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Supplement No.: R-10 6400-2003-1
Effective Date: August 15, 2003
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: /s/ Jacqueline Myers (for)
Regional Forester
Date Approved: July 29, 2003
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title number and calendar
year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain
this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was R-10
Supplement 6400-2001-1 to chapter 6440.
New Document
11 Pages
Superseded Document(s) by
Issuance Number and
Effective Date
6440 (6400-2001-1, 6/18/2001)
15 Pages
6443.1: Modifies Alaska Region Rules of Conduct for Government Property.
Removes 6443.1 - Exhibit 01, USDA Forest Service Special Use Application and Permit for
Government-Owned Buildings, FS-2700-3e.
Changes 6443.1 – Exhibit 03, Conditions of Use for Visitor Centers to 6443.1 - Exhibit 01, Rules
for Occupancy.
References fee waiver policy as defined in Special Uses Handbook 2709.11.30.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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Replaces “appeal” process with a process to request ”reconsideration” for a denied application.
Formal administrative appeal rights are not allowed for proponents that are denied use of a
facility under Fee Demo authority.
Non-commercial group use regulations may be applicable in some cases.
The Begich, Boggs Visitor Center classroom is eliminated from the list of rooms for rent in
6443.1 - Exhibit 02, Fee Schedule. When the classroom is complete, the Glacier Ranger District
will list it on their fee schedule.
6443.2: Explains procedure for determining whether demonstrations for those exercising First
Amendment rights are to be allowed. The letter in this supplement (6443.2 – Exhibit 01)
introduced a national Interim Directive in 1998, which stated the Forest Service could not
determine whether the use of an otherwise open facility would be permitted based on the
religious or sectarian viewpoint of those who wished to use the facility. Although the Interim
Directive has expired, the Alaska Region will consider the direction it gave when dealing with
any requests dealing with freedom of speech and religion.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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6443.1 – Rules of Conduct for Government Property
2. Admission to Property. Forest Service facilities shall be used only for official
business, except that, subject to unit line officer approval, they may be used for other appropriate
purposes. The Forest Service is not required to make its buildings available for use by the
public, however, the agency can demonstrate support for communities and create goodwill
toward the Forest Service by making facilities available, as appropriate within the guidelines set
forth, and as long as the agency can still accomplish its mission and business.
Admittance to Forest Service facilities and conduct in those facilities will be in accordance with
41 CFR 101-20.3, 41 CFR 101-20.403, FSM 6443, 36 CFR 251, and FSM 2700. (The web
address for CFRs is
a. Guidelines for Free Use of Visitor Centers and Administrative Sites. Forest
Service line officers may authorize free use of visitor centers and conference/meeting
rooms on a first-come, first-served basis, if eligible under items (1), (2), and (3) of
this section. Requests outside the normal hours may be subject to use/rental fees. The
following activities are authorized at no charge during normal operating hours:
(1) Forest Service Sponsored Use. (Activities sponsored wholly, or in part, by the
Forest Service).
(2) Other Federal Government Agency Use. (Activities sponsored by other Federal
(3) Other State or Local Agencies Conducting Programs That Provide a Valuable
Benefit to the Public or to the Programs of the Secretary.
b. Guidelines For Rental Use of Visitor Centers. Rental use of any facility shall not
exceed rated building capacity or fire code restrictions. Visitor centers that are leased
facilities may not fall within this policy as they have their own separate lease
agreement/rental constraints.
Visitor centers may be rented under Recreation Fee Demo (16 U.S.C. 4601-6a), if
allowed, as part of an approved business plan. Under this authority, the form
“Special Use Application and Permit for Government-Owned Facilities” (FS-27003e) should be used. Rules for Occupancy (6443.1 - Exhibit 01) will be attached to the
application/permit (FS-2700-3e). If rental of visitor center facilities is not authorized
through an approved business plan, follow special uses policy as outlined in FSM
2700 and FSH 2709.11 for administration of this use.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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Use will be based on a first-come/first-served basis, with reservations going to the
group first filing an application with the Ranger District, National Monument, or
Supervisor's Office. Reservations will not be final until a determination has been
made that use is appropriate, that all fees have been paid, and the appropriate permit
finalized with the authorizing officer's signature. Each unit will determine its own
policy regarding the maximum days of use one individual or group may reserve in a
Fees for use of visitor center facilities, which are authorized by an approved business
plan, may be collected under the National Recreation Fee Demonstration Authority.
User/rental fees may be charged to an individual or to a group for group use.
Individual entrance or use fees typically are not charged if a group use fee is being
Reservations will normally not be taken more than 180 days in advance of an event or
meeting. Parties are encouraged to apply for use at least 14 days prior to an event to
assure facilities are available and all requirements are met. Reservations for use of
facilities should be finalized at least 5-working days before the event is to occur. If
fees have not been received within 5 days of the event, the reservation may be
released and the facility may be made available to the next group or individual
request for that date.
Cash, check, or money order must be made payable to the USDA Forest Service.
Where applicable, credit cards may also be used. Reservations will not be final
however, until a determination has been made that use is appropriate and fees have
been paid.
Each unit will establish fees based on cost to the government or commensurate with a
comparable local market rate. Fee schedules will be reviewed annually by local units,
revised as needed, and submitted to the Forest Supervisor for review prior to being
implemented. The enclosed fee schedule for visitor centers is included in 6443.1 –
Exhibit 02. These schedules will remain in effect unless modified by local units.
Individual units may develop a cleaning deposit policy, which specifies the amount of
the required deposit and under what conditions it will be returned.
Under fee demo, partial refunds may be allowed if specified in an approved business
plan. Line officers may determine refund policies for specific visitor centers under
fee demo.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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If a request to use a Forest Service facility is denied, the Forest Service will attempt
to inform the applicant, within 5-working days, why use will not be permitted. If the
application for use is denied, applicants may request a “reconsideration” of the
decision. The authorized officer may take into account additional information that is
provided by the applicant to render a final decision. If the applicant of a denied
application requests “reconsideration” based on their First Amendment rights of
freedom and speech and freedom of religion, the authorized officer shall consult
with the Office of General Counsel before rendering a final decision.
NOTE: GSA does not own or manage Forest Service visitor centers in Alaska. GSA
manages some Forest Service administrative facilities. The Forest Service will follow
GSA regulations in GSA-leased facilities.
Non-commercial group use regulations (36 CFR 251.54 d 2) may be applicable in
some cases where the proposed use is non-commercial, does not utilize Forest Service
facilities, and does not interfere with Forest Service administration. In those cases a
permit and fee may not be required. Review regulations pertaining to noncommercial group use when processing requests of this nature.
(1) Visitor centers in the Region available for rental use are:
(a) Southeast Alaska Discovery Center, Ketchikan-Misty Fiords Ranger District.
There are two interior areas of the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center available for
special events and group use on a reservation basis: the theater, and the learning
(b) Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, Juneau Ranger District. In the Mendenhall
Glacier Visitor Center the observatory and theater are available for special events and
group use on a reservation basis
(c) Begich, Boggs Visitor Center, Glacier Ranger District. The theater and lobby
areas at Begich, Boggs Visitor Center are available for special events and group use
on a reservation basis. After the classroom is completed, it will also be available for
group use on a reservation basis.
(2) Visitor centers in the Region not available for rental use are:
(a) Petersburg Visitor Information Center, Petersburg Ranger District.
The Forest Service and the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce operate a visitor
information center on the first floor of the building. The first floor of the building is
not available for rent. Questions on rental of the upper floor meeting room at this
facility should be directed to the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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c. Guidelines for rental use of administrative sites. Rental use of Forest Service
administrative facilities (for example: Supervisor, Ranger District, or National
Monument offices; conference rooms; meeting rooms; warehouses; storage
areas/sheds, and so forth.) will normally not be allowed. The use of alternate
facilities is encouraged.
Rental use of Forest Service facilities is authorized under the authority of the
Granger-Thye Act of April 24, 1950. Issuance and administration of uses authorized
by Granger-Thye Act authority shall follow special uses policy as outlined in FSM
2700 and FSH 2709.11. An operating/safety plan may be required on a case-by-case
Each unit will establish fees using sound business principles. Fees should be at least
comparable to similar facilities nearby. If no other facilities or rental rates are
available to use in setting rates, charge rates sufficient to cover any costs incurred by
the Forest Service (no net cost to the government) based on cost to the government
and commensurate with comparable local market rates. All fees are subject to change
and are collected under Granger-Thye Act authority for administrative facilities. Fees
are processed in accordance with Forest Service policy. Fee schedules are subject to
review every five years, by units, revised as needed and submitted to the Forest
Supervisor for review prior to being implemented.
Individual units may develop a cleaning deposit policy, which specifies the amount of
the required deposit and under what conditions it will be returned.
Use will be based on a first-come/first-served basis, with reservations going to the
group first filing an accepted application with the Ranger District, National
Monument, or Supervisor's Office. Reservations will not be final until a
determination has been made that use is appropriate and fees have been paid. A
signed special-use permit with the authorized officer's signature will be in place prior
to any use of administrative facilities.
The Rules for Occupancy of administrative facility rental use may be the same as
those required for visitor center rental use (6443.1 – Exhibit 01) or there may be a list
of conditions specific to the administrative site being used.
The appropriate authorized officer shall be responsible for the review of each
proposal and making a determination and decision if rental use of Forest Service
administrative sites is appropriate and fits within existing regulations and policy (36
CFR 251.54). Forest Service needs will have the "highest priority" for use of all
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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7. Alcoholic Beverages and Narcotics. Alcohol use is not allowed in Forest Service
facilities without prior written approval from the Forest Supervisor. For direction beyond that
covered in this FSM section, consult 41 CFR101-20.307.
8. Soliciting, Vending, and Debt Collection. Many commercial activities are not allowed
on Federal property. For information beyond what is covered in this FSM section, consult the
following references: 41 CFR101-20.003, 41 CFR101-20.306, 308, and 41 CFR101-20.401c.
Units are to consult the Office of General Counsel regarding specific requests about
commercial activities related to first amendment rights.
6443.2 – Operation and Maintenance
8. Authorized and Prohibited Uses of Government-Owned and Leased Facilities
(1) Meetings of a political and sectarian character. (Please see b, below).
b. Reasonable accommodations should be made to allow peaceful demonstrations at
Forest Service facilities. Forest Service staff and the people planning to demonstrate
at a facility should discuss and agree upon details regarding where, when, and under
what circumstances demonstrations will be allowed. Recent requests to use Forest
Service facilities by those exercising their First Amendment rights of freedom of
speech and freedom of religion have brought to attention the complexity of these
situations. (See August 28, 1998, 6440 letter, 6443.2 - Exhibit 01). Units are to
consult the Office of General Counsel regarding specific requests involving
freedom of speech and religion.
c. Meetings and events sponsored entirely or in part by the Forest Service or another
governmental agency may be closed to the public. In regard to use of facilities by
non-governmental groups, each unit will determine its policy for closed meetings and
events. Generally, in facilities where public use is allowed, closed, non-governmental
meetings are not permitted, but closed events such as receptions and weddings are
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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6443.1 – Exhibit 01
Rules for Occupancy
These rules are to be attached to FS-2700-3e,
“Special Use Application and Permit for Government-Owned Facilities”
The permit holder and its agents, employees, representatives, and participants agree to abide by
and ensure compliance with the following additional conditions of this permit:
(a) Facilities are available for use from _____am/pm to _____am/pm.
(b) Groups or individuals using government facilities shall not charge additional entrance fees to
people attending programs or events being held in the facilities.
(c) Alcoholic beverages may only be used with prior written permission from the Forest
(d) No smoking is permitted within government facilities.
(e) Dogs are not allowed, unless they are active service-guide dogs. Other pets or animals are
not permitted within government facilities, unless specifically authorized as part of permit
(e.g., a program on raptor rehabilitation with live birds).
(f) Groups composed of people under the age of 21 years must be sponsored, and that sponsor
must be 21 or older and present during the entire event.
(g) Permit holder shall not rent, lease, or otherwise contract facility to other groups or
(h) Commercial wedding photographers, caterers, etc., as long as they are directly associated
with that specific group use authorized under permit, are not required to be under special use
permit for conducting their commercial activities.
(i) Limited food and/or beverage service may be allowed on a case-by-case basis, per sitespecific requirements. The caterer must ensure the activities of his/her staff are appropriate
to the public nature of the building and must ensure all State and local standards and
regulations for public health and safety are met.
(j) Permit holder is responsible for all activities and actions of their guests or meeting
participants, and for safeguarding the facility at all times while rental use is occurring.
(k) Cooking is not allowed; some facilities may have a small sink, counter and/or refrigerator for
event or meeting use.
(l) Burning candles, incense, or other open flame materials are not permitted with the exception
of chafing dishes.
(m) Materials to be thrown or released (i.e., rice, helium balloons, bubbles, etc.) will not be
allowed unless authorized with prior written approval from the official signing the permit.
(n) Use of other government equipment (i.e., computers, phones, copy machines, faxes, etc.) is
not permitted, unless for official government use. Pay phones are available at some visitor
center facilities.
(o) Fundraising and commercial activities will be allowed only with prior written approval from
the official issuing the permit and in accordance with federal building regulations.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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6443.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued
(p) Holder is responsible for and agrees to pay for any damage to equipment, materials or
facilities that occurs as a result of rental agreement use, including any actions or activities by
invited or uninvited guests or meeting participants.
(q) All use, including set-up, cleanup, and checking out of the facility must occur within the time
period authorized in the permit. Set-up, cleanup, and check out of facilities includes:
Set-up. The holder is responsibility setting up all tables and chairs as needed (the Forest
Service may be able to provide some tables, chairs, and podiums), and ensuring that
caterers or other food providers receive and follow all instructions and guidelines
provided. The holder or authorized representative must be present to sign for and handle
all deliveries. The holder is responsible for ensuring that no materials are taped, tacked,
stapled, nailed or otherwise temporarily or permanently attached to facility walls,
windows, exhibits, stanchions, furnishings and other fixtures. Use of other facility
equipment (i.e., some limited audio visual equipment, if available) must be pre-arranged
and stipulated as part of the permit.
Cleanup. The holder is responsible for the cleanup of the facility. Use and cleanup must
occur within the time period authorized in the rental agreement. Cleanup includes
removal of all equipment, food and supplies not provided as part of the authorization.
Any furnished equipment (i.e., tables, chairs, podium) must be arranged and returned to
original locations when finished. All visitor center furnished materials used must be free
of dirt, litter, or liquids. Floors in all areas used will be swept or vacuumed if necessary.
All trash will be placed in plastic bags or containers provided. The coat rack area and
hangers shall be put back in order. Restrooms will be free of litter, dirt, and spills.
Visitor center staff can furnish a vacuum cleaner and basic cleaning supplies. Stains
should be reported to the Forest Service staff on duty and lifted from the carpet as soon as
possible. Any area not cleaned to these specifications will be cleaned by the janitorial
contractor for a fee and charged to the holder, who is responsible for any additional
Checkout. Prior to leaving the building at the end of the event or meeting, the holder
must check out with the Forest Service staff on duty. The Forest Service staff will
confirm all equipment and materials provided are returned undamaged and areas used
under the agreement have been cleaned and left undamaged.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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6443.1 – Exhibit 02
Fee Schedule
All fees are subject to change. Fees below are accurate until updated.
This fee schedule can be edited to list only the specific site for which the permit is issued
Southeast Alaska Discovery Center
1-4 hrs (room, with or without food)
Additional hours
Learning Center Room A
Learning Center Room B
Learning Center Full Room $250
AV equipment rental
Discovery Center Additional staffing
Use of the theater entitles the group to visit the exhibits at no extra cost.
Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center
1-4 hrs (room, with or without food) Additional hours
MGVC Observatory
and Theater
MGVC Additional staffing
Use of the observatory or the theater entitles the group to visit the exhibits at no extra cost.
Begich, Boggs Visitor Center
1-4 hrs (room only) 1-4 hrs (room w/food) Additional hours
BBVC Theater/lobby
no food/beverages allowed
BBVC Additional staffing
Use of the theater/lobby entitles the group to visit the exhibits at no extra cost.
Renters are required to clean all facilities used. If additional cleanup is required, user will
be charged hourly janitorial contract rate.
R-10 SUPPLEMENT 6400-2003-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/15/2003
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
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6443.2 – Exhibit 01
August 28, 1998, letter regarding ID about non-secular use of Forest Service facilities