All proposed Regional direction which affects the preparation of the... Plans must be reviewed by the Director of Land Management... 1920.4 - Responsibility.

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1920.4 - Responsibility.
All proposed Regional direction which affects the preparation of the Regional Guide or Forest
Plans must be reviewed by the Director of Land Management Planning and be approved by the
Regional Forester or Deputy for Resources. This will include data analysis requirements;
planning responsibilities; plan content; consistency with program, budget, or functional planning;
and coordination with others.
1920.41 - Director, LMP.
The Director of Land Management Planning provides staff assistance to the Regional Forester,
through the Deputy for Resources, in all matters of Regional and Forest planning. Additional
responsibilities include providing planning assistance to the Forests and coordinating Regional
and Forest planning at the Regional level.
A Forest Plan provides direction for all resource management programs, practices, uses,
protection measures and monitoring for each administrative unit of the National Forest System.
It provides guidance to manage the various resources of the Forest. It provides the basis for
permits, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other instruments for occupancy and use of
National Forest System Lands. It provides the basis for budget requests, budget allocations, and
skill mixes. All project work is tiered to Forest Plans.
1922.04 - Responsibility.
1922.04a - Regional Forester. The Regional Forester will approve the following planning
1. Work plans including citizen participation plans.
2. Issues, concerns, opportunities.
3. Analysis of the management situation.
4. Range of alternatives.
5. Draft environmental impact statement and proposed plan.
6. Responses to public comments.
7. Proposed changes to draft EIS and plan.
8. Record of decision.
9. Regional manual supplements to FSM 1920.
10. Significant Forest Plan amendments and revisions.
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DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
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1922.31b - Internal Review Process.
The following review and approval process will be used for Forest planning actions:
1. Land Management Planning staff will review for technical adequacy and quality
control for approval by the Regional Forester.
a. Work plans, including citizen participation plans.
b. Record of decision.
2. Land Management Planning staff and Regional Office interdisciplinary team will
review for technical adequacy and quality control:
a. Technical reports.
b. Prescription standards and guidelines.
3. Land Management Planning staff and Regional Office interdisciplinary team will
review for technical adequacy and quality control. Regional Office staff directors will review for
appropriate uniformity and consistency, quality control, and recommend for Regional Forester's
a. Issues, concerns, opportunities.
b. Analysis of the management situation.
c. Range of alternatives.
d. Draft environmental impact statement and proposed plan.
e. Responses to public comment.
f. Proposed changes to draft EIS and plan.
g. Regional manual supplements to FSM 1920.
h. Significant Forest Plan amendments and revisions.
The Regional Office interdisciplinary team will function as a technical assistance group. If
interdisciplinary team review of major planning documents such as analysis of the management
situation, DEIS, or proposed plan reveals substantial problems, a work group will be assigned to
help the Forests make changes.
1922.4 - Forest Plan Implementation.
Forest Plans will be implemented 30 days after approval by the Regional Forester. As soon as
practicable after approval of the Plan, Forest Supervisors will ensure that, subject to valid
existing rights, all outstanding and future permits, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other
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DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
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instruments of occupancy and use of affected lands are consistent with the plan. Subsequent
administrative activities affecting such lands, including budget proposals, shall be based on the
A master copy of the Forest Plan will be maintained in a loose leaf binder at the Forest
Supervisor's Office, District Ranger's Office, and Regional LMP Director's office. The master
copy should be kept in the Directives System Library and updated as amendments are approved.
Forest Supervisors shall provide copies of all amendments so masters can be updated.
Each Forest will develop and maintain a ten year implementation schedule covering the life of
the plan. The schedule will be periodically updated. The schedule will be at least Forest-wide.
The schedule will be on an electronic spread sheet and spatial requirements such as stands
reserved for old growth should be recorded on maps or a geographically based data system. A
standard format will be specified.
The 10-year implementation schedule will be the primary implementation management tool to
support the following management activities:
Formulating program budget proposals.
Issuing budget allocations.
Tracking Forest Plan monitoring results.
Tracking staffing and skill mixes.
Conducting reviews.
Making the required 5-year Forest Plan implementation review.
Evaluating the need to amend or revise Forest Plans.
Communicating with the public and other agencies.
Consolidating data from other information systems.
The software support will be the Data General spreadsheet program.
Copies of implementation schedule templates will be electronically mailed to each Forest. In
addition, operational instructions will be sent separately and periodically updated.
To meet constrained budget direction, a partial level spreadsheet will be developed in addition to
the basic full level spreadsheet. These partial level spreadsheets will be interim working papers
and will be kept in a separate file.
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DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
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1. Implementation Maps. The Forest Service Primary Base Series map (PBS) will serve
as the standard in Region 3 for use in implementing each Forest's Land Management Plan. All
map products will be derived from the PBS except for S.O. small scale display map. Forests
which do not yet have the 1:24,000 scale, 7 1/2 minute format PBS, may use the 1:31,680 scale,
15 minute format planimetric series (2 inches to 1 mile). Conversion to 1:24,000 on these
Forests will be made as the Regional PBS program continues.
The Regional Office Geometronics Group will have primary responsi- bility for the production
of implementation maps. Financing will be a Forest responsibility.
The following will be the Regional standard:
a. Ranger District
(1) The 1:24,000 or 1:31,680 scale quadrangles assembled on stable base film in a
manner which will permit utilization of the existing multiple use cabinets. This map
will be produced black on white delineating the management area boundaries and the
associated management area identification numbers.
(2) Diazo type prints of management area quadrangles and capability area
quadrangles at 1:24,000 or 1:31,680 scale.
b. Supervisors Office
(1) One set of each of stable base, polyester reproducible copies of management area
and capability area quadrangles at 1:24,000 or 1:31,680 scale, whichever is available.
(2) At the option of each Forest:
(a) Small scale wall display map (1/4-inch, 1/2 inch, or 1-inch to 1-mile) showing
management area boundaries. This map will be printed in two colors, and/or
(b) Management area quadrangles (1:24,000 or 1:31,680) reduced to a scale of 1-inch
to 1-mile, printed in two colors, page size (8 1/2" x 11"), and bound in a looseleaf
folder. This will permit easy copying and replacement of updated pages.
c. Regional Office
(1) The Regional Office Geometronics Group will retain original negative copies of
the management area and capability area quadrangles for the production of special
products when requested.
(2) A very small supply, primarily for internal use, of reduced management area
quadrangles or small scale wall display maps will be retained in the RO.
A variety of map products will be available by special request.
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DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
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The updating and revision of management area or capability area quadrangles will be on an
individual Forest basis and only when needed. No annual update program is planned at this time.
It is recommended that each Forest or District maintain a master set of quadrangles showing all
boundary changes so that when updating of the quadrangles is required, all necessary data will be
readily available.
2. Project Identification. All projects will be tiered to the Forest Plan. All
projects will be covered by the 10-year implementation schedule. All projects will be planned
and designed using the Region 3-13 Phase Integrated Resource Management Process.
3. Supporting Data Needs. The Forest Supervisor is responsible for:
a. Validation of data and assumptions used to prepare the Forest Plan.
b. Maintaining and updating data needed for future analysis, budget development,
and information needed by the Chief and Regional Forester.
1922.51 - Changes to the Forest Plan That Are Not Signifcant.
The Forest Supervisor is responsible for amending the Forest Plan to accommodate
nonsignificant changes to the plan. In amending the plan, the Forest Supervisor must ensure that
nonsignificant changes do not accumulate and become significant. Nonsignificant changes to the
Forest Plan do not require preparation of an environmental impact statement in order to amend
the plan. However, the potential environmental consequences of the project or activity causing
the need for change require environmental analysis that may lead to preparation of an
environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement for the project. When the
change to the plan is nonsignificant, notify all parties who received the package containing a
copy of the final EIS, the Forest Plan, and Record of Decision, of the decision to amend the
Forest Plan. Publish a notice of the decision to amend the plan in local newspapers.
Amendments will be produced in a format that will facilitate replacement of entire pages in the
plan. The procedure would be similar to the way manuals are amended. Amendments will be
numbered consecutively and the amendment number and effective date of the amendment will
appear at the bottom of each new page. The new pages will be sent out as part of the notification
to the public and to maintain master copies (see Supplement FSM 1922.5). Copies will be sent
to RO LMP Staff.
Amendments will be inserted in the master copies of the plan kept in the directives library.
1922.6 - Revision.
Forest Plans will be revised at least every 15 years. Unless there are overriding new issues or
significant new data, no Forest Plans will be revised for at least 5 years following filing of the
Record of Decision. After the initial 5-year imple- mentation period has elapsed, Plan revisions
will be scheduled so that no more than two forests begin revision in any one year. Priority for
Forest Plan revision will be based on emerging issues, availability of significant new data, and
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DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed
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conformity between original Plan and actual implementation. Revisions should be relatively
minor if the plans are kept current through the amendment process.
1922.7 - Monitoring and Evaluation.
In addition to specific monitoring items specified in the monitoring plan, the management review
system will be used to ensure that management is consistent with the Plan and that planned
monitoring is being carried out. Project monitoring will be done as part of the integrated
resource management process. Monitoring activities will be scheduled in the 10-Year
Implementation Schedule.