2409.15_0_code Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK DENVER, CO FSH 2409.15 - TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK R2 Supplement No. 2409.15-93-10 Effective August 15, 1993 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement 2409.15-93-9 to Ch. 50. Document Name Superseded New (Number of Pages) 2409.15_0_code Digest: 04.1 - Corrects and clarifies the intent of the exhibits. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester 7 7 R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 2409.15_0_code Page 2 of 8 FSH 2409.15 - TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 04 - RESPONSIBILITY. ORGANIZATION WITH TURNBACK ROADS CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CO / \ / \ FSR (COR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ER (COR) SA (INSPECTOR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI (INSPECTOR) RECOMMENDED ORGANIZATION WITH PURCHASER ROADS CO | / \ / \ FSR (COR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ER (COR) SA (INSPECTOR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI (INSPECTOR) For any timber sale having road construction, the CO should designate an assigned engineer (AE) to provide technical advice to the ER and the CO. The AE has no contractual authority but may be used as a specialist. The CO may assign other specialists to team (scalers, soil specialist, wildlife specialist, logging engineer, etc.) but such specialists have no contractual authority and should not work directly with the purchaser or the purchaser's employees. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 2409.15_0_code Page 3 of 8 ALTERNATE ORGANIZATION WITH PURCHASER ROADS CO FSR (COR) / \ / \ / ER (INSPECTOR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI (SUBINSPECTOR)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ SA (INSPECTOR) HI (SUBINSPECTOR) This alternate organization should be used only when all of the following conditions exist: Forest Service Representative exceeds basic qualifications and has experience administering road construction projects. Sale administrator exceeds basic qualifications with at least one year's experience in supervision. FSR, ER and CO are so located logistically that this organization provides adequate communication. Assignment of subinspectors is optional, but is not recommended. ORGANIZATION WITHOUT ROADS FS 2400-6(T) CO FSR SA ORGANIZATION FOR PERMITS & CONTRACT 2400-3(T)) FOREST SERVICE (CO) Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) optional 04.1 - Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer is designated by the Forest Supervisor (FSM 2450.44). The Contracting Officer is responsible for delegation of the sale administration team. The Contracting Officer must assure that all delegated authority is in writing (Exhibits 1A & 1B), that the Purchaser has a copy of the delegated authority of each team member, that delegation is clear, and that only one person is assigned to each position on the organizational chart at any one time. Exhibit 1A and 1B indicate items that the Contracting Officer shall retain authority for and shall not redelegate. The Contracting Officer may further retain authorities at his/her option. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 2409.15_0_code Page 4 of 8 Contracting Officers should provide the Purchaser with an organization chart with the name of each team member shown for each position. The chart shows names while the letter of delegation of authority may be by position, thereby permitting the CO to change team members by mailing the purchaser a new organizational chart, without a need for new letters of delegation. The 2400-3(T) contract and permits do not provide for a team. The person signing the contract or permit is the Forest Service as far as the purchaser is concerned. On these agreements, it is permissible for the Contracting Officers to assign an individual to act in their behalf. The Contracting Officer should give this person a wide range of authority reserving only such items as modifications, extensions, and sale closure. The Forest Service Representative(s) are always delegated by the Contracting Officer (CO). The CO may use the automatic nature of the contract until operations begin or a Plan of Operation is approved. Note, that with the exception of the "alternate organization", the Engineering Representative (ER) functions as a Forest Service Representative on a contract with specified roads and is therefore designated by the CO. 04.4 - Sale Administrator (SA). The organization chart, shown at the beginning of this section, in conjunction with a letter delegating authority (Use Exhibit 2 as an example) is recommended for designation of the Sale Administrator (SA). Do not use an SA on 2400-3(T) contracts or permits. 04.5 - Harvest Inspector (HI). 1. Designation. The Forest Service representative designates the HI in writing. This designation shall describe the scope of the HI's responsibility and authority in administration of the Timber Sale Contract. The HI should report to the SA. The purchaser shall receive a copy of the designation. The use of a Harvest Inspector (HI) is generally discouraged in Region 2 due to lack of an adequate work load to develop and maintain expertise. 04.6 - Engineering Representative (ER). Same as Forest Service Representative except when the alternate organization is used. When the alternate organization is used, the ER is designated by the Forest Service Representative and functions on a level with the sale administrator. The organization chart with a letter delegating authority is recommended for designation of the Engineering Representative. Purchaser must be given copies of all designations and delegations of authority. 04.7 - Construction Inspector (CI). 1. Designation. The Forest Service representative or the ER (COR) designates the CI in writing. This designation shall describe the scope of the CI's responsibility and authority in the administration of the timber sale contract. The purchaser shall receive a copy of the designation and delegated authority. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 2409.15_0_code Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT 1A (Engineering Representative) Contract No. DESIGNATION OF CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE (COR) (Ref. FSH 2409.15) To Project Unit Purchaser This is your designation as Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). You will be referred to as COR, ER, and FSR. Your duties will be confined to those that pertain to the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of specified roads and/or system roads. You are also responsible to administer the protection of other resource values in the course of your job. Within these limitations you are granted full authority under the contract except for the following actions which are reserved for the Contracting Officer: 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. B3.41 B4.225 B4.23 B5.12 B5.2 B5.22 B5.23 B5.24 B5.26 B5.5 B7.2 B8.2 B8.222 B8.23 B8.3 B8.32 B8.4 B9.3 B9.4 C5.10# C5.12 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. C5.121# C5.221# C5.254 C5.42# C6.0 Agree to deposits for road maintenance. Sign agreement for cooperative deposits. Refund excess cash. Agree to reconstruction. Agree to terminus (Revise A10). Amend agreement for material. Permit use of a partially constructed road. Adjust estimated cost of a road. Agree to alternate facilities. Authorize use by others. Change dates of fire precautionary period by written advance notice. Give written permission to delay performance. Terminate contract. Extend contract. Modify contract. Waive work. Approve performance by other than purchaser. Make review to determine if suspension should be continued or lifted. Bill purchaser for damages. Agree to modify completion date. Otherwise agree to use of road having Purchaser's use prohibited or restricted. Agree to log hauling prior to completion. Make adjustment in costs of new rock source or make agreements. Order or approve design changes. Approve adjustment of surface material or deposit. Approve Purchaser's plan of operation or modification thereof. (Contracting Officer may further restrict the COR). You are responsible for coordinating all activities with the COR for timber harvesting on this contract which includes providing copies of all inspections and letters. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 Contracting Officer 2409.15_0_code Page 6 of 8 Date EXHIBIT 1B (Forest Service Representative, Other than ER) Contract No. DESIGNATION OF CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE (COR) (Ref. FSH 2409.15) To Project Unit Purchaser This is your designation as Contracting officer's Representative (COR). You will be referred to as COR and FSR. You are responsible for all phases of timber harvesting except construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of specified roads and/or system roads. You are also responsible to administer the protection of other resource values in the course of your job. Within these limitations you are granted full authority under the contract except for the following actions which are reserved for the Contracting Officer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 29. B1.1 B3.21 B3.31 & C3.311 B3.41,B4.225,B6.81,C2.11,C2.11 #,C5.12,C6.42# & C6.813 B3.42 & B3.45 B4.23 & B4.24, C4.23 & C4.231 B5.23 B5.5 B6.21 B6.6 B7.2 Revision of sudivisions or adding subdivisions. Replace index. Redetermine rates Make Agreements. Establish rates. Approve refunds. Permit use of a partially constructed road. Authorize use by others. Dispose of or assume title to improvements Assume purchaser responsibility. Change dates of fire precautionary period by written advance notice B8.2 Give written permission to delay performance. B8.222,B8.23,B8.3,B9.6,C6.0,C8. Modify, extend, close or terminate contract. 3 & C9.3 B8.32 Waive work. B8.4 Approve performance by other then purchaser. B8.5 Authorize sale of other materials from the sale area. B9.3 Make review to determine if suspension should be continued or lifted. B9.4,C9.2 & C9.4 Make a claim against the purchaser or make waiver. C4.211# Transfer purchaser credit. C4.220 Request electronic fund transfer. C4.3 & C9.1 Approve letter of credit. C6.0 Approve operating plan, or modification thereof. C6.82 Make waiver. C6.841 Approve route of haul. C6.842 Specify paint color and sale brand; revoke waiver. C6.843 Approve scaling outside zone. C7.2 Designate quanities and types of tools. C8.21 Authorize contract term adjustment. (Contracting Officer may further restrict the COR). You are responsible for coordinating all activities with the COR for road construction, reconstruction, and road maintenance for this contract. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2409.15-93-10 EFFECTIVE 8/15/93 Contracting Officer Date 2409.15_0_code Page 7 of 8 2409.15_0_code Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT 2 2450 Contract # Date Gentlemen: The Sale Administrator shown on the enclosed chart is responsible to me for the administration of all harvesting activities. This includes checking and documenting fire requirements and precautions, approving the location of landings, temporary roads, skid trails, and other facets of logging engineering, inspection, falling, bucking, limbing, lopping, utilization, skidding, slash disposal, erosion control, ensuring that improvements are protected, and informing you and me of your performance. 1/ The Sale Administrator is authorized to accept specific requirements on subdivision of sale area or all contract requirements on a subdivision of sale area when such requirements are clearly fulfilled within the terms of the timber sale contract. This authorization does not include the authority to accept any portion of the items included under "Specified Roads", to waive any contract requirements, or to enter the Forest Service into any agreements not specifically authorized. This designation of the Sale Administrator completes our administrative team for this sale (organizational chart enclosed). Contracting Officer Enclosure 1/ May be included at CO's option.