2400-11-3 Page 1 of 7 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL CIBOLA NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NM FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES Supplement No.: 2400-11-3 Effective Date: March 31, 2011 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: NANCY ROSE FOREST SUPERVISOR Date Approved: 03/31/2011 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2400-09-1 to FSM 2430. New Document 2400-11-3 7 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2400-09-1, August 17, 2009 7 Pages Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement. 2430 - Updates Forest Products Timber Program. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 2 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2430.2 – Objectives 1. Provide a firewood product for local personal use through personal and commercial firewood sales. 2. Manage public lands in an environmentally sound manner considering sustainable silviculture, desired future condition and ecosystem need and access management objectives. 3. Manage the firewood program as a cost effective tool to treat woodlands and forest lands for the Forest Plan implementation to meet wildlife, range, watershed, recreation, fuels, management and other resource management objectives identified in the Forest Plan. 4. Dispose of firewood under the Free-Use regulation (refer to FSM 2462 and 36 CFR 223.5) where a defined resource objective is served, and/or where accessibility limits demand. 2430.3 – Policy I. Allow removal of miscellaneous round wood products annually for both personal use and commercial purposes. There may be restrictions on time due to environmental considerations (high fire danger, saturated soil conditions, and so forth). There may he seasonal closure due to weather or species endangerment. Avoid cutting live trees from April 1 to July 31 to avoid migratory bird nesting season. Deviations to this policy for specific projects or products must be made by written request to the Forest Supervisor through the Forestry staff. Exceptions must insure no resource damage is likely to occur through continued removal of products from an area. 2. Limit personal use cords in any combination of free or paid (dead or green) to (12) twelve cords per district in any one calendar year. Individuals may purchase commercial sales in greater amounts than ten cords per district. 3. Allow a maximum of 60 days for permits 2 cords to 12 cords. 4. Personal and commercial firewood sales. a. Personal and commercial use firewood must be taken from designated areas only. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 3 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES Maps for these areas are reviewed annually by the Cibola Timber Staff to insure they are accurate and meet legal requirements. b. Commercial sales must utilize the 2400-1. Permit (up to $300), FS-2400-3, Timber Sale Contract of FS-2400-4 Forest Product Sale contract forms as appropriate for conditions of a given sale. Coordinate development of the FS-2400-3 or 2400-4 contracts with forestry personnel on the districts. c. Use FS 2400-1, Forest Products Removal/Cash Receipt for personal use sales. d. Remove dead standing trees and dead downed wood only in accordance with established wildlife direction and established limits as to designated areas, quantities and sizes of wood taken. Sec Forest Plan guidelines for Mexican Spotted Owl and Goshawk. e. Districts must maintain current plans for Sale Area Improvement (K-V) Brush Disposal (BD), Salvage Sale (SSF) and Road Maintenance (CWFS) for collection of appropriate funds for small products sales. These plans must he completed concurrent with NEPA analysis and reviewed by the Forest Forestry Staff prior to the sale of any forest products. f. Implement harvest of wood material, dead or green (live), considering desired conditions to meet resource objectives. Integrate Forest Plan and other applicable interdisciplinary direction into the analysis. All such harvests must involve interdisciplinary discussion and documentation as well as a management prescription developed by a certified Silviculturist. g. Personal-use live firewood sales should meet silvilicultural, soil watershed and wildlife objectives. Advertise such sales to the maximum extent to ensure availability to all potentially interested parties. Make these sales available to the public annually. h. Advertise all commercial sales on a bid basis annually. If no bids are received, sales may he sold on an opportunity, or "over the counter" basis, at any time within one year of the original advertisement. (FSM 2432.63). I. District Rangers may make commercial sales of dead material where appropriate to meet management objectives in the Forest Plan. j. Design commercial sales with a wide range of block and volumes sized to provide opportunities for the widest range of potential bidders. k. District Rangers must determine performance bonds sufficient to cover closure, rehab WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 4 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES and/or re-offer costs, for all commercial sales using FS-2400-3 and FS 2400-4 contracts. Use contract direction for determining performance bonds when using other types of contracts. 5. Consider wildlife habitat needs when implementing live oak sales as determined by a Wildlife Biologist. Pay specific attention to the Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Plan. No live oak sales in Mt Taylor or Magdalena. 6. Christmas Tree Sales a. Design Christmas tree sales to meet desired conditions and comply with Forest plan objectives. A management prescription by a certified Silviculturist will be required. b. Commercial sales of Christmas trees and species available for harvest will be at the discretion of the District Ranger and in compliance with the Forest Plan objectives. c. Allow two trees per household or organization (a maximum of 10 feet in height from ground level). Exceptions for the organization are subject to the approval of the District Ranger. d. Christmas trees may be removed either by cutting or digging for transplanting purposes. e. Christmas trees may not be provided through free use (36 CFR 223.5). 7. Wildings a. Personal use is limited to a maximum of 10 trees per household in any one calendar year. b. The open season is March 15 through December 15. 2431 - MANAGEMENT OF TIMBER SALE PROGRAM 2431.12 - Methods of Measurement Presale measurement sales: Use presale measurement for all timber sale offerings in the Southwestern Region unless otherwise authorized by the Regional Forester. 2431.31 - Minimum and Standard Rates Use the following table to price all convertible products that will not be appraised by the Transaction Evidence Appraisal. These rates are standard rates for the Region. Each Forest should consider developing their own standard rates for their area. Any Forest standard rate may not be below the Regional rates. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 5 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES 2431.31a - Standard Rates Use the following table when determining what products are available or which categories may not have any products in commercial timber sales: Alternative R3 Utilization and Valuation Groups Products, Value-Class Non-Sawtimber Not Appraised Not Biddable Sawtimber Appraised, Biddable 0.0-4.9 Mandatory $1.00 Low No 5.0-6.9 Option Option No No 7.0-8.9 Option Option No No Option Option Tree DBH Class 9.0-11.9 Non-Pine Non-Product 12.0+ Non-Pine 12.0+ Pine $5.00 High No No No Option 9.0-11.9 Pine $3.00 Medium No No Option 100 TEA code No Mandatory No No No No No No Mandatory 122 TEA code Forests should make a determination about which products their Forest will offer for sale and which categories will not be a product in commercial timber sales based on the above table. Coordination with adjacent National Forests will be necessary to list the same size material in different product categories. The tables below do not address all miscellaneous forest products that each Forest may sell. Forest Supervisors are authorized to develop higher standard rates than those listed for products offered on their Forest. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 6 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES Standard Rates for Convertible Products Not Appraised with Transaction Evidence Appraisal System Dollars per CCF DBH Size Class Live PP Live Conifer Live Aspen & Other SP DF WF AS PJ JUN 5.0” – 8.9” 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.0” – 11.9” Non Saw 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.0” - 11.9” Sawtimber 3.00 3.00 1.00 12.0” – 17.9” 5.00 3.00 1.00 18.0” 15.00 10.00 1.00 Standard Rates for Miscellaneous Forest products (Other than Naval Stores) (36 CFR 223.1 – FSM 2467) Nonconvertible Standard Rates Lichen on Rock Substrate Seed Cones (all species) Dry Cones (all species) Bear Grass Pinyon Grass Other Seed Decorative Trees or Shrub Limbs Mistletoe Jojoba Beans Meadow Hay Herbs and Edible Roots Fronds, Foliage, Kinnikinnik Mushrooms (all species) Novelty Woods and Burls Wilding Transplants – Aspen (up to 20’ max) All other Species for the first 8 feet All other Species from 8 to 12 feet (Maximum height of Aspen Wildings is 20 feet) (Maximum height of all other Wildings is 12 feet) Dead All Species 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $50.00 / ton $2.00 / bu $0.20 / bu $5.00 / ton $0.20 / lb $2.00 / lb $5.00 / ton $0.10 / lb $0.10 / lb $10.00 / ton $5.00 / bu $5.00 / bu $10.00 / bu $75.00 / ton $0.50 / ft $1.00 / ft $2.00 / ft Minor amounts of personal use of fruits, berries or pinyon nuts may he authorized without permit. 2431.31b - Minimum Rates. WO SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400-11-3 Page 7 of 7 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 30 – COMMERCIAL TIMBER SALES The following are base rates (FSM 2431.31), and include both stumpage and K-V. These rates are based on the high value, medium value, and low value species and products groups. Base Rates for Sawtimber Trees, Pieces of Trees, or Logs For Sawtimber and Pulp Appraised Under Transaction Evidence Appraisal System (36 CFR 223.1 – FSM 2430) 1. Sawtimber trees 9” DBH and larger:1/ $/CCF a. Ponderosa Pine 12”+ 5.00 Ponderosa Pine 9” to 11.9” 3.00 b. Douglas Fir, White Fir, Spruce 3.00 c. Aspen and other 1.00 2. Dead Trees – Salvage (FSM 2421 and 2435) – All Species 1.00 3. Non – Sawtimber . 2/ _ All Species 5” to 11.9” DBH 1.00 1/ For Products removed as Sawlogs 8 feet or more in length. 2/ Non -Sawtimber is not appraised but will use the Base Rate as the Standard rate. Use the standard rates stated herein as the minimum advertised rates for all timber sales.