1704.3--1 TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS 1704.3 - Region, Station, and Area

1704.3 - Region, Station, and Area
The Stikine Human Rights Action Group (SHRAG) is established to serve as an
advisory group to the Forest Supervisor on the implementation and
effectiveness of the Area's Affirmative Action Program for Civil Rights. The
SHRAG is authorized under DPI1, Chapter 713, subchapter 206 (13) as amended.
In addition to the basic purpose of fulfilling EEO requirements, SHRAG will
also advise and counsel the Forest Supervisor on the Area's implementation of
the Regional and service-wide Civil Rights policy as outlined in Secretary's
Memorandum 1662 and subsequent supplements.
In order that the Group may have the advice, knowledge, and assistance of
field and subject-matter specialists which it deems necessary in order to
carry out its functions, members are hereby authorized to consult with any
individual employee or group of employees regarding any subject relating to
the Civil Rights Program. This communication will help in fostering an
affirmative Civil Rights Program on the Stikine Area.
By nature of its functions, the SHRAG serves both management and employees,
giving advice and counsel in the best interests of employees and the agency.
The SHRAG also serves as an additional channel of communication between
management and all employees.
The SHRAG serves as an independent body, functioning under the guidance of the
Forest Supervisor.
The Group representation is comprised of various interests from established
and recognized groups and individuals within the Forest Service.
Participation in the committee is established in accordance with the criteria
and requirements for membership as set forth in the Bylaws.
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Article I: Name. The name of this group shall be the Stikine Human Rights
Action Group.
Article II: Functions. The Stikine Human Rights Action Group serves in an
advisory and counseling role to the Forest Supervisor in carrying out civil
rights responsibilities. In meeting its responsibilities, the Group will:
A. Provide active input to the Forest Supervisor in regard to matters
related to the Civil Rights Program.
B. Suggest ways for accomplishing and improving the Civil Rights
Affirmative Action Program.
C. Suggest Stikine Area Civil Rights training needs.
D. Suggest steps to take in the recruitment, advancement, and retention
of minority and women employees.
E. Assist management in identifying community group leaders,
institutions, and sources of help in implementation of specific items in
the Civil Rights Affirmative Action Program.
F. Provide suggestions for the maintenance of good interpersonal
relations among all employees.
G. Provide a channel of communication between management and all
employees. Each SHRAG member is responsible for the dissemination of
information in their respective offices.
H. Provide assistance to the Federal Women's Program Manager (FWPM),
Alaska Native Program Manager (MPH), and Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) Counselors.
I. Assist in the preparation of Stikine Area and Regional Affirmative
Action Plan for Civil Rights.
J. Participate on all Area position selection committees, and review all
case files, regardless of whether a selection committee is being utilized,
for civil rights implications before job offers are made.
K. Monitor and evaluate the Stikine Area's Civil Rights progress.
L. Group members shall be responsible for communicating to their offices
the functions and activities of the group.
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Article III: Membership
A. Voting membership of SHRAG will consist of two Area representatives to
the Regional Civil Rights Action Group, five EEO counselors, the Area
FWPM, and the Area MPH.
In addition to the nine voting members, the Area's Personnel Officer will
be a non-voting ex officio member.
B. Selection of SHRAG members will be by the following procedures.
1. Members will be selected from those who have indicated a desire to
2. SHRAG will solicit for interest and make a recommendation to the
Forest Supervisor.
3. The Forest Supervisor will appoint SHRAG members.
C. Terms of membership in SHRAG: Regional CRAG, EEO Counselors, FWPM,
and AUPM's are automatically SHRAG members and will retain SHRAG
membership as long as their collateral assignments last.
Article IV: Officers
A. A Chairperson shall be elected by the Group and will serve for a
maximum of one year. Duties will be to:
1. Chair all meetings of the Group.
2. Appoint an interim chairperson in case of his/her absence.
3. Appoint committees to undertake various Group tasks and projects.
4. Call special meetings when needed.
5. Serve as the link between the Forest Supervisor and the Group.
6. Submit Group recommendations in writing to the Forest Supervisor.
7. Solicit agenda items from the Group members.
8. 3e responsible for the preparation and distribution, in a timely
manner, of the agenda for each meeting.
Article V: Meetings and Agenda
A. The Group will meet monthly depending on agenda items and the
availability of members during the field season. If necessary, the
Chairperson may call special meetings.
B. A quorum shall be two-thirds of the membership.
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Article VI: Amendments
An affirmative vote of two-thirds is required to recommend addition to or
amendment of these bylaws; PROVIDED, such proposed additions or amendments
shall be reviewed by each member at least one month before final action by
the Group. Additions and amendments proposed by the Group shall he in the
form of a recommendation to and subject to the approval of the Forest