001-070 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK MISSOULA, MONTANA FSH 1409.11 - FISCAL REVIEW AND ANALYSIS HANDBOOK Region 1 Supplement No. 1409.11-96-1 Effective October 7, 1996 POSTING NOTICE: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this document. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 1409.11-93-1 to 001-070. This supplement supercedes R1 supplement 1409.11-93-1. Document Name 001-070 Superseded New (Number of Sheets) 6 8 Digest: 070 - This supplement updates Imprest and Collection Activity Assurance Statements to clarify annual review procedures and provides guide for Third Party Draft review. HAL SALWASSER Regional Forester R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 2 of 8 FSH 1409.11 - FISCAL REVIEW AND ANALYSIS HANDBOOK R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE October 7, 1996 CHAPTER 000 - GENERAL 070 - REVIEW. Each Forest Supervisor's Office and Ranger District must conduct reviews annually on the collections and imprest activities and complete Assurance Statements as shown in exhibits 01 and 02. The Assurance Statements from the Ranger Districts will be completed annually by August 1 and forwarded to the Forest Supervisor for retention in the 1400 file for future reference. Forest Supervisors will provide the Imprest and Collection Assurance Statement to the Director of Financial Resources August 15 annually. Organizations with areas of noncompliance will provide an additional statement detailing deficiencies and provide the action and due date to ensure that all areas of noncompliance are resolved. The Assurance Statements will be based on the results of the internal control review of the collection and imprest activities. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 3 of 8 070 - Exhibit 01 COLLECTION ACTIVITY ASSURANCE STATEMENT FY Organization The line officer of each unit having collection activities shall provide written certification that: The collection activity was reviewed on this organization using the internal control review guide in FSH 1409.11 or an alternative process to achieve similar assurance. The review was performed by qualified personnel in a thorough and conscientious manner during this fiscal year. This organization is either in compliance with the standards or all areas of noncompliance are documented below. Prompt action will be taken by the due date indicated to correct those situations that do not meet the standards. Line Officer Signature and Title Area(s) of Noncompliance: Date Action Required Due Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 4 of 8 070 - Exhibit 02 IMPREST FUND ASSURANCE STATEMENT FY Organization Number of Imprest Funds The line officer of each unit having the imprest fund(s) shall provide written certification that: Imprest Fund cashiers have current signature cards or an updated listing of signatures of all officials authorized to approve reimbursement claims. The signature cards or listing is updated whenever there is a change in authorizing officials, and signatures on claims are verified against these listings prior to issuing funds to claimants. Fund balances are not excessive, and the appropriate agency official has ascertained this by periodic reviews of the funds' activities. Quarterly cash verifications have been performed to disclose any cash differences. Reasons have been identified and steps taken to rectify the causes of any discrepancies disclosed by any reviews or audits. The unit has established controls to ensure review of the cash and audit verification reports of the Office of Finance and Management's National Finance Center as part of an ongoing imprest fund monitoring process. The funds' physical security complies with Treasury and Departmental policy on the safeguarding of cash funds. Document control is effective. Units require cashier to number sequentially each voucher prior to issuing cash and maintain a master voucher number register to ensure that cashiers are aware of the last voucher number issued. Claims in excess of $500 are disapproved unless accompanied by a written waiver from the Fiscal Officer. This organization is either in compliance with the standards or all areas of noncompliance are documented below. Prompt action will be taken by the due date indicated to correct those situations that do not meet the standards. Line Officer Signature and Title Area(s) of Noncompliance: Date Action Required Due Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 5 of 8 070 - Exhibit 03 INTERNAL CONTROL REVIEW COLLECTION ACTIVITY 070 - EXHIBIT 03 IS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 6 of 8 070 - Exhibit 04 INTERNAL CONTROL REVIEW IMPREST FUND ACTIVITY 070 - EXHIBIT 04 IS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1409.11-96-1 EFFECTIVE 10/07/96 001-070 Page 7 of 8 070 - Exhibit 05 INTERNAL CONTROL REVIEW THIRD PARTY DRAFT ACTIVITY 070 - EXHIBIT 05 IS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT.