1643.2 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICES 1643 - STILL PHOTOGRAPHY *- 1643.04 - Responsibility. The Public Information Officer is designated as the Forest Photographic Coordinator responsible for coordinating equipment available for Forest wide usage. SO Staff Officers, District Rangers, and Monument Manager are designated as coordinators for their units. The Forest Property Management Officer will annually provide each Staff Officer, District Ranger and Monument Manager with a list of photographic equipment and accessories assigned to each unit. This will be reviewed and assignments adjusted as necessary to achieve good management and utilization. 1643.2 - Photographic Equipment. It is the Forest policy to supply photographic equipment as needed for official work. Only under unusual and fully justified circumstances will equipment rental agreements be approved for the use of employee equipment. Procedures outlined in R-10 supplement 14 will be followed in procuring new equipment. If an employee elects to use personal equipment and film to take photographs needed in official work, it must be done at the employee's own risk. If these Photographs are suitable for official use, the employee will be reimbursed at the going commercial rate for film and processing. The following procedure will be used for documentation: 1. A requisition signed by the Staff Officer, District Ranger or Monument Manager that sets forth the number of slides and/or prints needed and their proposed use. 2. Payment would be based on commercial rates for film and processing for the number of prints or slides accepted for use. Personal film shall not be developed at government expense and government film including partially exposed rolls, shall not be used for personal photographs. *_ The Forest Photographic Coordinator will work with Staff, Rangers and Monument Manager to determine which cameras are held for the purpose of producing high quality photographs of Forest Service projects or activities. These photographs will pe submitted annually by August 1 to the Forest Photographic Coordinator. FSM 1/82 CHAT. SUPP. #2