6700 Page 1 of 4 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL Orofino, Idaho FSM 6700 – SAFETY AND HEALTH Clearwater Supplement No. 6700-00-1 April 2000 Posting Notice: Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal received for this title to see that the above supplement is in sequence. If not, order intervening supplements at once on form 1100-6. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this title is received. Place it at the front of the title. The last Supplement to this Title was Supplement 8 to FSM 6700 – Safety and Health, Chapter 6713 Page Code 6713 – Safety and Health Committee 6709.11 – General Vehicle Travel 6737.1 - Accident Reporting Procedure 6737.4 - Worker Hours and Mileage for accident Reporting 6744.4 - Safety Hats or Helmets 6733.2 - Action by Chief Investigator Superseded New (No. of Sheets) 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Digest: 6713 Safety and Health Committee – Updates Committee makeup. 6709.11 General Vehicle Travel; 6737.1 Accident Reporting Procedure; 6737.4 Worker Hours and Mileage for accident Reporting; 6744.4 Safety Hats or Helmets – Obsolete material. 6733.2 – Action by Chief Investigator – Moved to FSH 6709.12 Chapter 30. /s/James L. Caswell JAMES L. CASWELL Forest Supervisor Clearwater Supp 6700-00-1 Effective April 2000 6700 Page 2of 4 FSM 6700 – SAFETY AND HEALTH Clw. Supp. 6700-00-1 Effective April 2000 TITLE 6710 – SAFETY AND HEALTH 6713 – SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE Clearwater Safety and Health Committee. The committee is made up of: 1. Chairperson – Forest Safety & Health Manager 2. Forest Safety Committee Members – No term limits, members can be replaced at periodic intervals depending on circumstances. a. Forest Safety & Health Manager b. Palouse Ranger District representative c. Lochsa Ranger District representative – Kamiah office d. Lochsa Ranger District representative – Powell office e. Lochsa Ranger District representative – Kooskia office f. North Fork Ranger District representative g. District Ranger representative h. Supervisor’s Office representative i. Union representative j. Facilities/OSHA representative 3. Ad Hoc members for Technical Support – The same individual may have the responsibilities for more than one area of technical support. a. Personal Injury Statistics Coordinator b. Motor Vehicle Statistics Coordinator c. Workplace Safety Inspector d. LEO Liaison e. Hazmat Coordinator f. Confined Space Coordinator g. Chainsaw Coordinator h. First Aid Coordinator i. Blasting Coordinator j. Fleet Manager k. Tree/Tower Climbing Coordinator l. Temporary/Seasonal Employee Representative m. North Idaho Personnel Zone Representative Clearwater Supp 6700-00-1 Effective April 2000 A. 6700 Page 3of 4 Responsibilities of the Committee. (Meet quarterly) 1. Provide recommendations for the Forest Safety program including development of goals. 2. Review accident reports selected by the Forest S&H Manager to assess adequacy of corrective actions. 3. Review trends in numbers and causes of accidents and recommend changes in procedures, policies, and prevention activities if needed. 4. Operate as a task force to investigate and approve solutions to safety/health problems that emerge. 5. Individually seek out suggestions from individuals and sub-unit safety inspection teams to improve accident prevention and identify unsolved safety problems, bring it to the committee’s attention. 6. Review safety and health materials and products to assess usefulness in the Forest Safety and Health program. 7. Actively support and emphasize safety on and within individual units. Becoming involved in championing the Forest Safety and Health program and be involved in seeking out ways of improving the program. B. Responsibilities of Team Members. 1. Chairperson – Forest S&H Manager a. Overall oversight and management of the Forest S&H program. b. Assignment of special duties. c. Responsive to Forest Supervisor. d. Receives notification of accidents. e. Coordinates with other responsible parties on Accident Notification and reporting ensuring adherence to policy and procedures. f. Initial review of accident reports. g. Works with Forest Safety Committee to review overall Forest Accident records and trends. h. Follows up on issues/concerns identified on Forest with Forest Safety Committee. i. Maintains contact and coordinates with Regional S&H Manager. j. Develops agenda for quarterly Forest Safety Committee meetings. k. Disseminates S&H information to employees. l. Interprets S&H information and provides S&H direction for employees. m. Maintains S&H record keeping. n. Member of any Board of Reviews concerning Accident Investigations. 2. Forest Safety Committee Member a. Actively participates as a member of the Forest Safety Committee. b. Provides input to the Forest S&H Manager on safety and health related issues. Clearwater Supp 6700-00-1 Effective April 2000 6700 Page 4of 4 c. Works on various S&H subcommittees on staffing issues/concerns for later discussion, development of recommendations, and resolution at the Forest level. d. Disseminates S&H information to unit employees. e. Interprets S&H information and provides S&H direction for employees. f. Makes recommendations/suggestions for improving Forest S&H program. g. Highlights Forest annual S&H emphasis items on unit at safety meetings and during daily work activities. 3. Forest Safety Committee Ad Hoc Members - Technical Support a. Performs as an ad hoc member of the Forest Safety Committee. b. Participates in the Forest Safety Committee meetings when requested or when needed. c. Provides information regarding their technical expertise to staff out, discuss, and resolve issues related to their area of expertise. d. Coordinate with Forest Safety Committee on issues they identify in their area of expertise that may need to be brought forward for a resolution at the Forest level. 4. Accident Investigator a. Conduct Accident Investigations on the Forest b. Advise the Forest Safety Committee on accident background and evaluation of the Unit Safety Programs. c. Participate in and, at times, assist in conducting Accident Investigation training. 5. All Forest Employees a. Emphasize following safe work practices on all jobs. b. Either initiate or participate in Job Hazard Analysis development and ensure all work is performed under a current JHA. c. Follow-up with Crews and fellow crew members as needed to ensure adequate safety policies and procedures are followed. d. Hold and/or participate in tail-gate safety sessions and reference JHA’s at these meetings. e. Report unsafe acts and conditions to supervisors, making on-theground corrections as necessary.