1630 Page 1 of 4 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL ALASKA REGION (REGION 10) JUNEAU, ALASKA FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLICATIONS Supplement No.: 1600-2014-1 Effective Date: March 17, 2014 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: /s/ Ruth M. Monahan (acting) Regional Forester Date Approved: 3/17/14 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last R-10 supplement to this title was 16002003-1 to chapter 30. New Document 1600-2014-1 3 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1600-2003-1 3 Pages Digest: 1630.11: Adds web, video and exhibits to list of information activities such as printed, audiovisual, graphic, electronic, and other media forms. 1630.3: 1630.3b: Changes code from (Alaska Region, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture) to conform to new USDA Visual Information Guide dated January 2013. 1630.42a: Changes wording of Regional Forester responsibilities to conform to parent text. Also clarifies composition of Regional Publication Control Committee. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2014-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 2 of 4 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLICATIONS 1630.42b: Clarifies responsibilities of Forest Supervisor and Forest Publication Control Committee. 1631.14: Requires use of new R10-1600-6 (2014) to replace obsolete Lotus Notes Publication Database form. Also requires Publication Control Committees to meet on an “as needed” basis in addition to an annual meeting. Author is required to obtain approval before beginning work on a publication. 1633.11: Clarifies that the Chugach National Forest publication specialist also has delegated authority to procure commercial printing following GPO guidelines. 1630.11 - Printing, Publications, and Information Dissemination This supplement covers policies and procedures for information activities in printed, audiovisual, graphic, electronic, and other media forms, including web, video and exhibits. 1630.3 - Policy Publications must display the wording U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region on the cover. 1630.42a - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, and Institute Director It is the responsibility of Regional Forester to: 1. Publish, print, and distribute information at field headquarters and report these activities. Except for approval of publications, these line officers may delegate these authorities to the Regional Director, Office of Communication, or to one or several persons who function as the unit’s Publications Control Officer, Printing Officer, or Distribution Officer (FSM 1633.04). The authority to approve publications is delegated to the Regional Forester. In accordance with delegations of general authority at FSM 1231.3 and 1236, their deputies or actings also may approve publications. 2. Appoint a Publications Control Committee to review proposals for new publications as well as revisions and reprints of existing ones in their respective areas of responsibility. The Regional Publication Control Committee will include a representative from the Regional Office Natural Resources Staff, State & Private Forestry, and each Forest. The Director of Public Affairs Office will serve as the permanent Chair. The Regional Publications Specialist is the Publications Control Officer and the Administrative Secretary. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2014-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 3 of 4 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLICATIONS 3. Provide for professional writing, editing, and illustrating of publications needed in their respective areas of responsibility. The line officer retains responsibility for publishing until a publication is issued, even if the author transfers to another duty station. 4. Review manuscripts related to their respective area of responsibility and originated by field personnel or by contractors to be published by the Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service, or cooperators or to be published in commercial or private journals, magazines, books, and other external publications. 1630.42b – Forest Supervisors and Assistant Station Directors for Research and Development 1. Forest Supervisors. It is the responsibility of Forest Supervisors to plan publications that are needed on their Forests, to arrange for technical review of manuscripts, and to distribute publications to users. The Forest Supervisor may establish a Publication Control Committee to be composed of Forest Staff Officers and other employees as designated by the Forest Supervisor. The Public Affairs Officer will serve as the permanent Chairman. 1631.1 - Publications Review Requirements The Publication Control Committee will review publications based on the need to make recommendations to the Regional Forester about: 1. Regional: Publications with National or Region-wide use, scope, impact, audience, or policy implications. 2. Forest Supervisors' Offices: Publications with local Forest or Ranger District use, scope, impact, audience, or policy implications. 1631.14 - Processing Proposals for Publication Use form R10-1600-6, Rev. R10 (11/12), Publication Proposal and, if applicable, a letter justifying the use of multi-color printing, to request approval for all publications except administrative documents exempted by FSM 1631.12 and 1631.13. Only Forest Supervisors, their designated Publications Officers, or RO Staff Directors may approve form R10-1600-6. Units shall forward all proposals for publications of Region-wide scope or interest to the Regional Publications Control Committee and appropriate functional staff. Units shall forward all proposals for publications with local Forest or Ranger District use, scope, impact, audience, or policy implications to the Forest Publication Control Committee or Public Affairs Officer. The R-10 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2014-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 4 of 4 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLICATIONS Committees will meet at least once annually or on an “as needed” basis to review proposal packages. Approval must be obtained from the appropriate Publication Control Committee, as well as approval of plans for funding, before the author begins work on a publication. 1633.11 - Commercial Printing Refer all printing requests to the Regional Publication Specialist. The Chugach National Forest publication specialist also has delegated authority to procure commercial printing following GPO guidelines. Purchasing Agents may procure commercial printing only with written authorization from the Regional Publication Specialist.