FSH 1709.11 CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK. Carson Supplement No. 2 Effective May 6, 1991 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this handbook are numbered consecutively.Check the last transmittal received for this handbook to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, order intervening supplements until once on form FS-1006. Do not post this supplement until the missing ones are received and posted. After posting, retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this handbook is received. Place it at the front of the handbook. Page Code 14--1,--5 Superseded New (Number of Sheets) 3 Digest: Include the Charter and Bylaws operating procedures for the Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee. LEONARD A. LINDQUIST Forest Supervisor 3 TITLE 1700-CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK 14- Civil Rights Committees. Exhibit I is the charter for the Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee. Exhibit 1 FOREST SERVICE SOUTHWESTERN REGION Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee CHARTER AND BYLAWS I. CHARTER The Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee is authorized to organize and function in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Agriculture Civil Rights Policies and Procedures in the DPM, Chapter 713, Subchapter 2-6.d(13) as amended. Within the Forest, the Committee will function under the overall leadership, direction, and guidance of the Forest Supervisor, designated as the Assistant Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for the Carson National Forest. The committee will be representative of all Carson employees, including different grade levels and occupations, both sexes, minority and non-minority group members. Participation in the Committee is established in accordance with the criteria and requirements for membership as set forth in the Bylaws. II. BYLAWS Article I: Name. The name of this group shall be the "Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee." Article II: Functions. The Carson National Forest's intent is on carrying out its mission in a manner which is free from any form of discrimination because of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin. The Carson National Forest Civil Rights Committee is established towards that end and is divided into three subparts. They are: A. Equal Employment Opportunity Program. The Principle on which Federal 'employment is based is equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons. Equal employment opportunity means employment on the basis of merit and handicap and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of irrelevant factors. ,TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK In addition.. but not. in conflict with the above, a major goal of the Forest Setvice is to achieve a fully integrated work force. Based on present employee population, there is underlying evidence that positive action is needed to ensure that qualified minority personnel and women are considered for jobs of all types and at all levels to improve minority,representation in the Forest Service. Particular effort is to be, directed.toward occupations and levels in which few or no minorities or women are employed., B. Minority Business Encouragement Program., The Carson National Forest is committed to procurement programs which, within legal and regulatory limits, will foster economic progress forminorities and women. Efforts in the past have included training programs to enable small contractors to compete within the competitive process, breaking up into small blocks various kinds of work enabling small business minority bidders to compete and attempt at Small Business Administration contracts. The Forest will continue its present efforts and will be seeking new ways to further small minority business enterprise. C. Title VI Financial Assistance Program. The Title VI Program dictates that any financial assistance rendered by the Forest must be done on the basis that the recipient does not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin. Included are special use permits which are issued free or at a reduced rate and also counties which receive a share of the 25 percent fund for roads and schools. Also included here is administration of free use wood programs and use of recreation facilities. Article III: Scope of Committee Responsibility.. As an aid to fulfilling the responsibility for meeting the goals of the Civil Rights Program, the Forest Supervisor hereby establishes the Carson National Forest Civil Rights Advisory Committee. Article IV: Relationship to Management. The function of t Committee is to perform as follows: A. Serve in an advisory and counseling role to the Forest Supervisor on all matters related to the EEO, Minority Business Encouragement and Title VI Programs on the Forest. B.Provide the Forest Supervisor feedback on the performance of the Civil Rights Programs; that is, identify areas needing improvement and suggest ways in which the programs can be improved. C.Identify emerging Civil Rights Program areas need attention. D.Provide an informal vehicle for employees and others to bring Civil Rights matters to the attention of the Forest Supervisor. CARSON SUPP 2, EFFECTIVE 5/6/91 TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK E.Recommend special programs or projects stressing women and minority involvement for adoption by the Forest or Region. F. Award annually the Civil Rights Award for special achievements. Article V: Membership and Organization. Membership will be selected upon the voluntary application of interested individuals to their respective line officer, or supervisor. The responsible selecting official will then recommend an individual to the Forest Supervisor for selection. Should this method not be successful in filling the vacancy, the responsible line. officer, or supervisor, of the unitwill appoint an individual from the unit. This.individual will then be recommended to the Forest Supervisor for selection to the Committee. The representative from Local 485 will be selected by the local. The Forest Personnel Officer, Administrative Officer, Hispanic Employment Program Manager, Federal Women's Program Manager, Native American Program Manager, EEO Counselor, Title VI Coordinator, and Contracting Officer will serve as resources to the Committee. The Hispanic Employment Program Manager,.Federal Women's Program Manager, Native American Program Manager, positions will be advertised by vacancy announcement when a position becomes vacant due to the individual transferring, resigning from the position, or job. The Forest Supervisor will select an individual to fill the vacated position from the applications received, or if no applications are received, the Forest Supervisor will appoint a qualified individual. Ad Hoc Committees may be assigned by the Chairperson as needed. The Committee will not exceed eight members, which will include: A.Representation from the S.O. B.Representationfrom NFFE Local 485. C.Representation from Canjilon Ranger District. D.Representation El Rito Ranger District. E.Representationfrom Jicarilla Ranger District. F.Representationfrom Camino Real Ranger District. G.Representation from Tres Piedras Ranger District. H.Representation from Questa Ranger District. CARSON SUPP 2, EFFECTIVE 5/6/91 TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK The term of service on the Committee will be as follows: A. Committee representative from odd numbered districts will serve for two year periods with terms beginning on odd-numbered years (D-1, D-3 and D-7). B. Committee representative from even numbered districts will serve for two year periods with terms beginning on even numbered years (D-2, D-4, D-6 and S.O.). The normal term of membership on the Committee is two (2) years. Terms will expire on December 31 of the second year. In addition to having a representative, each district and S.O. will have a designated Alternate who will serve as representative in the absence of primary representative. Membership will represent a broad-cross section of the organization including project, fire, clerical, professional, engineering, ect., and minority representation. All Districts and the Supervisor's Office will be represented on the Committee. As positions become vacant, they will be filled by other employees of the Ranger District and S.O. If a Committee memberleaves the Civil Rights Committee prior to completion of his/her term due to transfer, resignation from the Committee, or job, the alternate would complete the term of primary representative. A new alternate will then be solicited to fill the vacated position. This will enable the membership to remain on the overlapping terms. The Committee will elect a Committee Chairperson to oversee the Committee meetings. This individual will occupy the position for a period of one year beginning January 1 and ending December 31. A Chairperson elect will also be elected; the Chairperson elect will be designated as Chairperson for the following year. The voting members of the committee will then elect a new Chairperson elect annually from this time forward. Article VI: Meetings and Agenda. Meetings should normally be held no less than semi-annually and as often as needed, with Forest Supervisor's approval. Regularly scheduled meetings will rotate among the District's and Supervisor's Office. Meetings will be open to interested visitors. Internal organization of the Committee will be decided by the Committee. TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS HANDBOOK The Chairperson will establish and transmit to Committee members the agenda in advance of all meetings. A copy of the agenda will be posted in the Supervisor's Office and each Ranger District. The Chairperson will arrange for a person to take notes of each meeting and have them transcribed. Copies of the minutes of all meetings will be given to the Committee members and posted in each Ranger District and the Forest Supervisor's Office. All posted material will be placed with new material following each meeting.