1709.11-12-1 Page 1 of 7 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK CIBOLA NATIONAL FOREST ALBUQUERQUE, NM FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Supplement No.: 1709.11-12-1 Effective Date: December 15, 2012 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: /s/ NANCY ROSE Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 12/03/2012 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 95-1 to FSH 1709.11. New Document 1709.11-12-1 7 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date Cibola Supplement No. -95-1, 05/15/1995 7 Pages Digest: Revises Charter and Bylaws of the Cibola National Forest. Shows its Charter and Function. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 2 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE CHARTER AND BYLAWS 1. CHARTER: The Cibola Civil Rights Committee (referred to in this document as the CCRC) is authorized to organize and function in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Agriculture’s Civil Rights (CR) policies and procedures as described in the parent text. In addition to EEO requirements, the CCRC will also advise and counsel the Forest Supervisor on Forest-wide implementation of the Department of Agriculture’s Civil Rights Policy. Within the Forest, the CCRC will function under the overall leadership, direction, and guidance of the Forest Supervisor and the Forest Civil Rights Staff. In fulfilling its advisory role, the committee will review proposed policy and procedures and other issues that relate to or impact Civil Rights within the Forest, developing and recommending possible solutions. The Committee will be representative of all Cibola Employees, including different grade levels and occupations, minority groups and non-minority groups which include persons of different race, sex, color, national origin, age, disability, creed, sexual orientation or marital status. Participation in the Committee is established in accordance with the criteria and requirements for membership as set forth in the Bylaws, The committee will serve as facilitator and activist to carry out the functions described under Article II. Civil Rights are defined in FSH 1709.11, Sec 05, (Civil Rights, and Definitions) as: The rights of United States citizens guaranteed by laws and regulations for equal protection under the law from discrimination in activities such as employment, contracting, public access, grants, education, public service, and data collection, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or marital status. The Committee will be representative of all Cibola Employees, including different grade levels and occupations, minority groups and non-minority groups which include persons of different race, sex, color, national origin, age, disability, creed or marital status. Participation in the Committee is established in accordance with the criteria and requirements for membership as set forth in the Bylaws, FSM 1710 (Civil Rights Program Management) identifies the objective of the Civil Rights Program as being: To develop and implement civil rights plans and programs that provide the opportunity for all persons to participate in or derive benefits from every Forest Service program and activity. FSM 1710 further states that it is policy: to plan for, monitor, and evaluate Forest Service programs, employment, services, and activities to ensure equality of participation and benefits. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 3 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE In fulfilling its advisory role, the Committee will review proposed policy and procedures which relate to or impact civil rights within the Cibola National Forest, making such recommendations and suggestions as it feels appropriate and necessary. As its basic approach to operating, the Committee will discuss and recommend to the Forest Supervisor, methods which will assist in establishing and carrying out a more effective Civil Rights Program as outlined in the Forest Service's Affirmative Action Plan for Civil Rights. II. BYLAWS: Article I: Name. The Name of this group shall be the Cibola Civil Rights Committee. Article II: Function. The Civil Rights Committee will assist the Forest Supervisor in carrying out his/her Civil Rights responsibilities. FSH 1709.11 Chapter 10 Civil Rights Program Management, Section 13.1, Exhibit 1 specifies that, "The CCRC will serve in an advisory role to the Forest Supervisor in carrying out their civil rights responsibilities. In meeting its responsibilities, the Committee will: A. Review proposed policies and programs directly related to or impacting the Civil Rights Program and other Forest Service Civil Rights Policies. B. Monitor Service-wide Civil Rights activities. C. Make suggestions for changes in Civil Rights activities that will serve to reinforce and strengthen the Forest Service's Civil Rights Policy. D. Recommend that the Forest adopt special programs, policy revisions, or projects stressing women, under-represented minorities, persons with disabilities, and other protected class members' involvement. E. Provide suggestions for increasing the effectiveness of the Service-wide Affirmation Employment Plan for Civil Rights. F. Provide an additional channel of communication to and for the Forest Supervisor, Regional Forester and Chief of the Forest Service. Article III: Scope of Committee Responsibility. The Committee advises the Forest Supervisor on Forest-wide Civil Rights matters. In fulfilling its functions, the Committee will give emphasis to Forest-wide Civil Rights matters. In order that the Committee may have the advice, knowledge, and assistance of special field and subject matter specialists necessary in carrying out its functions, the Committee is hereby authorized to consult any individual employee or group of employees, Regionwide, regarding any subject or matter relating to Civil Rights. This communication will help in fostering a positive Civil Rights Program on the Forest. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 4 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE Article IV: Relationship to Management. By the nature of its function, the Committee serves both management and employees. The Committee serves as a channel of communication for employees and gathers information from both employees and management. Article V: Membership. The Committee membership will be comprised of Forest Service employees representing various interests, races, sexes, skills and grades. The Appointed Committee will consist of voting members, as follows: one member from the Supervisor's Office, one member from each Mountain District, one or two representing the Grassland Districts, and all Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPM). A. Terms of Service on Appointed Committee 1. Committee members will serve a minimum two-year term with an option of one year renewals, with a maximum term of four year. The intent is to have a rotating and diverse membership. There should be some overlapping of terms between the current and new members. 2. All current Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPMs) will serve a minimum of three years with an option of one year renewals, with a maximum term of six years. B. Standing membership C. The incumbent (or acting) of the following positions will serve as Standing Committee members and may attend any meeting unless specifically excluded by the Appointed Committee: 1. Forest Supervisor 2. Forest Representative of the Regional Civil Rights Committee D. Appointed membership Appointed Committee members will be selected upon the basis of position vacancy announcements and voluntary applications. Should this method not fill the vacancies, the Committee, upon consultation with the unit manager, will make recommendations for selection. The Forest Supervisor will make selection and subsequent appointment. The Forest Supervisor will notify selectee of his/her appointment. The same procedure would apply to filling vacant Special Emphasis Program Manager and Forest Representative of the Regional Civil Rights Committee Positions. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 5 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE Duties of members include but are not limited to: 1. Helping the transition of new members into the Committee. 2. Being available and listening to the concerns of the employees they represent. 3. Informing the employees on their unit of the Committee activities. 4. Bringing issues from their units to the attention of the Committee or the Forest Supervisor, if appropriate. 5. Working with Line and Staff Officers to assure the functions of the Committee are carried out on the units. 6. Participating in delegated Civil Rights Sub-Committee assignments. E. Selection and Duties of Chairperson. 1. Selection A Chairperson shall be selected from and by the Appointed Committee and confirmed by the Forest Supervisor. The term of office shall be one year. 2. Duties The Chairperson shall conduct and facilitate all meetings, prepare the agenda for each meeting, distribute minutes, and other information to the members. (Refer to Article VI Section C and Article VII) The Chairperson may also appoint subcommittees to undertake various Committee tasks and projects. The Chairperson will serve as the link between the Committee and the Forest Supervisor. The outgoing Chairperson will seek nominations for the new Chairperson. Article VI: Meetings and Agenda Development. A. Meetings 1. Regular meeting of the Committee will be held quarterly. 2. The Forest Supervisor may call a meeting at any time deemed necessary. Any Committee member; Appointed or Standing may recommend the need for a special meeting. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 6 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE 3. All meetings will be open to all employees unless specifically excluded by the Appointed Committee. The Chairperson will send an email notification to forest employees prior to each meeting. 4. The meetings may be rotated among Units or be done by video conference. The Forest Supervisor has final meeting site approval. 5. The Chairperson will establish, and transmit to the Committee members, the agenda and previous meeting minutes in advance of each meeting. 2. Meeting Format 1. The Chairperson calls the meeting to order. 2. The introduction should include the appointment of a recorder, introduction of Committee members and visitors, break schedule, facilities available, agenda review, and goals and objectives of the meeting. 3. Minutes of the last meeting will be corrected when necessary and approved by the Committee. 4. Status reports from each Appointed Committee member will be presented. Reports may include old business on their units. 5. The Committee will resolve old business. 6. New business will be discussed, including new issues. 7. The Committee will discuss and identify future agenda items. 8. Work assignments will be made. 9. Location and date for next meeting will be set. 10. The Chairperson’s will conduct an informal critique of each meeting designate. B. Agenda Development and Transmittal 1. Suggestions for agenda items will be solicited from Committee members. 2. The Chairperson, prior to sending the agenda will verify presentation assignments. 3. Members will receive the agenda from the Chairperson prior to each meeting. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1709.11-12-1 Page 7 of 7 FSH 1709.11 – CIVIL RIGHTS COMMITTEE CHAPTER - ZERO CODE 4. Agenda will be sent by email to members. 5. Meeting location, dates, times, individual assignments and agenda items will be identified in each written agenda. Article VII: Issues and Recommendations. A. How the Committee selects civil rights issues and acts upon them 1. Issue Identification. The Chairperson will send a formal memo to all Committee members 14 days before each meeting soliciting issues that demand the Committee's attention and action. 2. Issue Assessment and Selection a. All issues identified in the above steps will be presented and discussed by the Committee. b. After discussion and upon a majority vote, the Committee may either: 1. Reject the issues as being outside the Committee's scope. 2. Accept the issue for resolution in the current meeting. 3. Accept the issue by deferring action pending further consultation. 4. Accept the issue and forward to the Regional level, if appropriate. 5. Each issue will be given a numerical priority. B. How the Committee develops and transmits written recommendations. 1. The format for written recommendations will consistently contain these elements: problem identification statement, resolution alternative, recommendations, and target resolution date. 2. Recommendations developed and approved by the Committee will be sent in a letter from the Chairperson to the Forest Supervisor in a timely manner. The letter with recommendations will state the staff unit or official to carry out the action and will ask for a formal reply on the recommendations.