAND HISTORY MASTER LIST --- FORM 23 --PAGE: 3 HT-GTH NOTES COMP STAND STAND MAJ ID COMP SSP 10303071 0-1 PP 1-3 DF 3-5 DF 5-7 PP 7-9 DF 9-14 DF 14+ PP TOTL DF TOTC QA OREG AVE DBH 0 1 4 6 8 11 19 7 0 15 AVE HT 2 7 32 47 54 64 75 59 0 55 TREES ACRE 450 150 450 94 107 170 37 1458 150 0 BA ACRE 0 1 40 20 40 110 70 281 0 70 100BF ACRE 0 0 0 0 26 101 79 205 0 0 CU-FT ACRE 0 0 0 327 860 2723 2083 5994 0 0 OR YEAR CF-PAI ORGN DMGE 2 1984 0 1 1967 0 0 1951 98 3 1919 41 9 1901 41 24 1897 98 11 1833 98 46 1891 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEVR 0 0 5 4 2 2 6 2 0 0 SCND DMGE 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 SCND SEVR 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 YEAR TYPE EXAM EXAM 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 4 1987 1 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 FIELD NUMBER 1 201 202 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 3 of 7 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 4 of 7 8.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued Desire Stand Conditions Desired Conditions DESIRED STAND CONDITIONS TO MEET SHORT AND LONG TERM DESIRED CONDITION Following a regeneration harvest, future stand development over time would MGT AREA E-1 BIG GAME WINTER RANGE AND OLD GROWTH STRUCTURE approximate these stand structure and density goals to meet the long term LANDTYPE ASSOCIATION 2, ELU A30S, HABITAT TYPE GROUP 3 AND GROUP 4 desired stand conditions. FIRE REGIME A COMBINATION OF UNDERSTORY AND STAND REPLACEMENT (DOUGLAS-FIR SERIES GROUPS) (CONDITIONS WILL RESULT IN AN OLD GROWTH CONDITION THAT WILL MAINTAIN Cover| SPECIES) At stand rotation age, the desired attributes would include: An open park-like old growth structure with reserve trees from an older cohort. The stand would be primarily even-aged, single storied, mixed species stand the majority of which consists of seral species. Composition would be 60% PP (with remainder a majority of DF, with minor components of ASP) maintained in a vigorous condition with limited I&D concerns. A veteran component of 250 year or older PP and/or DF with diameters exceeding 16 inches DBH would be included in the primary stand structure (maintained at 60-100 sq. ft. of basal area during the second half of the rotation period). Aspen would be another component of the stand occupying from 5% to 10% of the area. Stand size should be between 25 to 150 acres+. Down woody 4"+ objective would be approximately 5-15 ton/ac.,unevenly distributed. Cavity nester habitat maintained at greater than 70% of optimum. Grass and forb composition shall be maintained at capability levels considering the density of the tree overwood. This form of old growth structure would provide habitat needs for species such as flamulated owl, that prefer open park-like conditions for feeding habitat. A rotation age of approximately 250 years would yield 25 cu. ft. per acre per year. Over the landscape as a whole: maintain 50% of the winter range area in thermal cover and 30% of the area in security cover. VQO shall be met via shape of the stand fitting natural topography, irregular edges, remaining residual trees, and timing of stand treatments within the landscape. Forage Hiding Cover Stage/Age/ Growth | | 200-1,000 | | 1-5 | 4-6 | EARLY SERAL | 200-500 SAPL 15-20yr| | (snags and | 1-5 reserves) | 3-5 | MID SERAL | 150-300 POLE 40-70yr| | (snags and | 1-5 replacements | 2-3 | MID TO LATE | 50-80 SERAL 80-150 | (snags and | 1-5 replacements | 2-3 | LATE SERAL | 40-60 150-200 yr | (snags and | 1-5 replacements | 1-2 | LATE SERAL | 30-40 200-250+ yr | (snags and | 1-5 replacements | 1-2 EARLY SERAL SEED 1-15YR | (snags and reserves) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 20-30 20-30 20-30 80-130 20-30 80-100 20-30 60-80 20-30 50-70 20-30 | | | | DF,PP | | Forage | | ASP | | | | | 16+ | PP | | | | | 1-4 |DF,PP,AS | Forage, | | | Hiding cover | 18+ | PP | | 20+ | PP | | | | | 4-6 |DF,PP,AS | Hiding cover, | | | Thermal cover | 18+ | | | 20+ | PP | | | | | 16" |DF,PP,AS | Thermal cover | | | Hiding cover | 18+ | | Forage | 20+ | PP | | | | | 20+ | DF,PP,AS| Thermal cover | | | Forage | 18+ | | | 20+ | PP | | | | | 25+ |DF,PP,AS | Forage | | | | 18+ | | | 25+ | PP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | N/A 1.0 Cu. ft/yr 35 (25-40) 50 (40-55) 30 (25-35) 25 (20-30) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 5 of 7 8.1 Exhibit 08--Continued SITE SPECIFIC DIAGNOSIS MATRIX MANAGEMENT AREA E1 STAND # 103-03-71 02-05 3 -21 -31 04-38 102-01-08 -10 -40 102-02-04 -11 -12 -13 -15 -26 -32 (Total Ac = 550) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CURRENTLY MEETS TARGETS CAN DEFER No, current stand density is quite high due to under story and mid story DF. PP overwood is still healthy with some evidence of decline in recent yrs. Levels of budworm have been high recently due to the favorable stand struct. being multi story w/DF. Rather large % of thermal and hiding cover exists in this std & in landscape No,SBW too high & will develop higher levels in the future, reducing std cover & increasing risk of std replacing fire. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CAN BE MODIFIED TO MEET THE STD TARGET | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Yes. Removal of the DF understory will restore the std to a more open grown old growth structure, and will reduce SBW levels and high fuel levels in these stds. Basal area of approx 70-90 sq ft would be retained and would maintain thermal cover value. The alternative of thinning from below is recommended as it will contribute to the DFC on the greatest number of acres while maintaining future options in these stds. CLEARCUT | No, site is too harsh | due to south aspect. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | REGENERATION HARVEST SEED TREE SHELTERWOOD | No, same as CC. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Yes. 50% 0f these acres could be regenerated at this time, and continue to meet thermal cover objectives for the landscape. UNEVEN-AGED MANAGEMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Yes. Group selection in these stds would develop an acceptable stand It will maintain a multi storied std with old growth structure. This structure will benefit old growth dependent species requiring dense interior multi story structure. This stand structure should be limited in scope within the landscape to keep western spruce budworm at relatively low levels,as a higher % of DF will result with this method overtime. Thermal cover will be more difficult to attain with this structure. A differnt desired stand condition (DSC) would develop with this approach. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 6 of 6 8.1 Exhibit 08--Continued Logical Treatment Sequence Thin from below Regenerate w/shelterwood Regenerate w/ group selection Group selection 2m/ac year 0 Thin 10m/ac seed cut16m/ac year 1 prescribe burn in the spring $75./ac prescribe burn fall $150/ac year 2 handplant 200 T/ac $250/ac year 10 remove overwood 2m/ac year 25 Group selection 2m/ac year 50 SW seed cut 8m/ac year 70 remove overwood 2m/ac year 71 prescribe burn $150/ac year 72 handplant $250/ac Group selection 2m/ac thin 5m/ac year 75 Group selection 2m/ac year 100 Group selection 2m/ac year 125 thin 5m/ac Group selection 2m/ac year 150 thin 5m/ac Group selection 2m/ac year 175 year 200 Group selection 2m/ac thin 5m/ac Group selection 2m/ac year 225 Group selection 2m/ac year 250 SW seed cut 8m/ac year 260 remove overwood 2m/ac year 300 SW seed cut 8m/ac Group selection 2m/ac Group selection 2m/ac R-1 SUPPLEMENT 2409.17-95-1 EFFECTIVE 12/07/95 2409.17,8.1,Ex.08 Page 7 of 6 8.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued DETAILED SILVICULTURAL PRESCRIPTION SUMMARY | USDA - Forest Service Page 1 of 1 | | DETAILED SILVICULTURAL PRESCRIPTION SUMMARY | | Stand ID: | Treatment Need: Thin | Prepared by : C.Silv | Date: 7/9 | Action | Time | Specifications | | | | Layout Thinning | Yr 0 | Follow stand boundaries removing DF in a thinning from below to 70-90 sq ft of | and harvest | | basal area. If PP basal area is limited, fill in leave trees with larger, | | | vigorous, DF. | Fuel reduction | Yr 1 | Prescribe burn in spring to reduce fuels to 8 ton/ac. Leave some large | | | diameter unmerchantable logs. Maintain forage to meet winter range function. | | | | | | | Stand Exam | Yr 5 | Monitor Effects of the harvest and burn on the residual stand. | | | | | | | Stand Exam | Yr 20 | Monitor for treatment need. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |