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R-6 SUPPLEMENT 1500-91-2






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R-6 Supplement No. 1500-91-2

Effective January 2, 1991

POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this manual are numbered consecutively.

Check the last transmittal sheet received for this manual to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening supplement(s) at once from the Information Center. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting, place the transmittal at the front of the title and retain until the first transmittal of the next calendar year is received.

Document Name



1532-1532.2 9


This is a Technical Supplement. Previous Document 1531.63-1532.2 has been divided into two documents: 1531.63-1531.84a and 1532-1532.2.

(WO Amendments 1500-90-9 and 1500-90-10, Effective 12/17/90.)



Regional Forester

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R-6 SUPPLEMENT 1500-91-2



1532 - DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (National Weather Service)

1. Authority






WHEREAS, the National Weather Service desires to install weather data-gathering equipment for purposes other than fire weather forecasting in certain National

Forest areas within Region 6 of the Forest Service; and

WHEREAS, the United States Forest Service desires to make available to the

National Weather Service the use of National Forest lands for this purpose;

NOW, THEREFORE, the United States Forest Service, herein referred to as the

Forest Service, acting by and through the Regional Forester, Region 6; Portland,

Oregon, and the National Weather Service, herein referred to as the Weather

Service, acting by and through the Regional Director, Salt Lake City, Utah, agree as follows:


1. Grant permission, subject to existing laws, regulations and all valid existing claims, to the Weather Service for the use of lands in the

National Forests within Region 6 for the purpose of locating, installing, operating and maintaining weather and/or streamflow data-gathering equipment. Each site authorized under this Memorandum of

Understanding will, in addition, be covered by a standardized supplement describing the specific National Forest location and outlining any other specific conditions relating to the occupancy and use of the particular site (a sample is included as Exhibit A to this

Memorandum or Understanding).

2. Instruct the Forest Supervisors of the National Forests to cooperate fully with the Weather Service in all matters relating to the use and administration of National Forests for the purposes stated in A-1 above.

3. Whenever possible and feasible, encourage the District Rangers who maintain Weather Service climatic substations to continue their

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EFFECTIVE 1/2/91 Page 3 of 9 weather observation programs on a daily basis, seven days per week, year-round.

4. Notify the Weather Service well in advance when unavoidable circumstances will require moving the weather data-gathering equipment. Changes in management or use of an instrument site which would impair its value for weather data collection will not be made unless there is no other reasonable alternative. Compatible uses of the site will be continued.


1. Prior to use and occupancy of National Forest lands, notify the appropriate Forest Supervisor by application letter of its plans and obtain Forest Service review and approval of location and construction plans; and take up directly with the Forest Supervisor all matters relating to such use of National Forest land.

2. Agree to maintain improvements and premises to standards of repair, orderliness, neatness, sanitation and safety acceptable to the Forest

Supervisor and, in exercising the privilege authorized by this

Memorandum, comply with the regulations of the Department of

Agriculture and laws which are applicable to the area or operations covered by this Memorandum; and fully repair all damage, other than ordinary wear and tear, to National Forest roads and trails, resulting from the exercise of the privileges authorized by this Memorandum.

3. Agree to take all reasonable precautions to prevent and suppress forest fires. No material shall be disposed of by burning in open fires during the closed season established by law or regulations without the written consent of the Forest Supervisor.

4. Remove equipment from National Forest land within one year after termination of this agreement, or move equipment to new locations as needed or desired with concurrence of both parties, or as required by higher priority need as stated in Section A-4 above.

5. If any Weather Service installations or operations authorized under this

Memorandum cause interference to other Government communications systems, which are operating within IRAC tolerances, the Weather

Service will immediately verify and suspend operations until satisfactory corrective measures have been taken to restore Weather

Service communications equipment to IRAC and FCC tolerances. Costs for investigative and corrective measures to any or all Weather Service equipment will be assumed by the Weather Service. This encompasses radio communications, telemetry, radar, and radar adjuncts.

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6. Agree that space for the installation and operation of radio-electronic type equipment is contingent upon the use of specific radio frequencies, types emission, band widths, RF power outputs, and under specific radio or electronic service classifications as authorized by IRAC for the specifically-named Federal Government deparment. The foregoing exact data will be shown on Form 2700-10 and approved by the Regional

Forester prior to installation of any such equipment. Any and all subsequent changes in, or additions to, the specified operation frequencies, types emission, band widths, RF power outputs, class of service, or the named fcc licensee, shall require advance notification of the Forest Supervisor.

7. Agree not to install or allow the installation of any foreign radioelectronic type equipment on or within the structure(s) or on the premises as may be authorized and covered by this Memorandum, without advance notification and joint-occupancy approval of the Forest

Supervisor; "foreign" radio-electronic type equipment in this instance meaning radio-electronic type equipment or installation which may be authorized by FCC license or IRAC agreement, but in a name other than that of the Weather Service or Forest Service authorized joint occupant.

8. Recognize that use of Wilderness Areas is restricted by the Wilderness

Act (Public Law 88-577); and that, while the Act recognizes valid uses of

Wilderness Areas, it generally precludes any structure or installation or the use of motorized equipment within such an area.



1. That this Memorandum or Understanding may be terminated or amended at any time by mutual consent of the Forest Service and the

Weather Service. Following such termination, negotiations will be undertaken for a substitute agreement, if such is needed.

2. That upon final termination of this or any substitute Memorandum or

Understanding, the Weather Service will remove any improvements that have been erected, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, and will leave the sites in a condition acceptable to the Forest Service. If determination is made to leave any said improvements in place, the

Weather Service, to the extent that it may lawfully do, will transfer said improvements to the Forest Service.



Portland, Oregon

March 1, 1966 By /s/ C, G. Jorgensen

Title Acting Regional Forester

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Salt Lake City, Utah

March 11, 1966 By /s/ H. H. Bedke

(date) Title Director, Western Region

2. Responsibility. Director of Watershed Management, will represent the

Regional Forester as liaison with the Weather Service in matters relating to floods and flood forecasting.

The Director of Fire Management, will represent the Regional Forester as liaison in all other matters concerning cooperation between the Weather Service and the

Regional Forester.

3. Procedure. The foregoing Memorandum of Understanding will cover the construction, operation and maintenance of weather and streamflow data-gathering equipment not properly a part of current fire-weather forecasting arrangements.

The use of a specific site will be covered by a supplement to the Memorandum of

Understanding (Sample at Exhibit A). Forest Supervisors are authorized to approve and sign supplements for specific sites except as follows:

Regional Forester approval of sites within roadside zones, classified areas or proposed classified areas is required.

Regional Forester approval of electronic uses involving transmission and/or reception of telemetering, communication, radar and other electromagnetic radiation is required.

The Memorandum of Understanding will usually cover the use of a site, and there will be no need to add special conditions of use to a supplement. However, all possible situations could not be covered in the Memorandum of Understanding, and in some cases added conditions of use may be necessary to prevent conflicts with

National Forest management. The reverse side of a supplement provides space for the addition of any extra conditions which may be necessary.

Electronic equipment is an example of a use for which added conditions may be required. The Memorandum of Understanding covers the conditions necessary for the operation of minor electronic equipment such as radio telemetering. In some situations it may be appropriate to authorize, with a supplement, a major electronic installation such as radar or communications. The sample supplement used in these instructions is for a major electronic installation, and the added conditions shown are those required for such an installation.

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The Weather Service will complete and sign the front side of a supplement to the

Memorandum of Understanding as an application for the use of a site. Upon receipt of such an application, the following steps should be taken by the Forest Supervisor to complete the supplement and approve use of the site:

Examine the site to assure that its use as applied for is compatible with

National Forest management. Reasonable permanency of an installation will generally be required, and this is assured by item A. 4. of the Memorandum of

Understanding. Therefore, an impact survey shall be made, and decisions reached shall be documented in the case file.

Complete the supplement by adding any additional conditions, if necessary, for use of the specific site.

Forward the supplement to the Regional Forester for approval when required.

Sign the supplement. Distribution of a signed supplement shall include one copy to Recreation under 2740 designation.

Current Weather Service special-use permits for weather and stream-flow datagathering equipment for other than fire weather forecasting purposes shall be converted to supplements to the Memorandum of Understanding.

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In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Forest Service, acting through the Regional Forester, Region 6, Portland, Oregon, and the Weather

Service, acting through the Regional Director, Salt Lake City, Utah, and signed on behalf of the Forest Service on March 1, 1966 , by C. G. Jorgensen , and signed on behalf of the Weather Service on March 11, 1966 , by H. H. Bedke. ,

Permission is requested to install the following-described facilities:

Radar Station on the Rogue River National Forest at the following location:

NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 21, T.40 S., R. 1 E., W.M. Mt. Ashland

(Legal Subdivision) (Landmark Description)

as shown on Drawing No. RO 4-1700-D comprising 0.4 acres and/or miles for the purpose of:

obtaining weather data for general weather forecasting purposes.

The following special considerations are necessary for the operation of this equipment:



(This side of form to be completed by the Weather Service)



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Permission as applied for on the reverse side hereof is granted, subject to the referenced Memorandum of Understanding and the following supplementary conditions, listed below or attached hereto, necessary to protect the site:

The Forest Service reserves the right to allow a Government radio-electronic type station(s) to use the site jointly with the Weather Service and to authorize joint use by such Government station(s) of the roads and the power, telephone, and other auxiliary utility service lines installed and operated by the Weather

Service, and the housing and antenna towers or masts when such use will not jeopardize the operations, but not including the transmitting and receiving equipment, upon payment of a just and equitable proportion of the costs of operation and maintenance; provided that such joint use and occupancy will conform to recognized sound engineering practices.

The Forest Service reserves the right to authorize joint use by other radioelectronic type station(s) of the site, together with the roads and the power, telephone, and other auxiliary utility service lines installed and operated by the Weather Service, upon payment by such users to the permittee of a just and equitable proportion of the costs of installation, maintenance, and operation; provided that such joint use or occupancy will conform to sound engineering practices and provided further that prior approval of joint use of the facilities installed and operated by the Weather Service will be obtained by the Forest Service from the Weather Service.

Each radio-electronic type station installation covered by this Memorandum of

Understanding is to be operated only in conformity with Interdepartmental

Radio Advisory Committee agreements.

This supplement to the Memorandum of Understanding is contingent upon the installation layout and development plans as submitted by the Weather

Service and approved as a part of the supplement for the specific location and radio-electronic type installation. Such plans shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, site, buildings, powerlines, equipment, and antenna structures and shall be certified as conforming to sound engineering practices, by a registered electrical engineer. Any and all subsequent relocations, alterations, revisions, additions, construction or reconstruction of the installation, including antenna systems, shall require advance notification and approval of the appropriate Forest Supervisor and advance modification of this supplement.

All electrical wiring will, at minimum, adhere to the SAFETY RULES FOR


COMMUNICATION LINES as prescribed by the National Electric Safety

Code. All antenna systems shall have effective lightning protection earth grounds. All equipment racks and cabinets shall have effective lightning protection earth grounds.

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All radio-electronic type equipment, including associated cables, wiring, auxiliary equipment, and antenna systems, shall be installed and maintained in a clean, neat, orderly, and permanent manner, and that all such installations shall be both electrically and mechanically sound.

All radio-electronic type transmitting and receiving equipment shall be mounted in enclosed metal cabinets or standard racks with effective RF protective metal shieldings covering the basic units and including all receivers, transmitters, and power supplies.
