TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS R1 SUPPLEMENT 12, 5/88 1772.2 - Assurance Clause Land Uses Program. The assurance clauses will not be used with any Region 1 special- use authorizations. In its place, form FS-1700-1, "Assurance of Compliance With the Department of Agriculture Regulation Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964" (assurance statement) will be used as appropriate with new or reissued special-use authorizations. The assurance statement is required with the special-use application and shall be made part of the authorization when issued. The assurance statement will also be completed for existing authorizations which are subject to Title VI. 1773.04 - Responsibility 1. Region and Forests. Coordination for the application of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the related regulations in Region 1 is provided by the Assistant to the Regional Forester for Civil Rights. Each Forest Supervisor will designate a Title VI coordinator whose name will be reported to the Assistant to the Regional Forester for Civil Rights. The responsibilities of the Forests' Title VI coordinator include, but are not limited to: a. Advises the Forest Supervisor regarding interpretation and implementation of the Title VI regulations and requirements. b. Maintains an up-to-date inventory of the programs and activities subject to Title VI, which the unit has the responsibility to review. c. Provides assistance to the Forest Supervisor in the preparation of the unit's annual Title VI compliance review work plan. d. Monitors the unit's progress in conducting Title VI compliance reviews and keeps the Forest Supervisor apprised of the progress. e. Is responsible for compiling unit's Management Attainment Report (MAT) data relative to Title VI compliance activities including assisting with the establishment of the Title VI compliance review target. f. Coordinates with Districts to eliminate duplication of Title VI compliance reviews of activities involving more than one District which are subject to Title VI. g. Cooperates with Regional Office in Regional efforts to eliminate duplication of Title VI activities. FSM 12/84 R-1 SUPP 6 TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS R1 SUPPLEMENT 12, 5/88 h. Is responsible for assessing the training needs of Title VI compliance reviewers of the unit, and for making certain that they are adequately trained to conduct required reviews. 2. Counties. The following assignment of counties will be given to each Forest for conducting Compliance Reviews: Forest Responsible County Beaverhead Madison Bitterroot Ravalli Clearwater Clearwater Latah Custer Carbon Carter Powder River Rosebud Stillwater Corson Harding Perkins Slope Billings Dunn Golden Valley Grant McKenzie Ransom Richland Sioux Deerlodge Deerlodge Granite Jefferson Silver Bow Flathead Flathead Lake Gallatin Gallatin Park Sweet Grass Helena Broadwater Lewis & Clark Powell Idaho Panhandle Benewah Bonner Boundary Kootenai Shoshone Kootenai Lincoln Lewis & Clark Cascade Choteau Fergus Glacier Golden Valley FSM 12/84 R-1 SUPP 6 Beaverhead Judith Basin Meagher Pondera Teton Wheatland TITLE 1700 - CIVIL RIGHTS R1 SUPPLEMENT 12, 5/88 Lolo Mineral Missoula Nezperce Idaho Sanders 1773.11 - Review Schedule. Forest Supervisors will prepare the annual Forest Title VI compliance review plan. The Regional coordinator will consolidate the Forest plans into a Region 1 Title VI compliance review plan. The Region's plan will be forwarded to the WO who will submit a Forest Service Title VI compliance review plan to EEOC. The Forest Title VI compliance review plan is the Forests' MAT No. 54 for compliance reviews. Title VI Compliance Review Plan (MAT #54). Forests will submit an annual Title VI compliance review plan on a fiscal year basis to the Regional Office by August 1. The Title VI compliance review plan is basically a field review plan. Field compliance reviews are the heart of the system for determining how well benefits and services are being delivered by recipients in compliance with Title VI. Types of Reviews. There are two types of Title VI compliance reviews to determine a recipient's compliance status. They are: 1. Preaward. The evaluation of a potential recipient's compliance is a written determination based on, but not limited to, the submission of an Assurance Statement (form 1700-1). 2. Postaward. A review of a recipient's program made after the Federally assisted program has been approved and initiated. This is normally an onsite review. Postaward reviews are defined as follows: Desk Audits. An annual desk audit will be performed on all activities subject to Title VI requirements. This annual desk audit will maintain an up-to-date Forest inventory of programs and activities subject to Title VI compliance requirements. Recipients of special-use authorizations classified as Federally assisted programs are in technical violation of Title VI if they have not provided the Forest Service with a signed assurance statement. Title VI Field Compliance Review. An onsite review of a Title VI related activity to determine the compliance status of a recipient. Onsite Title VI compliance activity reviews are to be scheduled as pursuant to instructions in FSH 1709.11, Section 73. Field Title VI compliance reviews are not in order without first having obtained the signed assurance statement. FSM 12/84 R-1 SUPP 6