r5A1 /900 1950.31 TITLE 1900 - PLANNING 1950.31 - Study Plans. All projects for which the Forest Supervisor is the responsible official and that require an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement shall be preceded with a study plan unless the Forest Supervisor determines otherwise. Projects that meet any one of the following conditions may proceed without a study plan-- (1) do not require coordination among resources, (2) are of no concern to the public, (3) insignificantly affect the environment, (4) do not require a team effort, or (5) are of an emergency nature. Examples of such projects are free use permits, requests for borrow material, stream cleanup, "green sheet" sales and fire and rescue. 1950.32 - Roles of Participants 1. The Team Leader: a. Coordinates the specialists' work, focusing their attention on team goals and objectives as spelled out in directions to the IDT. b. Provides a link between the IDT and the responsible official. c. Develops the study plan; directs the environmental analysis and preparation of the environmental assessment or statement. d. Leads the IDT in all steps through the process for which they are responsible. e. Keeps analysis on schedule. 2. The Team Members: a. Provide a needed skill or discipline required by the study plan. b. Participate collectively with each other in considering problems, finalizing data needs and meeting schedules in the study plan. Participate in all phases of the environmental analysis through identification of the preferred alternative. c. Act as team leader when so delegated. d. Write portions of the EA or EIS as assigned by the team leader. FSM 9/82 KA SUPP. 3 1950.33 - -1 TITLE 1900 - PLANNING 3. Consultants: a. Provide needed information to the IDT in the form of reports, memos, or through personal interviews and contacts as requested by the team leader. b. Advise the IDT on technical matters. c. Write portions of the EA or EIS as assigned by the team leader. 4. The Forest Supervisor's Management Team (Staff and Rangers): a. The Planning Officer will serve as Coordinator for project review. He will determine appropriate Staff Officers and Rangers to review documents and submit comments to the IDT leader in a timely manner. Courtesy copies will be given to each of the Management Team. b. The reviewing Staff Officers and Rangers will: 1) recommend direction for a properly negotiated study plan (See 1950.33 1 a-g following), 2) provide functional consultation if needed at decision points throughout the project, including Environmental Assessment preparation, c) review and recommend approval of EA's that involve his or her functional expertise. 5. The Forest Supervisor: a. Provides direction to the IDT and Management Team to assure that Step 1950.33 1 a-g as defined below is properly carried out. The planning of projects for which the Forest Supervisor is responsible may be delegated to the District Ranger or Staff Officer. b. Approves study plan and EA/EIS or provides additional direction when remanding for further work. c. Designates a team leader. This should be done at the outset unless the Forest Supervisor chooses to personally prepare the management direction. Team leaders should possess both a working knowledge of the planning process and strong ability to communicate effectively with both the IDT, management, and the public. FSM 9/82 KA SUPP. 3 1950.33 - -2 TITLE 1900 - PLANNING 1950.33 - Preparation of Study Plans (The contract for getting the job done). 1. Preparation of Direction to the IDT The Forest Supervisor or delegated member of his Management Team (if so chosen) will identify a team leader and transmit direction to the IDT covering the following items. a. A brief written description of the project, its priority, purpose, and link to the program plan and budget (include 1900-4). b. Identification of the Management Area the project is in and the project boundary. c. Tentative evaluation criteria that include such things as objectives, targets, management direction, road standards, A-95 coordination if appropriate, and management concerns. (See Forest Service NEPA Process Revised Implementing Procedures, NEPA Procedures Handbook 12.2). d. Significant issues and problems addressed. e. IDT composition by skills needed and possible assignment of team members. f. Degree of public involvement needed. For environmental statements and large or controversial projects, a public participation plan will be prepared. Projects requiring an EA will, as a minimum, have a news release inviting public participation. g. Desired completion date for the environmental assessment or EIS. 2. Management Team Review and Concurrence of Direction to IDT a. The Planning Officer distributes Direction to appropriate Management Team members for coordinated review. Unaffected Staff Officers and Rangers should not review the Direction. The amount of lead time will depend on the complexity of the project. Ideally, about one week of lead time should be given, unless the project is complex, in which case more time should be allowed. FSM 9/82 KA SUPP. 3 1950.33 --3 TITLE 1900 - PLANNING b. The Forest Supervisor through consultation with appropriate Staff and Ranger selects core team members, and agrees on consultants. IDTeam members shall be selected to form a balanced team to address the affected resources, issues, and concerns to be resolved. Prime consideration should be given to the individuals professional expertise, experience, and their demonstrated abilities to perform in a team environment. c. The Management Team may recommend direction changes and, if necessary, shall meet at the earliest possible time with the Planning Officer to resolve any disagreements on Direction to IDT. Irresolvable disagreements should be brought to the Forest Supervisor for resolution at the earliest possible time. d. Reviewing Management Team signs recommending approval of Direction to the IDE. e. Forest Supervisor approves management direction to the IDT. 3. IDT-Management Team Negotiations and Completion of the Study Plan. a. The team leader meets with the IDT who collectively review Direction to the IDT. b. IDT makes any additional recommendations. c. Data consistency collection needs and time frames are set by the IDT to meet target date established by the Forest Supervisor. d. A critical path or appropriate schedule for project accomplishment is prepared. e. Approved management direction, data needs, critical path chart, and public involvement plan (if appropriate) are combined to complete the study plan. f. Forest Supervisor and_IDT meet, if necessary, to resolve any problems. g. Reviewed and signed by IDT. h. Reviewed and signed by appropriate Management Team members. i. Reviewed and approved by Forest Supervisor. FSM 9/82 KA SUPP. 3 1950.33 - -4 TITLE 1900 - PLANNING 4. Study Plan Revision If the team leader determines that the project has or will exceed the budget significantly (10%) or that the project has fallen behind schedule, the Forest Supervisor will be informed by written memo. Reasons for the project delay or budget overrun will be specifically identified. Corrective actions will be suggested and appropriate modification documents (revised 1900-4, critical path, etc.) will be included. The Forest Supervisor will specify the corrective action desired. 1950.34 - Environmental Assessment Review a. The team leader submits the EA in draft format to the Planning Officer who distributes to appropriate Management Team reviewers. b. Reviewers return comments on EA to the IDT leader within two weeks. c. Planning Officer summarizes substantive comments and gives them to the IDT under Forest Supervisor signature for consideration. d. The EA is revised by the IDT in response to comments and returned to the Planning Officer. e. Planning Officer routes the revised EA to affected Management Team for final review and recommendation. f. Team leader delivers EA including a Decision Notice, FCtSI, and news release to the Forest Supervisor for approval. FSM 9/82 KA SUPP. 3