!2509.18-94-1 Transmittal Page 1 of 1 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK MISSOULA, MONTANA FSH 2409.17 – SILVICULTURAL PRACTICES HANDBOOK R-1 Supplement No. 2409.17-99-1 Effective April 12, 1999 NEW POSTING NOTICE: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement 2409.17-98-1 to FSH 2409.17,8.5, Ex. 01-02 Document Name 2409.17,6 Contents 2409.17,6 (R1 Supplement) 2409.17,6-6.17 2409.17,6-6.4 2409.17,6, Exs. 6.8 Superseded New (Number of Pages) -2 ---- 1 -26 37 27 Digest: 2409.17,6 Contents – Establishes chapter table of contents to accommodate consistent direction issued by Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on timber stand improvement practices and policy among the four regions. 6 – Consolidates Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4 silviculture handbook material contained in Regional Handbooks 2409.26, 2409.26a, 2409.26b, 2409.26c, 2409.26d, 2409.26f, and 2409.26g into appropriate chapters as regional supplements to WO FSH 2409.17, Silvicultural Practices Handbook. This reduces four sets of FSH direction to one set for each topic that applies to all four regions. This consolidation is more efficient for the Shared Services concept in Silviculture. FHS 2409.26c is removed and direction moved to this handbook. This supplement contains information on timber stand improvement (TSI) for Regions 1-4 and reduces the volume of handbooks for TSI in the four regions by 70 percent. /s/ Kathleen A. McAllister (for) DALE N. BOSWORTH Regional Forester