A Color Spatial Display

A Color Spatial Display
Based on a Raster Framebuffer and Varifocal Mirror
Kenneth M. Carson
B.S.E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Submitted to the Department of Architecture
in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for
the degree of
Master of Science in Visual Studies
at the
Massachusetts Listitute of Technology
February 1985
copyright (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984
Signature of author ...
Kenneth M. Carson
Department of Architecture
Tuesday, 25 September 1984
Certified by ...... ,.......
Professo9 Andrew Lipp man
Associate Professor of Media Technology
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by
Professor Nicholas Negroponte
Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students
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A Color Spatial Display
Based on a Raster Framebuffer and Varifocal Mirror
Kenneth M. Carson
Submitted to the Department of Architecture on September 25, 1984
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Visual Studies.
A very simple 3D color display has been constructed. It consists of a 2D
display viewed in a rapidly vibrating varifocal mirror. The changing focal length of
the mirror is responsible for providing the depth; when the mirror is forward, the
image appears closer, and when the mirror is back, the image appears further away.
The mirror motion is synchronized with the refresh of the 2D monitor to form stable
spatial images. The mirror is simply a bass drum with a commercially available
aluminized mylar drum head on one side and a hifi woofer on the other side to
provide the driving force. The 2D display is a standard black and white X-Y
plotting monitor with a Tektronix liquid crystal color shutter to provide red/green
sequential color. The X-Y plotting monitor is driven with signals from a 24-bit
raster graphics framebuffer. In total, this is a remarkably inexpensive spatial
display, and the first of its kind to incorporate multicolor imagery.
This paper surveys much of the work in 3D that has led to the techniques
employed in the project. The bass drum spatial display is described in detail,
including hardware, software, and other practical concerns of its design, plus
techniques for realtime interaction. Applications that require a good spatial display
are discussed as motivation for this work.
Thesis Supervisor: Andrew Lippman
Title: Associate Professor of Media Technology
The work reported herein was supported by a grant from the IBM Corporation.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Survey of Three Dimensional Imaging
1.1 Depth perception cues
1.1.1 Physiological cues
1.1.2 Psychological cues
1.2 Stereoscopic displays
1.3 Autostereoscopic displays
Chapter Two: Previous Varifocal Mirror Displays
2.1 Theory of operation
2.2 Early experimentation with varifocal mirror displays
2.3 SpaceGraph
2.4 UNC raster driven varifocal display
2.4.1 Vector display from raster framebuffer
2.4.2 Realtime interaction
Chapter Three: Color Varifocal Display
3.1 Hardware
3.2 Software
3.2.1 Image definition
3.2.2 Image rendering
3.2.3 Realtime interaction via lookup table manipulation
3.3 Design concerns and problems
3.3.1 The monitor and color shutter
3.3.2 Video quality
3.3.3 The mirror
3.4 Future work
Chapter Four: Spatial Display Applications
4.1 Seven reasons for a spatial display
4.2 Spatial imaging applications
4.2.1 Geological applications
4.2.2 Medical applications
Appendix: Mirror Optics
Visual telecommunication, communication remote in either time or space, is
becoming increasingly important as technology makes it available. Vision is perhaps
our most important sense for experiencing the world and is trusted to provide us
accurate, farreaching, reliable information about our surroundings. The invention
of photography (1839) has made possible very believable, undistorted views of
reality. Prior to photography, all visual images were subject to an artist's
interpretation, resulting in images that were usually strongly effected by the artist's
point of view. Now visual images can present a more impartial message, because
photography easily provides an accurate record of what the photographer observes.
Motion pictures take the realism of photographs one dimension closer to the
experience of being there. Movies and television allow one to "witness" events
displaced in time or space. The experience can be so believable and real that it is
easy to forget the distinction between the event itself and the record of the event.
A natural step for visual communication to take is toward spatial images. Just
as a color display- presents greater amounts of information in a more realistic and
easier to understand form than a monochrome display, a spatial display presents
more information, more realistically and understandably than a 2D display.
The communication improvement of a spatial image display over a flat display
can be compared to the gains of the telephone over the telegraph. The telegraph
(1835) was the first invention to provide instantaneous long distance
It would seem that the telephone (1876) was not nearly as
significant a breakthrough since its function is essentially the same. The telephone,
though, clearly has features which make it much more useful than the telegraph.
First, the user interface is simple and direct. It does not require learning a special
language or set of codes. Secondly, telephone communication is very real, very
personal. Natural conversation allows the distance between the speakers to be
forgotten. A spatial display is able to significantly enhance visual communication,
just as the telephone significantly improved long distance communication.
In this information age, computers play essential roles in telephony,
publishing, television, and most other forms of telecommunication. Computers are
now becoming a communication appliance themselves, used for electronic mail and
information retrieval of all sorts. The direct human-machine interaction associated
with computing has evolved tremendously from the days of punch cards, paper tape,
and teletypewriters. Today, voice recognition, various 2D and 3D spatial pointing
devices, and image scanners can be used for input, with voice synthesis, robot
manipulation, and high resolution color images for output. A spatial display under
computer control promises even better and more natural human-machine
Chapter one of this paper describes some of the many approaches to 3D
imaging that have been tried. Particular attention is paid to those approaches that
led to the development of varifocal mirror displays.
Previous varifocal mirror
display systems are examined in chapter two. The varifocal mirror color display
built here at the Architecture Machine Group is described in detail in chapter three.
The fourth chapter considers what a spatial display can be useful for and why it is a
topic worth pursuing. The Appendix contains the mathematical details of varifocal
mirror optics.
Chapter One
Survey of Three Dimensional Imaging
Throughout the century people have been interested in 3D viewing techniques
and have made sporadic improvements to the technology. These techniques have
ranged from the straight-forward stereo image pair with viewer, to sophisticated
white light holograms.
There are many ways to characterize the different 3D
viewing systems. Every approach has its limitations and its strengths.
The number of different views and viewpoints provided is a major
characteristic which can distinguish the approaches. Stereoscopic displays show the
viewer only one point of view. A different image is presented to each eye providing
binocular parallax, but the image doesn't change as the viewer- moves.
Autostereoscopic displays present a complete spatial image, in which it is possible to
see the righthand side of objects by moving to the right, or the lefthand side by
moving left (see Figure 1-1).
Other important characteristics serve to differentiate 3D displays.
require special glasses for viewing. The illumination requirements of some require
viewing in a special environment. Some of the displays can show color images as
easily as one can change from black and white film to color film, but others cannot
display color at all. The image size and possible audience size can be restricted.
Some of the techniques are more easily adapted for motion pictures than others.
And, of course, the cost of the different displays varies widely.
The first section of this chapter describes the different cues used for depth
perception. The various 3D displays provide different combinations of the natural
The second section of this chapter reviews several stereoscopic display
Hologram or other
display aperture
Rays defining
solid angle of
Figure 1-1: Autostereoscopic viewing [Rawson 691.
techniques. The last part of this chapter describes several autostereoscopic displays.
1.1 Depth perception cues
Okoshi describes ten cues to visual depth perception [Okoshi 76]. The four
most important cues are physiological in nature.
The remaining six are
psychological, dependent on knowledge and experience.
1.1.1 Physiological cues
The muscular tension exerted by the eye to change focus can be interpreted to
determine distance. This cue is known as accommodation, and is only useful for
distances less than two meters. Accommodation is a monocular cue, requiring only
one eye to derive depth information.
When focused at infinity the eyes are parallel, but when viewing anything
closer, the paths intersect. The muscles which rotate the eyeballs in order to align
the two images provide a cue known as convergence. This cue is strongest for close
objects, since it depends on the angular disparity between the eyes. A one degree
difference in angle between the eyes' line of sight corresponds to a change of
viewing from infinity to 3.58 meters as well as the change from 25 to 23.4 cm.
Figure 1-2: Points of convergence for equal angle increments.
The different point of view presented to each eye is interpreted to provide
depth information.
This cue is known as binocular parallax.
As the eyes are
converged viewing some point, the surrounding points do not match precisely. A
closer point will appear farther to the right in the left eye and farther to the left in
the right eye. Farther points appear more to the right in the right eye and more to
the left in the left eye.
Notice the difference between the two views in the
stereogram of Figure 1-3. Since the distance between points on the retinal image is
dependent on the angular displacement of the objects, there is finer depth resolution
for near objects than there is for far. While a displacement of 0.8 mm is detectable
at 1 m, at 100 m the displacement must be at least 8 m to be detected. Binocular
parallax is generally considered the most important depth cue.
Multiple points of view seen from a single eye can be interpreted in the same
way as views from two eyes. This is called monocular movement parallax, and is
Figure 1-3: Simple stereogram [Lane 82].
most apparent when the observer is changing point of view rapidly.
1.1.2 Psychological cues
The following psychological depth cues depend on knowledge and experience
in viewing. Retinal image size can be used to evaluate depth when the objects are of
known size. Experience provides the viewer with a sense of how large real world
objects should be. The appearance of objects becoming smaller in the distance is
called linear perspective.
r~r i,
Figure 1-4: Example of linear perspective.
Distant objects tend to be less clear than near objects, due to haze. This effect is
known as areal perspective.
Overlapping outlines of objects provide depth
In Figure 1-5, the simplest interpretation of the outlines provides
depth relationships. Experience allows interpreting shades and shadows for depth
Lighting is known to usually come from above, so shadows can
Figure 1-5: Overlap implied by simple outlines [Okoshi 76].
distinguish concavity from convexity. The texture gradient of a regular surface, such
as brick, also provides depth information.
1.2 Stereoscopic displays
The simplest of 3D displays are those which provide distinct flat images to
each eye from a single point of view. This is analogous to stereo music, in that it
requires separate recordings of the same scene from slightly different points of view.
The records are very similar to each other, and when viewed (or listened to)
individually provide a traditional flat image. But when viewed (or listened to) in
combination, the subtle differences spring to life with a startling spatial effect. The
analogy can be carried further to illustrate the limitation of stereoscopic displays.
When listening to stereo sound through headphones, the orientation of the sound
source doesn't change with the listener's head motion, rather the sensation is that the
sources move with the head. With only two images available in a stereoscopic
display, it is impossible to provide a sense of motion parallax. Instead, it is rather
confusing to interpret the lack of motion parallax when binocular parallax is present.
Every type of stereoscopic display must solve the problem of providing a
separate image to each eye.
The earliest solution to this challenge was optical in nature. Wheatstone's
stereoscope (1838) used mirrors to allow viewing potentially very large distinct
Figure 1-6: Wheatstone and Brewster stereoscopes [Lane 82].
Brewster used prisms to allow viewing side-by-side stereo pictures (1849). The
parlor stereoscope improved upon this by incorporating convex lenses to. put the
image plane beyond the effective range of accommodation as a depth cue. Without
accommodation as a conflicting cue, the various psychological cues are accepted to
provide more depth information.
Lef t
Virtual images are
fused by each eye
in this region
Figure 1-7: Parlor stereoscope [Rawson 69].
Anaglyph stereo displays use different colored light to distinguish between the
two views. Colored glasses must be worn in order to filter out the unwanted image
from each eye.
Figure 1-8: Anaglyph projection display [Lane 82].
The colors must be spectrally distinct, typically red and green or red and blue are
used. This system doesn't require special optics to allow convergence of the images
since the images can be presented on top of each other. The images are spectrally
distinct, rather than spatially distinct as with the stereoscope. Simple anaglyphs are
incapable of presenting color images, and viewing results in unacceptable eye strain
because of the extreme adaptation required to compensate for the color shift
between the eyes. Another problem is that it is unusual for the image colors to
perfectly match the filters in the glasses. This filter mismatch results in incomplete
image discrimination to each eye, or crosstalk. Both eyes see a ghost of the image
intended for the other eye. The advantage of anaglyphs is that they are inexpensive;
they can be adapted for print, projection, and television with no special equipment
Spectral encoding could work in color if good filters could be found that
allowed separating two distinct bands of red, green, and blue (see Figure 1-9). This
would provide each eye with unique RGB images. Such a system would probably
solve the eyestrain problem since each eye would be receiving a color image, but the
Left View
Riqht View
Figure 1-9: Filters for color anaglyph display.
system would no longer be easily compatible with print and television since 6
spectrally unique primaries are needed.
Another approach to stereoscopic viewing uses orthogonally polarized left and
right images. Glasses must be worn with the corresponding polarization to separate
the left and right images.
Figure 1-10: Polarized stereo projection [Lane 821.
This approach is very similar to the anaglyph system, but rather than using separable
colors, separable light polarization is used. This technique allows displaying full
color images, but there are disadvantages with this approach.
The glasses
substantially reduce the light level, thus requiring more light from the source.
Incomplete image separation can occur if viewers do not maintain perfect upright
orientation of their glasses. In projection systems, special screens must be used to
maintain the polarization of the light. There is no simple way to use polarization
with existing television equipment. Though it is possible to make reflected light
viewable prints, known as vectographs, the technique is not a standard printing
A time multiplexed display can be used for television. The two fields which
compose a video frame can each be used to present an image to only one eye. The
viewer watches this display with special PLZT (lead (Pb) Lanthanum Zirconate
Titanate) glasses which alternately open and close each eye in synchrony with the
video display.
Figure 1-11: PLZT stereo television system [Fisher 81].
This results in each eye seeing an image composed of half the normal number of
lines, i.e. half the vertical resolution. In addition the refresh rate is 30 Hz rather than
the effective 60 Hz provided by interlace, and thus flicker is a problem. The glasses
are not very efficient, passing only about 20% of the available light. The PLZT
ceramic is sandwiched between orthogonal polarizers and when activated applies a
quarter wave rotation to the light, thus passing it through the second polarizer. The
Figure 1-12: PLZT shutter assembly [Fisher 81].
video system and monitor are completely unmodified, but the glasses are expensive.
[Schmandt 82] Lenny Lipton has developed a stereoscopic television system which
uses PLZT glasses and televisions modified for an increased refresh rate to eliminate
the flicker problem.
A simple approach to stereo viewing free from glasses, proposed by F.E. Ives
in 1903, is called the parallax stereogram. The parallax stereogram is based on the
general idea of a parallax barrier, which allows viewing only small strips of the entire
image from any one point of view (see Figure 1-13). The geometry is such that each
eye sees a distinct image from a spatially interwoven pair of images.
Lenticular-sheet binocular pictures are another variety of 3D imaging which
require no special glasses. The lenticular sheet is an array of cylindrical lenses whose
focal plane is the back surface of the sheet (see Figure 1-14). The lenses act to
spatially interlace the binocular views in much the same was as the parallax
Figure 1-13: Parallax stereogram [Lane 82].
Lenticular sheet
Figure 1-14: Lenticular-sheet binocular viewing [Okoshi 76].
1.3 Autostereoscopic displays
An autostereoscopic display is a 3D display in which the scene can be viewed
from many different angles, and from each angle a slightly different image is seen.
As one moves to the left, more of the left side becomes visible. The perspective and
point of view change with the viewing position.
The most widely known autostereoscopic technique is holography, which was
the first 3D process to produce accommodation cues as well as parallax and
convergence depth cues. In normal photography every point on the film stores a
light intensity corresponding to the light intensity of a point in the scene. In
holography each point stores a light intensity and a direction from which that
intensity is to be viewed. This information is encoded as an optical interference
pattern. When recording an image, the interference pattern is generated by the
intersection of a laser reference beam and the coherent illumination reflected by the
scene being recorded.
Half mirror
Photographic plate
Virtual image
Figure 1-15: Arrangement for recording and viewing a hologram [Okoshi 76].
The image of the scene is reconstructed from the interference pattern by
illuminating the hologram with coherent light from the same direction as the
reference beam used during the recording process.
There are numerous drawbacks to holography, some caused by the use of
coherent light. Real daylight scenes cannot be directly recorded and images are
monochromatic and appear grainy. The high resolution film is expensive and the
image information storage is highly redundant, so traditional holography is not an
economical recording process. There are many new developments in holography
which attempt to overcome these problems. These include white-light recording or
reconstruction, color holography, and projection holography.
A more complicated parallax barrier than used for parallax stereograms can
display images with multiple points of view. These images are known as parallax
Figure 1-16: Parallax panoramagram [Lane 82].
In a similar manner, lenticular-sheet binocular images can be expanded to
autostereoscopic images. For every point of view the lenses select and magnify
appropriate image strips. When viewed from extreme angles, the lenses select image
strips from adjacent lenticules. Thus the image repeats itself periodically, creating
viewing zones (see Figure 1-17). Both of these processes are sensitive to motion
parallax in only the horizontal direction, and image resolution is traded for
additional viewpoints.
Lenticular-sheet spatial viewing techniques are a simplification of integral
photography which was developed in 1908 by M.G. Lippmann. This technique uses
Figure 1-17: (a) One view of a lenticular sheet,
(b) repeated lenticular viewing zones [Lane 82].
a fly's-eye lens sheet, a sheet of many thousands of convex lenses which focus on the
back plane of the sheet. A photographic emulsion on the back of the lens sheet
captures a tiny image for each lens.
Fly's-eye lens
Ob ject
Photographic plate
i ma g e
Figure 1-18: Recording and reconstruction of an integral photograph [Okoshi 76].
Each image captured is from a slightly different point of view. After processing, the
scene is reconstructed by viewing through the lenses. The reconstructed scene
provides two dimensions of motion parallax.
The original recording is a
pseudoscopic image, one in which the depth information is reversed. The final
image is created by rerecording the pseudoscopic image. Good quality lens sheets
are difficult to make, so not much has been done with integral photography.
The time multiplexed stereoscopic television technique previously described
has been extended into an autostereoscopic display system, still using the PLZT
shutter glasses for viewing. A computerized system linked to a 3D head tracker
determines the appropriate image for the current viewing position and directs the
retrieval and display of this image from a large store of images on optical video disc
[Fisher 82]. As computer graphic technology improves, this technique could be
employed with realtime image synthesis to provide the images, thus greatly reducing
the tremendous visual database otherwise required for even a simple scene.
In 1958 Withey reported on the first autostereoscopic display in which the
image was formed by a 2D display that was rapidly scanned in the third dimension
[Withey 58]. His display consisted of a cathode ray tube in which the fluorescent
screen was rapidly oscillated in the z dimension inside a vacuum tube.
Figure 1-19: Withey's display (a) simplified, (b) detailed [Rawson 69], [Withey 58].
The electron beam drew the desired image on the 18cm screen as it swept out its
3cm of depth. Since the motion was within a vacuum tube, it was possible to move
such a large display at up to 30 Hz, with nearly silent operation.
ITT Laboratories developed a scanning spatial display in which the screen
rotated at about 20 Hz [Aviation Week 60]. The images were generated on a fixed
2D CRT and optically projected onto a rotating screen.
Figure 1-20: ITT rotating mirror spatial display [Rawson 69].
A similar effect has since been achieved with a spinning 2D array of LEDs [Jansson
80]. See Figure 1-21 for a diagram of the LED display. The resolution and intensity
of these displays decrease away from the axis of rotation.
A device, the Synthalyzer, has been developed to project spatial images [de
Montebello 77].
In the Synthalyzer, frames of 16mm film are projected onto a
rotating screen whose height varies, thus stacking the frames to form a solid image
(see Figure 1-22).
Sixty-five frames are mounted on a transparent drum which
rotates at about 1200 RPM, providing a complete spatial image with 65 planes 20
times per second. The frames are illuminated by a strobe to avoid motion blur. A
mask can be manipulated to obscure portions of the image, highlighting arbitrary
planar slices.
- -
Figure 1-21: Rotating LED array mechanism [Jansson 80].
Figure 1-22: The Synthalyzer [Lane 82].
Chapter Two
Previous Varifocal Mirror Displays
In 1961 Muirhead reported on a very simple design for varifocal mirrors with
large variability of focal length [MLirhead 61].
His mirror design consists of a
metalized plastic film stretched over a rigid frame with an airtight cavity on the back
side. When suction is applied to the cavity, the mirror flexes back, acting as a
concave spherical mirror. Similarly, under pressure the mirror surface becomes
Figure 2-1: Muirhead's varifocal mirror design [Muirhead 61].
This mirror design is the basis for varifocal mirror spatial displays [Traub 67].
The pressure variation required behind the membrane is easily supplied by
conventional hifi woofers.
2.1 Theory of operation
An autostereoscopic image can be generated by using a 2D point plotting
random scan monitor and a rapidly vibrating stretched-membrane varifocal mirror.
When the reflection of the monitor is viewed in the mirror, the distance to the image
is dependent on the focal length, or position, of the mirror. When the mirror is
convex, the image is closer than it would be in a lat mirror, and when the mirror is
concave, the image is farther.
of images
formedin the
Figure 2-2: Varifocal mirror spatial display [Rawson 69].
To form an autostereoscopic image, the mirror must oscillate through the
range of focal lengths at a rate that exceeds the flicker threshold of human
perception. At such high speeds, images drawn on the display will be perceived as
stable if the mirror motion is synchronized with the drawing. Persistence of vision
merges the points into a stable image just as a picture on a television tube appears
stable. The points drawn on the monitor appear at positions in space which depend
on the exact position of the mirror when the points are displayed.
The image generated is transparent, nearer parts of the image do not block
farther parts. Because light is additive, there is no way to portray an image with
properly hidden surfaces. In traditional computer graphics, hidden surfaces are
obscured by not drawing them, but in the spatial display this approach would
accurately present only a single point of view.
The arrangement works in essentially the same way as Withey's system, which
used an oscillating screen. The essential difference is that instead of moving the
screen, an oscillating mirror is used to move the image of the screen. There is a
significant mechanical advantage in using the varifocal mirror rather than moving
the screen. Very small displacements of the mirror cause large changes in its focal
length, which cause the image to move substantially. Image displacement of 10 to
100 times the mirror displacement are typical.
The spatial image is bounded by the volume swept out by the surface of the
monitor as the mirror oscillates. This volume is not a rectangular solid, but rather it
is the frustrum of a rectangular pyramid, with the narrow end toward the viewer.
This shape results in anomalous perspective in which near objects appear smaller,
and far objects appear larger.
Object size: constant
a. b, n
Varifocal mirror
s plitter
perspective (a1(y)
Figure 2-3: Increasing lateral magnification with depth [Rawson 69].
This is an undesirable side effect of using the changing focal length to amplify the
mirror displacement. To correct this anomalous perspective, the image must be
distorted before display (see Figure 2-4). One aspect of this distortion is that the
planes of the image must be shrunk according to their depth, to cancel the
size: a (1/ Magnification)
Normai perspective (a)
Figure 2-4: Scaled CRT image corrects lateral magnification [Rawson 69].
Another effect of the anomalous perspective is that the image position is a
nonlinear function of the mirror displacement.
Figure 2-5: Nonlinear placement of image planes [Rawson 69].
This problem has been handled in several different ways, ranging from distorting
the mirror motion [Rawson 68], to changing the display refresh speed [Stover 81].
(See the Appendix for mathematical details of the mirror optics.)
Image planes
Figure 2-6: Linear placement of image planes [Rawson 69].
2.2 Early experimentation with varifocal mirror displays
Traub, working at MITRE, was the first to propose applying Muirhead's
simple varifocal mirror to volumetric display [Traub 67]. He reports development of
displays using four different kinds of image source. In the first, an oscilloscope was
used to display 3D Lissajous figures (see Figure 2-7). The second image source was a
computer which generated an air-traffic control simulation (see Figure 2-8). A
ground reference map and mobile aircraft at various depths were displayed. Another
computer generated display showed mathematical functions in 3D as an aid for
mathematicians to more fully understand the nature of the functions. The third
image source consisted of color photographic slides mounted on a spinning wheel
which were stroboscopically projected onto a rear projection screen in front of the
mirror. The high speed slide arrangement ran with the mirror oscillating at 30 Hz
and 10 slides displayed for each cycle of the mirror, to provide 10 planes of depth.
Images were displayed only for one stroke of the mirror. The slides and mirror were
photoelectronically synchronized. The fourth image source was a bank of NIXIE
tubes which presented a spatial numerical display, which could be altered in real
Figure 2-7: Stereo view of Traub's oscilloscope with Lissajous pattern [Rawson 69].
Figure 2-8: Stereo view of Traub's air-traffic control simulation [Rawson 69].
A computer generated spatial movie system was developed at Bell Labs
[Rawson 69]. A high speed 16 mm movie projector displayed a sequence of 15
frames for every forward sweep of the mirror on a rear projection screen, followed
by 15 opaque frames for the backward sweep. Thus, the image displayed had 15
planes of depth. The projector ran at 450 frames/second, so the overall refresh rate
was 15 frames/second, just barely above the flicker threshold. Special timing pulses
were put on the film, to allow synchronizing the free-running projector with the
mirror oscillations.
High-speed 16L
movie projector
Figure 2-9: Varifocal mirror movie display system [Rawson 69].
A sawtooth waveform was used to drive the mirror, correcting the nonlinear depth
versus mirror displacement to provide uniform spacing of the 15 frames forming the
spatial image [Rawson 68]. They found that the high frequency components of
nonsinusoidal driving waveforms excited multimodal oscillations in the mirror.
Component frequencies over 200 Hz were unsuitable. A nearly linear image
displacement sweep was achieved for almost 90% of the oscillation period.
2.3 SpaceGraph
A varifocal mirror style spatial display was developed into a robust marketable
form by Bolt Beranek and Newman during the late 1970s. The design was licensed
to Genisco, and was introduced as a product at SIGG RAPH '81 in Dallas.
The SpaceGraph incorporated several important features. Of particular
interest is the mirror design, the solution to anomalous perspective, and the different
display modes.
Figure 2-10: Rigid mirror in BBN's SpaceGraph [BBN 80].
Lawrence Sher, the SpaceGraph designer, did not consider the standard
stretched membrane varifocal mirror to be robust enough for commercial use, so he
developed a rigid plastic mirror with a fundamental resonant frequency of 30 Hz.
The mirror is supported by a concentric hinge about which it oscillates. When
excited by a hifi woofer running at 30 Hz, the center flexes back and forth while the
edges flex the opposite direction. This combination of forward and backward
motion produces a cancellation of acoustic energy. The clean sinusoidal motion of
the mirror avoids undesirable harmonics, also reducing the noise of the system [Sher
Figure 2-11: Mirror motion resulting from edge and concentric support.
SpaceGraph uses special purpose electronics to correct for anomalous
perspective [Stover 81]. The depth dependent lateral magnification is corrected for
in hardware as the digital X and Y signals are converted to analog. Performing this
function with special electronics reduces the software overhead considerably. The
nonlinear image depth versus mirror displacement is corrected by using a variable
rate clock for the display data. The clock runs fastest when the image depth is
changing fastest.
Time (seconds)
Figure 2-12: Variable clock rate vs. time for linear arrangement of planes.
Correcting for anomalous perspective in this manner provides the very important
benefit of uniform point distribution in the computational and display space.
Objects can be moved forward or backward in the display without scaling the object
description data, since the scaling occurs in the display process.
There were three different display modes for SpaceGraph as BBN developed
it [Sher 80]. The difference between the modes is how many spatial dimensions are
swept rather than plotted (see Figure 2-13). For all three modes the depth, Z, is
swept through its range of values. In the first mode, X and Y are plotted as Z is
swept. In the second mode, Y is plotted as X and Z sweep. In the third mode X, Y,
and Z all sweep.
For Modes A, B, or C,
WAIT for z-sweep to get to desired z-value
Mode B
Mode A
Mode C
Plot (xIy)
WAIT for x-sweep
to get to desired x
WAIT for y-sweep
to get to desired y
Intensify beam to
desired brightness
Plot y
WAIT for x-sweep
to get to desired x
intensify beam to
desired brightness
Intensify beam to
desired brightness
Figure 2-13: BBN SpaceGraph modes of operation [Shershow 80].
The first mode is a vector style display which is useful for relatively sparse images
constructed from line segments. The second mode is a tine-base oscilloscope in
which a surface is displayed. The third mode is a raster display, appropriate for
images involving many points. One advantage of scanning is that memory is not
needed to store the scanned dimension parameters, but an intensity value must be
stored for each unique location scanned by. For example, in the raster mode the X
and Y signals are generated by a function and thus do not need to be stored in the
memory along with the intensity information, but intensity information must be
stored for every (X,Y,Z) combination displayable. Scanning is efficient only when
most of the positions scanned have non-zero intensity.
Another advantage of
scanning is that the beam deflection of the CRT is known to be small, so the monitor
can be run faster, displaying more points than if the display speed were determined
by a worst case beam deflection of the screen diameter. The SpaceGraph marketed
by Genisco provided for only the vector and raster modes.
2.4 UNC raster driven varifocal display
The University of North Carolina pioneered the use of nonspecialized
hardware for varifocal mirror display refresh [Fuchs 82a]. In addition they have
made remarkable progress in the area of realtime interaction with the varifocal
mirror display [Fuchs 82b].
2.4.1 Vector display from raster framebuffer
A standard 24-bit raster framebuffer is used to provide the control signals for a
point plotting CRT. The framebuffer is used as a digital store of information which
produces high-speed analog output from this information. The red video signal
controls the X deflection, the green signal controls the Y deflection, and the blue
signal controls the intensity. Each pixel on the framebuffer represents a position
and intensity on the point plotting display. The lateral resolution is limited to 256
by 256 since the controlling signals are 8-bit values. Normal video frame rate
provides for 30 Hz refresh of the image.
The depth location in the spatial display is determined by when the point is
displayed on the 2D monitor with respect to the mirror motion. With a framebuffer
designed for standard 30 Hz two-field interlaced video, output is scanned left to
right for each line. The lines are organized for display by field; first all the even
lines then all the odd lines. In other words, a point stored at the beginning of line 0
Figure 2-14: A picture (top left) and the video image of its transformation
(top right) which when viewed on a video waveform monitor (bottom) appears
as the original picture. This is another example of framebuffer memory used
for nonraster scan display.
in the framebuffer will be displayed at the opposite extreme of the viewing space
from a point stored at the beginning of line 1 (see Figure 2-15).
Most vector display systems use a display list whose length determines the
refresh rate; longer lists refresh less often. A varifocal mirror display has a refresh
rate fixed by the rate of the mirror oscillation. For a sparse image the display spends
very little time actually drawing. In addition, when driven by a raster framebuffer
about 10% of the display time is lost due to video blanking for retrace. This isn't
Figure 2-15: Interlaced video raster scan pattern [Conrac 80].
much of a disadvantage since most of that time is spent at one extreme or the other
of the available depths.
2.4.2 Realtime interaction
Using an Ikonas framebuffer with graphics processor and a 3D joystick
interfaced through the host computer, realtime cursor movement, image rotation,
translation, scaling, spatial windowing, and intensity windowing are possible [Fuchs
The framebuffer memory is divided into two display regions to allow double
buffering, and the remainder of the memory is used for the 3D object definitions
(see Figure 2-16). The graphics processor constructs new images based on the
display list and joystick interaction.
The 3D manipulations are performed by
standard 4x4 transform matrices.
The display draws for only one direction of the mirror sweep to simplify image
buffer currently
displayed on CRT
buffer currently
being built
Figure 2-16: Framebuffer organization [Fuchs 82b].
generation and sweep alignment. The space is divided into 64 slabs of uniform
thickness for simplicity of image rendition, but each contains a variable number of
points due to the anomalous perspective. The mirror sweeps the depth with a
continuous waveform, so no two points are really at the same depth, but the
resolution of depth perception is believed to be coarse enough for 64 levels to
appear continuous.
The graphics processor maintains pointers to the next free
element of each slab so that points can easily be assigned a position in the
framebuffer as they are drawn.
An interactive cursor is drawn in slots reserved at the end of each slab. This
approach facilitates drawing and erasing of the cursors since the usual buffer
allocation routines can be circumvented.
Chapter Three
Color Varifocal Display
Figure 3-1: Stereo view of the color varifocal mirror display.
A color spatial display system has been developed using the varifocal mirror
technique of scanning depth from a 2D monitor. Special purpose hardware was
avoided by using the raster framebuffer approach developed at the University of
North Carolina [Fuchs 82a]. The reflection of the monitor in the vibrating mirror
sweeps out a volume of space while presenting a sequence of 2D images
corresponding to planes of depth. The mirror motion is synchronized to the display
of 2D images and run at 30 Hz so that a stable spatial image is perceived.
Persistence of vision stabilizes this scanned image just as it does a normal television
This chapter describes in detail the color display system developed by the
Architecture Machine Group at MIT. First the equipment used for the display will
be described. Then two aspects of the software will be examined: static image
generation and realtime interaction. Third comes a discussion of the issues which
were found to be important in the design and development of this display system.
Finally, the chapter concludes with a look at future directions for color varifocal
mirror display research.
3.1 Hardware
Bass Drum
X.-Y Monitor
Color Shutter)iae
Image Space
Audio Amp
Figure 3-2: System block diagram.
The varifocal mirror used in the display was obtained in a very simple manner.
A 24 inch Ludwig bass drum with an Evans aluminized mylar mirror drum head was
purchased. This easily satisfied the need for a reflective stretched membrane, since a
drum is simply a membrane stretched over a resonant cavity. No complicated
design or machining of parts was necessary to attach or tension the mirror, as that is
part of the functionality of the drum. The head tension was adjusted for the best
single mode oscillation possible when driven at the desired frequency. The head on
the other side of the drum was replaced with a wooden ring to support an 18 inch
Cerwin Vega speaker which provides the driving force for the mirror oscillations.
A Tektronix model 608 X-Y display monitor with a Tektronix liquid crystal
color shutter produces the 2D image. This is a small high resolution point plotting
Figure 3-3: Bass drum spatial display, front and rear stereo views.
monitor. Despite its small size (4x5 inch), this monitor was chosen because of the
availability of a color shutter. The color shutter is an electronically controlled twostate optic filter. A TTL signal causes it to switch between its red and green
transmissive states. The monitor is monochrome, but appears either red or green
when viewed through the color shutter (see Figures 3-4 and 3-5). Any combination
of these two 'primary colors may be obtained by drawing a point with the
appropriate intensity of first one color and then, after switching the shutter, drawing
the other color. The color gamut'ranges between red, brown, orange, yellow, and
green. The color shutter provides brilliant hues unimpeded by a shadow mask.
A 24-bit raster framebuffer provides the refresh signals for the point plotting
monitor. The red output drives the X deflection input on the monitor, the green
output drives the Y deflection, and the blue output drives the intensity input. This
A12 LC
Figure 3-4: Liquid crystal color shutter [Vatne 83].
Fig. 2. Polarizer/phosphor spectra: ------- green polarizer;
phosphor spectrum.
polarizer; -
Figure 3-5: Spectral response of color shutter and monitor [Vatne 83].
results in X and Y resolution of 8 bits each or 256 positions. Eight bits of intensity
information was found to be much more than was useful for this display with typical
images. For this reason, most of the intensity framebuffer is usually used to provide
various forms of realtime interaction, see section 3.2.3.
The 24-bit framebuffer is actually implemented as three 8-bit Datacube
VG-123 framebuffers in separate Sun Microsystems model 1/100U 68000-based
workstations interconnected by Ethernet. Software has been developed to allow the
use of any or all of the franebuffers from any machine as though they are all present
locally [Hourvitz 84], [Carson 84].
The spatial display system is designed to have the red color shutter output
correspond to the even video field and the green shutter output correspond to the
odd field. The shutter requires a TL signal to control its color. A simple field
detector circuit was built to supply the signal to the color shutter. The circuit must
not only detect the vertical retrace interval, but must also differentiate between the
even and odd fields.
The simplest signals available to derive this signal were
horizontal drive (HD) and vertical drive (VD), which are both 5 Volt negative
signals active during their corresponding intervals. The circuit uses two monostables
to uniquely identify the vertical interval which is preceded by half a scan line rather
than a full line.
Figure 3-6: (a) Relationship between HD and VD for 1st and 2nd field,
(b) detail of vertical blanking interval [Conrac 801.
The first monostable triggers on VD and has a duration of greater than half a scan
line and less than a full line. The second monostable triggers on the occurrence of
HD and the first monostable active, with a duration of one field. This only occurs at
the beginning of every other vertical interval. It is important to detect the beginning
of the vertical interval rather than the end because the color shutter requires about 2
msec to switch from green to red, which is a little longer than the vertical interval
[Tektronix 84].
The field dependent signal is also used to run the mirror in sync with the video
display. A Tektronix FG 504 signal generator is phase locked to the 30 Hz TTL
square wave and outputs a synchronous sine wave. The function generator also has
a phase adjustment which allows proper alignment of the beginning of the mirror's
oscillation with the video field. The output of the function generator is amplified by
a low wattage Crown D-75 amplifier and fed to the speaker.
3.2 Software
3.2.1 Image definition
Images are defined in a left-handed floating-point space, ranging from (0, 0, 0)
in the near lower left corner to (1.0, 0.75, 0.75) in the rear upper right corner (see
Figure 3-7). This region is not cubic, but rather reflects the 4:3 aspect ratio of the
monitor surface with the depth equal to the height. A 4x4 transformation matrix
may be defined to alter the definition space. The lowest level display routine plots
points in device coordinates. Images can be defined by points of specific amounts of
red and green in the floating-point space. In addition, routines exist for specifying
lines which may be solid or dotted, with or without end points, and of any color.
The duration of a single raster framebuffer pixel is very short, so each pixel is
repeated at least once to allow the point plotting beam to pause and more sharply
define each point. The number of pixels repeated for each point is variable. More
repeating produces a sharper and brighter image, but reduces the total number of
points that can be plotted. Dotted lines have this same tradeoff of sharpness and
Z (0,0,0)
Figure 3-7: Image definition space.
brightness for spatial resolution, so the degree of dottedness is adjustable. The
continuity of a line can easily be seen without plotting every point along the line. In
this vector style display it is necessary to be able to specify lines without endpoints
because a single vertex connected to many lines would otherwise be drawn with each
line, becoming much too bright. This problem does not exist in a raster display
because the output scan passes every point only once, and only a single memory
location can be related to that point.
3.2.2 Image rendering
The software corrects for the anomalous perspective of the display in two
steps. The X and Y values of the input points are scaled according to depth to
correct for the lateral magnification increase with depth caused by the mirror. The
problem of equally spacing planes of depth has two components.
Depth is a
nonlinear function of the mirror displacement and the mirror displacement is a
sinusoidal function of time'. The software divides the framebuffer memory into 64
parallel slabs of equal depth 2. The number of points within each slab is chosen so
1See the appendix for a detailed analysis of the mirror optics.
2 This
is the approach used by the University of North Carolina which is described in section 2.4.2.
Figure 3-8: Stereo views of text with the mirror off and on.
that each slab is of equal thickness. All the points within a slab are treated as though
they are at the same depth, even though the continuous motion of the mirror places
every point at a unique depth. The number of slabs is chosen so that the resolution
of depth perception is lower than the slab spacing.
Points defining the image in floating-point space are transformed by a 4x4
matrix into device space. The X and Y positions are then scaled by values stored in
a lookup table indexed by Z. The next step is to write the X, Y, and intensity data
into the framebuffer at the proper location for Z. Pointers are maintained to the next
available memory location in each slab. Unfortunately it is very easy to completely
fill one slab. In that case neighboring slabs are checked for space, and in the worst
case the point is discarded. When slab overflow is a problem, the pixel repeat
parameter can be adjusted and solid lines can be changed to dotted lines.
Figure 3-9: Red, green, and blue framebuffer contents for Figure 3-1.
Lines are drawn by first transforming the endpoints to device coordinates, and
then performing a three dimensional DDA interpolation to determine what points to
draw. The points are then drawn as described above, but without any additional
coordinate transformations.
Figure 3-10: Example of a 2D line generated by a DDA algorithm [Newman 79].
The color of a point is specified by two 8-bit values corresponding to red and
green. The color shutter is switched at the video field rate, with the even
framebuffer lines corresponding to red and the odd lines corresponding to green.
The even video field corresponds to the motion of the mirror from the near extreme
to the far extreme, while the odd 'field corresponds to the motion from far to near. A
symmetric set of slabs are defined for each field as illustrated. If a point contains a
non-zero amount of red, it must be placed in the even field slab of the correct depth.
If it contains a non-zero amount of green, it must be placed in the odd field slab of
the correct depth. A point containing both red and green (a shade of yellow) is
Odd Field
Even Field
Line 0
Line 471 47
473 *--
475 *-44
Figure 3-11: Slab positions in framebuffer.
displayed first in red by the even field during the back stroke of the mirror, and then
in green by the odd field during the forward stroke of the mirror such that the two
points spatially overlap. The refresh rate is fast enough that spatially overlapping
red and green points are perceived as the linear combination of the two color
intensities, according to Grassman's second law (see Figure 3-12) [Sproson 83]. A
point containing both red and green is not necessarily stored in symmetric red field
and green field framebuffer positions, because points of pure red or pure green are
not required to have corresponding zero intensity entries in the other field.
3.2.3 Realtime interaction via lookup table manipulation
It takes 5 to 20 minutes to render an image on this system. Efforts have not
been taken to optimize the code, but it is unlikely that the process could become fast
enough to be considered interactive. The extensive floating-point arithmetic
involved is the major bottleneck given the hardware used. Manipulation of the
framebuffer color matrix lookup table is very fast though, and several types of
realtime interaction can be achieved with this approach.
It is possible to select and display an image in realtime from among a group of
pre-rendered images. With this technique all the possible images are always in the
R 0.469 0.528
G 0.120 0.56
Figure 3-12: The color shutter gamut extends from red to green [Vatne 83].
display, and all but one are displayed with zero intensity. This approach involves a
tradeoff between temporal resolution and spatial resolution; the more images to be
selected from, the fewer points available for each of those images since the total
number of points in the display is fixed. Another tradeoff with this approach is
between the number of images selected from and the number of intensity levels that
the images can use. Many types of images can be displayed with a single intensity
level. Unlike raster graphics in which only 8 arbitrary single bit images may be
selected from, the point plotting display system allows up to 256 different images to
be selected from. This many images are possible because no two points can spatially
overlap in the framebuffer; points that spatially overlap in the display are distinct in
the framebuffer. Raster graphics cannot support more than 8 simultaneous images
because points that spatially overlap in the display must also overlap in the
framebuffer and cannot be distinguished without reserving a bit plane for each
The ability to select between images in the spatial display is actually more
analogous to selecting between images on a raster display by using hardware zoom
Figure 3-13: Head with pre-rendered lip positions selectable in realtime.
Stereo views with (a) lips closed, (b) lips open.
and pan features to make a fraction of the image memory fill the screen. Increasing
the number of images to select between requires reducing the amount of image
memory available for each, and thus increases the amount of zoom required to fill
the screen with an image. More zoom implies lower spatial resolution for each
Hardware zoom and pan can be used in the spatial display framebuffer to
provide more points per image than possible with just output lookup table
manipulations. Since pixels need to be repeated at least once anyway, a hardware
horizontal zoom factor of two does not reduce the possible spatial resolution.
Vertical zoom cannot be used because it would eliminate the difference between the
two fields which is needed to separately control the green image during the forward
motion of the mirror and the red image during the backward motion.
Selecting between pre-rendered images can be an interactive process, or it can
be used to present a short repeated loop of animation.
It is possible to select a restricted horizontal and/or vertical region for display
by simply adjusting the output lookup table of the X and/or Y data. All the points
outside of the region of interest are set to draw at position zero. This realtime
windowing operation provides profile views and permits seeing obscured parts of
the image.
Figure 3-14: Head with realtime X windowing to select cross sections.
Stereo views with (a) mirror off, (b)mirror on.
Another interesting use of the intensity framebuffer and lookup table is to
provide realtime shading of the image as though a light source were moved about
within the scene (see Figure 3-15). To achieve this effect, the intensity slots are
assigned based on the surface normal of the point being diawn, rather than the
intensity value of the point [Sloan 79]. With an 8-bit intensity framebuffer the
surface normals must be quantized to 255 different directions. To view a scene
rendered this way requires calculating an output lookup table based on the desired
position of illumination. Lambert's cosine law is applied to determine intensity
values for each surface normal. Once the data is calculated, the shading can be
altered in realtime.
. . .:
. ...
Figure 3-15: Realtime illumination of head, rear lit stereo view.
3.3 Design concerns and problems
There were many issues which came up both during the design and execution
of this display system. Some of these were expected and, of course, some others
were surprises.
3.3.1 The monitor and color shutter
How well the monitor was suited for this application was the first concern.
The monitor was chosen specifically because of the availability of a color shutter. A
special Tektronix KGR-1 phosphor is used for optimal performance with the
transmission characteristics of the color shutter [Tektronix 84]. The phosphor decay
time is a concern with a varifocal mirror display system because a slow decay results
in blurring along the Z axis. Luckily this did not turn out to be a major problem. It
is noticeable near the center region of the display volume where the mirror is in the
fastest portion of its sinusoidal motion, but the blurring was not really found to
intrude on the visual effect.
The settling time of the beam when moved from one position on the screen to
another effects how quickly data can be displayed. The Tektronix 608 monitor
settling time specification is to be within 0.05 cm of the new position from any on
screen position within 300 nsec [Tektronix 82]. Since the framebuffer runs at about
70 nsec per pixel, it was expected that every point, or at least those preceded by a
distant point, would need to be represented in the framebuffer by a series of pixels
with zero intensity, followed by several with the desired intensity. In practice this
was found not to be necessary. Leaving the beam on during all drawing slightly
increased the ambient light level on the screen, but it allowed drawing many more
and/or brighter points.
The color shutter switches relatively quickly (0.2 msec) to green, but takes
longer (2.0 msec) to decay to red. In addition, the red duration is required to be less
than 12.5 msec, beyond which the color decays into an ambiguous red/green. The
slow switching speed prevented a system design in which the color switched on a
point for point basis within a single sweep of the mirror. The 2.0 msec switch time
to red is longer than the video vertical interval of 1.4 msec, so the beginning of the
red field is not fully saturated. Also, the 15.2 msec duration of active video in one
field is longer than the maximum red duration of 12.5 msec, so the end of the red
field is also not fully saturated. This defect in the red display is noticeable when
searched for, but no one has observed it without having it pointed out to them.
The monitor brightness is rather low, so the best viewing is in a darkened
room. This was one of the considerations involved in eliminating the zero intensity
period for beam settling in favor of drawing more or brighter points. There isn't any
way to improve brightness other than to draw each point for a longer time, which
means drawing fewer total points.
3.3.2 Video quality
The spatial image was found to be very sensitive to the quality of the video
driving the monitor. A signal simply passed through a video distribution amplifier
was found to be unacceptable. In addition, the timing of the 3 video signals driving
the monitor was very critical.
Using 3 independent framebuffers as the signal
sources required careful cabling and horizontal phase alignment.
A rather annoying problem was presented by horizontal blanking. With the
video signal properly terminated by 75 0, the amplitude of a full-on value of 255
diminished after horizontal retrace by about 4 units.
This glitch was slowly
corrected during the first 40 pixel durations of each line. The signal always tended
toward ground after a long zero period, with the deviation proportional to the signal
amplitude. After a long high period there was no problem returning to zero, so the
tendency was always toward ground. Removing the 75 0 termination eliminated the
problem, but created unacceptable noise, so apparently the termination in parallel
with line capacitance created the limited risetime. Compensation for this requires
skipping effected pixels, and thus impacts the brightness issue. In some images the
error is not noticeable, and is therefore ignored. In others, delays are used after
horizontal retrace.
3.3.3 The mirror
The mirror tension has been adjusted to achieve the cleanest single mode
oscillation possible. This was done by viewing a steady light source in the vibrating
mirror and adjusting the tension for a uniform straight line (see Figure 3-16). One
Figure 3-16: Distortion showing improper mirror tension, stereo view of text.
limit of the depth available in the display is the amplitude of the mirror
displacement The mirror displacement is limited by mirror distortion and human
tolerance for audio noise. A larger mirror displacement creates more sound. Sound
from the 30 Hz fundamental oscillation is not perceived as strongly as higher
frequencies, so it is important to avoid overtones. Mirror distortion is evidenced by
increased audio noise resulting from the higher frequency modes of oscillation. The
concern for low noise and a simple mechanical system was responsible for choosing
software compensation of the nonlinear depth versus time.
There was concern about being able to align images drawn on both the
forward and backward strokes of the mirror. Most previous systems do not attempt
this, but it was essential for allowing two fields of sequential color to be displayed
from a standard video source. It was found that the alignment was very good, such
that points of red and green could be combined to form shades of yellow
independent of their location in the display space.
A major concern with using a small monitor (4x5 inch) was how to keep the
image large. The image size decreases with the monitor distance to the monitor, but
the perceived depth increases with distance. Most of the time the mirror was driven
with the maximum nondistorting displacement possible to enhance the depth and
allow the monitor to be closer. This sometimes created unacceptable mirror noise.
A smaller mirror could provide the same apparent depth with less sound, but would
also have a smaller solid angle of view available.
3.4 Future work
We eagerly anticipate the development of a full-color 3-primary spatial display
system. Such a development would allow natural color in spatial images. There are
two possible routes to achieving a full color display system. An advancement in the
technology responsible for the liquid crystal color shutter could produce 3-color
shutters. Alternatively, a traditional shadow-masked color tube could be used as a
vector display.
To use a 3 phase color shutter in a raster framebuffer system would be more
difficult than the 2 phase shutter. A 3 field sequential color system based on
standard video would produce a frame rate of only 20 Hz, which would have
undesirable flicker. A 6 field sequence would have to be constructed, consisting of
an even field of red, an odd field of green, an even field of blue, an odd field of red,
an even field of green, and finally an odd field of blue (see Figure 3-17). Such a
system would have to be able to change the video signal during the vertical interval
to provide the required sequence. This change could easily be achieved using an
output lookup table manipulation, as previously described, in which all the images
are in the display and all but the desired one is displayed with zero intensity. One of
the new high resolution video formats with 60 Hz refresh could be used with an
increased mirror speed to improve the 3 field refresh rate to 40 Hz, which would be
very acceptable. However, increasing the mirror rate could produce unacceptable
Even Field
Green Blue
Odd Field
Green Blue
f lL4
Figure 3-17: Three field sequential color.
A shadow mask display system could be developed requiring five inputs: X
deflection, Y deflection, red intensity, green intensity, and blue intensity. Such a
system would easily be compatible with a raster framebuffer. As before, 8 bits of the
framebuffer would control the X deflection, 8 bits would control the Y deflection,
and the remaining 8 bits would control the red, green, and blue intensities. The 8
bits of intensity information would have to feed through an 8-bit in, 24-bit out
lookup table to provide the 3 channels of information.
Such a lookup table is
standard on 8-bit framebuffers, and allows selecting 256 colors from a palette of 16
million colors. Techniques have been developed to intelligently select 256 colors to
properly represent a full color image [Heckbert 82]. This use of the lookup table
would severely restrict its use for interaction. The recent rash of color vector based
arcade games suggests that a shadow mask color display tube is worth investigating
(see Figure 3-18).
Figure 3-18: Standard raster monitor seen in the varifocal mirror, stereo view.
Chapter Four
Spatial Display Applications
This chapter provides some motivation for pursuing spatial displays. Seven
broad areas for spatial viewing are first described. Several specific examples of
applications are then presented.
4.1 Seven reasons for a spatial display
Dr. Lawrence Sher, developer of the SpaceGraph, has enumerated five areas
in which a spatial display has significant value over a traditional 2D display [Stover
1) A spatial display provides an objective visual scene. No interpretation is
necessary to understand the dimensionality of the scene; it is possible to
immediately examine the structure without first figuring out the relationship
between the 2D image and the 3D scene. This is essential for a scene never before
viewed because the experience and world knowledge necessary for making the
interpretation may not exist.
2) The addition of one more dimension of representation can aid human
pattern recognition in various areas of data analysis. In the field of chemical analysis
many dimensions of data are available, and human recognition of the patterns is still
the fastest and most reliable identification technique.
A tool providing more
degrees of information, such as this, would significantly improve productivity.
3) There are applications in which a time delay between seeing and
comprehending an image can be unacceptable. Even with well known scenes it is
faster to interpret a 3D view than a 2D representation. Applications in this category
include nuclear power plant control, air traffic control, and remote vehicle
navigation. Reaction time can be critical with each of these tasks.
4) There are some images which have been impossible to adequately display in
any 2D form.
Fluid flow is the best example of this.
False coloring can help
highlight the important features, and the spatial display makes it possible to
maintain a sense of the overall structure.
Any complex structure with internal
movement is in this category.
5) A spatial display is almost as good as a real model in the field of computeraided design (CAD). The objective display avoids any ambiguity possible with a 2D
display. Several members of a team can view a part in the display at the same or
different times and get a clear and unambiguous view of it.
The following two areas are "nonspatial" uses of a spatial display proposed by
the Architecture Machine Group at MIT [Lippman 83]. They consider the 3D space
as a data analysis domain which can present information insufficiently described by
two dimensions.
6) The third dimension can be used for semantic expression - an orthogonal
axis of meaning.
A good example of this is text processing, in which various
modifications to text can be represented spatially by the use of foreground and
background. Deleted portions of text can be pushed to the background, perhaps
with the depth related to how old the change is, such that a very old change simply
disappears in the distance. Annotation can be overlaid without obscuring the text.
7) Asynchronous dynamic events can be represented by particular planes of
depth such that they can be more easily monitored. A horse race, for instance, can
be thought of as several asynchronous dynamic events consisting of individual
horses traveling from start to finish. These individual races could be viewed as a 2D
array of events, but determining the winner of a close race would be difficult since
attention would have to jump around between the different events and simultaneous
comparison would be impossible. If each individual horse were presented at a
different depth in a spatial array, as most races are seen, direct comparison would
permit easily determining the winner. The spatial display would be important for a
more complex example in which each level could require close scrutiny.
4.2 Spatial imaging applications
One of the first applications envisioned for a varifocal mirror spatial display
was an air traffic controller display terminal [Traub 67]. The positions of aircraft in
flight is naturally 3D information, and directing the aircraft is a reaction time critical
job. The improvements in 2D display technology in recent years has diminished the
interest in this application.
4.2.1 Geological applications
Three dimensional data obtained from geological soundings is useful for
understanding the earth's structure. Oil companies are particularly interested in
spatial displays to assist in the analysis of this data. Sample drilling for oil is
extremely expensive, so any assistance that improves the chances of successfully
identifying an oil field are welcomed [Brown 79].
4.2.2 Medical applications
The major area of research being pursued with varifocal mirror displays is
medical imaging. Density patterns of soft structures in the body can be collected
using computed tomography (CT), ultrasound echography, and nuclear magnetic
resonance techniques. The major application being pursued at the University of
North Carolina is visualization of the carotid artery in the neck and the plaque on its
wall [Fuchs 82b]. The University of Utah has been experimenting with displays of
X-ray CT data from their radiology department [Johnson 82]. They plan to develop
a portable varifocal mirror display system for clinical evaluation.
Steven Johnson and Robert Anderson of the University of Utah propose four
medical applications of a spatial display system [Johnson 82].
1) Radiation treatment plans are specified in terms of dose per volume. A
spatial display would allow the radiologist to view the tumor being treated with
proposed isodose radiation contours spatially overlaid in the context of the tumor's
surrounding organs. This would assist in minimizing undesirable side effects of the
2) CT data has made it possible for neurosurgeons to very precisely locate the
position of a surgical target. Unfortunately, previous display techniques have not
assisted in choosing a path to the target that -would minimize damage to the
overlaying part of the brain. A spatial display would assist in choosing such a path.
3) Diagnostic radiology would benefit from a spatial display which would aid
in differentiating between normal and abnormal structures. Conceptualization of
3D structures from planar sections can be tricky. This is a major portion of a
radiologist's job, so they become very good at doing it. The spatial understanding is
equally important for the surgeon, though, who does not necessarily have the
radiologist's skill at interpretation of 2D representations.
4) Measuring arbitrary dimensions and volumetric data is difficult from CT
representations, but is rather direct in a spatial display. This is an important task
because it is a quantitative measure of treatment progress.
A simple low cost means of displaying spatial images has been described. This
work is based on a 25 year history of 2D displays which sweep out a third
dimension. To our knowledge, the display developed by the Architecture Machine
Group is the first multicolor varifocal mirror system.
Development of a good spatial display system is a natural direction for
imaging technology. The addition of color to 2D displays greatly improved the
realism and understandability of images. Addition of the third spatial dimension to
image display is the current challenge.
The benefits of natural spatial images
include improved understanding of complex spatial structures, reduced reaction
time based on interpretation of visual data, and improved recognition of patterns in
complex data. Beyond specific practical applications, a spatial display would be
useful in many entertainment or artistic contexts.
The system described provides an autostereoscopic spatial display complete
with binocular and motion parallax. The display is unsuitable for many real world
scenes because of the transparent nature of the image produced, but it is useful for
showing spatial density information, important in the medical and geological fields.
The varifocal mirror display is an important step in the search for an ultimate spatial
display system.
Appendix: Mirror Optics
The purpose of this section is to derive an equation defining the relationship
between the mirror deflection and the apparent image depth.
In addition, the
equation relating lateral magnification to depth will be shown. The combination of
these two equations allow the software to draw images with corrections for the
anomalous perspective [Sher 80], [Sears 76].
Verifocal Mirror
Image Volume
The mirror displacement is assumed to be spherical with the radius of
curvature t(t) related to image position according to the spherical mirror equation
1/p + 1/q(t) = 2t((1)
A relationship must be found between the mirror displacement h(t) and the radius
of curvature r(t) in order to express the image position q(t) as a function of the
mirror displacement h(t). Consider A to be the center of curvature for the arc BD.
The lines AB and AD are both radii, so
c(t) = i(t) + h(t)
since h(t) is negative. Now consider the right triangle ACB,
r2(t) = c2(t) + d214
Substitute c(t) from equation 2 into equation 3
r2(t) = r2(t) + 21Th(t) + h2(t) + d2 /4
= (d2/4 + h (t)/2h(t)
For small deflections (hinax < 0.1d) equation 4 can be reduced to
it) = - d 2 /8h(t)
The relation between radius of curvature r(t) and mirror deflection h(t) given
in equation 5 can be combined with equation 1 to get a relation between image
distance q(t) and mirror deflection h(t).
1/p + 1/q(t) = - 16h(t)/d 2
q(t) = 1/(-16h(t)/d2 - 11p)
The mirror is driven with a-sinusoidal signal, so for h(t) =
q(t) = 1/(16hmax sin ot/d 2
To simplify, let A = 16hmIaxd
q(t) = 1/(A sin w t - B)
hinax sin ca,
and B = 1/p, so
The color spatial display system was designed with the monitor distance to the
mirror p = 18", the mirror diameter d = 24", and the amplitude of the maximum
mirror deflection hmax = 0.22". This results in the front of the image qmin = -16.2"
and the back of the image qmax = -20.2". This forms a display space as deep as it is
high, since the monitor is 4"x5".
The lateral scaling factor necessary to correct the anomalous perspective is the
ratio of the monitor distance to the mirror p to the image distance from the mirror q.
For a desired image height yimage(t), the display position Ydisplajt) is given by
Ydisplay() =
pl q(t)
Thanks to
Arcmac faculty, staff, graduate students, UROPers, and random fringe for
making this the place. I will always long for the diverse interests, talents, abilities,
and desires which have characterized this environment.
Andy Lippman for making every conversation valuable and always having a
new challenge available.
Michael Dertouzos for making funds available to arcmac for projects such as
All who have read, criticized, and suggested improvements in this document.
It's great to have so much assistance at a time like this.
Scott Fisher for some last minute encouragement and great references.
Leo for the Macintosh, among other things.
Mark, Benjamin, and Glorianna for what might have been this thesis...
GSC for making Thursdays easier to swallow.
Brian & Brian for the music.
And my parents, for making it all possible.
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