2409.15_20 Page 1 of 37 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER Supplement No.: 2409.15-2013-1 Effective Date: February 22, 2013 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JANE L. COTTRELL Deputy Regional Forester Date Approved: 02/19/2013 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document at the end of the chapter. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this handbook was 2409.15-2011-1 to chapter 10. New Document 2409.15_20 36 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date R1 Supp. 3 (10/87) R1 Supp. 2409.15-92-3 (3/20/92) R1 Supp. 2409.15-92-4 (4/15/92) R1 Supp. 2409.15-96-1 (5/1/96) R1 I.D. 2409.15-2010-1 (9/8/2010) R1 I.D. 2409.15-2011-1 (4/18/2011) R1 I.D. 2409.15-2011-2 (5/9/2011) 1 Page 13 Pages 2 Pages 27 Pages 2 Pages 4 Pages 6 Pages Digest: 20 – Changes the caption of the chapter from “Scaling, Log Accountability, and Export Administration” to “Measuring and Accounting for Included Timber” to match the National Directive. Updates entire chapter to be consistent with parent text. Changes titles, codes and captions and updates cross references throughout the chapter. 22 – Adds direction on use and approval of Designation by Description and Designation by Prescription. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 2 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER Digest – Continued: 23 – Changes code and caption to match National Directive. Removes obsolete direction related to check scaling. 23.11 – Incorporates direction previously issued in Interim Directive 2409.15-2011-2. Adds exhibit 01 – R1-FS-2400-6 (04/2011) Scaler Information Form for Weight Scale Contracts. 23.14 – Adds direction on use of Weighing Services Agreements, including exhibit 01 Weighing Services Agreement for use in Region 1. 24 – Changes Code and caption to match National Directive. 24.11d – Incorporates direction on Utilization Scaler Certification previously issued in Interim Directive 2409.15-2011-2. 24.14 – Incorporates direction previously issued in Interim Directive 2409.15-2011-2. 26.4 – Incorporates direction related to weight scaling previously issued in letter form. 27 – Updates entire section to remove obsolete direction related to log scaling and incorporates current log and load accountability direction. Changes codes and captions throughout to match National Directive. 27.11 – Updates and replaces information previously found in 27.21. 27.12 – Replaces direction previously found in 27.11 and incorporates direction related to log branding and painting previously issued in Interim Directive 2409.15-2011-1. Introduces exhibit 01 – Sample Waiver of Branding and Painting for use in Region 1. 27.12 – exhibit 02 – Incorporates without change Region 1 Brand Assignments previously found in 27.11- exhibit 01. 27.21 – Revises and updates entire section. Removes obsolete direction. 27.22 – Incorporates and updates direction previously found in 27.12, and Interim Directive 2409.15 -2010-1. Removes obsolete direction in text and in 27.23 – exhibit 01. 27.3 – Incorporates direction related to Presale Measurement Sales previously found in 27.12. 29.1 – Changes code and caption to match National Directive. Updates direction previously found in 29.31 to match current position titles. Changes the frequency of surveillance visits to the port area from monthly to unannounced. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 3 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 22 – TIMBER DESIGNATIONS 22.17 – Designation by Description (D x D) With the exception of R1 Special Provisions C(T)2.38# - SPECIES DESIGNATION and K-C.3.8# - SPECIES DESIGNATION, all use of Designation by Description on commercial timber sales and stewardship contracts within Region 1 must be reviewed and approved in advance by the Regional Office. 22.17e – Designation by Prescription (D x P) Use of Designation by Prescription (W.O. Special Provision K.3.5.5#) is limited to stewardship contracts only. Wording to be used in this provision must be reviewed and approved in advance by the Regional Office. Additional information pertaining to use of Designation by Prescription is contained in FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCES HANDOOK, Chapter 60. 23 – SCALING AND MEASURING (B/BT6.8) 23.11 – Scaling Location (B6.811) When sales are sold in which log trucks will be weighed to determine value for payment purposes, there is difficulty in predetermining a physical “site and geographic location” for the requirements in Specific Condition A10 of the FS-2400-6 timber sale contract and in Specific Condition A.10 in the FS-2400-13 stewardship contract. The Forest Service does not own weighing facilities, making it difficult to provide a site in A10 and A.10. Forests shall enter the following statement into Specific Condition A10 of the FS-2400-6 timber sale contract, and in the General section of the Prospectus for timber sales to be weighed for scale: “Approved locations with State certified scales meeting the requirements contained in B6.814.” The following statement shall be used in Specific Condition A.10 of FS-2400-13 contracts, and in the General section of the Prospectus for stewardship sales to be weighed for scale: “Approved locations with State certified scales meeting the requirements contained in G.8.1.4.” To ensure that scaling (weighing) is performed in accordance with the terms of the timber sale contract, sale administrators shall complete and issue to the scaling services contact, a Scaler Information Form, R1-FS-2440-6 (4/2011). Refer to 23.11 – Exhibit 01. This form should be received by off-District and off-Forest scaling services contacts at least 5 business days prior to the anticipated commencement of hauling operations. Form R1-FS-2440-6 will be used for all R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 4 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER scaled sales. If a sale contract is modified to change product specifications or sample groups, a new Form R1-FS-2440-6 shall be prepared showing the revised specifications and revision date. 23.14 – Weighing Services (B6.814) The Forest Supervisor must execute a Weighing Services Agreement at all locations used for weighing products for payment in accordance with B6.814 and G.8.1.4. This agreement is normally entered into by the Forest Supervisor of the forest within which the weighing facility is located and is valid for weighing of products originating on any Forest Service timber or stewardship sales. Refer to 23.14 - Exhibit 01. This exhibit is an example of a Weighing Services Agreement for use within Region 1. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 5 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 23.11 - Exhibit 01 SCALER INFORMATION FORM - WEIGHT SCALE CONTRACTS (Ref. FSH 2409.15 Chapter 20) INITIAL DATE: REGION: REVISED DATE: 12/09/2102 01 Nez Perce -Clearwater FOREST: SALE NAME: Whitehead Cr. PURCHASER: Winkler Forest Products, LLC. LOG BRAND: D8 N/A CONTRACT #: TOTAL CONTRACT VOLUME: Salmon River DISTRICT: 17-01-123456 10/1/2012 AWARD DATE: Mike Niccholuchie SALE ADMINISTRATOR: 23,534 TONS TERMINATION DATE: WEIGHING FACILITY - LANDING # PRODUCT SAMPLE GROUP FREQUENCY IFG Grangeville - 701 Sawtimber A 100% Granger - 905 Non-Saw B 100% IFG Lewiston - 526 Sawtimber A 100% 10/31/2015 REMARKS Logs > 21” 100% 100% IS A WEIGHING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN PLACE FOR EACH FACILITY? NO: YES: X IF NO, EXPLAIN WHY IN REMARKS SCALING INSTRUCTIONS: NATIONAL FOREST CUBIC SCALING HANDBOOK, FSH 2409.16, AS AMENDED APPLICABLE CONTRACT PROVISIONS: B6.814 / G.8.1.4 C6.822# / K-G.8.2.2# C6.823 / K-G.8.2.3 C6.840 / K-G.8.4.0 C6.848 / K-G.8.4.8 WEIGHING SERVICES X PRESENTATION FOR WEIGHT SCALING (3/07) X VOLUME DETERMINATION (10/04) X WEIGHT ACCOUNTABILITY (3/12) WEIGHT ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SPLIT PRICING (3/12) X HANDLING AND MAILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCALING FOREST: SCALE TO BE TRANSMITTED BY: ELECTRONIC FILE: HARD COPY MAIL: X SEND SCALER PERMITS AND WEIGHT SLIPS TO: RANGER DISTRICT OR SUPERVISOR’S OFFICE: Kamiah Work Center ATTN: STREET OR P.O. BOX #: CITY: SPECIAL COMMENTS: Kamiah Lolo Bob Rte. 2, Box 191 STATE: ID ZIPCODE: All sawlogs destined to IFG- Lewiston are to carry double end brand and paint. Painting and branding are waived to 10 logs/load on one end for logs destined to Grangeville. 83536 R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 6 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER SELLING FOREST: COMPLETE 5 DAYS PRIOR TO HAULING AND EACH TIME SAMPLE GROUP IS CHANGED. SEND COPY TO SCALING FOREST. PREPARED BY: Lolo Bob APPROVED BY: /s/ Michael Niccholuchie FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: Lolo Bob TELEPHONE #: 208-935-5432 Instructions for Completing Form R1-FS-2440-6 (04/2011) Initial Date – Date of original issuance of the form, prior to commencement of haul. Revised Date - Leave this line blank for original issues. When revising or updating the original, fill in the date of revision. Region - is the two digit number identifying the region (01). Forest - is the forest name where the timber sale or stewardship contract is located. District - is the name identifying the ranger district from which the timber/stewardship sale was sold. Sale Name - is the name of the timber/stewardship sale from front page of contract. Contract # - is the ten digit number assigned to the timber sale (Includes Forest and District numbers). Award Date - is the award date from front page of contract. Purchaser/Contractor - is the name of the company or person that bought the timber sale or stewardship contract. Found on front page of contract. Sale Administrator - is the Forest Service Timber Sale Administrator delegated in writing for the timber sale. This is the person the scaling supervisor should notify if any problems arise in regard to the logs or loads being delivered from this timber sale or stewardship contract. Log Brand - is the brand issued to identify the logs from the timber sale. If the brand cannot be typed on the computer, then describe it. Example: hat over 7; anchor 13; circle 4; and so forth. If no brand is assigned to the sale, fill in "None" or "N/A". Total Sale Volume - is the total volume in tons in this timber sale. It is found in Section A2 or A.2 of the contract. Termination Date - is the date this timber sale is to be completed. Listed on front page of contract. If contract extensions are granted, then this date would be changed on any new scaler information forms issued. Weighing Facility and Landing # - are the names of the landings (Name of mill and location) and their identification numbers to which the logs are to be delivered as stated in Purchaser's Annual Operating Schedule. Landing # can be found in the “Region 1 Scaling Locations and Weighing Services Agreements” spreadsheet maintained by the Regional Office. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 7 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER Product - is what is to be delivered—usually either sawtimber or non-sawtimber or both. Found in Section A2 or A.2 of contract. Specify which products are to be hauled to each delivery point. Sample Group - is the letter or number assigned to that delivery point or product. Once assigned, a sample group should not be changed. Frequency - shows what frequency the loads are to be sampled for each group. In Region 1, this is usually 100%. Remarks - is to be used for short notes that are of importance to the scaling supervisor to further clarify what is wanted by the selling district. Is a Weighing Services Agreement in Place for Each Facility - In most cases, Yes will be checked for weight sales unless there is a Load Count Agreement in place. Loads must not be weighed at facilities that do not have a Weighing Services Agreement signed by the Forest Supervisor. Scaling Instructions: - Insert National Forest Cubic Scaling Handbook, FSH 2409.16, as amended. Applicable Contract Provisions - These are the approved provisions necessary for the loads to be weighed. Those provisions and dates that do not apply to this sale are to be deleted. As necessary, Forests may add additional regional approved C provisions. Handling and Mailing Instructions for Scaling District. Scale to be Transmitted by: Electonic File______Hard Copy Mail____ - is for the scaling district to know how to send the data. Weight data coming from approved facilities in Region 2 for sales on the Custer N.F will be transmitted electronically every night. Weight slips and scaler permits from all other facilities will be sent via regular mail. Copies of all weight slips and used Forest Service Scaler Permits must be sent to the selling District/Forest for NATSCALE input and their contract file. Send Scaler Permits and Weight Slips To - the mailing address of the Ranger District or Supervisor’s Office listed. ATTN: - the name of the individual at the selling District or Forest that used Scaler Permits and weight slips should be addressed to. Special Comments - can be used for any comments necessary to clarify what is needed by the selling District/Forest. Prepared By - is the name of the person who filled out the form. Approved By – Normally, this is the Timber Sale Administrator. Approval means the form has been reviewed and is correct. For Further Information Call - should be the name of someone who will normally be available for information. Telephone Number - should include the area code and the seven digit phone number. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 8 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 23.14 – Exhibit 01 WEIGHING SERVICES AGREEMENT Between RAMADUCCI BROS. LUMBER PRODUCTS, L.LC. And USDA FOREST SERVICE SMOKEY BEAR NATIONAL FOREST This Weighing Services Agreement is made and entered into by, and between Ramaducci Bros. Lumber Products, L.L.C., hereinafter referred to as the Cooperator, and the USDA Forest Service, Smokey Bear National Forest hereinafter referred to as the Forest Service. Weigh station is located at: 9999 Golf Course Drive, Lolo, MT (Physical address of scales). I. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to set forth operating procedures and to coordinate administration of log load accountability activities between the Cooperator and the Forest Service. II. STATEMENT OF MUTUAL BENEFITS AND INTERESTS Pursuant to Standard and Special Provisions pertaining to Weighing Services, Weight Scaling, and Weight Accountability found in Forest Service Timber Sale and Stewardship Contracts, the Forest Service and the Cooperator have mutual interests in and will derive mutual benefit from the common goal of providing for the coordination of log load weighing and accountability activities. III. THE COOPERATOR SHALL: A. Designate a responsible individual at the weighing station as the Forest Service's contact to resolve day-today problems that may arise. B. Notify the Forest Service immediately should scales become inoperative or if log loads are delivered to the weigh station without the proper product removal permit attached. C. Provide a secure, dry, location for installation and maintenance of a lockable scaler permit and weight slip deposit box designated exclusively for Forest Service scale data. In addition, the Cooperator shall provide a space for posting of log load weighing and accountability instructions for Forest Service loads. D. Provide Forest Service access to any part of the weighing facilities to check for compliance with accuracy and security standards. E. Provide access to the facility for the purpose of weighing logs from all Forest Service timber and stewardship sales that designate this site as a destination for logs/products to be weighed for payment. F. Provide the Forest Service a copy of the annual scale certification from the state Weights and Measures Department. This copy can be mailed or faxed to the Forest Service contact listed below. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 9 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER IV. THE FOREST SERVICE SHALL: A. Pursuant to the Cooperator's safety and security programs, designate specific individuals, normally Forest Service Measurement Specialists, Sale Administrators or Resource Assistants, who have mutual approval to visit the weighing facility, collect scale data, and monitor log load accountability and weighing procedures. B. When requested by the Cooperator, provide the weigh station with sufficient supplies of 3-part forms suitable for recording the sale name, load number, drivers name, date, time, gross, tare and net weights. C. Designate an individual responsible for collecting scale data periodically throughout the log-hauling season that will ensure all scale data is accounted for prior to leaving the site. Primary: Lil’ Kim Campbell Alternate: Johnny Craigger D. Comply with all Cooperator programs, plans and policies regarding safety and security while on the mill site. E. Be responsible for posting and maintaining Log Load Weighing and Accountability Instructions at the weighing facility. V. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: A. The principal contacts for this agreement are: Bobby Ray USDA, Forest Service Smokey Bear National Forest 1976 Nepa Road Missoula, MT, 59801 Phone: 406 -321-1234 James Ramaducci Ramaducci Bros. Lumber Prod. 9999 Golf Course Drive Lolo, MT Phone: 406-543-5678 B. The parties will make themselves available at mutually agreeable times, for continuing consultation to discuss the conditions covered by this agreement. At a minimum, the parties will arrange for an annual meeting to agree to actions essential to fulfill the purposes of the agreement and coordinate any activities pursuant to this agreement. C. This agreement in no way restricts the Forest Service or the Cooperator from participating in similar activities with other public or private organizations, and individuals. D. This agreement is neither a fiscal nor a funds obligation document. Any endeavor involving reimbursement or contribution of funds between the parties to this agreement will be handled in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures including those for Government procurement and printing. Such endeavors will be outlined in separate agreements that shall be made in writing by representatives of the parties and shall be independently authorized by appropriate statutory authority. This agreement does not provide such authority. Specifically, this agreement does not establish authority for noncompetitive award to the Cooperator of any contract or other agreement. Any contract or agreement for training or other services must fully comply with all applicable requirements for competition. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 10 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER E. Modifications within the scope of this agreement shall be made by the issuance of a bilaterally executed modification prior to any changes being implemented. F. Either party, by written notice, may terminate this agreement in whole, or in part, at any time before the date of expiration. G. This agreement is executed as of the last date shown below and expires five years thereafter, at which time it will be subject to review, renewal, or expiration. H. Approval of this Weighing Services Agreement authorizes the weighing of National Forest logs and forest products at the location listed. On an individual basis, each timber sale or stewardship contract must be approved for weighing at this location. VI. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES Additional clauses listed below are made a part of this Weighing Services Agreement. NONE In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the last date written below: COOPERATOR Ramaducci Bros. Lumber Products, L.L.C 9999 Golf Course Drive Lolo, MT SMOKEY BEAR N.F. Forest Supervisor’s Office 1976 Nepa Road Missoula, MT 59801 /s/ James T. Ramaducci /s/ Mikey P. Nichouluchi JAMES T. RAMADUCCI Cooperator 11/13/2012 DATE MIKEY P. NICHULUCHI Forest Supervisor 11/17/2102 DATE R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 11 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 24 – SCALING QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM 24.11d – Utilization Scaler Sale administrators must be able to determine if included timber is being properly utilized and removed from the sale area according to the specifications included in the timber sale contract. All sale administrators within Region 1 must be certified as Utilization Scalers. Utilization Scalers are not authorized to scale for payment. Sale administrators who were formally certified as production scalers may be certified as Utilization Scalers without taking the training described below. In order to be certified as a Utilization Scaler, each sale administrator must complete the following training requirements: a. Review the DVD, “Wood Utilization” (2400-Forest Mgmt 0924-1402-SDTDC), as well as FSH 2409.11a, Chapter 40 – Cubic Scaling Handbook. b. Participate in a classroom review and discussion of pertinent sections of the Timber Sale Contract/Stewardship Contract concerning utilization and merchantability specifications. c. Participate in a field review so that the individual(s) are familiar with sale administration issues that they may encounter, such as where acceptable utilization was accomplished and areas where poor utilization in the form of high stumps, missed logs, excessive long butts, large tops, damaged trees, and other infractions are evident. This review may occur in a log yard setting examining defective logs. 24.14 – Maintenance of Certification 3. Each sale administrator certified as a Utilization Scaler must go through certification maintenance training once every four years. This requirement can be accomplished during the sale administrator’s recertification field review conducted by a Regional Forester’s Representative. 26 – ALTERNATE SCALING SERVICES 26.4 – Weight Scaling Weight scaling is the predominate method of scaling within Region 1. There is to be no use of log (stick) scaling within the Region as the Region does not have a cadre of certified production or check scalers. Scaled sales will be sold on a green ton basis utilizing a 100% frequency. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 12 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 1. Load Weighing Requirements: All trucks and trailers shall be weighed in a single operation at all weighing facilities where the scale platform is long enough to accommodate both truck and trailer. Contract requirements call for a minimum platform length of 70 feet. This is sufficient to accommodate all conventional log trucks and some truck/trailer combinations. The following direction related to log truck and trailer loads is applicable to all Region 1stewardship and timber sale contracts utilizing weight scaling: a. Conventional Trucks: 1. Truck driver will pull entire load onto scale platform and remove the Forest Service Scaler Permit (R1-FS-2440-5). 2. Loaded truck shall be weighed, then unloaded. 3. As soon as the truck is unloaded, driver will return to the scales and obtain a printed tare (empty) weight. 4. The weight slip shall be stapled to the Forest Service Scaler Permit and deposited in the locked box at the scale for later retrieval by the Forest Service. b. Truck/Trailer, Pup or Mule Train Combinations: 1. Loads shall be weighed in a single operation if length of scale platform permits. 2. Following unloading and obtaining a tare weight, a single weight slip is stapled to both the A and B portion of the Forest Service Scaler Permit (R1-FS-2440-5M) and deposited in the locked box at the scale for later retrieval by the Forest Service. 3. If the combined length of the truck/trailer, pup or mule train combination exceeds the length of the scale platform, each load must be pulled onto the scales and weighed separately. 4. Following unloading and obtaining a tare weight, the Forest Service Scaler Permit A will be stapled to the weight slip for that load. The weight slip for the second load shall be stapled to the Forest Service Scaler Permit B and both sets of permits/weight slips are to be deposited in the locked box at the scale for later retrieval by the Forest Service. 5. When two loads are weighed separately, empty trucks that do not exceed the scale length need only one tare weight and it is to be printed on the weight slip that is attached to Forest Service Scaler Permit A. Forest Service Scaler Permit B and its corresponding weight slip are to be stapled to Scaler Permit A and its weight slip. 6. No more than 2 separate log truck and trailer units shall be pulled by a truck tractor. 7. On split priced sales, both the truck and pup must be composed of the same product. It is not acceptable to have saw timber on the truck and non sawtimber on the pup. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 13 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27 – TIMBER AND LOG ACCOUNTABILITY 27.1 – Log Accountability Procedures Three forms of product removal permits (truck tickets) will be used to serve as evidence of authority to transport National Forest logs as described below: a. Scaled Sales. Product Removal Permits, Form R1-FS-2440-5 (yellow), must be used on all scaled sale operations. The product removal permit must be stapled to a bunk log at the front of the load on the driver's side. The staples must be placed as indicated on the permit. The product removal permit must remain attached to all scale loads until the load has reached the designated weight scales and the load has been weighed for payment. In addition, each truck shall have the last three digits of the product removal permit number painted in red in large block numbers on the back end of at least three logs of every load transported from the sale area (C6.822). Mule Train Product Removal Permits, Form R1-FS-2440-5M (yellow) must be used on Mule Train loads only. The product removal permit must be stapled to a bunk log at the front of both loads on the driver’s side. The staples must be placed as indicated on the permit. The product removal permit must remain attached to all scale loads, until the load has reached the designated weight scales and the loads have been weighed for payment. In addition, each load shall have the last three digits of the product removal permit number painted in red in large block numbers on the back end of at least three logs of every load transported from the sale area (C6.822). Forest Supervisors are required to ensure that there is a responsible individual designated to recover the scaler permit portion of the product removal permits from the point(s) of delivery for these types of timber sales for all delivery points on their forest. b. Presale Measurement Sales. Product removal permits, Form FS-R1-2440-5B (light blue), must be used on all presale measurement sales. The load portion of the permit must be detached and stapled to a front bunk or wing log on the driver's side. The location of the staples are marked on each load ticket. The FS-R1-2440-5B forms are bound in groups of 50. Extra receipts and book covers can be obtained to permit issuing smaller amounts when the total number of loads for low volume sales can be accurately estimated. District Rangers shall be required to recover all woods permits (stub portion) and any unused load permits for these types of timber sales. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 14 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER c. Presale Measurement Product Sales. Form R1-FS-2440-5A (salmon), shall be used for all miscellaneous product sales. The load permit shall be attached to the front of the load as directed by the Forest Service. The R1-FS-2440-5A (salmon) forms have been bound in groups of 10. Extra receipts have been provided in the back of the book to permit issuing smaller lots of load permits when the total number of loads can be accurately estimated. District Rangers are required to recover all woods permits (stub portion) and any unused load permits on these types of sales. 27.11 – Route of Haul (B6.841) In Region 1, B6.841/G.8.4.1 is to be made inapplicable and replaced with R1 Special Provision C6.849/K-G.8.4.9. The Purchaser/Contractor, as part of the Annual Operating Schedule, must submit both a map showing the designated route(s) of haul as well as a written plan for hauling Included Timber from the Sale Area to the designated weight scales. This route of haul shall normally be the shortest, most economical route between the points. Both the haul route(s) and the designated weight scales are subject to approval of the Forest Service. The intent is to assist the Sale Administrator in log and load accountability. Checks of loaded trucks will be made periodically and results documented. Locations for accountability checks will be agreed to before haul and truck drivers must stop at these locations, if requested by the Forest Service. 27.12 – Product Identification (B6.842/BT6.81) Branding and painting shall be accomplished on all new and existing timber sale contracts (FS2400-2, FS-2400-3, FS-2400-4, and FS-2400-6), both scaled and tree measurement versions; stewardship contracts (2400-13, SF-33 and SF-1449); stewardship agreements (FS-2400-21); service contracts with product removal and Capital Investment (CI) road contracts in Region 1. 1. Port Vicinity Facilities. All logs destined to Lewiston, Idaho, Port of Umatilla, Oregon, other Ports east of the Cascades, all points west of the Cascades and any Port of Entry into British Columbia will be clearly branded and painted with highway yellow paint on both ends of all logs over seven (7) inches d.i.b. that are eight (8) feet or more in length and one-third (1/3) or more sound. 2. All Forests. Contracting Officers (C.O.) in Region 1 are authorized to approve alternate timber identification requirements as shown below. Prior to waiving contract requirements, the C.O. must determine that the contractual requirements for product identification are not necessary for accountability or export control. Exhibit 01 contains a sample waiver. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 15 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER a. Bitterroot, Beaverhead-Deerlodge (Pintler Ranger District), Flathead, Helena (Helena and Lincoln Ranger Districts), Kootenai, Lolo, Clearwater, Idaho Panhandle, and Nez Perce National Forests. (1) Branding. Ten (10) logs with an end greater than seven (7) inches d.i.b. on each load shall be clearly marked on one end with a hammer brand to identify it with the sale from which it was cut. Logs shall be branded before being removed from the sale area. (2) Painting. Each of the ten logs shall be plainly marked on one end with highway yellow paint before being removed from the sale area. The paint mark shall be on the same end of the log as the brand. b. Beaverhead-Deerlodge (Except Pintler Ranger District), Custer ,Gallatin, Helena (Townsend Ranger District), and Lewis and Clark National Forests. (1) Branding. All branding will be waived, unless logs are hauled into western Montana and Idaho in which the rules for those respective areas shall apply. (2) Painting. All painting will be waived unless logs are hauled into western Montana and Idaho in which the rules for those respective areas shall apply. 3. Non-manufacturer Facilities. All sawlogs destined to non-manufacturer facilities such as sort yards, re-loads, collection yards and similar facilities shall be hammer branded and painted on one end that is over seven (7) inches in diameter. 4. Domestic Processing Requirements. The requirements specified in C(T)8.66# and K-I.6.8# must be adhered to. 5. Region 1 Loads of Logs Hauled Out of Region. Loads of logs hauled outside Region 1 boundaries shall meet the log painting and branding requirements of the receiving Region or Forest. 6. Log and Load Identification Operating Procedures. a. If mule trains or truck/pup combinations are used, each bunked load stands on its own and these requirements will apply to each unit. If a flatbed stake trailer is used, each bundle will be treated as a separate unit. b. Violations of the Purchaser's written certification to not export, or other than incidental and inadvertent violation of log painting and branding requirements, may be cause to rescind all waivers and require double end branding and paint marking of all logs. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 16 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER c. Bucking of broken-ended logs on the sale area to furnish a branding surface will not be required. d. A brand register will be maintained in Renewable Resource Management in the Regional Office. In addition, purchasers of Idaho timber sales will have to register their brands with the State Board of Scaling Practices at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Timber purchasers already having brands registered with the State of Idaho may use these brands on Forest Service timber sales, when approved in advance by the Contracting Officer. The same applies to purchasers of Montana sales destined to be processed in Idaho. e. On all Montana National Forests, The Supervisor's Office shall assign brands. f. Branding and painting of non-sawtimber logs is not required. Special branding of cedar products or other high value exempt material may be required by Contracting Officers, as appropriate, to meet accountability requirements. Proposals for such systems shall be coordinated with adjacent Forests and approved by the Regional Forester prior to implementation. g. Brands shall not be reissued to a new sale until at least 2 months have lapsed since closure of the original sale. Contracting Officers may waive the 2-month brand reissue requirement on a small sale when there is assurance that all volume has been removed. Exceptions to any of the log branding requirements stipulated here shall be approved in advance of implementation by the Regional Forester. Region 1 will not use the letters I, K, Q, U, V, W, or X; numbers 0, 2, 5, or 6; or the letter 'A' with a number or any number combinations beginning with the number '4'. In addition, Region 1 Forests will not use 'BC', 'AO', or 'PS' letter combinations. All brands will be 1-inch letter size. Notify Renewable Resource Management in the Regional Office if you have need of Regional Office reserve brands. 27.12 – Exhibit 02 shows assigned log brands to be used as necessary on individual National Forests in Region 1. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 17 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.12 – Exhibit 01 Sample Waiver of Branding and Painting Partial Waiver of Branding and Painting Requirements of B(T)6.842/G.8.4.2 Product Identification Sale Name: Contract No.: 01- In accordance with Region 1 policy, I have determined that circumstances on this sale warrant a partial waiver of the requirements of Standard Provision B(T) 6.842/G.8.4.2 wherein the branding and painting requirements are replaced with the following alternate measures: 1. Single end paint and brand a minimum of 10 logs per load. 2. Brands and paint shall be on the same end of the log. 3. If mule trains or truck/pup combinations are used, each bunked load will stand on its own and these guidelines will apply to each unit. If a flatbed stake trailer is used, each bundle will be treated as a separate unit. 4. This waiver does not apply to loads of logs that are destined to Lewiston, Idaho, Port of Umatilla, Oregon, other Ports east of the Cascades, all points west of the Cascades, any port of entry into British Columbia, or sawlogs destined to non-manufacturer facilities such as sort yards, re-loads, collection yards and similar facilities prior to Domestic Primary Manufacture (36 CFR 223.160). 5. All other requirements in Standard Provision B(T) 6.842/G.8.4.2 Product Identification remain in effect. This waiver can be terminated at no cost to the Forest Service for any changes in Forest Service policy or for infractions, including, but not limited to: logs being shipped from your facility to areas requiring double end branding and painting, or non compliance with the above requirements. Contracting Officer: Date: R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 18 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.12 – Exhibit 02 Region 1 Log Brand Assignments West Side Forests 1. Bitterroot - Total number of assigned brands: 214 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 1H 1J 1L 1M 1N 1O 1P 1R 1S 1T 1Y 1Z 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3J 3L 3M 3N 3O 3P 3R 3S 3T 3Y 3Z 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4J 4L 4M 4N 4P 4R 4S 4T 4Y 4Z 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7G 7H 7J 7L 7M 7N 70 7P 7R 7S 7T 7Y 7Z 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H 8J 8L 8M 8N 8O 8P 8R 8S 8T 8Y 8Z 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 9G 9H 9J 9L 9M 9N 9O 9P 9R 9S 9T 9Y 9Z 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 J 1 L 1 M 1 N 1 O 1 P 1 R 1 S 1 T 1 Y 1 Z 3 B 3 C 3 D 3 E 3 F 3 G 3 H 3 J 3 L 3 M 3 N 3 O 3 P 3 R 3 S 3 T 3 Y 3 Z 4 B 4 C 4 D 4 E 4 F 4 G 4 H 4 J 4 L 4 M 4 N 4 P 4 R 4 S 4 T 4 Y 4 Z 7 B 7 C 7 D 7 E 7 F 7 G 7 H 7 J 7 L 7 M 7 N 7 O 7 P 7 R 7 S 7 T 7 Y 7 Z 8 B 8 C 8 D 8 E 8 F 8 G 8 H 8 J 8 L 8 M 8 N 8 O 8 P 8 R 8 S 8 T 8 Y 8 Z 9 B 9 C 9 D 9 E 9 F 9 G 9 H 9 J 9 L 9 M 9 N 9 O 9 P 9 R 9 S 9 T 9 Y 9 Z R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 19 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.12 – Exhibit 02 (continued) 2. Idaho Panhandle - Total number of assigned brands: 714 AA AS BN CH DC DT EN FG GB GS HM JF LA LR ML NE NZ OP PJ RE RZ SP TJ YD YY ZO AB AT BO CJ DD DY EO FH GC GT HN JG LB LS MM NF OA OR PL RF SA SR TL YE YZ ZP AC AY BP CL DE DZ EP FJ GD GY HO JH LC LT MN NG OB OS PM RG SB SS TM YF ZA ZR AD AZ BR CM DF EA ER FL GE GZ HP JJ LD LY MO NH OC OT PN RH SC ST TN YG ZB ZS AE BA BS CN DG EB ES FM GF HA HR JL LE LZ MP NJ OD OY PO RJ SD SY TO YH ZC ZT AF BB BT CO DH EC ET FN GG HB HS JM LF MA MR NL OE OZ PP RL SE SZ TP YJ ZD ZY AG BD BY CP DJ ED EY FO GH HC HT JN LG MB MS NM OF PA PR RM SF TA TR YL ZE ZZ AH BE BZ CR DL EE EZ FP GJ HD HY JO LH MC MT NN OG PB PT RN SG TB TS YM ZF AJ BF CA CS DM EF FA FR GL HE HZ JP LJ MD MY NO OH PC PY RO SH TC TT YN ZG AL BG CB CT DN EG FB FS GM HF JA JR LL ME MZ NP OJ PD PZ RP SJ TD TY YO ZH AM BH CD CY DO EH FC FT GN HG JB JS LM MF NA NR OL PE RA RR SL TE TZ YP ZJ AN BJ CE CZ DP EJ FD FY GO HH JC JT LN MG NB NS OM PF RB RS SM TF YA YR ZL AP BL CF DA DR EL FE FZ GP HJ JD JY LO MH NC NT ON PG RC RT SN TG YB YS ZM AR BM CG DB DS EM FF GA GR HL JE JZ LP MJ ND NY OO PH RD RY SO TH YC YT ZN A A A B A C A D A E A F A G A H A J A L A M A N A P A R A S A T A Y A Z B A B B B D B E B F B G B H B J B L B M B N B O B P B R B S B T B Y B Z C A C B C D C E C F C G C H C J C L C M C N C O C P C R C S C T C Y C Z D A D B D C D D D E D F D G D H D J D L D M D N D O D P D R D S D T D Y D Z E A E B E C E D E E E F E G E H E J E L E M R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 20 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.12 – Exhibit 02 (continued) 2. Idaho Panhandle – (continued) E N E O E P E R E S E T E Y E Z F A F B F C F D F E F F F G F H F J F L F M F N F O F P F R F S F T F Y F Z G A G B G C G D G E G F G G G H G J G L G M G N G O G P G R G S G T G Y G Z H A H B H C H D H E H F H G H H H J H L H M H N H O H P H R H S H T H Y H Z J A J B J C J D J E J F J G J H J J J L J M J N J O J P J R J S J T J Y J Z L A L B L C L D L E L F L G L H L J L L L M L N L O L P L R L S L T L Y L Z M A M B M C M D M E M F M G M H M J M L M M M N M O M P M R M S M T M Y M Z N A N B N C N D N E N F N G N H N J N L N M N N N O N P N R N S N T N Y N Z O A O B O C O D O E O F O G O H O J O L O M O N O O O P O R O S O T O Y O Z P A P B P C P D P E P F P G P H P J P L P M P N P O P P P R P T P Y P Z R A R B R C R D R E R F R G R H R J R L R M R N R O R P R R R S R T R Y R Z S A S B S C S D S E S F S G S H S J S L S M S N S O R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 21 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER S P S R S S S T S Y S Z T A T B T C T D T E T F T G T H 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 3. Idaho Panhandle – (continued) T J T L T M T N T O T P T R T S T T T Y T Z Y A Y B Y C Y D Y E Y F Y G Y H Y J Y L Y M Y N Y O Y P Y R Y S Y T Y Y Y Z Z A Z B Z C Z D Z E Z F Z G Z H Z J Z L Z M Z N Z O Z P Z R Z S Z T Z Y Z Z 3. Clearwater - Total number of assigned brands: 296 __ RA __ RR __ SL __ TE __ TZ __ YP __ ZJ __ B8 __ E1 __ G4 __ J8 _ R A _ R R _ __ RB __ RS __ SM __ TF __ YA __ YR __ ZL __ B9 __ E3 __ G7 __ J9 _ R B _ R S _ __ RC __ RT __ SN __ TG __ YB __ YS __ ZM __ C1 __ E4 __ G8 __ L1 _ R C _ R T _ __ RD __ RY __ SO __ TH __ YC __ YT __ ZN __ C3 __ E7 __ G9 __ L3 _ R D _ R Y _ __ RE __ RZ __ SP __ TJ __ YD __ YY __ ZP __ C4 __ E8 __ H1 __ L4 _ R E _ R Z _ __ __ RF RG __ __ SA SB __ __ SR SS __ __ TL TM __ __ YE YF __ __ YZ ZA __ __ ZR ZS __ __ C7 C8 __ __ E9 F1 __ __ H3 H4 __ __ L7 L8 _ _ R R F G _ _ S S A B _ _ __ RH __ SC __ ST __ TN __ YG __ ZB __ ZT __ C9 __ F3 __ H7 __ L9 _ R H _ S C _ __ RJ __ SD __ SY __ TO __ YH __ ZC __ ZY __ D1 __ F4 __ H8 __ RL __ SE __ SZ __ TP __ YJ __ ZD __ ZZ __ D3 __ F7 __ H9 __ RM __ SF __ TA __ TR __ YL __ ZE __ B1 __ D4 __ F8 __ J1 __ RN __ SG __ TB __ TS __ YM __ ZF __ B3 __ D7 __ F9 __ J3 __ RO __ SH __ TC __ TT __ YN __ ZG __ B4 __ D8 __ G1 __ J4 __ RP __ SJ __ TD __ TY __ YO __ ZH __ B7 __ D9 __ G3 __ J7 _ R J _ S D _ _ R L _ S E _ _ R M _ S F _ _ R N _ S G _ _ R O _ S H _ _ R P _ S J _ R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 22 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER S L S M S N S O S P S R S S S T S Y S Z T A T B T C T D 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 3. Clearwater – (continued) _ T E _ T Z _ Y P _ Z J _ B 8 _ E 1 _ T F _ Y A _ Y R _ Z L _ B 9 _ E 3 _ T G _ Y B _ Y S _ Z M _ C 1 _ E 4 _ T H _ Y C _ Y T _ Z N _ C 3 _ E 7 _ T J _ Y D _ Y Y _ Z P _ C 4 _ E 8 _ T L _ Y E _ Y Z _ Z R _ C 7 _ E 9 _ T M _ Y F _ Z A _ Z S _ C 8 _ F 1 _ T N _ Y G _ Z B _ Z T _ C 9 _ F 3 _ T O _ Y H _ Z C _ Z Y _ D 1 _ F 4 _ T P _ Y J _ Z D _ Z Z _ D 3 _ F 7 _ T R _ Y L _ Z E _ B 1 _ D 4 _ F 8 _ T S _ Y M _ Z F _ B 3 _ D 7 _ F 9 _ T T _ Y N _ Z G _ B 4 _ D 8 _ G 1 _ T Y _ Y O _ Z H _ B 7 _ D 9 _ G 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G 4 _ J 8 G 7 _ J 9 G 8 _ L 1 G 9 _ L 3 H 1 _ L 4 H 3 _ L 7 H 4 _ L 8 H 7 _ L 9 H 8 H 9 J 1 J 3 J 4 J 7 JM LF MA MR NL OE OZ PP RL SE SZ TP JN LG MB MS NM OF PA PR RM SF TA TR JO LH MC MT NN OG PB PT RN SG TB TS JP LJ MD MY NO OH PC PY RO SH TC TT 4. Flathead - Total number of assigned brands: 340 JA JR LL ME MZ NP OJ PD PZ RP SJ TD TY JB JS LM MF NA NR OL PE RA RR SL TE TZ JC JT LN MG NB NS OM PF RB RS SM TF JD JY LO MH NC NT ON PG RC RT SN TG JE JZ LP MJ ND NY OO PH RD RY SO TH JF LA LR ML NE NZ OP PJ RE RZ SP TJ JG LB LS MM NF OA OR PL RF SA SR TL JH LC LT MN NG OB OS PM RG SB SS TM JJ LD LY MO NH OC OT PN RH SC ST TN JL LE LZ MP NJ OD OY PO RJ SD SY TO R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 23 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER J A J B J C J D J E J F J G J H J J J L J M J N J O J P 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 4. Flathead - (continued) J R J S J T J Y J Z L A L B L C L D L E L F L G L H L J L L L M L N L O L P L R L S L T L Y L Z M A M B M C M D M E M F M G M H M J M L M M M N M O M P M R M S M T M Y M Z N A N B N C N D N E N F N G N H N J N L N M N N N O N P N R N S N T N Y N Z O A O B O C O D O E O F O G O H O J O L O M O N O O O P O R O S O T O Y O Z P A P B P C P D P E P F P G P H P J P L P M P N P O P P P R P T P Y P Z R A R B R C R D R E R F R G R H R J R L R M R N R O R P R R R S R T R Y R Z S A S B S C S D S E S F S G S H S J S L S M S N S O S P S R S S S T S Y S Z T A T B T C T D T E T F T G T H T J T L T M T N T O T P T R T S T T T Y T Z __ AM __ AN __ AP __ AR 5. Kootenai – Total number of assigned brands: 617 __ AA __ AB __ AC __ AD __ AE __ AF __ AG __ AH __ AJ __ AL R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 24 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER __ AS __ BN __ AT __ BO __ AY __ BP __ AZ __ BR __ BA __ BS __ BB __ BT __ BD __ BY __ BE __ BZ __ BF __ CA __ BG __ CB __ BH __ CC __ BJ __ CD __ BL __ CE __ BM __ CF __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ CG CH CJ CL CM CN CO CP CR CS CT CY CZ DA 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 5. Kootenai – (continued) __ DB __ DS __ EM __ FF __ GA __ GR __ HL __ JE __ JZ __ LP __ MJ __ ND __ NY __ DC __ DT __ EN __ FG __ GB __ GS __ HM __ JF __ LA __ LR __ ML __ NE __ NZ __ DD __ DY __ EO __ FH __ GC __ GT __ HN __ JG __ LB __ LS ___ MM __ NF __ OA __ DE __ DZ __ EP __ FJ __ GD __ GY __ HO __ JH __ LC __ LT __ MN __ NG __ OB __ DF __ EA __ ER __ FL __ GE __ GZ __ HP __ JJ __ LD __ LY ___ MO __ NH __ OC __ DG __ EB __ ES __ FM __ GF __ HA __ HR __ JL __ LE __ LA __ MP __ NJ __ OD __ DH __ EC __ ET __ FN __ GG __ HB __ HS __ JM __ LF __ MA __ MR __ NL __ OE __ DJ __ ED __ EY __ FO __ GH __ HC __ HT __ JN __ LG ___ MB __ MS __ NM __ OF __ DL __ EE __ EZ __ FP __ GJ __ HD __ HY __ JO __ LH __ MC __ MT __ NN __ OG __ DM __ EF __ FA __ FR __ GL __ HE __ HZ __ JP __ LJ ___ MD ___ MY __ NO __ OH __ DN __ EG __ FB __ FS __ GM __ HF __ JA __ JR __ LL ___ ME ___ MZ __ NP __ OJ __ DO __ EH __ FC __ FT __ GN __ HG __ JB __ JS __ LM __ MF ___ NA __ NR __ OL __ DP __ EJ __ FD __ FY __ GO __ HH __ JC __ JT __ LN ___ MG ___ NB __ NS __ OM __ DR __ EL __ FE __ FZ __ GP __ HJ __ JD __ JY __ LO ___ MH ___ NC __ NT __ ON __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ OO __ PH OP __ PJ OR __ PL OS __ PM OT __ PN OY __ PO OZ __ PP PA __ PR PB __ PT PC __ PY PD __ PZ PE PF PG _ A A _ A S _ B _ A B _ A T _ B _ A C _ A Y _ B _ A D _ A Z _ B _ A E _ B A _ B _ A F _ B B _ B _ A G _ B D _ B _ A H _ B E _ B _ A J _ B F _ C _ A L _ B G _ C _ A M _ B H _ C _ A N _ B J _ C _ A P _ B L _ C _ A R _ B M _ C R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 25 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER N _ C G O _ C H P _ C J R _ C L S _ C M T _ C N Y _ C O Z _ C P A _ C R B _ C S C _ C T D _ C Y E _ C Z F _ D A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D B D C D D D E D F D G D H D J D L D M D N D O D P D R 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 5. Kootenai - (continued) _ D S _ E M _ F F _ G A _ G R _ H L _ J E _ J Z _ L P _ M J _ D T _ E N _ F G _ G B _ G S _ H M _ J F _ L A _ L R _ M L _ D Y _ E O _ F H _ G C _ G T _ H N _ J G _ L B _ L S _ M M _ D Z _ E P _ F J _ G D _ G Y _ H O _ J H _ L C _ L T _ M N _ E A _ E R _ F L _ G E _ G Z _ H P _ J J _ L D _ L Y _ M O _ E B _ E S _ F M _ G F _ H A _ H R _ J L _ L E _ L Z _ M P _ E C _ E T _ F N _ G G _ H B _ H S _ J M _ L F _ M A _ M R _ E D _ E Y _ F O _ G H _ H C _ H T _ J N _ L G _ M B _ M S _ E E _ E Z _ F P _ G J _ H D _ H Y _ J O _ L H _ M C _ M T _ E F _ F A _ F R _ G L _ H E _ H Z _ J P _ L J _ M D _ M Y _ E G _ F B _ F S _ G M _ H F _ J A _ J R _ L L _ M E _ M Z _ E H _ F C _ F T _ G N _ H G _ J B _ J S _ L M _ M F _ N A _ E J _ F D _ F Y _ G O _ H H _ J C _ J T _ L N _ M G _ N B _ E L _ F E _ F Z _ G P _ H J _ J D _ J Y _ L O _ M H _ N C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N D _ N Y _ N E _ N Z _ N F _ O A _ N G _ O B _ N H _ O C _ N J _ O D _ N L _ O E _ N M _ O F _ N N _ O G _ N O _ O H _ N P _ O J _ N R _ O L _ N S _ O M _ N T _ O N _ R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 26 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER O O _ P H O P _ P J O R _ P L O S _ P M O T _ P N O Y _ P O O Z _ P P P A _ P R P B _ P T P C _ P Y P D _ P Z P E P F P G ZA ZR ZB ZS ZC ZT ZD ZY ZE ZZ ZF ZG ZH ZJ ZL ZM ZN ZO ZP 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 5. Kootenai - (continued) 11 44 88 13 47 89 14 48 91 17 49 93 18 71 94 19 73 97 31 74 98 33 77 99 34 78 37 79 38 81 39 83 41 84 43 87 __ 11 __ 44 __ 88 __ 13 __ 47 __ 89 __ 14 __ 48 __ 91 __ 17 __ 49 __ 93 __ 18 __ 71 __ 94 __ 19 __ 73 __ 97 __ 31 __ 74 __ 98 __ 33 __ 77 __ 99 __ 34 __ 78 __ 37 __ 79 __ 38 __ 81 __ __ 39 41 __ __ 83 84 __ 43 __ 87 6. Lolo - Total number of assigned brands: 355 AA AS BN CG DB DS EM FF GA GR HL AB AT BO CH DC DT EN FG GB GS HM AC AY BP CJ DD DY EO FH GC GT HN AD AZ BR CL DE DZ EP FJ GD GY HO AE BA BS CM DF EA ER FL GE GZ HP AF BB BT CN DG EB ES FM GF HA HR AG BD BY CO DH EC ET FN GG HB HS AH BE BZ CP DJ ED EY FO GH HC HT AJ BF CA CR DL EE EZ FP GJ HD HY AL BG CB CS DM EF FA FR GL HE HZ AM BH CC CT DN EG FB FS GM HF AN BJ CD CY DO EH FC FT GN HG AP BL CE CZ DP EJ FD FY GO HH AR BM CF DA DR EL FE FZ GP HJ 11 44 88 13 47 89 14 48 91 17 49 93 18 71 94 19 73 97 31 74 98 33 77 99 34 78 37 79 38 81 39 83 41 84 43 87 A A A B A C A D A E A F A G A H A J A L A M A N A P A R A A A A B B B B B B B B B B R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 27 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER S T Y Z A B D E F G H J L M B N B O B P B R B S B T B Y B Z C A C B C C C D C E C F C G C H C J C L C M C N C O C P C R C S C T C Y C Z D A D B D C D D D E D F D G D H D J D L D M D N D O D P D R 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 5. Lolo - (continued) D S D T D Y D Z E A E B E C E D E E E F E G E H E J E L E M E N E O E P E R E S E T E Y E Z F A F B F C F D F E F F F G F H F J F L F M F N F O F P F R F S F T F Y F Z G A G B G C G D G E G F G G G H G J G L G M G N G O G P G -- G S G T G Y G Z H A H B H C H D H E H F H G H H H J H L H M H N H O H P H R H S H T H Y H Z L A L B L C L D L E L F L G L H L J L L L M L N L O L P L R L S L T L Y L Z 7. Nez Perce - Total number of assigned brands: 216 B1 D4 F8 J1 M4 08 B3 D7 F9 J3 M7 09 B4 D8 G1 J4 M8 P1 B7 D9 G3 J7 M9 P3 B8 E1 G4 J8 N1 P4 B9 E3 G7 J9 N3 P7 C1 E4 G8 L1 N4 P8 C3 E7 G9 L3 N7 P9 C4 E8 H1 L4 N8 R1 C7 C8 E9 F1 H3 H4 L7 L8 N9 01 03 R3 R4 C9 D1 F3 F4 H7 H8 L9 M1 04 07 R7 R8 D3 F7 H9 M3 R9 R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 28 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER S1 Y4 S3 Y7 S4 Y8 S7 Y9 S8 Z1 S9 Z3 T1 Z4 T3 Z7 T4 Z8 T7 Z9 T8 T9 Y1 Y3 B 1 B 3 B 4 B 7 B 8 B 9 C 1 3 C 4 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 1 3 D D D 4 D 7 D 8 D 9 E 1 E 3 E 4 E 7 E 8 E 9 F 1 F 3 F 4 F 7 F 8 F 9 G 1 G 3 G 4 G 7 G 8 G 9 H 1 H 3 H 4 H 7 H 8 H 9 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 7. Nez Perce - (continued) J 1 J 3 J 4 J 7 J 8 J 9 L 1 L 3 L 4 L 7 L 8 L 9 M 1 M 3 M 4 M 7 M 8 M 9 N 1 N 3 N 4 N 7 N 8 N 9 O 1 O 3 O 4 O 7 O 8 O 9 P 1 P 3 P 4 P 7 P 8 P 9 R 1 R 3 R 4 R 7 R 8 R 9 S 1 S 3 S 4 S 7 S 8 S 9 T 1 T 3 T 4 T 7 T 8 T 9 Y 1 Y 3 Y 4 Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Z 1 Z 3 Z 4 Z 7 Z 8 Z 9 East Side Forests. 1. Beaverhead - Total number of assigned brands: 48 __ M1 __ 04 __ M3 __ 07 __ M4 __ 08 __ M7 __ 09 __ M8 __ P1 __ M9 __ P3 __ N1 __ P4 __ N3 __ P7 __ N4 __ P8 __ N7 __ P9 __ N8 __ N9 __ 01 __ 03 _ M 1 _ O 4 _ M 3 _ O 7 _ M 4 _ O 8 _ M 7 _ O 9 _ M 8 _ P 1 _ M 9 _ P 3 _ N 1 _ P 4 _ N 3 _ P 7 _ N 4 _ P 8 _ N 7 _ P 9 _ N 8 _ N 9 _ O 1 _ O 3 R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 29 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 2. Custer - Branding requirements have been waived to match R2 requirements. 3. Deerlodge - Total number of assigned brands: 72 1C 4E 8G 3C 7E 9G 4C 8E 1H 7C 9E 3H 8C 1F 4H 9C 3F 7H 1D 4F 8H 3D 7F 9H 4D 8F 7D 9F 8D 1G 9D 3G 1E 4G 3E 7G 1 C 3 C 4 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 1 D 3 D 4 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 1 E 3 E 4 E 7 E 8 E 9 E 1 F 3 F 4 F 7 F 8 F 9 F 1 G 3 G 4 G 7 G 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 3. Deerlodge - (continued) 8 9 1 3 4 7 8 9 G G H H H H H H 4. Gallatin - Total number of assigned brands: 94 1J 4M 9O 3S 3J 7M 1P 4S 4J 8M 3P 7S 7J 9M 4P 8S 8J 1N 7P 9S 9J 3N 8P 1L 4N 9P 3L 7N 1R 4L 8N 3R 7L 9N 4R 8L 1O 7R 9L 3O 8R 1M 7O 9R 3M 8O 1S 1 J 3 J 4 J 7 J 8 J 9 J 1 L 3 L 4 L 7 L 8 L 9 L 1 M 3 M 4 M 7 M 8 M 9 M 1 N 3 N 4 N 7 N 8 N 9 N 1 O 3 O 7 O 8 O 9 O 1 P 3 P 4 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 1 R 3 R 4 R 7 R 8 R 9 R 1 S 3 S 4 S 7 S 8 S 9 S 7Y YF 8Y YG 9Y YH 1Z YJ 3Z YL 5. Helena - Total number of assigned brands: 80 1T 4Z YM 3T 7Z YN 4T 8Z YO 7T 9Z YP 8T YA YR 9T YB YS 1Y YC YT 3Y YD YY 4Y YE YZ R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 30 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 1 B 3 B 4 B 7 B 8 B 9 B 1 T 3 T 4 T 7 T 8 T 9 T 1 Y 3 Y 4 Y 7 Y 8 Y 9 Y 1 Z 3 Z 4 Z 7 Z 8 Z 9 Z Y A Y B Y C Y D Y E Y F Y G Y H Y J Y L Y M Y N Y O Y P Y R Y S Y T Y Y Y Z 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) 6. Lewis & Clark - Total number of assigned brands: 60 __ R1 __ T4 __ Z8 _ R 1 _ T 4 _ Z 8 __ R3 __ T7 __ Z9 _ R 3 _ T 7 _ Z 9 __ R4 __ T8 __ R7 __ T9 __ R8 __ Y1 __ R9 __ Y3 __ S1 __ Y4 __ S3 __ Y7 __ S4 __ Y8 __ S7 __ Y9 __ S8 __ Z1 __ S9 __ Z3 __ T1 __ Z4 __ T3 __ Z7 _ R 4 _ T 8 _ R 7 _ T 9 _ R 8 _ Y 1 _ R 9 _ Y 3 _ S 1 _ Y 4 _ S 3 Y 7 _ S 4 _ Y 8 _ S 7 _ Y 9 _ S 8 _ Z 1 _ S 9 _ Z 3 _ T 1 _ Z 4 _ T 3 _ Z 7 RO Reserve - Total number of available brands: 552 A A A B A C A D A E A F A G A H A J A L A M A N A P A R A S A T A Y A Z B A B B B D B E B F B G B H B J B L B M B N B O B P B R B S B T B Y B Z C A C B C D C E C F C G C H C J C L C M C N C O C P C R C S C T C Y C Z D A D B R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 31 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER D C D D D E D F D G D H D J D L D M D N D O D P D R D S D T D Y D Z E A E B E C E D E E E F E G E H E J E L E M E N E O E P E R E S E T E Y E Z F A F B F C F D F E F F F G F H F J F L F M F N F O F P F R F S F T F Y F Z G A G B G C G D G E G F G G G H G J G L G M G N G O G P G R G S G T G Y G Z H A H B H C H D H E H F H G H H H J H L 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) RO Reserve - (continued) H M H N H O H P H R H S H T H Y H Z J A J B J C J D J E J F J G J H J J J L J M J N J O J P J R J S J T J Y J Z M A M B M C M D M E M F M G M H M J M L M M M N M O M P M R M S M T M Y M Z N A N B N C N D N E N F N G N H N J N L N M N N N O N P N R N S N T N Y N Z O A O B O C O D O E O F O G O H O J O L O M O N O P O P O R O S O T O Y O Z P A P B P C P D P E P F P G P H P J P L P M P N P O P P P R P T P Y P Z R A R B R C R D R E R F R G R H R J R L R M R N R O R P R R R S R T R Y R S S S S S S S S S S S S S R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 32 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER Z A B C D E F G H J L M N O S P S R S S S T S Y S Z T A T B T C T D T E T F T G T H T J T L T M T N T O T P T R T S T T T Y T Z Y A Y B Y C Y D Y E Y F Y G Y H Y J Y L Y M Y N Y O Y P Y R Y S Y T Y Y Y Z Z A Z B Z C Z D Z E Z F Z G Z H Z J Z L Z M Z N Z O 1 B Z P 1 C Z R 1 D Z S 1 E Z T 1 F Z Y 1 G Z Z 1 H 1 J 1 L 1 M 1 N 1 O 1 P 1 R 27.11 - Exhibit 02 (continued) RO Reserve - (continued) 1 S 1 T 1 Y 1 Z 3 B 3 C 3 D 3 E 3 F 3 G 3 H 3 J 3 L 3 M 3 N 3 O 3 P 3 R 3 S 3 T 3 Y 3 Z 4 B 4 C 4 D 4 E 4 F 4 G 4 H 4 J 4 L 4 M 4 N 4 P 4 R 4 S 4 T 4 Y 4 Z 7 B 7 C 7 D 7 E 7 F 7 G 7 H 7 J 7 L 7 M 7 N 7 O 7 P 7 R 7 S 7 T 7 Y 7 Z 8 B 8 C 8 D 8 E 8 F 8 G 8 H 8 J 8 L 8 M 8 N 8 O 8 P 8 R 8 S 8 T 8 Y 8 Z 9 B 9 C 9 D 9 E 9 F 9 G 9 H 9 J 9 L 9 M 9 N 9 O 9 P 9 R 9 S 9 T 9 Y 9 Z B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 J 1 L 1 M 1 N 1 O 1 P 1 R 1 S 1 T 1 Y 1 Z 1 B 3 C 3 D 3 E 3 F 3 G 3 H 3 J 3 L 3 M 3 R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 33 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER N 3 O 3 P 3 R 3 S 3 T 3 Y 3 Z 3 B 4 C 4 D 4 E 4 F 4 G 4 H 4 J 4 L 4 M 4 N 4 P 4 R 4 S 4 T 4 Y 4 Z 4 B 7 C 7 D 7 E 7 F 7 G 7 H 7 J 7 L 7 M 7 N 7 O 7 P 7 R 7 S 7 T 7 Y 7 Z 7 B 8 C 8 D 8 E 8 F 8 G 8 H 8 J 8 L 8 M 8 N 8 O 8 P 8 R 8 S 8 T 8 Y 8 Z 8 B 9 C 9 D 9 E 9 F 9 G 9 H 9 J 9 L 9 M 9 N 9 O 9 P 9 R 9 S 9 T 9 Y 9 Z 9 R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 34 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.2 – Accountability on Scaled Sales (B6.84) 27.21 – Load Accountability Contracting Officers shall ensure that load checks of loaded log trucks from scaled sales are made at least once each month for each active sale when log hauling is in progress, with a minimum check of four (4) percent of all loads hauled. Where accountability is found to be unsatisfactory, immediate corrective action must be taken, followed by road checks at least once each week until satisfactory accountability practices have been established. Road checks must be documented on the Timber Sale Inspection Report form. A complete record of all individual road checks will be filed at the District Office in one accumulative "Loaded Log Truck Check" file. Forest Supervisors shall ensure that the procedures for forest products accountability found in the Northern Region Forest Product Accountability Plan are implemented. Off-hour and weekend surveillance techniques are used as a prevention tool to discourage the unauthorized removal of timber and other forest products from National Forest lands and to ensure that Purchasers comply with timber sale contract requirements after normal working hours and on weekends. District Rangers shall develop and implement a written off-hour and weekend surveillance plan and insure that adequate financing and manpower are available to do the job. Each effort shall be documented and forwarded to Timber Management in the Supervisor's Office for review and internal accountability checks. Logs are occasionally off-loaded along the haul route or at State weigh stations by truck drivers to reduce overloading. R1 C6.822 - Presentation for Weight Scaling, requires that loads of logs "shall remain intact while in transit" until they reach the scaling (weighing) location. The Purchaser is required to notify the Forest Service prior to off-loading logs and logs are not permitted to be stored at State weigh station sites. Logs are to be off loaded onto an empty truck and have a load removal permit attached. Off-loaded logs are to be delivered immediately to the designated weight scales. When a load is altered enroute without notification to the Forest Service, or logs are off loaded and left at State weigh stations, a violation of the requirements of C6.822 and C6.840 has occurred and the following procedures shall be applied: The logs removed from the load shall be loaded out and weighed and the volume entered in TSA under the appropriate contract. The purchaser shall be placed in breach (B9.3) of R1 Special Provisions C6.822, C6.840 and Standard Provision B6.3. If the problem is reoccurring or the volume involved is substantial, hauling shall be suspended until the purchaser submits a written plan to remedy to the breach. In addition to any state imposed fines, the truck driver can be cited under 36 CFR 261.6(c). R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 35 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 27.22 – Load Removal Receipts on Scaled Sales 3. Accountability. a. The control register described in the parent text shall be kept in a bound ledger (no loose leaf type binder is acceptable). Use the Remarks block to record unused permit serial numbers remaining in book, if any, as well as any other pertinent information. Product removal permit books and control registers shall be stored in a locked cabinet or similar facility that provides complete security. Keys to the cabinet must be secured as well. Two individuals on each Ranger District should be assigned the responsibility of managing product removal permits. b. All product removal permit books shall be issued using the receipts system on the last page of each product removal permit book. Both portions of the receipts are to be filled out and shall be kept in a special file. The "Purchaser's Copy" is to be signed and given to Purchaser's Representative when the book has been returned to the District. The "Forest Service Copy" of the receipt shall be given to the individual(s) maintaining the permanent control register so that disposition of the book may be entered into the master record. c. Book number, sale name, date, log brand and sample group will be stamped or written with a heavy black felt tip marker on the front cover of the issued permit removal permit book. Each individual permit in the book is to be stamped with the sale name, contract number, purchaser name, log brand, sample group and the return address of the issuing office. Individually printed adhesive labels may be used as long as the ink is non-smearing and the labels cannot be removed once afixed to the book. d. Purchasers shall not be issued more than a 30-day supply of product removal permit books. The number of additional books issued will be dependent upon the number of used books returned. All product removal permit books shall be returned when Purchaser's operations become inactive for more than 60 calendar days. e. Partial product removal permit books shall only be reissued to the same sale with the same sample group. All other partial permit removal permit books shall be destroyed. f. The following process will be used to issue and account for product removal permits for non-sawtimber material on split priced sales within Region 1: Whole books of yellow product removal permits, either R1-FS-2440-5 or R1-FS2440-5M Mule Train Load Receipts will be issued to the designated Sale R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 36 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER Administrator for the sale. Books will not be broken apart. These books are accountable property and shall be signed for by the Sale Administrator. Following inspection and certification of non-sawtimber material decked on the landing, the Sale Administrator will issue the needed number of product removal permits to the designated Purchaser Representative or Field Representative for the sale. The designated Purchaser Representative or Field Representative will sign the Woods Permit portion (stub) in place of the truck driver at the time the permits are issued by the Sale Administrator. Whole books of non-sawtimber removal permits are not to be issued to the Purchaser. This process is contained in R1 Special Provisions C6.848 and K-G.8.4.8 – WEIGHT ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SPLIT PRICING. g. Used, partially used, and unused assigned stamped product removal permit books and permits, once accounted for and which cannot be reissued, shall be destroyed by burning or shredding. Since the product removal permit books are accountable forms, dual custody disposal procedures shall be used. This procedure involves two or more persons being present at the time the book or books are destroyed. All persons present at the disposal process shall certify in writing in the control register that all books were, in fact, destroyed. Disposal date shall also be indicated in the control register book. h. It is not intended that the same accountability procedures be applied to the "stub" portion of these permit books. Once all the permits have been used and the stub books are returned, they can be disposed of in any manner acceptable to the forest. Only the scaler permit or Forest Service load permit portion must be destroyed as outlined in this chapter. 27.3 – Accountability on Presale Measurement Sales Product Removal Permit Books, Forms FS-R1-2440-5B and FS-R1-2440-5A, are accountable property, and as such must be placed under proper security. Follow the same accountability procedures as described for product removal permits on scaled sales (Section 27.22, #3). Contracting Officers shall ensure that the requirements for loaded truck checks described in 27.21 are met on all presale measurement sales. R1 SUPPLEMENT: 2409.15-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/22/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.15_20 Page 37 of 37 FSH 2409.15 – TIMBER SALE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – MEASURING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INCLUDED TIMBER 29 – EXPORT ADMINISTRATION 29.1 – Administration of Export Restrictions Administration of the log export regulation requires surveillance of export yard and dock facilities by the Forest Service. The main area of concern for Region 1 is the port vicinity in the Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington areas. The responsibility for this surveillance is delegated to the Forest Supervisor of the Umatilla National Forest (R6). The Forest Supervisor has designated an individual on the Umatilla National Forest as the Log Export Inspector to monitor log export activities for Regions 1, 4 and 6 for the Columbia River from LewistonClarkston to Boardman area. In order to maintain continuity in log export and accountability requirements for Region 1, the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest Supervisor shall designate, in writing, an individual to meet with the Log Export Inspector to discuss these matters on an intermittent basis. As an adjunct to this activity, the individual designated from the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest shall make unannounced visits to the port vicinity to do the following: 11. Inspect the movement of logs and maintain a continuing dialogue with log purchasers where the interests of the Government may be involved. 12. Inspect truck tickets, log brands, log painting, and weighing facilities. 13. Each inspection visit shall be documented on an inspection form which shall be kept on file in the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Supervisor's office.