2430 Page 1 of 7 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL BRIDGER-TETON NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 4) JACKSON, WY FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES Supplement No.: 2400-2009-1 Effective Date: April 13, 2009 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: CAROLE ‘KNIFFY’ HAMILTON Forest Supervisor Date Approved: April 13, 2009 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. New Document(s): 2430 Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date None 7 Pages Digest: 2431.3 – Provides definitions for special forest products and direction for product plans 2431.31a – Provides new rates for special forest products 2431.31b – Provides new minimum rate direction for personal use sales 2431.3 - DEFINITIONS OF SPECIAL FOREST PRODUCTS Special Forest Products – Products collected from National Forest System lands that include, but are not limited to, bark, berries, boughs, bryophytes, bulbs, burls, Christmas trees, cones, ferns, firewood, forbs, fungi grasses, mosses, nuts, pine straw, roots, sedges, seeds, transplants, tree sap, wildflowers, fence material, mine props, post, poles, shingle and shake bolts, and rails. Special forest products do not include sawtimber, pulpwood, non-sawlog material removed in log form, cull logs, small roundwood, house logs, minerals, animals, animal parts, insects, worms, rocks, water, and soil. BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 2 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES Convertible timber products – Forest products that can be translated into cubic feet such as posts, poles, rails, shingle and shake bolts, firewood, fence stays, mine props, and bow staves. Non-convertible timber products – Forest products that are not easily translated into cubic feet such as Christmas trees, tree sap, boughs, bark, cones, burls, bark, and tree transplants. Non-convertible non-timber products – Other forest products that may be sought on the National Forest such as berries, mushrooms, seeds, grasses, flowers and other plants or shrubs. Forest Botanical Products – Special Forest products that are naturally occurring, including but not limited to bark, berries, boughs, bryophytes, bulbs, burls, cones, ferns, forbs, fungi grasses, mosses, nuts, pine straw, roots, sedges, seeds, tree sap, wildflowers, and shrubs. SPECIAL FOREST PRODUCT PLANS These guidelines are set forth to establish one common standard to work from on the BridgerTeton National Forest. It is required that the forest operates under a common guideline for establishing sound product plans. For more direction refer to FSM 2460, FSH 2409.18 sec. 80, and 36 CFR 223.3-223.11. The product plans for all convertible timber products, non-convertible timber products, and nonconvertible non-timber products will be kept current and reviewed annually to meet changing needs of the forest. The Forest Sale Administrator will create and maintain all product plans. PRODUCT PLANS FOR CONVERTIBLE TIMBER PRODUCTS There will be at least two product plans for each convertible timber product the forest wishes to sell; one product plan for each proclaimed unit, the Bridger portion of the forest and the Teton portion of the forest. Additional convertible timber product plans may be established for specific District needs if line officers determine special circumstances. Written justification and area specific restrictions and guidelines must accompany the request for a specific product plan. Standard rates shown in exhibit 01 will be used for convertible timber products. PRODUCT PLANS FOR NON-CONVERTIBLE TIMBER PRODUCTS Product plans for non-convertible timber products will be handled the same as convertible timber product plans. Standard rates shown in exhibit 02 will be used for non-convertible timber products. PRODUCT PLANS FOR NON-CONVERTIBLE NON-TIMBER PRODUCTS The product plans for these products will be managed in the same manner as convertible and non-convertible timber products. Standard rates shown in exhibit 03 will be used for nonconvertible non-timber products. Rock, mineral and soil non-convertible non-timber products are sold under mineral permits. BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 3 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES GENERAL PRODUCT PLANS Each district will annually review and update information pertaining to product plans. Information updates may include but is not limited to closures of specific areas, restricted access to specific areas, issuing and requesting authorities, associated charges such as road maintenance, KV or BD collections and any new terms and conditions. Associated charges are required for fuelwood and are optional for other products. Annually, District Rangers will determine what associated charges to collect and which products plans will collect them. Use of mechanized equipment other than an ATV will have written permission from the District Ranger stating the specific equipment and specific place for its use. 2431.31a - Standard Rates The following standard rates for Special Forest Products are established for Forest-wide use as the selling price for personal use sales or as the advertised price for sealed bid or oral auction commercial transactions. Since transaction evidence appraisals do not appraise Special Forest Products, these standard rates shall be used for any size sale as long as the product is not a saw log or house log. Exhibit 01 shows standard rates for CONVERTIBLE TIMBER PRODUCTS. Exhibit 02 shows standard rates for NONCONVERTIBLE TIMBER PRODUCTS. Exhibit 03 shows standard rates for NONTIMBER PRODUCTS. 2431.31b - Minimum Rates The minimum charge for commercial and personal-use sales per contract or permit is $20.00 per permit (FSM 2431.31c) with the following exceptions. The minimum charge for personal use Christmas tree permit is $5.00. The maximum value for form 2400-1 permit is $300. Minimum amount of fuelwood sold per household per year is four (4) cords and maximum amount of fuelwood sold per household per year is 10 cords. Maximum amount of dead and green post and poles per household per year is 200 trees for the Forest. BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 4 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2431.31a - Exhibit 01 Convertible Timber Products Green Post and Poles The rates for fence posts, corral poles (rails) and tepee poles are based on the assumption they will be cut from trees within the following size classes. Since it is difficult to accurately determine how many of each product a certain size tree will yield, these products will be sold per tree or per CCF based on current R-4 Conversion Factors for Sale and Permit Coding. Standard Rate 1/ Tree Size Class CF/ Tree Product /Tree Code < 4.9” 1 03 $1.50 5.0–6.9” 3 06 $2.50 1/ Any Associated Charges will be in addition to Standard Rates, based upon approved plans and applied only when consistent with the Forest Service work needed to harvest the product within the project area. Dead Post and Poles Standard Rate Tree Size CF/ Tree Class Product /Tree Code < 4.9” 1 03 $0.80 5.0–6.9” 3 06 $1.00 Fuel wood (Gross Scale) Description Commercial Personal use 2/ Product Standard Code Rate/Cord 07 07 $5.00 $5.00 2/ four-cord minimum and 10-cord maximum per household. BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 5 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2431.31a - Exhibit 02 Nonconvertible Timber Products Christmas Trees Description Product Code Personal Use (< 12’) Personal Use (12’ – 25’) Personal Use (>25’) Standard Associated Charges/Tree 4/ Rate/Tree 15 15 15 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $3.00 $13.00 $23.00 4/ FLREA associated charges are in addition to stumpage rates. Cones Description Green (Seed) 5/ Dry Product Code Standard Rate/Bushel 33 34 $2.50 $1.50 5/ See FSH 2409.26f – Seed Handbook, Chapter 320 for conversion factor to number of cones/bushel by species. Live Transplants (Conifer and Hardwood Trees) Description 3/ All Species (up to 6’) All Species ( 6’ – 10’) All Species (10’ – 20’) Product Code 17 17 17 Standard Rate/Each $5.00/tree $10.00/tree $25.00/tree 3/ Maximum of 20 trees per individual per year. Boughs Description All Conifer Species Product Code 29 Standard Rate/Pound $0.20 BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 6 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2431.31a - Exhibit 03 Nontimber Products One hundred percent of the product value (standard rate) must be deposited into NFF. Mushrooms Product Code Description Incidental Personal Use Commercial Permit 7/ 17 Standard Rate 6/ $0.20/Lb 6/ No permit is required for personal collection up to 1 gallon/day/individual. 7/ $20 (10-day) minimum permit charge and days assigned will be consecutive. Live Transplant (Shrubs/Forbs/Grass and other Plants) Description Product Code All Species 17 Standard Rate/Each $2.00 Seed (Shrubs/Forbs/Grass) Description Grass Forbs Shrubs Product Code 35 35 35 Standard Rate/Pound $0.50 $0.25 $0.25 Willows Branches Description Product Code All Species 49 Standard Rate/Ton $0.20/lb BRIDGER-TETON SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: April 13, 2009 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2430 Page 7 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2430 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2431.31a - Exhibit 03--Continued Other Misc. Description 3/ Fern Cuttings Ornamental Grass Ornamental Shrub Cutting Conks/Fungi Bark Moss/Lichens Roots including Corn lily, also called Veratrum californicum, skunk cabbage Bulbs Herbs Product Code Standard Rate/Pound 17 48 35 43 32 44 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 40 $0.15 41 45 $0.50 $0.20 3/ No permit required for personal use collection up to 20 pounds/individual/year for fern cuttings and ornamental grass. No permit is required for personal use collection up to 10 pounds/individual/year for conks/fungi and bark. Foliage/Decorative Greenery Description Product Code All Species 30 Standard Rate/Pound $0.10