1640.3 1 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICE CHAPTER 1640 - AUDIOVISUAL INFORMATION 1640.3 POLICY PHILOSOPHY: The audio-visual equipment is here to be used in the accomplishment of the Area mission. Much of it is expensive and some is complicated, so some controls are needed to assure that the equipment is available and working when needed and that it lasts as long as it should. BACKGROUND: The various projectors and accessories present little problem in operation, as long as they are working properly. The main purpose of the Area policy for this equipment is accountability for damage or replacement of worn-out parts, such as lamps. Video equipment is under increasing demand and at the same time is more complicated to use and more expensive than projectors. There are two types of video equipment with different purposes and requirements. Playback equipment is not terribly complicated to operate, but it is very limited in quantity, fairly easily damaged, and expensive. The recording equipment is complicated to use, very easily damaged, expensive, and limited in quantity. Video production is also time-consuming and costly and needs planning to assure success. Another important consideration in audio-visual equipment use is the fact that repairs are generally not available locally. So if equipment is damaged, sending it out for repair can take it out of service for an extended time, inconveniencing other users, especially when there is only one such piece. POLICY: This policy applies only to the equipment in the Supervisor's Office for general use (not project or library equipment). Districts are free to establish their own policies dealing with their equipment. In light of the differing types of equipment and use, the Stikine Area audio-visual policy is divided into three parts: projection equipment and accessories, video playback equipment, and video recording equipment. GENERAL: All equipment will be checked out on a reservation system firstcome, first-served. Anyone wishing to guarantee availability of desired equipment should reserve it in the A/V Appointment Book in PAO as early as possible. If a person wants equipment that is already reserved, it is that person's responsibility to negotiate for its use with whoever has it reserved. All equipment must be checked out and checked back in on an A/V Sign-Out sheet after reading the attached statement explaining the borrower's responsibility (Exhibit 1). PROJECTION EQUIPMENT: The general provisions apply. There are no specified restrictions on the use of this equipment, beyond a requirement that reasonable care be taken to assure that the equipment is available for the next user. The borrower should make sure, in advance, that he or she knows how to use the desired equipment. *-FSM 5/90 SA SUPP 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-* 1640.3 2 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICE CHAPTER 1640 - AUDIOVISUAL INFORMATION VIDEO PLAYBACK EQUIPMENT: This includes VCRs and monitors. Removal of playback equipment from the SO building is discouraged. This equipment is available for use in the conference room any time it hasn't been spoken for elsewhere. While a reservation is not required to play a tape, a reservation takes precedent over a "walk-in." Because the SO has only one 3/4" U-Matic format VCR, one Super VHS format VCR, and one color monitor, all of which, along with their connecting cords, can be easily damaged, the general policy is that those pieces will not leave the building. Any exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis considering availability of equipment from other sources, need, and safety of transport to the proposed use site. Use of SO playback equipment elsewhere than in its "home" location (in most cases, the Conference Room) requires a signout, as does use of the equipment to record, edit, or duplicate tapes. PAO keeps a supply of blank tapes which must be "bought," with a management code, when used. VIDEO RECORDING EQUIPMENT: The video cameras and recorders are very expensive, easily breakable, and somewhat complex to use successfully. Because of these facts and because video production requires more than "pointing and shooting," requirements for camera use are correspondingly more stringent. Advance planning is essential for good video production. A preproduction checklist (Exhibit 2) is needed at the beginning of each video project. A camera may not be checked out without one. The purpose of the checklist is to focus on what the producer wants the finished program to do and to make sure the videographer gets the footage needed for the final production as efficiently as possible. Only qualified camera operators may check out video cameras. Operator qualifications vary by camera. A list of qualified operators will be kept in PAO. Qualifications for use of 8 mm or S-VHS camcorder: two days training in video production and use of the specific camera, or equivalent experience (to the satisfaction of the qualifying officer). Qualifications for use of 3/4" U-Matic camera/recorder: one week training in video production and camera use, including use of the specific camera; or equivalent experience to the satisfaction of the qualifying officer. (This requirement could be met by an apprenticeship with a qualified operator.) As with other equipment, the borrower must demonstrate that the equipment works properly when returned. A "demo" tape for each camera will be kept in PAO and the borrower will be required to record a short segment and play it back when returning the camera. The borrower is also responsible for recharging any batteries he or she used. Any requests for camera and operator will need to be made at least a week in advance. A preproduction checklist is needed in this case, too. *-FSM 5/90 SA Supp 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-* 1640.3 3 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICES EXHIBIT 1 AN SIGN-OUT Shop From Item Borrowed Borrower's Name Date Out Date Back PAO Initials IT IS UP TO THE BORROWER TO RETURN ALL EQUIPMENT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER! THE BORROWER HAS THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF EQUIPMENT, IF ANYTHING GETS BROKEN, IT IS UP TO THE BORROWER TO HAVE IT REPAIRED. IT IS ALSO UP TO THE BORROWER TO RETURN EQUIPMENT AS SOON AS THEY ARE FINISHED WITH IT AND TO NOTIFY PAO WHEN EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED. 1640.3 4 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1640 - AUDIOVISUAL INFORMATION EXHIBIT 2 PLANNING YOUR VIDEO PROGRAM The purpose of this preproduction checklist is to provide some basic information concerning the nature of your program. This information is necessary to facilitate the planning, scripting, and production of your program to meet your needs and designs. The objective is to create a program of the best quality in the least amount of time, and at a reasonable cost. The accuracy and amount of information you provide in this form will be most important in meeting your objectives. Keep a copy of this completed form for your reference and send a copy to PAO. This form must be completed before you can borrow a video camera. *-FSM 5/90 SA Supp 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-* 1640.3 5 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICE Exhibit 2 PREPRODUCTION QUESTIONNAIRE Requester: Phone: Title: Mgmt. Code: 1. What is the subject of your program? 2. Who is the audience? Local public Visiting public State or other Federal agencies Forest Service management Local employees Regional employees Out-of-Region employees Other (please specify) 3. What are the objectives of the program? Provide new information Revise/Update information Teach techniques or skills Modify attitudes or behavior Motivate or stimulate Other (please specify) *-FSM 5/90 SA Supp 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-* 1640.3 6 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICE Exhibit 2--continued 4. How will the program be used? By individual viewers without other support material By individual viewers with other support material Group viewing, without other support material Group viewing, as part of a guided presentation or training session Other (please specify) 5. Will other support material be required? None Brochure Leader's guide Training text Quiz Other 6. What is your target date for completion? 7. What is the cost limitation for this production? 8. Simply state your program goal: 9. Briefly summarize the information content of the program: *-FSM 5/90 SA Supp 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-* 1640.3 7 of 7 TITLE 1600 - INFORMATION SERVICE Exhibit 2 -- continued 10. What do you want the program to accomplish? After viewing this program, the viewer will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Other comments: 11. Contacts (Sources of information, people who will be working on the project): Name/phone Name/phone Name/phone Name/phone *-FSM 5/90 SA Supp 2 EFFECTIVE 6/21/90-*