1920 Page 1 of 14 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 1900 – PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING Supplement No.: 1900-2002-1 Effective Date: August 20, 2002 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: KATHLEEN A. MCALLISTER FOR BRADLEY E. POWELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 07/30/2002 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was R1 Supplement 8 to FSM 1930. New Document 1920 14 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Supplement Number and Effective Date R1 Supplement 5, 10/82 48 Pages Digest: 1920.3 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.72 - Renumbers section to 1922.32 to be consistent with parent text. 1920.72c - Incorporated into section 1922.32. 1920.72b - Incorporated into section 1922.32. 1920.74 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.74a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.74b - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.82 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.82a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.83d - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 2 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1920.84 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.85a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1920.89a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.16d - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.24b - Removes this section, which is redundant with R1, supplement to FSM 2471.1. 1926 – Section added outlining designation of Special Interest Areas. 1922.31 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.31a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.32a - Paragraph 7, which is redundant with new section 1922.32, paragraph 2 is removed, paragraph 8, which refers to outdated text, is removed, remainder of paragraph is renumbered as section 1923.1. 1922.33 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.34 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.35 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.35 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.36 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.36a - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.36b - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.37d - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.38 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.44 - Removes this section, which is no longer consistent with the parent document. 1922.47 - Renumbered as section 1925; clarifications added on process of identification and designation of Research Natural Areas. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 3 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1922.32 – External Review 1. Public Participation. Availability of Forest Planning Information. The following principles apply when providing planning records to the public: a. The public involvement plan should identify the points in the planning process when public input is desired and when documents will be available for public review. This plan shall be distributed or made available to the public for use and understanding of the planning process and as a guide to the public role. b. The Regional Forester will review and approval requirements for various Forest planning process components. When the formal documentation related to each process component has been signed by the official responsible for approval, (Regional Forester, Director of Ecosystem Assessment and Planning, or Forest Supervisor) the documents shall be made available to the public. Until the process component has been approved, the supporting documents are considered working papers and are normally exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5). c. Forest planning documents or records, available for public review shall be in a convenient, maintained form. "Good Host" principles shall apply when preparing information for public review and in soliciting comments from the public. d. Personnel responsible for dealing with requests for records should review FSM 6270 covering the Freedom of Information Act policy. Authority to deny information is limited to the Regional Forester. This section of the Manual also clarifies charging fees for requested documents. e. Requests for information with a fee must be in writing with the understanding the agency has 10 working days to respond to the request. Brochures and letters encouraging public comment shall include a statement that input received is public information and cannot be held in confidence—even until such time as the ultimate decision is reached. f. Forest plans and environmental impact statements have been added to the list of publications (see FSM 1630.51). 2. Documentation. Some Forests have RARE II "further planning" areas that were also designated in the Montana Wilderness Study Act (MWSA) (PL95-150). Since MWSA requires "at least 60 days’ advance public notice of any hearing or other public meeting concerning such areas," Forests addressing MWSA areas as part of their Forest planning process (Lewis and Clark, Gallatin, Kootenai, Deerlodge and Bitterroot) must provide at least 60 days' notice for R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 4 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f public participation activities associated with development of their Forest plans, rather than the 15 days required by the National Forest Management Act (NFMA) regulations (36 CFR 219.7). Public notice of hearing may be given before the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is released, however, a review period of 60 days for the DEIS is required. 3. External Coordination. The Region's role in external coordination will be to work with State government agencies, other Federal agencies, Intertribal policy boards and elected State officials to the extent necessary in the Regional planning process. Forests will work with State officials, counties, Indian tribes and local municipalities in the Forest planning process. The following format provides general guidelines to coordinate Regional and Forest planning actions with equivalent planning actions of other Federal agencies, State and local governments, and Indian tribes. Forest Service Planning Responsibilities for Coordination with Affected Levels of Federal Agencies, State and Local Governments, Indian Tribes, Adjacent and Intermingled private Landowners Regional Planning Action (Regional Forester Respons.) Federal Regional or Federal State offices & Regional planning commissions State level personnel & department heads Intertribal policy boards Forest Planning interactions mingled (Forest and adjacent Sup. Private landowners) County & city governments & multi-county agencies such as RCD area Local office of State & Federal Agencies Indian tribes These guidelines are designed to reduce overlapping contacts and to assure coordination with appropriate organization levels. In cases where coordination efforts are needed beyond the local level, the needed coordination should be extended. When more than one Forest will be coordinating with the same people, steps should be taken to reduce the impacts on the other agency as well as Region 1, (for example, joint meeting, sharing information gained with others, and so on). Forest Plan Public Participation Plans should outline the activities to coordinate Forest planning with other public planning efforts. 1923.12 – Proposals Resulting from Special Wilderness Studies Not Incorporated in Forest Plans 1. Wilderness Studies. Due to intense public interest usually accompanying wilderness study recommendations, the Regional Forester will, by memorandum, notify the Chief's Office R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 5 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f of intended recommendation on wilderness study areas involved in Forest plans. The memorandum will generally not exceed two pages and will be submitted prior to finalizing the Forest Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). At a minimum, it will summarize public input and any key determinants in the recommendations. The FEIS accompanying the Forest plan is filed as an administrative Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) so approval and plan implementation (except for legislative recommendations) can occur upon Regional Forester's signature of the Record of Decision. If the Forest plan and FEIS included recommendations of Congressionally mandated study areas or proposed wilderness for any other wilderness study area, the proposals shall be explicitly identified as "preliminary administrative wilderness study area recommendations." They will be further qualified by the statement; "this recommendation is a preliminary administrative recommendation which will receive further review and possible modification in the offices of the Chief, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the President of the United States. Final decisions on wilderness designation have been reserved by Congress to itself." Simultaneous to filing the Forest plan and administrative EIS, a review draft of a legislative FEIS will be submitted to the Chief for review and processing under FSM 1920. Need for this document shall be engineered into preparation of the Forest plan and administrative FEIS so it can be "lifted" out to the greatest extent possible. When the wilderness study will be part of the development of a Forest plan, the wilderness study report will be an integral part of the DEIS for the Forest plan. It will include descriptions and evaluations of the various plan alternatives. Formal hearings are required for the Montana Wilderness Study Act areas and Further Planning areas recommended for wilderness. Proposals resulting from development of a Forest plan shall follow the process in exhibit 01. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 6 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1923.12 - Exhibit 01 Diagram of Process for Handling Wilderness Proposals Resulting from Forest Planning DEVELOP & EVALUATE ALTERNATIVES FILE DEIS (See note 1) 60-day public notice EVALUATE COMMENTS FILE ADMINISTRATIVE FEIS (FOREST PLAN) (See note 2) HOLD FORMAL HEARINGS ON MWSA AREAS & FUTHER PLANNING AREAS RECOMMENDED FOR WILDERNESS 30-day open record (MWSA Areas & Further Planning areas recommended for wilderness.) SUBMIT LEGISLATIVE FEIS REVIEW DRAFT WO & DEPARTMENT REVIEW RF SIGN RECORD OF DECISION 30 days 30 days IMPLEMENT FOREST PLAN INTERAGENCY (OMB) REVIEW FILE LEGISLATIVE FEIS SECRETARY SIGNS RECORD OF DECISION AMEND FOREST PLAN IF NECESSARY (See note3) TRANSMIT LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL LEGISLATIVE ACTION R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 7 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1923.12 - Exhibit 01 - continued Notes: Note 1 - When developing Forest plan alternatives for the DEIS, show a full range of wilderness alternatives so adequate consideration of wilderness options are available in the DEIS. Note 2 - If Congress has mandated the wilderness study, the Forest plan FEIS will describe the management alternatives for the area and state that all options will be protected pending a decision by the Congress, regardless of the Regional Forester's recommendation. If the wilderness study has been initiated by other than Congress and no wilderness is proposed, all management decisions will be set forth in the Forest plan FEIS and the Regional Forester's Record of Decision will implement the Forest plan including the study area. If legislation is proposed for all or any part of the administratively directed wilderness study area, the Forest plan FEIS will describe proposed management direction for the area and will state that all management options will be protected for the portion of the area being recommended for wilderness designation pending a decision by Congress. Management of any portion of the area not recommended by the Secretary for wilderness designation will be implemented by the Secretary's decision. Note 3 - After action by the Secretary, the President, or the Congress, further analysis may be necessary to incorporate their decisions into the Forest plan. Approach for Conducting Wilderness Study on Further Planning Areas. The wilderness study of most of the RARE II further planning areas will be conducted in development of Forest Plans. Exhibit 02 shows the Northern Region's further planning areas and information on how the wilderness study will be handled. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 8 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1923.12 - Exhibit 02 Approach For Conducting Wilderness Study On Further Planning Areas Further Planning Area Disposition of Wilderness Study & Lead Responsibility RARE II No. Forest West Pioneer 01006 Beaverhead/Deerlodge MWSA 1977; Awaiting Congressional action Blue Joint Mtn. A1941 MWSA 1977 Awaiting Congressional action Sapphires 01421 Bitterroot, MWSA 1977; Beaverhead/Deerlodge Awaiting Congressional action Hyalite G, H1548 Gallatin MWSA 1977; Awaiting Congressional action Ten Lakes 01683 Kootenai MWSA 1977; Awaiting Congressional action Big Snowies A, B, S1-739 Lewis & Clark MWSA 1977 Middle Fork Judith 01-734 Lewis & Clark MWSA 1977; Awaiting Congressional action DEIS Format - The Forest plan DEIS will contain the analysis of the whole Forest and a separate analysis for MWSA and Further Planning areas. It is then possible to use the analysis to formulate a study report if a wilderness candidate area is recommended. The study report for the MWSA must stand on its own, following the CEQ (Council for Environmental Quality) Regulations for contents. The purpose of the Forest plan DEIS and a separate MWSA study report is to provide clear understanding and to serve as a proposed document for public hearings. The study report would contain the format and contents as shown in exhibit 03 as extracted from the Forest plan DEIS. The Forest plan DEIS will display proposed management direction by management area for the entire wilderness study area. However, the study report for MWSA areas should contain R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 9 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f proposed management direction by management area for that portion recommended as wilderness and only summarize preferred management direction for the portion not included as wilderness. If Congress does not select the preferred alternative for wilderness, management direction for the rest of the study area will be revised accordingly. Contents - The study report contents will be developed to conform to CEQ Regulations. The contents will differ from the format of the DEIS for Mount Henry, Taylor-Hilgard, and West Pioneer because the aforementioned report used FSM 1950 outline. To provide for consistency in MWSA areas: 1. The Affected Environment must address issues received from the public during the September 1979 MWSA workshops, plus any additional issues identified during the Forest plan scoping sessions. 2. The Environmental Consequences section should display the following tables shown on pages 116, 117, and 118 of the Mount Henry, Taylor-Hilgard and West Pioneer DEIS: a. Acreage by Management Area by Alternative. b. Estimated Average Annual Outputs by Alternative. c. Projected Programmed Timber Harvest by Decade and by Alternative. d. Economic Efficiency by Alternative. (It is not necessary to display individual resources.) e. Total Annual Employment and Income by Alternative. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 10 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1923.2 – Exhibit 03 CEQ Recommended Format Forest Plan DEIS Study Report for MWSA Areas Extracted from Plan DEIS a. Cover sheet Include Include b. Summary Summary for Forest Plan as a whole and separate summary for MWSA of Further Planning Areas For MWSA c. Table of Contents Include Include d. Purpose and Need for Action For Forest Plans as a whole and separately for MWSA or Further Planning Areas For MWSA e. Alternatives Including Proposed Action For Forest as a whole and separately for MWSA or Further Planning Areas For MWSA f. Affected Environment For Forest as a whole and separately for MWSA or Further Planning Areas For MWSA g. Environmental Consequences For Forest as a whole and separately for MWSA or Further Planning Areas For MWSA h. List of Preparers Include For MWSA i. List of agencies, organizations and persons to whom copies are sent For Forest Plan For MWSA Study Report j. Index Include For MWSA k. Appendices Include For MWSA When doing the economic analysis for the study areas, apply the following: 1. Analysis areas should be either all inside or all outside the study areas, that is, the study area boundary should not split analysis areas. This will permit identification of economic data for the study area as a separate unit. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 11 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 2. Since study areas are largely roadless, development of potential transportation systems must be considered. Cost of potential road systems should be handled through FORPLAN. 3. Potential mineral deposits may be analyzed. Known locations must be identified to avoid making allocation decisions that would preclude development of minerals without benefit of tradeoff analysis. The economic analysis methodology used will be briefly described in an appendix contained in the Forest plan. 3. Responsibility. When two or more Forests or another agency is involved, lead responsibilities are as indicated in exhibit 01. The lead unit should display the data, analysis and recommendation for the entire study area in the DEIS and for the study report. The cooperating Forest will show the same decision but only for the portion of the area in their Forest plan. 4. Data. In the timber resource section of the wilderness study areas, include a table showing "Areas by Timber Productivity Class." Requests for insect and disease infestation status reports and maps of risk classification shall be made to Regional Office State and Private Forestry. 5. Maps. Resource maps in the study report shall be necessary to provide for understanding and disclosure. The timber resource must be mapped because of its historical significance to the MWSA areas. Maps should be similar to those in the current MWSA DEIS except it is unnecessary to show these analysis units. It may also be desirable to show the insect risk classification. Resource maps should be prepared for other significant resources with a strong bearing on potential classification as wilderness (for example, minerals or oil and gas potential). Capability areas can probably describe other resource values narratively. The map scale should be no smaller than ½ inch = 1 mile. Exhibit 03 shows the planning comparisons for MWSA and RARE II Further Planning Areas. 6. Formal Public Hearing for Wilderness Studies. Public hearings are required only for congressionally designated wilderness study areas and then only when specified. This is usually done by reference to provisions of section 3(d)(l) of the Wilderness Act. Formal hearings are not required for further planning areas not mandated for study by Congress. Generally, public involvement provisions of NFMA fulfilled in the Forest planning process are sufficient for further planning areas although there is no prohibition against using the formal hearing procedure if desirable. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 12 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f 1922.15 – Resource Integration Requirements a. Research Natural Areas (RNAs). Forests must continue meeting their assignments for needed RNA targets, which were originally identified in the 1983 Regional Guide and subsequently, updated in the Research Natural Areas of the Northern Region: Status and Needs Assessment (October 1996). While Forests are not required or expected to exceed their Research Natural Areas (RNAs) RNA targets, there may be opportunities for proposing additional RNAs in the Forest plan, including any unique habitats or high-quality representative sites that have been identified since the preceding plan but are not presently shown as targets. Some Forests have identified more than one area that can meet the RNA target(s). These Forests can include these areas in each alternative or they may vary the areas by alternative in the Forest plan. The process for continuing identification and designation of Research Natural Areas in the Northern Region is summarized below (NOTE: the establishment record process can be done either before or after the Forest plan is approved). Step 1. Review currently designated RNAs, to assess the degree to which targets have been met since the preceding Forest plan. The Research Natural Areas of the Northern Region: Status and Needs Assessment, compiled in 1996, should serve as the primary guidance for this target assessment. Section VI (National Forest RNA Target Recommendations), pages 143-161, provides information on remaining recommended RNA targets for each Forest. Step 2. Review opportunities on National Forest lands for natural areas that would meet appropriate unfilled targets. Review tradeoffs and nominate areas. If a natural area target can be found within Wilderness Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, or National Recreation Areas, and is readily accessible, it can also be nominated. Step 3. Review nominated RNAs identified in step 2 and, through the Forest Plan, recognize them as candidate or proposed RNAs for inclusion in the national Research Natural Area system. Step 4. Once specific areas have been considered for inclusion in the RNA system through steps 1-3, and candidate or proposed RNAs are recommended in the Forest plan, an ecological evaluation (and establishment record, if the proposed RNA is then approved by the Regional RNA Committee) must be prepared for each area. The format for ecological evaluations and establishment records is outlined in FSM 4063, and in the Northern Region Natural Areas Source Book (1996). The Northern Region’s Research Natural Area Committee (FSM 4063.04b.2) will give appropriate assistance in all aspects of reviewing and recommending areas to the Regional Forester and Station Director, and in preparing the ecological evaluations and establishment records. With the Regional Forester’s signature, the area becomes an established RNA and will be managed under direction given in FSM 4063 and FSM 2360. The RNA establishment process is summarized in more detail in the following flow chart (ex. 05). This process, as well as additional information regarding RNA designation and management, is included in the Northern Region Natural Areas Source Book (1996). R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/20/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 13 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING f The allocation of RNAs will be done in the Forest plan; however, the actual RNA evaluation and establishment report processes can be done either before or after the Forest plan is approved. b. While Forests are not required to designate Special Interest Areas (SIAs), there may be opportunities in Forest Plans to protect or enhance areas with unusual characteristics. 36 CFR Part 294.1 allows for suitable areas of National Forest land managed principally for recreation, other than wilderness or wild areas, to be given special classification. FSM 2372 provides direction on identification and establishment of such areas for protection of scenic, geological, botanical, zoological, paleontological, archaeological, or other special values. An analysis of the need and desirability for special areas should be included in the Forest Plan (FSM 2372.2). R1 SUPPLEMENT 1900-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1920 Page 14 of 14 FSM 1900 - PLANNING CHAPTER 1920 – LAND AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING 1922.15 - Exhibit 05 RNA ESTABLISHMENT PROCESS IDENTIFICATION OF RNA NEEDS Identify site that: Fills 1 or more RNA targets, Includes 1 or more unique features, Contains habitat for sensitive species. SITE NOMINATION Review by RNA Committee, Forest, and District personnel. SITE CANDIDACY SITE PROPOSAL RNA Committee proposes RNA designation and secures Forest concurrence for proposal. ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION EE is reviewed by RNA Committee. ESTABLISHMENT RECORD PREPARATION Establishment Record preparation and NEPA work may occur concurrently. FOREST PLANNING/NEPA PROCESS Decision Notice/Designation Order signed by Regional Forester. Post Public Notice. Forty-five day appeal period. ESTABLISHMENT RNA ESTABLISHMENT DOCUMENT FILING All documentation is packaged and sent to WO, Station Director, Regional Forester, Forest Supervisor, and District Ranger. Copies are filed with Natural Areas Program. Notify Regional Land Status and Public Affairs Office.