R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL DENVER, CO TITLE 6100 - PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT R2 Supplement No. 6100-90-2 Effective September 12, 1990 POSTING NOTICE. This supplement replaces all R2 supplement text to 6150 except Interim Directives. Post by document name. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. Page Code 6151.04 6151.1--1--4 6159 - 6159.07 Superseded Sheets 1 2 3 Supplements Covered R2 Supplement 274, 10/89 R2 Supplement 286, 4/87 Document Name 6150 Superseded New (Number of Pages) 3 Digest: 6150 - New text corresponds with amendment text located in the National Information Center. Adds Regional Office positions to be authorized a uniform allowance. Authorizes Forest Supervisors and Deputy Forest Supervisors the winter component. Minor editorial changes made to text. GARY E. CARGILL Regional Forester R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 2 of 8 6100 - PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6151 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND JOB EVALUATION. 6151.04 - Responsibility. The legal requirement of annual position reviews does not relieve work supervisors of their responsibility for analyzing on a continuing basis the work assignments of subordinates to insure accuracy of position descriptions. To comply with the legal annual position review requirement and Forest Service policy requirements, position descriptions will be reviewed by work supervisors and employees annually at the time of employee development interviews. When the position description is certified as not accurate by the employee and supervisor, a revised description of the duties must be completed and submitted to the Forest Personnel Management Specialist for National Forest positions, or to the Regional Office Personnel Staff for Regional Office positions, within 30 days. For National Forest positions, the Forest Personnel Management specialist is responsible for follow-up to assure the revised position descriptions are received when due. The Forest Supervisor will be notified when revisions are overdue, and take action to obtain the revised descriptions. For Regional Office positions, the classification specialist for the unit involved is responsible for follow-up to assure the revised position descriptions are received when due. The Director, Personnel Management will be notified when revisions are overdue and take action to obtain the revised descriptions. If compliance is not obtained, line management will become involved. Final corrective action will be completed not more than 90 days following certification. 6151.1 - Administering the Position Classification Program. 1. Regional Office conducted classification activity reviews discussed in FSM 1410 will be scheduled for National Forests and Regional Office staffs. As a goal, 25 percent of Forest positions should be audited annually by Forest classification delegates (see FPM 511, Subchapter 4 as supplemented by USDA and FS). When individual position audits show significant changes, the necessary corrective action must be initiated within 30 days after receipt of the report. Employees will be informed of the findings from classification audits of their positions. Positions selected for audit during classification activity reviews by Regional classification delegated and by Forest classification delegates should include: A random sample of approximately 20 percent of all positions of the unit being reviewed. The attached Random Sample Procedures (Exhibit 1) are to be followed to determine positions for audit. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 3 of 8 The remaining 5 percent will insure that positions reviewed include the following: 1. A representative sample of all grade levels. 2. Permanent and Temporary positions. 3. Positions where know problems exist. 4. Employee's request for position review. 5. Manager's request for position review. 6. Followup of positions established for new programs or as a result of reorganizations. The results of each audit will be documented as illustrated in Exhibit 2 (Form R26100-3, Audit of Position). Documentation of all classification audits must include notes taken, position number, title, series, and grade, date of audit, whether it was a supervisory audit or a desk audit and recommended action. Accomplishment will be reported annually by October 1. Reportable audits include: Work audit - indepth discussion with the incumbent of the duties and responsibilities being performed. Supervisory audit - indepth discussion with the immediate supervisor or other high level official of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the subordinate position. This can concern either existing or proposed positions. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 4 of 8 SEE THE PAPER COPY OF THE MASTER SET FOR 6151.1 - EXHIBIT 01. 6151.1 - Exhibit 01 RANDOM NUMBERS R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 5 of 8 6151.1 - Exhibit 02 AUDIT OF POSITION 1. Desk Audit Supervisory Audit 3. Title, series, and grade of position. Range Con. GS-454-9 2. Date of Audit 10/2/77 4. Position Number 02050018 5. Organization location (Forest, District, Division, Branch etc.) 6. Name of employee 7. Name of Immediate Supervisor John Smith Mike Adams, District Ranger 8. Does employee have a copy of current position description? Yes No 9. Current position description 10. Last classification validation date classification date 12/1/70 6/8/74 11. What duties shown in the position description are no longer being performed by the incumbent? Range duties now occupy approximately 50% of incumbent's time. 12. What significant duties does the employee perform which are not in his position description? Amount of time spent in timber duties has increased. Has new responsibility inspecting special uses. 13. Has there been a significant change in supervisory controls over the position? Yes No (If yes, explain) 14. Has the supervisory control which the incumbent exercises over other employees changed significantly sicne original description? Yes No (If yes, in what way?) 15. Has there been a significant change in qualifications required to perform the work? Yes No (If yes, explain) Duties of this position can also be performed satisfactorily by a professional Forester. 16. If items 11 through 15 have changed, what effect, if any, will this have on the classification of the position? The position would be classified as interdisciplinary between: Range Conservationist, GS-454-9 and Forester, GS-460-9. 17. Recommentations: Redescribe position to accurately reflect employees current assignment. 18. Signature of Classifier 19. Date /s/ Richard Henderson 10/2/77 R2-6100-3 (12/75) R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 6150 Page 6 of 8 6159 - FOREST SERVICE UNIFORM PROGRAM. 6159.03 - Policy. 6159.03a - Who is Required to Own the Uniform and Wear the Uniform. Incumbents of the positions listed below are authorized to own and wear the uniform indicated and will be authorized an appropriate uniform allowance. Good judgment must be utilized in determining when and where to wear the uniform. Position Dress Field Winter Regional Office Level Director X Director, Public Affairs X X Public Affairs Specialist X X Information Receptionist/Asst. X Special Agent X X Pilot X Asst. Regional Fire Coord. X Helicopter Operations Specialist X Helitack Foreman X FEMA Advisor X Volunteer Coordinator X Communications Specialist X Forest Pest Management X Environmental Engineering X Tramway Engineer X X Forest Supervisors Office Level Forest Supervisor X X X Deputy Forest Supervisor X X X Forest Staff Officers (Staff reporting directly to Forest Supervisor) X Lifeguard R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 Position 6150 Page 7 of 8 Dress Field Special Agents X FEMA Advisor X Information Receptionist/Asst. X or Employees, either permanent OR temporary whose duties involve significant public contact or law enforcement responsibility. Public Affairs Specialist X or Winter Lifeguard X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Requests for deviations from the policy will be directed to the Regional Forester for approval. For inclusion, the request should specify the position(s) which should be included in the uniform policy and why the position should be included. For exclusion, state why the position(s) shoul be excluded on your unit. District, Job Corps, Nursery, etc., Level District Ranger X X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Employees, either permanent or temporary, whose duties involve significant public contact or law enforcement responsibility. X (District Ranger determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Ski Area Administration (Winter Sports Administrator) X X (District Ranger determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Job Corps Center Director X X Job Corps Center Deputy Dir. X X Nurseryman X or X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) R2 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-2 EFFECTIVE 9/12/90 Position 6150 Page 8 of 8 Dress Field Winter Bessey Lifeguard Lifeguard X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Employees involved in training and/or supervision of enrollees/people. X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Information and Nursery receptionist or employees at interpretive service centers. X or X (Forest Supervisor determine needs and authorize accordingly.) Requests for deviations from the policy will be directed to the Regional Forester for approval. For inclusion, the request should specify the position(s) which should be included in the uniform policy and why the position should be included. For exclusion, state why the position(s) shoul be excluded on your unit. 6159.04f - Region/Station Uniform Coordinator. The Regional Coordinator is Gloria Crawley, Personnel Management Staff.