R2 SUPPLEMENT 2600-92-2 EFFECTIVE 12/31/92 2620 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL DENVER, CO TITLE 2600 - WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT R2 Supplement No. 2600-92-2 Effective December 31, 1992 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Manual was Supplement 2600-92-1 to 2610. Page Code 2624.2--1 thru 2624.2--5 Superseded Sheets 3 Supplements Covered R2 Supplement 39, 12/80 Document Name 2620 Digest: Updates Chapter 20 to electronic format. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester New (Number of Pages) 5 R2 SUPPLEMENT 2600-92-2 EFFECTIVE 12/31/92 2620 Page 2 of 5 2624.1 - Minimum Requirements. 1. Statewide Comprehensive Plan. In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding with the various States, the Statewide Comprehensive Plan is to be jointly reviewed and updated on an annual basis. During this process, the Forest Service and the State wildlife agency shall: Assess habitat goals and objectives as related to established population goals. Plan and program future projects to meet the goals and objectives. Plan and coordinate future budgets. Assess past accomplishments. Currently, the information relating to the above items is scattered and difficult to retrieve. To consolidate this information into a more useful form for the purposes of coordinating the program budget with the Statewide Comprehensive Plan, a 5-Year Action Plan shall be prepared by each unit within the Region and be based on direction established in the Forest Plan. This document shall be structured so that it not only meets the needs of the Statewide Comprehensive Plan, but also so that it can be used as a reference for: Resource Planning Act Assessments and Programs. Program, Planning and Budgeting (both Forest Service and State). Program Accounting and Management Attainment Reporting System (PAMARS). An action plan as a part of the Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. 2. Administrative Unit. The Comprehensive Statewide Wildlife Management Plan, 5-Year action Plan, shall be developed in cooperation with local wildlife agency representatives, approved by the Forest Supervisor, and aggregated by State by the Regional Forester. The resultant 5-Year Action Plan will become an amendment to the appropriate Comprehensive Statewide Wildlife Management Plan and shall serve as the action section of that document. Forests shall submit one copy of Form R2-2600-10 (RCS 02-2600-04) to the Regional Forester no later than April 1 for forwarding to the appropriate State wildlife agency. Comprehensive Statewide Wildlife Plan - 5-Year Action Plan. The 5-Year Action Plan will present the planned wildlife and fish habitat improvement program scheduled for the next 5-year period. It shall reflect the actions required to attain the population and habitat goals and objectives found in the body of the Comprehensive Statewide Plan and the Forest Land and Resources Management Plan. This summary shall become the State's record of the Forest Service's progress toward accomplishing the objectives of the Comprehensive Statewide Plan. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2600-92-2 EFFECTIVE 12/31/92 2620 Page 3 of 5 The habitat program shall be recorded on form R2-2600-10. It shall be completed to show the projects accomplished the past fiscal year and the projects being planned for the current and the next four fiscal years. Sufficient projects shall be identified to cover the highest level of funding requested in program planning and budgeting for any one year. This form is required in order to: Provide a consistent format to facilitate the aggregation of programs at higher administrative levels. Ensure that adequate funds are programmed to conduct all phases of project development and implementation. Ensure the coordination of budget requests between the Forest Service, the State wildlife agencies, and other cooperating agencies and/or groups. Provide a tangible document which can be reevaluated and reprogrammed to reflect changing priorities, funding and needs. Ensure how well objectives have been met as outlined for the Regional Plan and the Resource Planning Act (RPA). The annual revision of the 5-Year Action Plan shall reflect the reassessment of the 5-year program and will account for the latest information relating to anticipated State financing and participation. The signing of the form by the Forest Service and the State wildlife agency at the various administrative levels shall document the mutual acceptance of program revision but not obligate fund. The signed forms shall also document that the required interagency coordination was achieved. Procedure. Each Forest shall develop, in coordination with its counterpart within the State wildlife agency, a scheduling of tasks which are necessary to ensure the proper development of the 5-Year Action Plan. As a minimum, this schedule shall: Assure a parallel flow of information up and down the administrative levels of the agencies involved. Provide a mechanism by which the field units are informed of revisions in proposals and of the content of the final 5-Year Action Plan submitted by the Forests. Timing of the various tasks will vary according to the administrative procedures used by the different State wildlife agencies; however, the sequence of events should be quite similar. As a guide, a scheduling of tasks appropriate for the Colorado Forests and the Colorado Division of Wildlife follows: R2 SUPPLEMENT 2600-92-2 EFFECTIVE 12/31/92 DATE 2620 Page 4 of 5 DUTIES RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL(S) Summer Field personnel of the Colorado division of District Wildlife Field Season Wildlife (CDWF) and the Forest Service to meet on Manager and District an informal basis to determine management needs Ranger for the attainment of established population and habitat goals and objectives. Project treatments, costs, timing, etc., are discussed and documented. September Field personnel of both agencies, prepare and update Form R2-2600-10 based on anticipated funding and targets. District Wildlife Manager and District Ranger November Form R2-2600-10 due in the forest Supervisor's Office and the Regional Office of the CDOW. Area Supervisor and District Ranger November District Ranger begins the Environmental District Wildlife Assessment process for projects expected to be Manager, District programmed two years hence. (This provides Ranger, Forest adequate lead time to modify programs should Supervisor and economic or environmental constraints render Regional Manager of projects nonviable.) District Ranger and CDOW CDOW field personnel prepare Collection Agreements for cooperatively funded projects to be completed the following fiscal year. December 1 Forest Supervisor and Regional Manager (CDOW) Forest Supervisor and meet to coordinate and recommend a Forest Regional Manager Habitat Program of Work. District projects are set in priority for the entire Forest and CDOW cooperative funding potential is assessed at the CDOW regional level. December 15 Field units are informed of the outcome of the Forest Supervisor and proposed Forest program. Rationale for project Regional Manager priority changes is made. Recommendations for modifications of proposed projects are also made. January 15 Regional Office (CDOW) is informed of the Forest Supervisor progress of the Wildlife Habitat Program following the initial phases of the Forest budgeting process. R2 SUPPLEMENT 2600-92-2 EFFECTIVE 12/31/92 2620 Page 5 of 5 January 25 Regional Office of the CDOW responds to the Regional Manager initial Forest budget information. Regional Manager provides to Forest Supervisor suggestions and alternatives to meet objectives in view of budget constraints. February 1 Forest completes budget process for the various levels of constrained funding and documents projects proposed for funding. Forest Supervisor February 15 Forest Supervisor provides Regional manager withForest Supervisor the projects scheduled for funding for the various levels of constrained funding. April 1 Form R2-2600-10 for the Forest is due in the Forest Supervisor and Regional Office and copies are provided to the Regional Manager Regional Manager. Field units are informed of the finalized version of the Habitat program of Work. Summer Resume on-the-ground coordination. Field Season