R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL DENVER, CO TITLE 5100 - FIRE MANAGEMENT R2 Supplement No. 5100-94-1 Effective March 1, 1994 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was Supplement 5100-93-3 to 5140. Document Name 5190 Superseded New (Number of Pages) 4 6 Digest: 5190 - 5191.04b - Establishes validation process and minimum requirements for a new analysis every three years. 5190 - 5191.04c - Establishes procedure for NFMAS analysis, validation procedure, fire program budget submission dates, and natural fuels program budget direction. 5190 - 5191.04d - Establishes NFMAS analysis documentation requirements. 5190 - 5191.04e - Minimum requirements for the narrative are listed according to subject area. 5190 - 5191.04f - Lists supporting documentation requirements for the NFMAS analysis. 5190 - 5191.04 - Lists data storage requirements. 5190 - 5192.1 - Specifies sources where of direction for specific uses of fire funds can be found. 5190 - 5192.2 - Instructions to Forest for requesting severity funds. Exhibits 1-3 are in separate documents. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 2 of 9 5191.02 - Objectives. To assure a quality analysis is performed on each forest which meets national and regional direction by establishing a uniform set of minimum criteria. To provide forests concise, uniform means of: updating annually their Fire Management Action Plan (FMAP); requesting economic efficiency (EFFS) funds for the annual budget process; and requesting severity (EFFS) funds when needed. 5191.04 - Responsibilities. 5191.04b - Regional Foresters. The Regional Forester will validate National Fire Management Analysis System (NFMAS) data from each Forest a minimum of once every three years. Validation may occur more often if significant changes occur in the fire program on a Forest. The intent of the validation process is to assure that Forests in the Region are meeting all NFMAS requirements in a consistent manner throughout the Region. The validated NFMAS data becomes an integral part of the normal PD&B and severity request process. Annual updates of the NFMAS data is a key factor in the fire program budget process. 5191.04c - Forest Supervisors. Each Forest Supervisor is required to complete a NFMAS analysis and have it validated by a Regional NFMAS Validation Team. If changes are planned in the fire program, a new analysis will be completed and validated. The approved validation Most Efficient Level (MEL) budget is used for the Program Development and Planning (PDB) and Forest Plan budget. Any budget changes will be implemented into next PDB and Forest Plan Budget cycle. Forest Supervisors will have an approved Fire Management Action Plan (FMAP). If the FMAP is changed or updated the Regional Office will be sent only the revised documentation. A 5100-2 must be updated and submitted each year. The 5100-2 is considered a part of the FMAP. Fire budget requests are made two years in advance using the validated NFMAS data. Indirect and support program dollars may be changed without NFMAS analysis but must be approved by the Forest Supervisor. Direct program dollars may not be changed without a new validated analysis that has the approval of the Forest Supervisor. NFMAS update requests are due December 1 each year. Natural Fuels Management program submission is done in conjunction with the fire budget request. The fuels program will be in compliance with the Forest Plan. Increases or decreases in program dollars and target requests must be approved by the Forest Supervisor, and submitted to the Regional Office through the normal PD&B process for changes. 5191.04d - Documentation Requirements. Documentation for NFMAS will be comprised of: A narrative; supporting documents; IAA (Initial Attack Assessment Model) printouts; and R2NFMAS Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. The tables are shown as exhibits 01, 02, and 03. The Data and Report Technology System (Darts) 5100-2 and Darts Results Summary will replace the R2NFMAS tables in the future. R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 3 of 9 5191.04e - Narrative. The narrative is a synopsis of the analysis and planning process consisting of: - A historical overview; Development and description of the Fire Management Zone(s); Suppression cost and Net Value Change Tables; Tactics and strategies used in the Initial Attack Assessment model; - An overview of the organization; A description of the forest aviation, prevention, detection, and fuels programs; Description and results of intangible, non-dollar value analysis; Description of any adjustments made to data input for problems encountered during the analysis; Any recommended planning changes that might be made in the future. The following subject areas are considered the minimum requirements for the narrative. A forest exempted from completing the IAA process is not required to furnish the information from the areas marked with the double astericks (**): - Introduction - Goals, objectives and assumptions - Historical analysis review - Forest historical fire data summary Fire management analysis zone (FMAZ) will have as a minimum: - - Calibration process - - Historical fire data Define fire season either by FMAZ or by forest. Physical description of the zone (include fuel types, slopes, and access problems) Brief description of observed fire behavior and weather factors Fire Management Direction Summary (link to Forest Plan) Brief description of each representative fire location (RFL). Description or matrix of resources by fire intensity level (FIL) for each RFL. Fire prevention analysis Detection analysis Fuels analysis Summary of how it was developed and inputs used. Summary of outputs Initial attack assessment tables - Factors and assumptions that were considered in the development of the following tables: R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 - Net Value Change (NVC) Table - - - - - - How units were reduced during budget reductions Non-Dollar Values to be considered - - How they were developed. How and when were they used. Option Selector (OST) Table - - Production Rates chosen Types of units and differences in response and production How air tankers, Cat I crew, helicopters were used Changes in response times Unit mission costs - ** Size, numbers and time periods used Was it developed from the Historical fire table. Master Resource (MRT) Table - ** What years were used Adjustments or abnormalities in the data Escaped Fire (EFT) Table - ** Calculations and references of values used Adjustments Acre Suppression Cost (AAC) Table - ** 5190 Page 4 of 9 Political, economic and other concerns Alternatives and/or mixes that were explored. - Brief description of alternatives Effects of the alternatives The preferred alternative description should have depth and include the following: - A brief description of how each option analyzed deviates from MEL direct costs A brief description of the tangible indirect costs included in those categories in the 5100-2. R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 5 of 9 - A brief description of the Prevention, Detection and Aviation programs - Describe the Prescribed Fire Program on the forest relative to vegetation, wildlife, wilderness management for the analysis period. Include anticipated annual number of acres to be treated by each resource area. Include whether forest has sufficient expertise, requires outside assistance or plans to build a qualified cadre, etc. Describe the Fuels Treatment Program for the five-year period including: - - Acres of "natural" fuels (PF24) to be treated annually Acres of "activity" fuels (BD) to be treated annually Planned costs per acre for each Expertise available or needed on the forest Fuels analysis completed or required on the forest A summary table and graphic presentation of the results of the preferred alternative. Problems encountered performing the analysis and steps taken to mitigate. Document changes to take place when conducting the next analysis. Intent of the Narrative is to be concise, brief and stand on its own without further reference material. More detailed information is included in the supporting documentation. 5191.04f - Supporting Documentation. The supporting documentation is the information that expands upon the information contained in the narrative. The following supporting documentation is required: - NFMAS Worksheets (May use computer prints to supplement actual form) 1,7,8,9,11, 14c or R2NFMAS TABLE 2 - ** - Average Per Acre Suppression Cost Tables or R2NFMAS TABLE 3 Historical Fire Table and Escaped Fire Table developed when using MNIAAPC calibration process or the methods used to develop the escape fire table if that process was not used. - A detailed 5100-2 (spreadsheet, DARTS output, or NFMAS Data Entry Report) and R2NFMAS TABLE 1. - List any other documentation ( except IAA printouts) that may be needed to support the Narrative. R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 ** ** - ** - 5190 Page 6 of 9 AA printouts will be for all FMAZ'S and options of the preferred alternative shall have a minimum of Tables 1-5. Reports using the Print Option "ALL" for each option of preferred alternative will be stored on 3.5" data diskette. Printing is optional, but maybe required for validation or review. Other alternatives reports should be stored on 3.5" diskettes. The Master Resource and Option Selector Tables used will be stored on the Diskette and be available upon request. 5191.04g - Data Storage Requirements. All data used in the analysis will be included. Data included with the package shall be stored on 3.5 " floppy disk. Each disk shall include a printout of the file directories with the disk. All data should be backed-up on diskette and/or tape. Make copies of all diskettes and sendone copy to the Regional office. This is to help insure against accidental loss of the data and expedite assistance when needed. Standardized file naming conventions shall be used as noted in the NFMAS reference manuals and the Darts Program. 5192.1 - Financial Planning, Accounts, and Accountabilit. Direction on specific uses of fire funds are provided in FSH 6509.11g Chapter 50. The following activity fund codes will be used for direct (PF114) and indirect (PF112) expenditures. Direction for determination of direct and indirect costs can be found in the interim directive for FSH 5109.19 to Chapter 10. 5192.2 - Forest Fire Severity Authorization. Requests for severity authorization must be submitted to the Regional Office Fire Management Group two weeks prior to the expected need (e.g. if severity funds are needed for the period June 1 to June 30, the request must be in the Regional Office by May 15). Follow the directions outlined in 5192.22 a, b, d, and f, use form R2-5100-41 for information requested in f. R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 7 of 9 5191.04d - Exhibit 01 R2NFMAS TABLE 1 NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SYSTEM REGIONAL OFFICE VALIDATION OF FOREST FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS (All costs to nearest tenths of thousands of dollars) FOREST Date Forest NFMAS Analysis Completed Date Approved by Regional Office - FINANCIAL DATA IN FY by: by: DOLLARS Analysis Updates RO/WO FY Data Bases (Review Team members) Direct Average Number Dates Planned Days Total Dispatch Single Unit Planned Date Date Available Days % Resource Production Begin End Per PP Planned Level Type Rate Ch/Hr - Direct costs % MEL Level + % Level THIS IS A CEO WORD DOCUMENT--INSERT AS MANY LINES OF DATA AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THIS PORTION Salary $$$$Training/Travel $$$$Supplies/Equip $$$$Rents, Utilities $$$$Dispatch $$$$Vehicles $$$$Sub Total - Direct Program Costs: (PF114)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $$$$$Indirect costs Other $$$$Salary $$$$Training/Travel $$$$Suplies/Equip $$$$Rents, Utilities $$$$Computer support $$$$Dispatch $$$$Vehicles $$$$Sub Total - Indirect Program Costs (PF112)- - - - - - - - - - - - - $$$$$Sub Total - Support Program costs: (ML,ET113,PL132, other) $$$$$Sub Total - Fuels Program Costs (PF24) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $$$$$Fuels program Acres (PF24) - - - - - - - - - - - - - AcresTOTAL FOREST FIRE PROGRAM COSTS - - - - - - - - - - - $$$$$$$- R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 8 of 9 5191.04d - Exhibit 02 R2NFMAS TABLE 2 NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SYSTEM NET VALUE CHANGE RESOURCE VALUES USED FOR FOREST FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS (All values to nearest dollar) FOREST Date Forest NFMAS Analysis Completed Date Approved by Regional Office Net Value Change Values in FY by: by: Analysis Updates RO/WO FY Data Bases (Review Team members) Dollars Values Based On : RPA ID TEAM Duplicate Table as necessary for value changes by FMAZ/RFL: FMAZ Net Value Change Category Total timber Forage Water Use Water Storage Total Fish Habitat Total Wildlife Habitat Total Recreation Improvements Acres on Forest Output Unit MMBF AUM AC-FT AC-FT RVDS RVDS RVDS $$ RFL Value per RESOURCE VALUE CHANGE BY FIL Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 R2NFMAS TABLE 3 NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SYSTEM AVERAGE PER ACRE SUPPRESSION COSTS (All costs to nearest dollar) FOREST Date Forest NFMAS Analysis Completed Date Approved by Regional Office Values are in FY Dollars by: by: Analysis Updates RO/WO FY Data Bases (Review Team members) Method of derivation: Fire Size Class (Nearest .1 Acre) From To . . . . . . Suppression Cost/Acre R2 SUPPLEMENT 5100-92-1 EFFECTIVE 6/15/92 5190 Page 9 of 9 5191.04d - Exhibit 03 R2NFMAS TABLE 4 NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS SYSTEM ANNUAL FINANCIAL COST STATEMENT AND REQUEST FOR PRESUPPRESSION EMERGENCY FIREFIGHTING/SEVERITY FUNDS (All costs to nearest tenths of thousands of dollars) Forest Fiscal year Costs are for: Planned Allocated Supplemental Severity Level PRESUPPRESSION EMERGENCY FIREFIGHTING FUNDS REQUEST Dispatch Resource Type ALLOCTED PLANNED DIRECT COSTS (MAR 16.0) Number Dates Planned Days Total Direct Planned Date Date Available Days Costs Begin End Per PP Planned SUPPLEMENTAL OR SEVERITY COSTS Dates Needed Days Addiitonal Additional Date Date Needed Total Days Direct Costs Begin End Per PP Needed THIS IS A CEO WRD DOCUMENT -- INSERT AS MANY LINES AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMODATE ALL RESOURCES Salary / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Training/Travel / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Supplies/Equip / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Rents/Utilities / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Dispatch / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Vehicles / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Other / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Total Direct Program Costs & Days (PF114) Total Indirect Program Costs (PF112) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Tot Support Prog Costs (ML,ET113,PL132) $$$$$Total Fuels Program costs (PF24) AcresFuels Program Acres (PF24) Total FOREST FIRE PROGRAM COSTS THIS PROGRAM REPRESENTS % OF MEL $$$$$$- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-