R4 SUPPLEMENT 2700-92-3 EFFECTIVE 10/30/92 2715.23a_Ex.01_04 Page 1 of 4 FSM 2700 - SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT R4 SUPPLEMENT 2700-92-3 EFFECTIVE 10/30/92 2715.23a - Exhibit 01 Following is a sample Bill for Collection to be included with the letter to the holder when payment is 1-5 days overdue. It shows the application of the first administrative charge. FS-6500-89 (5/92) USDA – Forest Service 1. Date of Issue January 3, 1992 BILL FOR COLLECTION Please send money order, bank draft, or check payable to: USDA – FOREST SERVICE at the following address: COLLECTION OFFICER, ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST 355 NORTH VERNAL AVENUE VERNAL, UT 84078 (A pre-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience) _ _ | | Mr. Joe Permittee 1234 Nowhere Street Anywhere, UT 8000 |_ _| 2. Issuing Office Address 324 25th Street Vernal, UT 84078 FOR INFORMATION Please call or write to the issuing office address. DO NOT send correspondence or change of address with your payment. FOR PROPER CREDIT be sure to include a copy of this Bill with your payment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fold--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Date or Period 4. Description 5. Amount 1/1-12/31/1992 Racetrack Permit #5555 $100.00 Administrative Charge 6. Bill Number 7. Unit Number TP01 35.00 8. Subunit/Contract Number 9. Payment Due Date 10. Amount Due January 31, 1992 $135.00 Note: Payments not received by the due date are subject to a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the rate published by the Department of the Treasury unless a different rate is prescribed by contract or agreement. Postmarks are not honored. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES may also be assessed. An additional 6% PENALTY will be charged for payments over 90 days past due. (Authority: Debt Collection Act of 1982.) 11. Remarks 12. Forest Service Accounting Data TRANS. MANAGEME OBJECT AMOUNT CODE NT CODE/FY CLASS A 8904 01 $100.00 A 8990 15 35.00 Total ----------- $135.00 R4 SUPPLEMENT 2700-92-3 EFFECTIVE 10/30/92 2715.23a_Ex.01_04 Page 2 of 4 2715.23a - Exhibit 02 Following is a sample Bill for Collection to be included with the letter to the holder when payment is 30 days overdue. It shows the application of the second administrative charge and the first interest charge. FS-6500-89 (5/92) 1. Date of Issue USDA – Forest Service February 1, 1992 BILL FOR COLLECTION Please send money order, bank draft, or check payable to: USDA – FOREST SERVICE at the following address: COLLECTION OFFICER, ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST 355 NORTH VERNAL AVENUE VERNAL, UT 84078 (A pre-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience) _ _ | | Mr. Joe Permittee 1234 Nowhere Street Anywhere, UT 8000 |_ _| 2. Issuing Office Address 324 25th Street Vernal, UT 84078 FOR INFORMATION Please call or write to the issuing office address. DO NOT send correspondence or change of address with your payment. FOR PROPER CREDIT be sure to include a copy of this Bill with your payment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fold--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Date or Period 4. Description 5. Amount 1/1-12/31/1992 Racetrack Permit #5555 $100.00 Administrative Charge 70.00 Interest, 6-7/8%, 1/1-1/31/92 6. Bill Number 7. Unit Number TP01 .56 8. Subunit/Contract Number 9. Payment Due Date March 1, 1992 10. Amount Due $170.56 Note: Payments not received by the due date are subject to a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the rate published by the Department of the Treasury unless a different rate is prescribed by contract or agreement. Postmarks are not honored. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES may also be assessed. An additional 6% PENALTY will be charged for payments over 90 days past due. (Authority: Debt Collection Act of 1982.) 11. Remarks 12. Forest Service Accounting Data TRANS. MANAGEME OBJECT AMOUNT CODE NT CODE/FY CLASS A 8904 01 $100.00 A 8990 15 70.00 A 8990 13 .56 Total ----------- $170.56 R4 SUPPLEMENT 2700-92-3 EFFECTIVE 10/30/92 2715.23a_Ex.01_04 Page 3 of 4 2715.23a - Exhibit 03 Following is a sample Bill for Collection to be included with the letter to the holder when payment is 60 days overdue. It shows the application of the third administrative charge and the second interest charge. FS-6500-89 (5/92) 1. Date of Issue USDA – Forest Service March 2, 1992 BILL FOR COLLECTION Please send money order, bank draft, or check payable to: USDA – FOREST SERVICE at the following address: COLLECTION OFFICER, ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST 355 NORTH VERNAL AVENUE VERNAL, UT 84078 (A pre-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience) _ _ | | Mr. Joe Permittee 1234 Nowhere Street Anywhere, UT 8000 |_ _| 2. Issuing Office Address 324 25th Street Vernal, UT 84078 FOR INFORMATION Please call or write to the issuing office address. DO NOT send correspondence or change of address with your payment. FOR PROPER CREDIT be sure to include a copy of this Bill with your payment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fold--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Date or Period 4. Description 5. Amount 1/1-12/31/1992 Racetrack Permit #5555 $100.00 Administrative Charge 105.00 Interest, 6-7/8%, 1/1-2/28/92 6. Bill Number 7. Unit Number TP01 1.13 8. Subunit/Contract Number 9. Payment Due Date April 1, 1992 10. Amount Due $206.13 Note: Payments not received by the due date are subject to a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the rate published by the Department of the Treasury unless a different rate is prescribed by contract or agreement. Postmarks are not honored. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES may also be assessed. An additional 6% PENALTY will be charged for payments over 90 days past due. (Authority: Debt Collection Act of 1982.) 11. Remarks 12. Forest Service Accounting Data TRANS. MANAGEME OBJECT AMOUNT CODE NT CODE/FY CLASS A 8904 01 $100.00 A 8990 15 105.00 A 8990 13 1.13 Total ----------- $206.13 R4 SUPPLEMENT 2700-92-3 EFFECTIVE 10/30/92 2715.23a_Ex.01_04 Page 4 of 4 2715.23a - Exhibit 04 Following is a sample Bill for Collection to be included with the letter to the holder when payment is 90 days overdue. It shows the application of the forth administrative charge, the third interest charge, and the first penalty charge. FS-6500-89 (5/92) 1. Date of Issue USDA – Forest Service April 2, 1992 BILL FOR COLLECTION Please send money order, bank draft, or check payable to: USDA – FOREST SERVICE at the following address: COLLECTION OFFICER, ASHLEY NATIONAL FOREST 355 NORTH VERNAL AVENUE VERNAL, UT 84078 (A pre-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience) _ _ | | Mr. Joe Permittee 1234 Nowhere Street Anywhere, UT 8000 |_ _| 2. Issuing Office Address 324 25th Street Vernal, UT 84078 FOR INFORMATION Please call or write to the issuing office address. DO NOT send correspondence or change of address with your payment. FOR PROPER CREDIT be sure to include a copy of this Bill with your payment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fold--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Date or Period 4. Description 5. Amount 1/1-12/31/1992 6. Bill Number Racetrack Permit #5555 $100.00 Administrative Charge 140.00 Interest, 6-7/8%, 1/1-3/31/92 1.69 Penalty, 6% 1/1-4/1/92 1.48 7. Unit Number TP01 8. Subunit/Contract Number 9. Payment Due Date May 1, 1992 10. Amount Due $243.17 Note: Payments not received by the due date are subject to a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE at the rate published by the Department of the Treasury unless a different rate is prescribed by contract or agreement. Postmarks are not honored. ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES may also be assessed. An additional 6% PENALTY will be charged for payments over 90 days past due. (Authority: Debt Collection Act of 1982.) 11. Remarks 12. Forest Service Accounting Data TRANS. MANAGEME OBJECT AMOUNT CODE NT CODE/FY CLASS A 8904 01 $100.00 A 8990 15 105.00 A 8990 13 1.13 A 8990 09 1.48 Total ----------- $243.17