1780 Page 1 of 2 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 1700 – CIVIL RIGHTS CHAPTER 1780– DIRECT PROGRAMS Supplement No.: 1700-2003-1 Effective Date: April 21, 2003 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LYNN ROBERTS FOR BRADLEY E. POWELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 4/04/2003 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 1700-96-3 to FSM 1780. New Document 1700-2003-1 2 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1700-96-3 (10/10/96) 3 Pages Digest: 1786 - Updates coding from “1783” to “1786” to agree with parent text. 1786.03 – Updates coding from “1783.03” to “1786.03” to agree with parent text. Makes minor editorial changes and converts format style from Data General to current word processing application. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1700-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1780 Page 2 of 2 FSM 1700 – CIVIL RIGHTS CHAPTER 1780 – DIRECT PROGRAMS 1786 - HOUSING 1786.03 - Policy Barracks. At the time offers of employment are made, applicants will be notified of the specific housing arrangements available. Applicants, other than those employees required to stay at lookouts, shall be informed that it is not mandatory that they stay in Government-provided housing. Restrooms, showers, and sleeping quarters not originally designed to accommodate both male and female workers will not be considered appropriate rationale for nonselection of female or male applicants. Forest Service facilities are available equally regardless of race, national origin, color, age, religion, sex, or disability; and the decision to live in available facilities will rest with the applicant, not with the hiring official. The following constitutes Region 1 policy concerning the use of facilities by employees: Unit managers have a basic obligation to recognize the privacy needs of both sexes in sleeping areas. Whenever possible, partitions must be erected so that employees of both sexes will have privacy. The following minimum criteria regarding washroom, toilet, and shower facilities including such facilities in temporary camps, will be included as primary factors to be considered when planning quarters arrangements for employees: 1. Washroom facilities, toilet, and shower areas, when provided for use by both sexes simultaneously, must be separated by a floor-to-ceiling solid partition and separate entrances. 2. When the same washroom, toilet, and shower facilities are to be used by both sexes, provisions shall be made so that one person or sex can use the facility at a time. The entry door must be provided with an inside lock to control entry. A time-scheduling arrangement can be used for use of the entire facility by either sex, for example, for showering, and so forth. 3. Covered waste receptacles shall be kept in all toilet rooms. 4. Accessibility shall be maximized. When planning revisions to present facilities or construction of new units, standard engineering criteria and codes USFS/AADAG shall be applied to permanent modification of existing facilities or construction of new buildings including designs accessible to persons with disabilities.